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February 21, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-21

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The MYichigan Daily

Clever Basketball Being Played
-Two Gaes Are Scheduled
for Tonight.
In a ganmc characterized by ceat, coc-
sitent work of both teamis tie so~lt
m cedics tdefeatedi the freht medics iby a
core of 27 to 24. at the Watermnacgmit
last eveninag before a itrge crowd.
The contest was the cleaest gaae
played so far it the prelimiinaries. Tie
rough work soi evident in tie ast tar
or three contests, was entirely ehitiat-
cd. The gamce at tites progressed s.
rapidly ani at so furius a pace that.
the spectators were forcetimtherad
againi to give svctt to their feeligs by
hearty, applaise 'Te small ittutmber at
fottie caleui slimed coc lnsirev tit
freeness aof any romg-tousewo sc.
lrtaly dev-elopedi in contests of ast
For tie' soih mic is te wrk of ('.s
at limitsartd eas'tod ut hladt. ie(I tidnt
'tter t e''it t util teimileofuth
mcoi al.whenanitisii stags' t'hn
tirsewere abtottt ee. 'Tiatighli is s-
celleiiibatet tirotwinig the secetmitticam
ment sectredl a lead which tierca i
min tile srred I tff le gretest hoor
for thirteamit. At tin''.whenthe le
freshmte- thlreateedtoibrekto thit
frontithle tont i wst uldti isotittseeral
bsesini rtpi sitcessioncit. tepc
ioigt-tsitontests its sedltedtitat
th' gymt, the tst. lbetswesn-thitsfresh tatd
sp sitssltihich tassplates-at 7:;
'liii' Ihe resimtehavlintr thtieit
namite' for tie-itesvits ii high Sholt ci-
andti wili edieavosr i'iitoihlidthe'pices
set liy the' fresmiitiiiltcitgi its-r aiti
lawi gamtes.
Sipstittislls the est situtest oite lis-
tiiais sthe-junioitrsetiortisngier
setalt sihedulie i totke' ilaesiiit'iats-
1%,atl ts-i-liit canttest. T ui
carriedotihidis-camiottttttship hnr1ls
yersanditt is their Sleoie ctetoiirepeti
i erforiicet'this year. The- sntos
wouldi ein s'iite conicng eets, heli a
mieetitig at iwhimct s-cry ittitt cciieitiat
lesycioldleveste tics'dciicctilthcitelg-
ger endi of le score ii their fator.
Feonathe lithigi cass cif ittsiethali
siowcit(ttritg te iprelimiiiariies, it is cti-
dentithat ote of le iststsivarsity tie s
ini thewiset ciiiblit'viledieifrout this
mtieal. It is espeecil- t-te tat the
large ititcmber of freshiimeicwhttceteresi
laist fal hiateebrutgt iith teitiece-
ect reptiatons, wehici they hae sis-
taitietiniitee-aof51their cnescets.
'Tie Univiersitandciti, st cc busiess
imeetinig iei st te Utnioicnclbhocse lsts
eveitg,iperetei tlts licetheedaice
whicihiais tsie gvein iBIarotiur gyi-
ciasimticciiFridhay eetig, 'Miarci6.
'lie atfair wiii resembile the daciee
heidilaset mott.liAtthat imeacthe iadt
, esabilisieti its reiitatiotn as ait cter-
titer, te muicictaeetitg ewituhe til-
quifiiieiiatipirbctatio of al present. A
numbaciertf bacri datces, ew-hici provei
sitoioptar to ihaidcticie, wicl-eliicar-
ratnget.Newv mucsic is Inoie obainttei
A cotiattitin reseminiig tiat of the
otherPUniersity mutsicai cictis wa sb-

itdi, cbii action n-as dieterreti util a
tter imeeting. Tite sicn, cicci is likeiy
io ice ad~opied, is to iciace tihe issnid undter
the conirol of tice Utnisersity mutsicai
eomttiee, ihuts makinig it a putreiy Ui-
versily orgainizatloic ticier facitity conc-


NO. no3.

