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May 21, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-21

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VOL. Y1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY MAY 21 1901 No. 173
Foreign and Donmestic Eminent Fiend. of the Uivrsity '1'tl'tery 1after011noon MihianLoss n FelingEror
Il.ePasses Away-Introduerd Pros- bocce ] th110100 *1111oft1a'it -orliSrie et1 e
FA~II5ent Succesful inancial Pol-. "Fonth AniaItersc11'10'1hoast' icllane" Bt Gives 9 Bases on
F O P G ;icy of the University for 1nex1t 'id y iht. It ]110also lben11falls
Ieget William .1T (ocer. I1 hort 1)11(1'111111. oo1 (11 t (111ci101o0te lDily).
raine 0 P ir insection. very une1xpe1ctly t' t ire tl ('000 1Hou111 he1' l tic 1. .'sociat111o * hrt~n Ce 1111wsqO o )1111' 0 ad :.. ittI.'lidgau1 110.1 01
Weias iinii. N s- his1110city Sunday (1:Iv 11111111111g euien0111'1I II1 Ilhave to r)ye 1'l f 11(1'1. '1V' 1'1icd 111111rilg' cot
1111)e0th largst al- I'e enree i aily 0 t11. 1111-1111''1te'lilo Iic111111, 0111:11 the1 11 ias11 toolv111101111, I'lli
__________________________t ___e__ Il 0 1th,1 1)' 'o11l 110 111 ' 11 chat11111 II 1.Chapman 11(lea n 1
01111111 "ele111 iw as shock'1Il' t 111es 11he 'I C o l' )layIll'1 1' i1111011111 11111111 It rd btil tot d o trl
1111111 er11 came1 her1)1 front Adrg' Ill)' 1 rr 11 1110010'1 I0111)were 1)11111 111' s I'mo l t 1.1 '''r0 . 11) 1 igln. did.t 2 it o p2 -
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111)11 t ,er0 ious"tl'I 1 ,1111deem 1111.111 ao Nit: , vork, attl Filiotci
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he hasbiiormegentofhi dat Su the l ieoi5 e lidsat orhai' f-iilte s , th'e atol f i iestli..i. (le2w0 eit0i0 0 i0 Ccii-
L A l- - J 00 001111'.ida sil Jti l05'0 01(1 110tern enlores.tlve1(1y' stng this year11011or." ~ ~ ini. Tvoh

3 los is second term wouoldelxpire Doceem- The gainiie wa010 0 o1011one throughmout__________
her 31, 1005. e receivedI the uiooii- anid teejunior, diet sot Will out uiitil Prof. Whuitiney will be backl to mecet
tContinued onl Third P'. ci IIth ninith iin g. !is classes Wednesday, My22.

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