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May 21, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-21

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No. 170
INTERT-HOLASTIC IEET Nicol Cojot Klno -inos. Itinins:
Largut Nnmbbr of EnIesEver :s-it o. Atis,. Ct'*-~r-.Mothn
Knon-Odas on Exiition liii ,OW
-Dlance Friday L220 Yk;tli-oASIl.
__________.AdtriniC. Wet -m~i, iti t r l I-~
1-Lit-ti Delanoi-(-tusitis tari- siati
Fintl 2'r:1011ntshav hon ~ld jArio, IL-iks. IDodd,,s. nil: 1titit
for to'hi ti- ts-o-tistn letti- Is o-i bieiC- ook Cotit: Chareoix. Le-iis:I
held heres on - rilt-aomitot Sitrtio f(ti-ltito A n,.1loter: tClelsist1'.,
tlis wee k Photo willihe 27 cloids O S C ttr. A ,tt. (oo: lDetit Cel-
-ab uti he tate repire stedo ofwit-a rtl, iits StliiiHorN to. I sireolt. Mo-
gassistoiiital ot21i o litn--s tientosiit tro iWister ow ing eri t 1'
hrs t Is-i esalags t tisiits of sout-it turn- utIis t i--u-Rwel, Hen
lot tto r ei lsto betinterit nedto o -ilhileit 0
streay seeitieiigtid o ,y w ntiuo oe stD a
it-i i i at o e. I o ls w t -'-is . It iitii s Itruo ii ochi I i
tiltha It1so etont n ccr o ilen t: s I i-i-t b an ii Hat h.
t~~,s c nu o~to s i tet l e s I iit 0 Plymolu t, I,. sitis I ttiSh w
to -riseree -tnt st-il t R aye Iotse-t Sotht Be it-is] I ll ii I tit
Thititt iit ivntthi pC it I -II~; tt
ir i ll ott o i l i-tis tit liiiSho - rri 'lto ne . 1. \ os rm .
01\ uttiili hiitis I ittleN( rtelt-I Io tt R lf'
Osin i. I eItvlenig l t tin 0. tu Si A ts evi Fn ito h lteS
A. nt, Crillniveti-s Ba1. cIt in hr. rtier. -it- Iam 1 S. G1
ofthe't is it s VIitttI-utw l e h ld i is l rt s 01-Iaiitt: 1 ist-otrititilt
closed mm- stirtli s its adttinthe tisi Iiotti1- N-iti t I oyrd ~emld:llt i
1LA' ti t tutu Itnsiitt I os lo titerl ete C rt ,It 01-N-i i t ti Itit'iS.
--Thet o t illst tlt a s-i-ttit-kotll0oiwist-:i-t CtiitiiI
Roeterete titn S ttr -Kee e t - --i--s~ck\ it-litt tL is,-Le it Itt
sO - tit C OtestetitiitiCli--titttr1-k(11101111;
-(ttittrttt - lter B.tRoi erts.ti oweti. Celly:tit C l oo ii e S t-tl
-Ciii Jul gsit .Iiii to l 1 -to si IttttttBe rli t-er:lymtt iiiz, :r Ciiotttiit
-Itt-i: 0 -iiiShand.rsI NC l l; SafI.
Dr utdilpC ilts ittl'oilti- il- tI- in: kiCart.l C otht-ilr it N --
Taltn IDIaIeCi k tuakt.t 0 tt Io-- is it 1 I ttirt : Clottis Sit
Firld11111- - I nri e -s oratk, I-io: (no-ittV t -u I-AV:ty lo 1rs l it i-.
sit i:l tsti Ki'l tty:of Mi~ stt-it, fi-Alti i: li Iit--i. tnthuita irv i1x1irek a to-
not ildIin-ti - N igt st: t lttttFin-tt, tstor lnt ,is Lew A i : S ui t i
-rlosut: SW. t .ttitO. 00etttt sts W.lttinuit Wriht. Cotitil troittCen0tralTy.I etrf
ftstrtutr: Siutt-ittdldtred, Watgner; IUINC1\1 tIt BRkAD JUMPl.
'kiatis 0It-ttrty. AAiusrbor, IHeathtiBIe-ls. Itt nt:
2CCYARDICStCLOW HURDLES. Allegani. Hortani litttleCrek. OkVtik
Charletuuix,Smattll; Cleeland U. S., lttntU. S., ktlct. lJohntsot. Cooks, Iet-
DraperMuAlelrumi Curtis; Detroit Cen- roil (intrtal,Leet. Smithlt, IDav is;
-Sral, Shaow, Smtithi Lyoins;DetroiktDetroilt Wesern,. Doottinto eitroll
IWestern Collt Sulivan; Detroit U. S., - [Contisued on PageFor.] J
Rledden Shifted to Third-Cole or 01 F iI i1 stuner ii 0- \eiuc o.;I f
Wolfe for Center Field-Base ii - i tlt 11Chl- Si lt-it- ';:urn, lit.