Prof. H. S. Cariart has beinapoin-
esd ac temciber ofci coimtmissioniticcreise
scud deice the reeluiremients for ettraitee
to the Easserti Associationa of Cleges.
'Te ccimimissionailli iitieet it Necw-Y'Crl
City ini Apri, ct te cal of Prof. Saite
ol Ha~-rs-acrd,ipresideniti of theiori.''lie
grecterupa t ite cs-riahiocever, sill
Ie catrieiloncthliioutghlicoresipoindeice.
WViththttse xcetioniiof Dr.iMainntocitCi-
aga cittrsisty, Ptot. Carlisrt cas thic
oltwesterniteticistirnt ciores witi ta
Profi Carnest Iwcilsiliver ccseries o
eccres ciiipiysissbettore the sctdet:
f Coluiaic uitersisity dairicg the sciuti
tter session lTsher iii e thirty lee-
tires in ticssieesitsoeicg a ierioidioa
sx cceels.ThisilcciibitsProcf. Ccriirt''
firciit toitoluia s a lettre-.
'lie- iende-cr s citthe refoiri cccii
uitite -lhic-casit tsh'sdsevotedi cticsh
a~iciicl cofics ipolitis haveil-ci
citi ore'frut. Inise-citdincitt'-cci
sttgesiois resntd a ai cc ti oit'
.htcmitie's'tic sophotlttti itti clan
l~lopted, ce 555da ci asiaipa ttitsco
:titrationccthe iprovisioncthttnoc"ticket'
,f c-tisaticsfor'sfliii tee icicc- ieipubliisd
cind c f ur ither eo isttics- eletiociballtc
t;callthave t 's ofl canitiicitt'
iOr eachfi'ces-prited iilhbeia
It is expetsetat ccithis stemof concci
liucig selections cwil isi-tlthe tisut
icc ictobeelctd'upn iniidliit
'ititss' ofitis-newsconisitttintieclatss
lecdedtomakces-accpci'mmcmis'cit iiliesof
its- cha'ir'manutofl tie soccialc cmmicttee.
titmisdace is i tos'egitithinmi14
fs- cm'ms's'andcciimmcyc- ie- follower]iemIa
'iticti a t citie clubhuse.
'rienrlc' i-s- fiiccthe tfaclt tatu all
'iasisaccountscmumstist ite' acditeilb- mase-
cilccimmittee 'ccciiticns-ti smi ttemit
tiefcs- uletyi' cciud cit-steasccnsieec. I
Coplane it t i-sm is-e.Messrs. G'reer
mmccleyii-westrs-appincctedi etcussdtltis.
'i-t0 lil', 11,1) 'iilDiAYi
-lecctitmces t udceemnt C'ucilmue nt-
hersciii ic e mlinithie varmioussdeiat-
:etstacy- rommi;;1to Cs p. n. 'ieenci
icers sre sentitledl iccthree reresemnt-
tices,Istwdcc, tics'somne, admeimmcssonie
Teenti-llhinduoffce feo rcciie sear.
At te firsi meeig after the elecioni
tiecs-uscicel ciii elect a rcinI'lig sece-
tryfrocmi tieclii membtes. 'lie eee
meuci sre eligibleflicte licfiices cut vice-
cies identiandcorrsti' espinmimg seceitai'
AX large-antutu hsiasic ugtheing of
fessicascepartiipaed, i te class
smoerattie Unintlicluhuse last eei--
mg. Refreshtment cotsised ofciter,
sandwmicheles -aimdidoughntis. 'Piuspiek-
ers werre cmlledi iy sttes, etdeitsrout
cuer fory sttes responinimg. After re-
imiarks iy Presimdenteefe, aitd J. i-.
Primeussm, amilleis hbecamite the siujec
cut sdcisciotn. G . XVLangfordi actemd as
FredsiL,. Vatindeeer, te lDetroit ator-
et,till speaklast the atsas stae cum
banuiiet thitlevenmitg. Altr. Vandseeve
is ai tuatie of Katnsas, an a gramduiate at
Yale univesersity.

