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January 21, 1906 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1906-01-21

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ihe largest stock in
the City of exclusive
styles in Woolens for
Gentlemen wear. Of
Lighclaoo fabrics and
pecial tyle for st-
dents. i
0. H. Wild Co.
d 311 S. State S.
$6.00 Otes, . $4.50
$5.00 Ones,.. $3.75
Sheehan & Co.
Students' Bookstore
Money Loaned
On Wsatchbe, Diamonide or other
lpersonl propety.
Watches aod Jeweelry repaired
Bargainssin Watches & Diamond
Offic ci rsleidenee331It. Liberty 8t
Ass Aror.

PItesed as-scoed clss matter at thie Tani
.i!bis Posofie.
Pubilished daily (Mondasex cepted)dsring
th coleeya, a i at \ee Vaehisgtse
cstret. 1ell phoe 89. Hoephoee76.
Manging Editor, CLYDE L. DEW
Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS

Athleis..,. .
icssir ...
51 cii . . .

........ sLuse1). Stickievy
.....Chless1_,. Winseadj
.........A. 11. Ortneyer
.lie J. Aremstrsng

Ea-iee eietAL STAFF.
Hughilles FranlinieC. Parks
Georgee A. lseborii 1-lcold C. PStle
J. ;ai Oge, r. Ge rioge A. Barnesc
eis NA. Smith rank J.Clark
Rotu 11i. Ciascy Hlenry .Monstgoemer
1.hite-esen 55altersAltetzenbaem
Ito V. tell iiFloyd 1. Jsnes
RATEt:.sos pee year, or $2.ee if paid in
Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business
Manager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L.
hi \lAhe. 1 INC SRY 1 i o()
h 'ltr T ldye' leleiEIS N. SM ill,1.
1:)1. h - lljc i c \ l i cu'nc in , a
ii I ceeperne ERteirarc lti u, is
I4waic itaelhMrs. 'elell-eRich-
50( i'ra Cswll ,-i'11hal
o clo : fo Alic l--'lei a i ci -. 1
10c11"e ~ l he ice ieeetI iee l inelii'
-ttt'r mc,:in lh sc h)ar li'l et -i~elil
,1l lheeitiimeewill i left (mr
<i l e1111 l I~'la 'lee Ilee les eli eeectll1
Iii Cite l dlin feclli eie atleti e'c-
r) ei i el iiie ee adconv'iction'efori
ears. '11 le-i hI w cr dciinoteie ll eee.

