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October 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN. ARBOR, MCICIAN, WEDNEsDAY. OCTOBE R 2, T907. N.8 Not.. XVIII. No. 8. TODAY'S GAME MAY GIVE LINE ON TEAM Varsity Not Likely to Roll Up Big Score Against Aggressive andr Scrappy Scrub Eleven. Sttudent football fans--sonmc enthtsi-t astir and optimistic, sonie dotubtinig butr hopefal, all perplexedt anal wonderingh whiat is to bar the outclome saf the P-enni game-wni nave their fit-st real cac to witness the emabryo ...…

November 02, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…The MAichiga n Daily ANNARBOR, MNICH IIGA N .SAXTURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 19907.N. x VOL. XVIII. No. 3 . TJA 1I~p~~ )01111Ier maxn asopose to16 ;- VA SIY ii ~ pIru I fo tie southerners. ur ac k- IN SOU H 1ld 0111g g 91-2 and \anderbilt's . WELCOME I 01 H lo iittd. l Vanderbilt Rm I . .. . . 1. 1F; . . . . .B a e The Team Arrives at Nashville- ftl L. T. ...Mfait Douglas Is Not Able to Play - I 1) . . .. . C ... Sherrel Schulz.......C. .....Ston...…

April 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail y ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1908. No. 138. VOL. XVI1I1. CCC SQUAD MAKES BRIGHIT SHOWING Prospects Look (food for Eastern Cross Countries-D. U. S. Will Meet the All-Fresh Saturday. Though the lg three ;of the distance squad, Rowe, Coe and Dull, will not e attic to cotttetel for Micigan at the eatern cross cousntries next fall, te prospeects for a good team are not dark. lhere are eight CCC' en in college twho ...…

May 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…The Michia Daily ANN ARBOR, \IJCIW k\ , S \TIRDAYt M Vt 2, 46of. Vol.. XVIII. No, 1-3. MICHIGAN PLAYS' FOR C\ B~NILLTEK SUBSCRIPTION ' AI S ET TRA TO BELOIT "TODAY Xtunrni da}., Jn 7 ilSee rimore BE RAISED TODAY iai oneocainWhlAlmidyE ERWisconsin School Makes Good does not Caninence until the °t7th, tre floney. Has. tob in -Hands ,of IL LAt~JA U A L alumnni till begin to arrive on the 1~th Record on Trip-Class Teams aseek titilirCouncil-To...…

November 02, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…... .. $ cm g~ H0 ~ ~T1~ 0 H ~ ~ ~ y x M \" y r H N O O 0 ""' ff r o ,.,t .... 'J. Y r :: f . f.,, yf. - Y " I vy '/. 4! r ~ ^ f. 1 J . -.. _. -. . - _ .! ... - .. -' . 1. , . i. -- ;: : ,^ i 1 . ;,s 'f: _ -. J'-' J - 77H e'e J, r -. , , ' "' . " _. , - ..-- . - _ " - . .- ," . - W TFe 1 0 r. . n r " 'r. :. n ' Jy r 7 r r E 1 r r 7 ; s , _ s. J :-- v _" rc T, i 7 r- 0 1 T f I \ f t J=I;- ;,. _ -- _ - 7- J ,_, -' " ... ^. yf r...…

March 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDail \\\ \RIIU, i NI111 8 \r:\, -L\11 I)\N NI R(I . I1 Moi- X. vIi. FRESH-SOPH MEET - STATE LEGISLATORS TAKES PLACE TONIGHT INSPECTED UNIVERSITY Promises to be West Interesting ofN Indoor Season -Senior Engineers ecs sily Sof LargerttAppropriaio Will Try for New R lay Record. tamned by President Angeli. Wha jlt111 t, ~ctit'I1()t tel L1,10hIlist' idL ilaei LLLLL*llilt'I,it I 'LI'V LLI LI i L'LtILLL '' l ti~i il 11t~~i1' ilc tt 11...…

April 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…ri tb (0 -n- _. _ 'r: _ _. ^_ I^ - 1 tC y y / J Q r J _ -' .mss C") n 4 A-i _ c 4 - _ _ - _ - s Onil O 0 ... . ,. w r , ri Omi7 'J r N' r a: -: 'f : .. . .+" .. y,,.. 4^ J. ..... .t'^ /' ... 1 __ J; t. r '1 .. i"'. .-.. - . ._ \.+ n. f .," t: ._. - f, r r r 7=, ~" " J° X, v _ r a ,V . ;/" …