Running Practice inoti-e t -udofto1: see- wh-till oi
sets the \ . All1tiiie ituttof i
ofi I lii li~ s ~ k I0tipuomis, tottlieian is d tuggti
tiult it[f il pt il sothi t gI t i ii i ll V'iii iii is s uffeIi ng -i-i- t no fi -
tint rttp OrStis in i ~u th m le andii it i ii it-iitu-itickto
w htti i hiitsseio otpyrn~u utiThe 'liartakm itr=taliii s1i-t itihit
moltstrtiig ea te lru- le of i ii uitfor stthec Onc etsa wteekt
tutu-ifrm ot' ii Otii i-tfitdtothrdtit,.fom ne t utu rdly it tut thliiexit
Itw ,ony il alSau~ to iia t cu-ti u-u-u-u -horg tinkleuoti uuitsI
tit riii Cudntni 0ta tI-l ii 1y ae iso a og h sud
to -oiifild iork 01ndhis N-yn ofii ut James af eroy Inj urdle
s ihtsop illt ha tu iar led t O i, thre .akd lu n fit- ti ut ft heutt
tha -th it l;sI t in tutheo te;11ta o t t 1i t istupsitiosill)ut ui t t-u fi
iii ut l Thlt ilt h~l ha utte mallumnso O M rhalFil
net il oritlh 1lc+ n ih iisimpoii t outua ''l-ar
it ti-ig-titt-tilt tilt(I i1ieilitti -ilii low
il(' leu p it t-sn e ryt na pyi raC h r- tu ndt t _tui1hulil ut I l hit h
Lice. iuThe titio u114 iii ttithi lif at Nit tuste- 11i arun
posiioutn Cle11 u tWolf1e ar1e1thetwo
posible tutu if lute itWith Ist hinii Ja Sroe s C oy n jntio
tiltboxh it s prtobabIeu th Ittley il au SuA.uui R y.i1t w ll-now
by st t t i ntth ttotm e i vii1utu F l , to l m e h - c r iy lc n l
make ueioflis Itklls. Kars ol I uu i i uuss i Lltiout i
I*IkI ell s ills siutt;ibro enIto uderocustie by
Failc gtinal nClassto Ga m it a I I ft iah orseiat h s h meit it
hid t ill u ein t n oitto ut ea t~lii t ilt^e tit.its.hits , 1t to;,tt witus
Till, i-pitt hook .1iuitt utiitutof pr;t-liii ithete
4tic C yesterda 0-i-it t u tniout ill( bI sv . I . Ie o vowtok o c t e e
laiigithetiuiu t ind fiue imieisiitt uuultuuotutuu
itt otti I ltts gu- lt-ttut iti li-itt i in i utisuuhe hsldtu
tu-t Bird t o adts it tilt1i secon <stuttut tutnt postionkinti he li ip
tliv t eri tino-otstuwtrt; furlt,,14a: Johu o mTennis o orelhanlenctlcr
The iitiotutudepature oitn lth11tuturss oveto
riptt astot y t I u ut uu-d ttuidietltTl o uooIut of it ili11 Sl ortosi
S:mt etol of Mush sio maProg tr am k ttuiwti ll it ttri nil itt- t ti f ini
tri , y t t e coo ectons at ufalo \nl Ar oront Ji nti 19it t I 21it .itt rillei
his-no tuuer tin. if t issro te s - -l l plr o t theif n sit- to Micig i s uut
up nths team tilI vato-it oday'utu flitil- to - Iti it is o fiuu t, tut e fou rts
Iulu-stt 1th toitutti-t~i so tutiety, ntthi oo ilt I igttiUtlu in
'rl tl ls b sbalinlt tritlithisil tae Ii c I iii tititi titialm ts
hetplaced tutu to Cttlsttftenoo110 1t5 i uthe it utusout unttin . I Itu
Itpro--IItuuIIIwl eauti-diltena
4:0 it 'at ity i i muliud a tt 1yItI e ntl Poesr o R o
F t i t it iii it i i 5cn Iuciutuuutlls ishe tisororuiiu ty luit tioti~
khe tug t u ftuouttiay's it i r"ititt htcen tlbiedin:nl ro ith1in the.t
Iii 00tete s lu-tug ssioof lit(I ippaGI u- oil Althits i.i i
cetttut ilihetuu l;u eit lilt-ti til 00em
,ct rgm liii etil rutoTi uus hit. O Tto- iTut ut atoti tissu f
buttolio bov--hnge esiu heeitdutum titde -
hut:Isnt ito ci it u-u out it, itculg. tIt-tie tnit rautiuuht ilteitrdaytlt
tue hitf Ms oith 1 ~ fI- lit tns w hlt b tpthitdttth ii Ce suuf tth
I t-;lS~~l-lt N~NI Cit-l-it-ttS- h i stone t rin t itu-lug4 rut:tita
iii et-uiis sctinif t-e I etuuhttrhoeu tush tiutdfruoit utiltut evetinug,
Os-ri-itaitItinhg ildluitsitittugMt22,1tI-uitty ouutig M.,Tay 29.
eetedthts tliil ;ufficirs:
Prsidtei-R. C. CO'Brien. Aatris Itiutttrs C(iowned}tcompanity
Vice-PreCdtEih nt ~Schmuuitz. Ititth itdla loiii itlt tiswiltltireset
t Sec-retarytasdtoIrt-ostiii-kiittut ii lti~eSitve, if ltussttt atithekAtututs
Nageoort. lT-itt-trth r l ists s

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