lie' -ve tutateermationiof Itle' pleyig
uls es t iher esetiaeileieis of th
ioeiient, liititha thicquestio iiftr-
s feel iei coneseetititesthete-qarersor
ef teisenssttdifficuelty. Or eligibiliy
reles-ar.i his oepiio'n, "u'terly lad-
inae Wi tie lkentiiirstesiton e-
ltaketsei. We'bilevie' taite'r ligiil-
-t ue, ilhoueg'eeenecearllrbeiltray,
hae suci cefltlyiprcoercedoiloriteams
fro anei yi tunt oeel reoeeiliel. 'Tc
ticeirsproeditefficiens reso few iss
totbeconsiieciluosioTeir's e o-
poiinte e e oligilility o eid els,
paesis oo vague e'nedseisionaecito i
Ietiie isnepitathee loeto tAtloeeiti c s-
ciitioneieiaI lie' idelecateit1heeldmiis-tc
\eiee iiiIthe Athetictl asscition noree'the
\l'chiiei icigan ein nr ln'tuenilit orgini
iztin whoisce eoficerohel ie fo hr
olet oeeaitt coipeltettoillecschaeiis
tletie ctimi Steitiii ditei lityi
sprion is lltha't istipeaetit'eblel.
ebel iIeveetlhct tisisuceisoieii iithe
pthabeen atdueiqleete.a e itd ttir
atetic ri- ecrd is ini gie'niral oere-O
W\~e(lot noit pre'smette ses'tlieuteet
isn ai o issattsfct ielowitl-to
lee alet icsit'ecr'thtl.collgticti'heltc
in thee e pcst 'resee enteleis pletoblesi
touieresitylatoiitie es.' tittw e avc
cn uroelt'csegitatein. hIs'eelieee
tiese rermeteetoneg tese' ee'lshoucd
treeal1egiistit. W'elo not elievect
th ttlisgittionte-ill ac'ompttlihe aty
d 'e'leet'ele r efom ntier teteceeI 'eltione
eel icir thle'c coeieitioni.
WIt elie' thtithe ehll ulitteiel
ari t aeeaeand ei sblei jut
elf tier thletice'c'ondiit. If ti-os
arcevirle i leootaell lttetie ele-
fiormee'ilhae'leg'ties plysingetulestotee
e'icluieeeoileed br' u ltatlity, itttoee'
the'eligibilite'ciri'ulies ieen tiorctical esae.
If tee'pctteeulareea'reeioefet'ee'scoi-
tess ieecrice' teindetti trietycilet
etsecltiee'tertuetili. It anthitneg eo
dnthti cneces'eiedl esireele-o
Rut fiiotbaell iemus li retai'le.The st-
de ticcedy tiiit liav'e sncilentei fo
lee' itb i allgitimatetndeinncetel e
Ilneriatilot- he sieserityssof h
wrteer it tote qu' estrtioed' ut.iesli
dsrto is Hisl scuggt'stincaeeto'
teeee'eiiticaeile an'iei sciionaree'e'teiddeele -
5 eeelvaitaele-tee te ' ecetetiscusionee.
Bu ieeelqu-estetionabelettattaeckso ieee h-i
igaeniatle tt l t eis rraigme t ot eoeur
atleti systeecwllbeo egelyivquttedte
eethlet'ic. '''The'flatersoiht lr Ah~l-
ltc"icvewhed withe ifaeoeeby le
stileee celldet eoy ngee'ral. endeeet'ttes
leeleeeerieiell letquedeee'e vc inctg st-
Micligan pins, fobs and spons.
I lAttE'S JWtRY SOeK, Main t
Mild itt flvir, swevet as a nte--Gu.
Bageyi'5c cigar. At Husttone Bros. i

accsetto e otsetontte. The totte
binaetiontec '''e'iingthe'getst'teetlmer
of vots', endehatees e ent attri-ed' olbe
the bor eeeofirel lct oceel the' Athletic
assoieatinthlellet'aeeoptettbyel l le
eaendit-ule'y tettrouceghoutethir l
tire ictllge- ce'.
Secondthailet theesilprteentel isigiai-
let eechlliws:c' lieary'.nueralteeseonly;eie
eginersting, nueeeeetaelc medtel liei ti' '
ie al steeldlgrltiteet",U .
'The'seniorienetgineerse-tcldael -i-i-ce'
i't'cclta-eg banquelet leeistigt ilee('-e
teltgiteethlel Aboue t eshunetdetnte
itt-t- tre-stetentee teoouglye ciiiic-e
tems'eetlt eelvesc esog amteel pee-ti. Acc
elhoa emenuieelhad te--beenpepted'tand'ee
the aceiteteetlee-let'dle-uidee rs - '
Acceeodee iing tetot te edet seee
itte' agocat'eAm(iiiho irbaqesth
d er ett' i latil' e tthlie' em e en iieee
iiit gei-eel dlil 1 eeee Thee' commiiteee
lee chareiofes' e afir lel' e ce cmede c ofi
idlefolowng cn: . ID. Goodweineeee
Wh. Baee'oniian'-Eee1dgeec tee ,chir
\l. TI. lb-eu e ccted-el tastaec r
and ithefolloin eg retclde oto~
IL. C' Sedler .I. PaelmerPrice JR
-Alle, I. E\\'iil. S. R. hieee
Pcc. G, t. hIilllieee Clau'd'eieile
and . S. Roes
('itttic . Redidle, lthe'1st bta
haeecsigneelacon'eitrect iteepan iee'lrcitieee
wsithe Indtianapoetelsleelet'.IAmer-ianee seo
c ii.\hi'. Rldtenlele-e atieee- timt
caphtinteelof eebotlt eeci'hali ,andeeiooee
laltemeet. Sitce' leig clege
hett' spicde t ot el eel time cht
hi thee'meete'ieg o e e t'sie bard
decils ie' l' eaecehe i egadt hi
shr f teleaiscgle' Iiasteeeehetety
percetiei.ehiche 'llieltto aboeeuiet $(oeo.
Fout'huIed ofee thl is eec peeid decwn,
ande spetelleetier leagefrea'ianoean
The egult ee centelto aiceetelller fleo
oter$ois ettil te lee' eeee u it. ainst
lt' elitieass-e ttle. I, th'eenion
leh tet as'$6$bo dameees it'esleage de-
ckedtoti eeecceptlonliy twietyipet c eeeel
tltillamoneltef st fee' teey1110tilt'dam-
aeo-. 'hislemakees eil'hlerseelliii'
legei les thaneee$sooc Iiitchi.oieeiver,
is a lib ral liii' f r lee little'aidlth
Plants 'it're ling'iteessieretd by tilt
leagut e r 'in eu titai metelitetu
spig to e hienefler tier hnefit of the
Micihiigeeee ('etece
Exprt Jewelry sod Watch Repairs.
Areod's Jewelery Store.

