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March 21, 1903 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-21

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Defeated Wisconsin Last Evenin by
a Vte of Two to One-An
Intensely Interesting
Madison, .Wis., March 20.-Special to
U. of M4. Daily-Micigan wins the
debate with Wisconsin by a voe of
two to one. It was an intensely inter-
esting contest throughout. The ic-
igan men were at their bst, and were
able to meet consistently sit the ob-
jections raised by Wisconsin in ai
national it'ome ax. They excelled
Wisconin in ability to meet the cse
presentedt by th eir opponents. Te
meni deserve a cordial reception by
their Alma'Mater.
THOS. . ii tRltEBLOtOD
flair Cutters are Now at Work in
Earnest-New Way of Identify-
ing Clasomen - Friendly
Bouts Last Nigh
The frietdy rivalry among the loer
ctassiien cotinuites to be keei, aiid
last iight morc tian one set-to took
place bewveeni the difret sutads
who pervaidedthte caimptus. Lucky wst
the mian who sticeeded in crossiigtir
campiius after the shade of iihltbtd
fallen withott beitigsaopprd aid re-
quested to name his eas's. It is rum-
ored, acd there ae more or less shin-
ig proofs atoit the ciinipus, tiati
several men ither forgot their class
or gave the wrong one, and immedi-
ately thereafter iiiderwent a crude
but effectual oteration in the tosoria
It is rportedsthaitt at least our or
ive iiin were sorns in the course of
the eveiiiig, t score beig nearly
even betweeci te freshmen tacd sopho-
mores. No rough play took pace a-
though severtl of the men resisted
with conimecdatleigorin fat, it
has ben a on time siice both sides
haye displatyed such perfect god-
Several amiusiig incidents took llacs
dtring the etitrse f the svtningi. One
wily s-nior who wisas crossicg the cam,-
pits with thoughts of his solhoismore
yetii fresh ini his mitnds, sddiely saw
is gitupof titnder'lassmteni Sakitg for
tutu. Beinig inprlily goid widitaiit a
playful moi otale sheted to spriit
dows-thei-ltng talk. The hair-cu~ters
iniimtediately took the at knd startd
out ini iagtr ottrsuit, but the wiry
st'iior kipti just out of artas' reict
fioria'couplei soft' locks aid tou-turet
cs-mack, ''I gitis ivs ontiyotboys.'
Ie reports tintt 'inalule six tutuiuca s
ittg beast. antit so atges vey justly
teatt the *joke mut te Oiithe frisl-
Aniother gniriupsof fresbmencauisgti
sit au's titalt stui ,ttbtt'.title as
so et' smooitohsilaitt he sicc'i'ded ii
mntandtutu susrelesed. ust. Slinitding
out I tictmistta-the frs-hmin'ihit
filtstt i tesoho . lBy' troctring atidi-
iecorv tlui'y twtri- llt- to tell whitter
a cniteit' ats ti-thng the tutihl
aibout his class aiind address. Suice
t stiy iatimore ttaitione Wascauiigt
class wsi ssized igi s ut solttoiitsi'
by smite ft's-htenianditihtttety wit's just
abit to itbeginibusisitess in site of his
protsts whelit-thtei tim~ely arrivtit of ote
of his clssmtettswoto'ats bette
kniown to i the fretsiimtn, saed im
'roim itdisaigreeablle exte rienuce.
Subs'cribe for ttie '5. of M. Daily.
S. L. A. Joint Debate
isse e Mr.an iCidi1t.iiaiiiofiiIndheic-
Nivii~ i la leof theturIttuet cutraci
Mr. Uirityhakingtig-cteTdenoetic
the ttogtiteliwilbpaconducted ati
lION. C. ft. LA\I - .
tl t'ile't'fltti retigu lit houseii i tt eIt
T'e Nlist'. ahlt% fte ete
Mrnis.t utailsisntof the mris of
featue. thfthtgi'enteetniteite ut oun
ii teii ttitt i'a tiso'ithealiser bin-s
tie . i a gsnilithoe ofthetitilC'or-n
sileiiiste ntiondlhtuis:t' s t
tedof ti'trilant teturic.ftyoe-
gnoledid mfrit. histtstrongiandgerat
iii eairy age utnd titered the jouti'iit
reat Interest Attaches to Frst Meet
of the Kind in Michigan-
Officials and Entries-
Relay Finals
t'e suitject of iiiichisiritedl iists-
:itni tn this campluts. t is the first in-
lotte intersc'holustic eer hett t Mic-
iiniiiil acti shoolitis stiiig ttibe
t'hetiiimii of the evecut. t is ex-
petvdsthtttgoosd sizeid detlegatioinis will
ito vicorv. 'Tey sill be riiforc'e'd ly
T'e tittcitls ifor the meti- relits
Clerk itt iCourse---Sit'Sillard.