All senuioar ills mmeet aroiud seinior
bietachibeween lubrary andilUtniversity
I1Ii11 tmodicycml is:0j for Micitigaicensiati

Chaplain Contends That Convicts'
Are Rightfully Allowed to Com-
pete with Free Labor.
Ree-. R. ). Rcimsel. seackigoits"tuic-
ots andul Prisuoners from a ceSociolgical
Standpolinumt , st ight iiTaupaniHIlt,
tluies- ac neii titchclearet'light uonitiem attt-
ter. Air Riudel c-mue lure' uder tie
suspices cut tie Sociologys cu, hueell
if ac subjectitcciiiwhicihulie sshlucinti-
ntseecniumcimmcscse-fits manuty yess, his-
tug ienecha'cplainm at this'Jacksont prisot
untililie resignuedi at ts'eheginnuing eelthis
umuth. lie' emphiaitsiedes-pleciali lyt
tie sonctep roblemsitodatilewstes sse
!uch mal imccterccf eocrim sit tie prisner
aftr ice'is "sent I ll)," cbu ireformmoef ccii-
liiams whiih mmakeh cimse somflasgant.
''his tsatl'legalies mmmcilicenss'sit-
ititccliuusssuch as esaloon s, whchtitstest ci
maneis power ofc tresist-anme.Ihowievere,
silt-tihe'lets Isissempttsionmmga-i the'et
Sirofsieshedteuish utees hi." et
ctes s-Rm lsit poketussin at.sa'in lm'owt mu
mustr suc es-c ut isi hue's-i edec itiho 1u's
es's'0 Iss ini ceiteiari s tl i thses rceumgdy
Stt . L t itscocru iiu' lim eitmce i
that lustshutneluteserohucs aitesgrec et
itihhtist ons tentitch h er s isu ingue he iut'
not uismesoftisbsitu imirytedihere i
is cut' tis'ictis n uet s t h ceretecase i
werm secinsur Tissicns aitcess esrangcuss-
tiro m ''emicc cgimt tics- r>iomhob s. m hecutetis-
Cncumscecildsmut slustsprmite ilut muse
thismials is thn do ct ry islut'ictls I
is for mmcl s cate tued5t- s rmtit stescciiu isl
oti es.cs Tihss taseus alust etire' mu si-csh
Xi cii uions gi s'ss.tte srscd suetlike'
mdsbt des ittlXXelior hms-otrljus-~s
smit elculwi thus ie if ssueri 'is eeiii
the hops wa -s-shmuts tey w ull:i
th ar;orcmethecrand mlutcs
inthesilefeess asihemarincchteir
otie pe'.us thccWellc h yccai- jus at lisef
otmeritie-testGoioutuitotste usie
midlookit mmths dcirsemacicleui w-onsre
he steetasethnt m iisus pcdr-ces mchiu
tlime su sismc i te ics n hits' no
kicesatit mcrimeties' ntsrc ec uic-
susinduetnist imte intshepastis
seamioettmetsmithen cirgusedp sttdris.
ltit cimes otrs. he, ut e
"is andeees risoasit etliencesedurihngmm
tee cremaund-er ccliitreeleu te
sAomutice -ive elrcmit itfmcuenes-
sc t sunn t.I t i is f hi s ce, cithis',sawh e
cnlwithcesandits imto iegupead b(ifhc
thuecuesticnbpeachsuusuco' te kee-c
lui t ue lil thrs. m ie teut ufc-'i
seletmjusticehou etcnictsabeuaclofwide
rigidmtus withe freeieafo rms t Thi eysie
shomuditbeucallowediuto do isucrauel ee
sothaitem isuccfceidlth e ffthetatecg
ancieuse iticsafocc he cmileasocrtheim
Ine stasutepehapsesct, ru ie minesagetote
elt ic iesuat ishsu'ronytofeui is ct
macn cup is eenterat." Cnh
cttesnucsiugtaprivuele manifhoisc
ohn t senat lice tpisoneyandceveen
lien chloe issele tere fotfitinhu
hccelf switheestofde aicleascithachn.c

iaraitively fewe. All lire intthie hope of
ai parnte, wheiccemay-conce at snometimuce
in lice shcadowy fuutre.