W.Xe .havee lpttchasa l inttci
tittuer of copes tef£lieu
ltligateosittan ee ll- i
itgth iemitat
Exactly Half Price
Futlly' half of the purchaset is
aleradly sold. Sixty copie
sold Saltrday alote.(Gette
copy while tey last!I
$ 1.00
Calendar of Events
We., still hiss- left a fmof e
-nuioArt Caledar ill 'tx'tsl
atsdiace niew'saicificitg te
for thto sakceiof closittg tilee
ouitlat ottly
lOc Each
Other Art Goeds 12 Price
The Bookstore tha's never Un-
i1lc e a; 2fr5c ag
O l~ec lul eans. tha t e',flllitsi
it v f bilan fitsll ttC eti nd .ill
Alswe)?,' t 'tt l",y)tta
W ILL A Me'ou sizs9o ic


Ice-. cueenl lit-u'

tha leefatile-


Announcement of the
Students' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
JeromelK. Jerome
IChas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1
Jacob A. Riis - . .Jan, 16
F. Hlopkintson Smith I_ .----
Lorado Taft . . . Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12
Pres. Alderman - - liar. --
SOUSA'S BAND . Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers . May 2
Oratorical Contest __--
Open Number _-
Tickets~for the Enutre Course -1 $2.00
May be abtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers
Seats reser-ved-50 Cen~ts Extra-at S. L. A. Box
Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30
SItNG LE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phofte 552
Office Hones: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceplec

J )SPRING Underwear suits this weather,
doesn't it ? We are ready for it.
Knowing how college men dislike too heavy
underwear, as a general thing, we did not
overload with heavy goods, although we have
a good assortment.
Q, But in medium or light weight under-
wear we have a great assortment. You can
wear them from September to May and not
want any more or any less. QI And prices are
what we bank on to make you buy them.
At the Co-Op,

T.-ris Lias6rArnn Arbor
oinag Nothi9:05 a.i. e.du4:lictp. i.
Gineg South 7:ees a. in..11:35 a. in e. aneet7:5t pin
.. K1 eci, sW.'T. SWeLLS,
Genel Pasc. Aenoct, Age-ti,
Toliiedoe,lOio Ann Acehrhbor Mih
Blthoiee il5-1r 1tiseirhse698~l
Chicago Buffalo Boston New York
Througbs Trains East-8ste i.i., :2.402p. In.,
455 p-ni" . 930p.i.te1.5p. tn.
Locats East--6.05 at at., *11.1i a.i.,*4.05 p.ein.,
*536 p. ei.
Thtrough Trains Wet-2.07a.ein,, I7.5itaee.,
9.18a. is., 2.33 p. in. 10.2i p. in.
Locassto-22S4ac ., *8.28 ai., *1.40ep
uit60p, tee.
*(Except Sunda.)
Conieectiones it Uticaege Icr Sc-. Lous
KanssCity aend the SWest.
W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor

Douglas ShoesI/A m ut 218 So. Main1 St.
Gym Shoes AH=Th"Sh"'a

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