Assisti tts-Muix F'ink-lsteinitE.'J.
'tituS mtiutand'Carpen1tutr. M
t-'t'tsttrin 5' C. G. tR'e'deny.It. A.'> Mc'l
icre sE.-I.u-sts r, NitDtis .Nit's-.
1.er-Go tt-tctls' lcll'sD. MyI
Sta. 54'trt sus.
loing Iigleutu
La,. Nm StainrHydlit.lt
Itniesit'sart is lull ss i~
hi1. --i lwrl.s-. lulshh
A.2 . - ii. S-~ iIii. Iiiht St t
4. 45 to lard 1 ONS't111. lt
I) -yr high urdle tyts. c'igt.
IS.S hot catstCcis
D. C. H S- lititti, LStscin, Sit
4.)U. Sli-R.ttttlert Dut'ield.E
A. A. H. 5.--tuitlin, Ddyit ai.
'--Itsutthi hltuittid
D.i r's 5 1 S .it-Smit.,L o s a gn
A. A.1. S-Heth', H(wittle. il
D.C.I .--\utitu'ehcLyootss'
DU. - iistd.'ofi lis'u
-Sky Dd.F issii.i.Sishtt
N ~ -: P.ii)IiiN
St t S .-NN' s'st sll Ni sit.
A, . L ,--Do dI~asttt's-i' !5ili',
tI-i ~ l tilt th
hi Cti .S-Biissvttcakle. ih-iy
Ill. L% S'-l'PAItd.
.A. A. ttL S.-'ithhii, 'Sati, RSluttl
Ouht lcsv.SustrS
Dls. SC. Cc. sltS.rwillni-i'La'tosir
tut T? Ste-fcndt r,.'i iti cuc Siid
tmosrnicug octhOt-isfollonsg subtject:
"T'he Attacuiettpoti the Public Schouols,
hiyS N'ay of Rligiuts SEduaion."'
No. 127
Tennis Prospects
NNithu thti'sitt'lytar'iv'tuoI spr g
hit-uitllts begunt csusilth le taidst
ofiti guutsh iutany sitthise tsstuts. The
r'-is-tcentt ra weattherIs--ttit:[,istost
this gitiui tti htity tutu-it iwsill Httihei
hit-bfitrci-this"courstts siltSe ii ts.
ttay this-track ititugir hadit' t
wosrk picukitug tuuittd -uieanig lt'e
'v'arsity cusurts atdtunlethss wintter' Sets
ini agtintinext sees-t sill tprotbbly
tftndtit gostst tumbuter itt tutu t
swtu'Sgettinug itus furctfr the srin
toturnamettsI. Tututis prspctusis ac-i
ticuusauily tbright tthisc-uaris tlttor
this-slOd ieci tretba-ik actd seill 5ply,
SDatnfourth. NWht''ry. St. ,101111, McNeil,
leit-ss's ve'ra'luh is-s' sut siltsoswilit
dubuttlsss swuit tltitll atlerta it hlts
Coach " Skel" Roach Now Has te
Team in Hatd-Hard Practice
Indulged in Yesterday
iu'higuuit's Sle0:,ubasbautll teamutooktt
thusit'lut prctitcets-yt'stt-t'ihty titiuheths
itt-s'coiui'h, ''Skl"-h'' ht. .lthouugh
theis- tutsi ftllinig heavtily t ntt
Itotnchi salled-ul ut thie squaduhtutd lis
themutitostheis-tuu'goundis for it gtood
hardut pracntices.Batiticgwas tagtitit
sit eoftis'eIpractt icutalt houttgh i Ihutut
gunni s u ttchlitg tias- utuuus'
ht't'stu onhitss. tis ithas situthe i
us-i deparuuutmetut' ofisi'thu,rgtute is'-u-i
oi inalutnudecrtses''us'itt us's'ry atuitulu-u
Owtiinug thut hu tIhutt'tu'ig weauthiur
theua-d wat tts very smtutll ut it ctr-c
tainly madtuptt in tsisritltntushnittiusi-
tsinfist wshatit ithlackdin-ul itt
The 'siit antd ginigeri-sitthus te-i
coachs.'wstonitutaugitus, is ini tshot
tim tutu hutaduusatll sit then illismue sat
sit the lpractice.