May 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

… nV CCU ' . r ", : j , 1 i y "3_ M- '-.-+ f. i '_ J ,., I. ,,, r f } , r . f. ... f . I C bo to At i o c oz ; CVs = us l4 ' - f = r _ , . - -- " -r. r "l. r _ ,_ T T J: ' . . ...+ F f (* - tom., ' 77 - - _ " _ ^- r, >_> >: 2 v is , ' r f - r ! i Ez" _. .-. .._ r r ... _ .-- _ r . - .,. ... ..- .. .._. ..- ...._ - .._ ,.- .._. ... ... ._ . . ..,. ... ,_ .s _ f r. . - . _. .yam «_. r -. . e ' r: V ,f ;/, '.t; ._._ % ..... . _ . .. E "...…

June 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…he MRI)( Nichigr , I-\anY, Daily Vei)r.. \TT. No, 1-8. ILLINOIS TAKES l( I I;~.Ni2K S {;IN:NTjjjSI "\"II( 0:20Z1INt NI IN MICHJIG~IAN IS SECOND Strong Wind Helps Break Rec- ords in Dashes and Hurdles-- Chicago Is Second. III, NV(-IN 111 N. IlIIIINNIIo 17: 13: 1 i 11tr11 0 11111 I 111111lJ :N tr D nw 1. ltc rt3lec - l ti a I ui I N) r itt" 1 u frm te LV11sy t he sm -e- VII I N a elhain fte 11 ic ilIN Agi- culinral 11CIN INNeN Aiwnig he ...…

November 02, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…I. i (:. k i The MichiganDaily VOL. XVI. ANN ARBOR, (MICHIGAiN, TIl1[.Ii'ii)XY, tfIX VARSITY SCRIMMAGES CIlTX I hill ie N "F ). DEBATES BEGIN THIS WEEK AGAINST ALL-FRcSHposedietily fst ernProspects For Winning Teams Are Turner's Little 'Uns Make (ood ittent l fc.eete ii uttii ey(obeod- s eams Showing Against Varsity-Harry Mitchell:; eer etarv, "lonetii"tiCtox, Chsen Hiammond in Scrimmage- treaisutrer. XV. F. tcielv Team Leaves Tomor- "\: htt...…

March 02, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…The M"ichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, \IICA IC} \N FRID \Y, NI \R('fI 2,190 JOf'. XVI. No.. 00. CLASS BATTLE RAGING MINUS IHAIR=CUTTING Action of 'Os Lits Ends Ancient "-11"'it 11()It nnt 111as1 I- toff op0o~ff010res ;ere sftiliO'i 'and fl-ele- in danfger for Custon---Copy of Freshman "'110 111 day. Ti lfo'timtne 'infcidenti 'Toast Captured by Sophomores.111a1;1a il- Iil ll yt tecui Ill Silt' '111 1111 'lfli I '-'ll refopecd ilak dtheiufill t l a...…

May 02, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,TOL. XVI. CHICAGO FOOTBALL GAME PROBABLY CALLED OFF Chicago Has Apparently Asked to Be Released Fronm Contract--Mich- igan Will rant Request. From pre'scnt indicsations it is highly inpoal hat the foothll gaite te- fur nexti Nouieimibir iwill eversi le plye. ACiaodshpth sin oeof last ight's Deitpes sttiI that te ftoestli ,,f ie L iii iiiti of .Chiicguhail o- I Idd eutist toiPrIidsieit t igell ltiuuuhsitis iupsisilitobas ex...…

June 02, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga nDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S.--I["DX[AY.JUNE 2 1906. d'QL. XVI. Nit. 1 76. CAP NIGHT A GREAT StlN 'L'" tl'' I N PA E. ROUlS ING CELEBRATION The senior- receptioni Will he heldon ME ETING OF TI-Ihrg o asrseritaier cotittee Enthusiasm flanifest Every- NWcompT~EtI11 osed-i-f imensfrom,1dl IdeIsrtmetnts. where-A Short But (Good Pro- N _WOR_ STIRCILB Ilcrecion ill be toIssitsto students gram Provided and New Fea- Fast eeing a verve...…

February 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…Wbe 4f 94 Pai1( VOL. X. ANN AHBOR, MICJI., FHII)AY. FEBRUARY 2, 1900 No 95. W ILD T T Fine H WINTER and SPRING H E Suitings, Golfl Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS ASPECIALTY T A We Carry the Largest A Stock L In the City L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R WIL D *WILDER'S SPECIAL ThIeta femto banotf tooth bototta tthat will not aed teir rio to' We rplie all Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD F~o sve, i wekwt liv RELI ABLE sthamn'no w(hA- R. E....…

