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January 21, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-01-21

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The Michigan
\N',\ RBOR. \tlCITil. \N SFUNDA) J\\ 1 ,\\ F F N. 32


NO. lcu

Current Number of Inlander Contains
Arraignment of Michigan Ath-
letics by R. C. O'Brien.
Not to tIe outtoie by tto'recet fren-
zied1 athetics of Lrdwaro Jodaitwhich
appearedl io Colliers', R. Clare OBrin
tos contriuteitd an attack oo Michigiol
athletic sytemi to th nmber of the
tia ooiuwaitch tame ot yesterday
nader tte cptio, "Thc 'Matter \Witt
Our Athlettcs.
(asisf fr itoe iportance tan tte
pling rutes. Tepet lcigiiity
cases of Rodeit Rose and11 Heton
it andt. Retdeitwa- clooaiti ateigi
Met1o(littrtfliiig tetnicli-tt tie Roe
ito Hetoni 1w1(1 shotld Itave teen ci
barced onigeierat lricileswere gicn
hightltetic 1honors.1H110t10(1s1referoll
hua eng", ndit1is ctatgedOl111te
tion11 to know tte iniside factel" tat WFii
as rouight herec ty aFMihigaithileiot
officer ftr attietic pulrposes 1111il te
llldetrstanidintg that his univterity cotirse
woulitd cot hil noting i gh citraer
proaatriiutes adaithtletoceats
accordigto MlrI. OBritsoldttcon-11
Te quietiosichdl on(Ifront ich-01
gan, accrdigtolltie author ar hre
First owtoil 11trntte enthts iltof
11h1 situent 11111)and atanniito11(rigit
00(1(1 zeallof111e'paii atletic director
for vic toies; 11hir, 1how t01preen 't 111n-
00ar(1ity t.
IThee prlteisllar o 1be(lsocla
folw:The ohtitillilof titrst (011(1
sce(111oIhe inileductlation1. 'Thec studcnt
faculy1 nto 10(Iib-c, tile'atltiolcaOpaisl
lll((altetll ty for 1hono0ad fairess
Ftcl'h(11ingalt owic o sadowt
atc d ti (11 (01in (i min1) t1111 otpla 011(
The sc1(11 itp('ble000s1(far1m1(10 it
110111(to1hatodle.oItoisdtyn rtpro110hItoc
Mr ot. Mr.il/itzcatr(ick11(a1d Mrtil
1(a1rd 111011 11 (lalltill ha(em(0110h
ThtllistY wha~ it t tr ied cor.d0(Al1(
areihonorble1( menO an'hoi(00(101 01een
Yt noril' itheytr(11(1 iltheso011111o thel
pegyotickoy tooihle cachrsIlltnt
traineriyofsoi ctrignt1iutieon sfe
11o110111ltcigcllege sportlil an111i(1101l
toae. of they idoell theycl'wro'ld i llO
profbiity,1101111eclotl(ft theirobs og
ito Ty aret metreltfact orsinthef
thiefrittof Mthetiiga tlticso-ir
To wne.eitencystfntis largernsphits
o(0foe r eeneisof oulr tetofcc-
cruiting lamiog Ihigilhulldlreparatory
schoolls, alhlog the aliimiii must bear
part of (lelblamle for iis, I seeks oht

good ahlletes aindl trges Ithei Illo conli
to ,Michigan, irrespective of teir itel-
lecttial ability aintl persoinal qutalities. It

regardsathletics an 1a1(11i(1011proposI~i-
tilo tid(101y (1(00te ic Ito--Ille idea1(1
(1(rver~tsalowert(111 eas ofspor
1pprenly then, till111 prolemlonis to
deiseome110'\plang-hicF (loawa1y1
(011100e11(0 otmntioned and11(l proeoolroot
wri11tooOraial refor1110 almostl a re(1-11
luti 01n 11(erh 111s10i, 1n-ce 1sary ''to (acco 1-
plish(1 111is. 1(11ere 11i 1 0t (110plirn:
1110, 110eI'llf tl' ack1(1n1 (1(00i11 1(a(agotr1(
u dit s ieton110
part(ent)of'l)i0RNal1intut' ota
11101ferrd to teiversityFhparolan
Kcn itzp111(rick11(could11(cont(inue(0as
head o1f0(1le)entirewr.Ti eat
lent should1hav11carge ofIhoth Water
(11 1110 aium1 ad0 Fe(1(fied, 1a '
all wort:11th11t goes(on1a(either plaI
should 1111 der( is ireci 0 10' lllon. l-
1ed(cd Fnior111tce,1'nd onsequent'I1ly
ofe suIcsa f 01t1(111nioF l polllfltato
leie 1(1ith00unfaIvorcal ot11(e1ntiround
ttttko yest gdo fit o ft' a, 0to adilltol
arill I ii VICN
AI 11(10 ment110011 w1on gypt toifsocrmd
al 1011e11110111010 rorial il it cailf o-o d
hoentiitiiaool wltb t arenothatcoit
ll 110nd uIl ritt tulebefr thieflUnitedy