'The girls of the seuinr class swil glvee
a eap year harty- this eening iilitr
moum gymnnastn,tinwsiccleall (tiemesut
of lie class sre invited,. All the udances
are to he secured b hle ume, exceept
two-uthle tweo fs-avr dsances. The husei-
erns ewill he'sis. Joicnt . Reed, M1cc
Ii. Joranu, andu Mr. sidtubPis. C. OI
So far lie girls lae ntobeenuc prmts
ini buing tickes, for they are theepusr-
chcaserseilithle cse of this parety. Sice
clue cmnumiee desires a lage suttendsanuce
thtey request Ilac all lie girls turouure
tcetcss aconce Itis comuposeud of tie
followsinig girls:t lusy aker, .cairmcan:'
Leutee Sorg, iLucreia Hiuter, 'ier
Swinuton, Catherinte Douglas, Friedac Rep-
nolds, Zada Hedelrson, Ethel Reed.tumi
Barbnlara ?ctleay.
Barbnioure uuuucaituuwatstsltst ights
turnedeintoa csueef esieits' r-s-mb-
higglie Mmtli Clat carniv- T h'ieuoc-
caslionmusas this'euannual lfetus-udress pat
oftie Womn'usu eLeague.
'sukudfigures munsll ce'uueiu'csus
tuvs flittedtabhout i uswhilig walzes
sr gaily hoiptuelhe "onei, issu, tires'--
ie" of tie lantdance. O lo eeser eel-
sennec souc msene of the daners-s seume
faiirto tlhe seators it tie glehsry
thuiehm acqsmuintanucuce uwiltheusmi datced
Lckcltinechilhoodm ayutts. 'shsitr CGoosce
usuthere such allte-nassouciates. list
Peep tgae up i ookig fot lee-usites-int
despsit,feelig sueIlad luy usd mt
their fate inilie meical depatenmentm
satd catle tith~e uaty- lookinguuiisutciy
chuarmuing. 'sis tutfet left len hiemcg's1
class weree site 1ud eeti disseting tie
spider, little Reel Riuding floodm escpee
frontumtiest-slf, sanudlSimptile Siumouumn-tee
cccii furtivsely-muncuuchig ai uiece of pise
whlich he ad soleti fromuthis iboasrig
hoecuse. Amng cle oilen guests serer
NuMrtha 'sX'sehingon.,little X'o-Sanmuframe
Toktio, Ileaps ihiuci C-ee, a preib- sumssc
frustm te facwest, iBeauty a'd telleaecst,
Cindserellactnd ile, his' ncice, andelmitsum
otihers.'ITere twere seralsfatrudanuuce.
tie mmst sattactiv' eting outs'ii u'which
lighted Chiniese joss sticks wereneplacel
ini tes alcof thesdancendsetcarrsedt
ice their hanuds.
'rime gymnutasiumu wa tesrimumecitseidl
srge quauntciy f yelowe-asteelusie but
tug auth class bannues. T'he refreshmments
see ie te amesand tucake, asith~e sove-
mir prsgrami sas a stuall reefldme tlechi
ai whiite goose' onth ie cusse. T'licomi-
muitec in charge eas as follows:Once
isimirey, Jeanete Knivis, Constance
Fitch, IeleneteMartine antulEdithm Ilughit.
"Charuactcer Xritinig in Etglish it iera-
tune"tas lie title of sue interesig upa-
en reatdliy Asst Prof. Raunkint at a
regular tueeting of te Philousogical so-
ciete- tst evetning ProfRaunkintte-
clareldhtisclisitestimatsionsu lhe tdramec,
situ ot thee lyric on epic, asicge-nsey
contuendedem, offers cleItruest caraceis-
ies of clesullonhimsef. lie desriedl
te (leelopineteucof lie character sketch,
uptiloi its prine inthie early seventeeenth
century, attrihutting to its succes tie
declinte of ihe dramca adthcle eucedye of
"The value of cle caacer sketch
eonscistedi maitnly itits superbm dicion, its
occasiontal real anualysis of harater, sunh
is ethical subljecs It has its place ii
thue developmcent of prose fiction. A sue-

cessfuli character writermutcble tnt only
a logiciana, a scienitist, antd a literary
airtist, hut also sa humonrnist."
hu]n cocliuding, 1t~n. Ranckiun shoed
Iliaclisephase of literary effort cyss
iculilar to Enuglatat alonce sash explainted
cte dedce of character writiuegsifter
Tihacukeray atau' Lamb,

