THE UNIVERSITY 'OF MICHIGAN DAILY. (oiialaieeatl' ki 'aikn'' tea shearid 'Iio iniilsitate atrlee t In t he cattpuits lat (1ellin whten tieeresutiofatthe ittitit etlioe at-ti fileatty aeiitiatic 'i. siil pirit, Citiiliitety mtanifested by a saillt iiitche oft petrsons, is entirely w'eecg. A~e mutl ie teithrtielei whotwiit e ast t «ereethe r'etttlte play- ea Aeii titti wait tite teattaola eti the t'aiii tby thecomtiieitiveproiessta, "kilt tte ewhotilliy . eal: e'ai'ittiW0eea th -ielel- i t~i ta iht ii;-l il th et:tie elatited ititebrtat tteav inite oil ir aIiieaortes. 'Cite teain hat ttiitaknI one' triipainlg theeatern tlnoil ir ona Vi' tes'Inebeforiile a "I iiiitds. li'eliefivoein 110at tt'a 'au andtatat i lie iuratietme II saes t "11 iiiii A- lii he t ,liitii. orei t hey htavea(lone il.histe Iama-taut''lies i le il iiState street. To'aeiery tpeatonwhot1hateteathed the -reat-hIioit1tweUniveasityaiiiilta-ken sit le'att a sim i liiteatlIitIs net- Cocer awiluomastutexeaeei illiety aaut tiiniii". Alt. t(I-lae lhata Ieei tia iiiist devoted andiiii tiileltefrendti of theii Vuieveasily. Itiuin'tiheliii tteli eiiea leils li lit uttiiuesa bility hliata ie te ttelf illtie iiatlititil ofi thle tautsa en Itse f ptioiiiiiliiii ite uiver-i sit ulaulu Tiataonut wuld meriit the a iseoit lieii ya itiziii"a110au'ii Iii lii' ta1dcil e.or-theia tindlenceat atie nwoflisteath. Bit it e- iitCii cker uili iiviy. H iiiiit liistliner flar in. tsune -Aslue isa iutay.eSlit- ta-ttitlee Y