As thus'petitu'tcg the setisust is ots
thuree'swstees distanctItouacht tits ulte'hu,'u
thatsthlii'procss of''pikitg'outt-i''ltit
besgi ltuoites. lHe stitt comnener t
busitltutu the itst fuir day atdue xpucts
intt w e's timei to hatve t temtporary
infilduSinigood lathyitg odehr. Ths
tons'st icus-ut thatithe plauyr stittlte
pemen'titlhy sested bit it rathtr
pausens fintle ut-cnticihotnruepots daily
andushwstu r' ilt it goodulcntsci'ntiost
ptnice- siil bh is veni'sithis'positionu.
Th onrthus' tt-itiltphe'iattis
Ihussusasts.thurbttier'it tiill le fosr
theis-hi' es
Tdy thi sqtuiadt still lavtei-thu'
gyttuttusisuttitutu'thus'fait ''uuuuu s at
hut-itloc. It is haluy desirab tlt'
.ltuuuhivultthepat'u'i ci llNli-glt lt
threuu-u o's-slockthus' tltusg-i--- nthtgtut s
lii ordierto it ututulut itus lsi suthe
ifeno ciases
lsuuuuhuis- i t h eItohuantushit slict
thus'(liltinut isht"CotudI hitshIs I hut
cotratst is iiu s'-sI tshi -;i--i lei
n t t colg li-ill 'it lin t b--tJi' i'll( i
u- oti-It-t ssi'at-i Ius-ut it Eitr ti-ttitus
Miorut'hu t forI -ols ti ht'
ruhed ~ tLelus ttsuss' 51 -situ it folly
:t:thu' h Is u t Q 'Ilfi t ia titus s-u
tftr Ousituk P tuuagst itt' s-us'sthus-
"tyd o ut. u he
utuhsuticsu l uu- itt-i itt -'s-Is.
tt~c i ihis'y-iusuhitut't:lit thea
st r ti-1a o lit Itt-s t
i( :1ut 'itslist thus'
tush, J.I tsui T . I>at . tts hi-ilt I s-tut
i,' NPITP, 1st h su i ii, "hu-
It-itsuttri tle, IA s'uuu'u' Il - ,. in
Sontu rt liIcait V~c ANtut
it It-lus-u 1I''utti IIg t "q '}w un
Suit-ht-Itustuhts hsLucte.'-h-us c N''tttsh
N os-il NN olt
l10eu'S gt.01'StCLAtRKI
has' ie'ls: is-is soonius ctItd plit'ssnut
si tl t ltwusr house htiN S91
t'hampus IClak ut1s:Its itt ausutioutulI
th utu I NtlMssourianuuu frtimsslOd0tit'
cusuttty. 1HIs'-is tt auuut - itnl l fshtti' -
Atuisul-1uti1ttulutu I,.111tdt nut the tp's-i-
bihlitSltuhtie si's-cs' -vey utu'rct--itt ti-
zeti. ISte wtrke'd o't stuutfitm;iwis itltsrIk
intac-untry-u's- s-u ut's-editsh sutlhi-u
lug titusittper ito-u's mtiti-'yto sat-
tI-tt stul--- S 0 t'He 'us e-ttu'itttd it
atthus'Cincinat iuI t'wSc'hool. Hlu-
wst-its uuttitide t 'lut shut II Csolleget, 5W.
'Suu.ittI tttu i -,an wselsectedtIto costi-
gauss itt 18114 antuu lsitu i117, atnd
huts t'epre'tstedtttlthe in'ttutihdistrict of
MSissoturi'it NN 'thinttt'itte5v5er silime
C. C. Coulbiurn, '04 lawti, huts b-i's-callteds
to his tuomte ittCoopter'ssville-ilcctotsutt
of the serioucs ihtuess of his tuither.

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