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May 21, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-21

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(oiialaieeatl' ki 'aikn'' tea shearid
'Iio iniilsitate atrlee t In t he cattpuits
lat (1ellin whten tieeresutiofatthe
ittitit etlioe at-ti fileatty aeiitiatic 'i.
siil pirit, Citiiliitety mtanifested by
a saillt iiitche oft petrsons, is entirely
w'eecg. A~e mutl ie teithrtielei
whotwiit e ast t «ereethe r'etttlte play-
ea Aeii titti wait tite teattaola eti
the t'aiii tby thecomtiieitiveproiessta,
"kilt tte ewhotilliy . eal: e'ai'ittiW0eea
th -ielel- i t~i ta iht ii;-l il th et:tie
elatited ititebrtat tteav inite
oil ir aIiieaortes. 'Cite teain hat
ttiitaknI one' triipainlg theeatern
tlnoil ir ona Vi' tes'Inebeforiile
a "I iiiitds. li'eliefivoein 110at
tt'a 'au andtatat i lie iuratietme II
saes t "11 iiiii A- lii he t ,liitii. orei
t hey htavea(lone il.histe Iama-taut''lies
i le il iiState street.
To'aeiery tpeatonwhot1hateteathed
the -reat-hIioit1tweUniveasityaiiiilta-ken
sit le'att a sim i liiteatlIitIs net-
Cocer awiluomastutexeaeei illiety aaut
tiiniii". Alt. t(I-lae lhata Ieei tia iiiist
devoted andiiii tiileltefrendti of theii
Vuieveasily. Itiuin'tiheliii tteli eiiea
leils li lit uttiiuesa bility hliata ie te
ttelf illtie iiatlititil ofi thle tautsa
en Itse f ptioiiiiiliiii ite uiver-i
sit ulaulu Tiataonut wuld meriit
the a iseoit lieii ya itiziii"a110au'ii Iii lii'
ta1dcil e.or-theia tindlenceat atie
nwoflisteath. Bit it e- iitCii cker
uili iiviy. H iiiiit liistliner
flar in. tsune -Aslue isa iutay.eSlit-
ta-ttitlee Y<otail lof' thle ti at Aii
tauil iteite i - ati lnteare
Iliii a stlet at hiln s ie o
Boarde oll Cohiol Ta1dktt Ainoil'An th
Offs1"iilte ~t the (-itililutfAli
Boro oatrdlSTakaedcino h
The thatili cirdoCnrhelali to'tll
inetuin- iliilt' A'Tophy Itoitt tal

eetaotntble cite titti tahoultie etheer--
flity acequtieacedttin.
it it hlighly ileti,-able tit i tteeeate7
11 r the propertiarecationltad dev ep
iltofIi'llaitt':itiat letttcslitte
Stit-it tni-tttt'tttkliut a1ben il lte
hand it ofuit tiit thethleic tt oitt iill fit
liars111d tattil oatolRiteutilt toi

The "tUlt $3.00 Shoe in the shoe
to wear tvhen the weather is uncer-
lain. A little rain doesn't hurt it a
while it affords plenty of comfort on
the warmcest ot days.(
But of course we have light shoes V
for hrieht days and heavy shcoes for
rainy days if you prefer.
1 O9So. Main Street.
Open evenings until ANN ARBOR. MICH
8 P. M.

t1e~hyfly np«er. o aaeNAIL IT.... f1 rnd n etrnnudrIc
ghat-alies. shll h plyed teret. Beforc thse otlher fellowc geta it all. S
lit' the auaauutinil t he ii iutuuuuat'tuuu'
Afia'si illk..the; Athiletic- as'ta t SHIRTS and SHIRTWIAISTS toi;nlpwrt oefrofcr ~r
I lit iof ath n i titti ip f Cliif three save beesn the isnovatiosl of tile
olhat .i suinitt 522oes no tvm season. You had better staill \ -
it ilt tti ttad.yoturs at once. The New Thins
B -c us a uch tisat isireqiul-ite orare always found at thle New --
pel. sense ap tltee. faomithe studIna STA E BLEIR Up-to-date Clothiers
Weh~eta ha llltcBar U RHi teaataticostitedaniii _and Haberdashers
hest i tietsliofi atty eti lthu t-tt'i-
leitl liii etealaiitati ittilelta-ai itatithuiCiii-
09 e"""""""""""""""""""""""o."..............
," " 0-*
;Ml nalehatsoul he ael- lATHENSTHEATR
'Itut I il ,t h t tudn oy """A H N H A R 60.1l A110i 1. a emisa t haveiti' " *,rr@ ..""
Unw tcat.stutil theAt'taill hknowtnt uteu- A"T""l"t"ET I a . l~hALTE
tta-it tuent iait o I hitinaith'' ill i"""".g o ri ia st
heein it-' lu-luau' iii thi hutiti it . a itj ::ihu ii"""" t ltegt' it"tt"t"it"t"ieui
a uied efotah lie ahn 'lntt at-'ie tut lueutuilrasultsfintltluta"mi-ull. *"*
l-i ver iy a h ei s h e e . i " " I , B A T , S N ."""---.y 0::::; vatort hueexaltt-aent "W eahi-euorTte-Blrisattt"tat"""hu
a heexene f he nierit i t ""e" T e riin l'hiago"u A llad i uin eahe oftiti ietit .""
he ti-iia iitt t u'e-ui iuei ias i lthitrn I i "". . ' m i aeGirltni ul.'
S~es n il tutu -bite a I thl'Ietc "i-t"Sil'.''"""""iu a
cued one-h Lawsic itotrist cco-g. . ...n. . ..Pice :.5c, ""
f !".... c it I hi *********ev .:;. .
____ 3@@,~e~e,,@G.@@@@We @@gel.0e