Laws Are Fortunate in Choice of
Speaker for the Washington's
Birthday Exercises.
'lie cannuisersary cut Xashsiniugonu's
itititet' scillhuee celbrated, s usual, ie
Uivmser sits' IHaltsuitSaturdnay, Flt. 22,
c[908, cml2 :30 he1int., udeer tie scsiees
ifthmie studetis of utthu'eeparmsuenet of law.
'Phts'commniittee'hains-mg this umatet' i
ltargte liss ices-mveot~miateushcinicyeari
us securincg fuse' lie' seaker it tie'tday,
general JolietC. Blackh, formet comu-
musieum h-n-hiuue cut ties' an rsuutnty- ee
It' ithis'ts Reuli indant ed lawymers ufromt
'_ic.Hie' is atlpie'sei hedufsh tnie
ivil servicesosffice ini X'ssiigtmmu, I. C.
'i-intl Rlaics Isneed'fcthueu'taletedltueut
f theUs'Cnits-dtStaes 'n mutst excel-
emt sseakeranmuih i clt ie' aitdesel du
ThisGiasd rmlc ccposist e hbenti.
itd-itinsbhupce sentnd msesnats wl es-uhu're-
oc al ad ti mi 'mist as ithittthis
'>etioitetofiininte'so iddtleit'sctiens
515155 seil lie ineservd fori the ilne w sm -ut
lents, s is 55cdiii ms'
'lii- cmmitstie's' int Charg's'contsists cot
it'he iuc flmmcc sudeuc ns: aSeniorms, e-utge'
1. hKslitusccccsccccW's's hetchic, etimg
sinsr s isaac lR. u i I.. I, limit
tits ii1. I.. int cii it 5junior5s i. H .
.-ttgtrs. J.X 'suchnsess,.P.Bacot
1. . iietuccus isreshmnnt C' .X]ls,
-I S. luccerceC 11.IG. uulsr.
I iegcumPIeindshuttle isueWXXChurch.
{artchinofcltiche uard s-(lie Cnh.
Inthc-cut icn-umCit-sit'A. iDe'Xit.
;Addriess i-enieal JohnmsC'.Blacksi.
NiEW'S fl TH'i ,ii,'tIhCS.
'hcts'gais ctcgicc stftseill heoldutits
nete t ising cat ticseIhcome' oftPlutf. Peter-
son un 1lets.27
'leiice nhusg roms ittit thin s-pmuitiacl tic'
adrot esiccisi;kecaterationss. 'CTe
muccses~'cnd intr'mc' roos a 5crt'beingii'
'ht'senircmeisclts hice'selecedea
will have, a limtuestinthe-nut meiic-
ceildcin g ion sucsin.
Ptrof. iReubeneths-esonsc-'tisIDr. I.
billigs atendic-d tie banqetcm of tie
GrandueRaidtcs Acadsiieyof 'leelue,
hlsTsi'cu sdaycr cgt. Dr.Ietersonumgas-c
mum addrues-s ccci'"CLandtmars,in iSurgery."
A muithis'tof meics hisses-orugnuie'd
inub'eicrculosis clitie objet ofewhiict
istomakc e acomplucueete slimiysit tie whitle
clagcue. 'T'he- smganuiatuiouscmberuscabouut
tedlltutu. JametsRei-' s ichaiuii irm ntfthee
Ne-xl Saticulthy will b hue oiuliayupii the
me hca sertmet. XA s s usul, cle
Inn I'l Fundcer' 5sluy r cnsses cilhint
ice-hudis in aburgyemnaiusmu ct S o'coc,
its tim eninsumg lihe'ctefuddress wilii
l ee gvee hisPhutch Nussacmstud''eeLife
cuLt ich iier" hissntuulutreceptionm
and datisses scll fllow.s
lieTh isese ior eic'aretinetg ci ties
course it, ties buidinusteth by'ther legali
brethreni.XAuspominmentmembceer ofthits
ciilsts setemchmesmbamrrsseduio inds
Ihli huelssbeenu atcendming, asdteelinhug
totes ini Frof uit nkier's cosurse ini surety-
suits for teoemnecks, tiineug it ccas,
muedical juisprcudene.e 'lie ihilarity of
lice senior liscs ovrthlimatuter hs ben
squmeche',howluev'ser, hy tie fautitedteoee
lof themir nuber cass aioundmui yeserdiay

inquciing se-litl (iciuigenduuisi eusut. it is
lituissibit hess thee senioers if eliher tie-
partenettasie oerwork'e d-eihetuce lice ala-

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