kiiown whether1'Othey 11110eIadded lally-
ltiiigto th-wowrld's stock of scienltific

Resolutions Adopted With (Great En-
thusiasm at Last Night's
11t-1(1 e111 11(111 001of11e1 lo1111111 10 r'
hel I l as ~iht resolions ilw llerea opterl
cell1(0 III11 t ltl 111enti ld 1-T 11000t
110el 111-F11 1 (1111- Atleic;- i ileI -lidl: lie
issue1 tlofl( the I 01 110' '1111 111m otfoever
1110- i r'eso0l ved''lltat11 it 11 e1 the111111 (a)-
1olti lt 110ice of R.1lare 111 -e i

lo i/, I 111-,i

11 ' t c oo 11ra - 1)10
Ic ll 11 ,1r I I I the1(11
' (1111111" III 11 fste
1kn; o f- I111c1' g-

« I",l'1 11 ] ( "TI(

Sille c ili
F 100-fl 111111I,.
Soi-ool deit

t11e FF-
)W M ,111

1Foie C't

'J'. 510

1 I 1C)1''i

11 __ \I _ 111lui m! I 5D
t001113canidae uyi h gc tr ins.'11
Noa atbl o Te 11(olllgrims 100 wer1e1111111111 m0 1
pulldo ffg 111 teiaststi ime yetthi rcc1 0na0

Ilse1 glov 01)1
1~ade 1110111I 101

IC lI:IlS.

Treasurer's Report Shows nood Bal-
ance -enry Coors Is Elected
11(1 peon be 1110 ( "r. Col-1, 1of 1
-3t}Cty W1 r 1e11lb t238.
'fie Oher postio s W re oil 1-
FlAIrbor I, ls I Il1)1t1, - lctd fo t
ba.. ll xt 'l' l wry l'' III 1 11111(1 F
Afe0111 eors 1f1h 1 1(11 11Iall 11)-
'11')' 11111 uerha ben red (
accptdth elcton of 3fi 0-1-0101 (lo-
II 11IIv" Wcvl lb aIn<td R l
1 10)111fo 11 as1 ea1 . 'fie 1011na,11
teas seonded bu Clem 1 e-111
1111 1(10 1her 11tcl I oniat~t
111111s1 cd h am tSfl-ee
1111t1 ndrus aplas.111n '
l~arc~lsmadea spech n suport Tl
Fnlon o1ci ta Cor hd 012


I 'o lo111'td I
'I 111~x111 (((''
> It111' 111t- 0'c'11111<L)


(is -I 1 1 1111111 t 111'l't)\E0111
hat rec~l010 iita y ln t on111e( i Il i 10 te 11(1 1111t~mci h \-
announcediO o take lace p 1ihoFizeball-p(Ii 10 soo,1>.0i Soe n
ti0 '11111 a111 i fth0 is1(11(01 l ie 1Ir11 (1 1 art1111-wily fem11 1
''101 i clut eslavoiorite11 excerplitifrom olg tl i ll, partl ofl 1 10 111'homa 1s 0-ili ca
su10ite'orsitheIf110'rp.aiThe11(o'lowioh - AIlh I St.Ichas een1 oool, F dulr
biogra' icland 1111ritilt es(Ifr111(0'1(10- ltill a 1 110 Itth ~ c ool lolltinf
fica100g (11 D al giNes tmayhoetie Iltointo- libeen chosen(1 tolIil 'h'0plaof I-cI,.-
0ncl haon oter fildwonaw aken-ccpledi t-omuicofian abeol mne pn

II 11111 ((112 0 )
2,8 2 --
III k r . . . . . .
()1-f 'vl l 1 11 1)') 1j
1 i a 1(01 1111 11111110 1111 1 11(Ge 011
lll'otllg IIlieti lcrryolo 1 0(1 01 1(3 10
(a coidntnued on pagei2)

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