t It u-t a~lit'ido utt(, oloIII u' - tue littlt t 1hue If'r, ta t atla\ aus \\ u1o ust Iye
lrm te It-u tat a tutu-a i sstutt h oseutu lu-t Il i th u'authia huteries 'dea it e'i
toi it t e u-a l'at- all hi t t III d f' l ii dl'd et1 u at ha tst ' h eat s haiti
'ht iht l uittitit tt tf uilti it' ilut-u , I til it e ttt u' awhih ugaush tit hut d il
hu-t ae 'tat Stlrt aii ututrIi .i uhtu'i ht TI thi'RaSi
fhltu it lhataateuclut t hoa- it RaseTi' 'hut'Catutut'trau aly ue he ogltah thtutu1117Otis IIEIAB SUI hl t )'~aENTIS 11IF il)( U AR ttt ,
Lal tea s tututhi tt luu' li'or t the s e a -i lt \ -I utah;11 t(ait u-itt1 lt'y th au\-; tta hut I P1 1 I I
antcr ft o1.son h t~ )ichr B L I Ol itu-It cia-Iist i'lilthe ,i'li -i tititt auueh atituikill ll huh 11011hal I'itt II .Lit IIrll 'lIA IIEVRTI NGl NtO EW,5
Atthetuic h1utar(teu he-efor( ittal tit' tutu he threhtlle Ilauttuht t I 13 '.U A it ha tAi ha Cl" t ttI alI It TXIIIES,
Thut Seanir aI chis e te u'itioanua Iourtu' it- li atofiite l at atehilt thet'hioll taIl"
huuuuualoahtl' hut t airectuheliii'het'icu- hutrttuitiut'liii;tlle'titlt tat tutu '1GE1UIlt, MO N ARC H CUSHIONS DECIVED
Boarto tadauitits !eis( ta lt e ahtuuituht l iti l l hiat t tlt ' teutitig a t iiiitt t 1HIGH1GA DEatt
th cit uu e eaa t h i t. hiatt its till u t. Itt-' tutuhut-u' h1santtuouh xti iiis M Ac
a'lllle lyhi- t itatil u t a e t-l 1112111,at111l1hulath u-iitg t' tat csi ~ , T s C , I ~ i ' E
pet hitin. t'tlhu'ithhll' hta'e at guttal i uuuhI tcaanwi-vo t 'it ' DAi IYBLEINS Oh ALL SPtORTING FVENTS
115.'C. IMILLERl, a( t ttttit it t of, tliael ilt I t -he I D AND 51111 laauatu0a T
IA Il llttltIyAtt~ 'liiscautefollows:uuua'a a f--, Icit
-s atal:1aug1;- AtCI: 11Il hEY NOLDS los°rlataitEtiti 2 IREET
M tt--it Sutatui 0t)it It Ii it It iil CI1 3 S8
hlithat that' uu uli dhit' eutu t-ui lit- y____I________________ - G
utuaaau'ui. tli' situtiontat taala tttrati-utd ill'S NI A ~ t U
..tull, andt heul l tai ; lat l aut ant tue tu ta'ta-'l aeal i' -ial i ri tt it(u a ttitNIf 11 lt
tint 207 E. Washington Strt . AXI' 1l C;0SA N~ FteRee't "tX'tUtats
out. g 101' itil hal' iI' TE,SA t'' IIATES.
'Moedtiu. hiatt the ha-t iin tt Iit ''the - hut I lu tr, (onn .
ru'aiattuua tltat he Athleti'c lhuuu' a uta11
ull authorttill ty uhujat It t i t e L A i, ..
hti tao taf hithe h itrd uatfioitr oa t hht
lt-as, ti toi'tettitthat'conuditiUpn 1it10, IF 5R ri k' I(O% TISH O E SI AT
tetst tuetilgeul by the asiaauIitiont ttand SHINES FREE d$3.50 21~3 S. MA l 14ST,
thatt lth1tuIlilittalreglsltttlt a ttui tilt
Isna 'vateaty coiloreandtttlittatgtfl s ttc 1","

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