March 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…beU of9 VOL. . ANN ARBOR, )MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 21900. No. 114. Sprtn FRESH. VERSUS SOPH. ooooer-HI. B. Potter; Clerk of Course FARMER'S INSTITUTE. -J. F. McLean; Assistant Clerks of Corse-Teetzel, Sipp, aTalcott, Rich- Under Classes to Compete Indoor ardon; Track Jdges-Hayes Wood A Ver Interesting Address b Ex. A n o n e e tTonight. Brookfield; Field Jdges-Armstrong, Goernor Luce. Dvorak, Cook; Scorers-Lancashire, At yesterday tmorning's neet...…

April 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Wbe 'Of 94 Paili VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1900. No. 140. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Tlop Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We in...…

June 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

…be Nor 94 Palm4P VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, NICH. SATURDAY, JUNE 2,1900. No. 183. Spring Announcement O. H: WILD &c CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of 'Top Coats, Suit- logs, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invit...…

November 02, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X.I ANN ARBOR, "MICR:., FRIDAY, NOVEMBEUt 2, 1900. No. 3. NO MOSS ON Tt SCRUBS .'ailed in tis wth a .,ayard run going Faculty Concert. Annucmn the whole (istanee ws gtied. Itetit- 'h tntCnot aeiti o niouciet As the Daily Predicted, Thiey Almost ter swent over iothe lohnt'ttit Th e fti litineithise yeeas-t Ears the Name of 'Varsity in fhi' turnirtof the liettld. 'Peehiptedii itnh ininowsciilre Our s~ecial line Ysedanuam t 1S BWite hel( t't...…

March 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…Wbe Of ; i i . VOL. XI. ANN AIBOR, MICH., SATURDJAY, MARCH 2, 11201. No. 114 ....our Special Line of.... (CHANGES IN CONSTITUTION OF THE ATH-' Foreign and Domestic LETIC ASSOCIATION FABRICS PROPOSED BY A NUMBER OF STUDENTS PROMINENT INATHLETICS') FOR SPRING ------__- President Verdier Petitioned to Call a Special Meeting to has arrived and is ar- Consider the Adoption of These Changes. ranged for inspection....- We have the largest as...…

April 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o I r Sol O r VOL. X I. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUES JA Y, APRI L 2, 1901. No . 14{} ..Our Special Line of.. Foreign and Domesti FABRICS FOR SPRING f0a% arrived ad is a- ranged for inspection. We have the largest a.- ior-regentilliithe cote G. Ii. WILD CO. 1o8 1. Washington St. ADAMS' SALTED PEANUTS received fresh every day.... WILDER'S PHIARMACY YOU KNOW wer toigt.... A GOOD LUNCH AND SMOKE it 1? J oly, :30S S su de steee. -,w CAREFU $A...…

June 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

…' 'I I I j { ? 4 DAY, JUNE 2. 1901 No.1>,> VOL. XI. AN N ARBiOR, Mica., SUN ..Our Special Line of. Eoreign and Domes FABRICS FOR SPRING has aiiied and i ar ranged for inspection. WVe have the lrget1s. soinent iii the it.11' G. IH. WILD C lob E. Washington Si Appelton's l~edical Books A MtL~I Itt WILDER'S PHARMACY x' JOLLX'S x~ \'FOUTAIN FOlIt THE RIGHT DRINKS~ Strawberry Crash l~c QUARRY'S CAMPUSI DRUGi SroR Enclose An Engraved Card With...…

November 02, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…ANN \1 13Ccli, ciiMIIGA-N, 'It F~f).\. V N IIINIHER , 1000.~ 1"()i,. XX. FAILS TO GIVE MICHIGAN CREDIT Actual Score of Syrcuse Game t lxl 'cc cii ce tt t c cqu i ,) the cc ccciii ciofcthi li I ictc w chc ol) ictra isrf l cx cri iht d HONOR MICHIGAN MAN Alex Lange Appeinted Acting Pres=1 aaltx ident of California University. i.,., rd CIH Im 'I I r is 44 to 0-Wolverines Suffer ~cst : it tat ii cc1it Dir ctor- l;artcl icii s c lx cl no In...…

October 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. "rICflI6AN 33, CAS[ 0 'Varsity Won Opener After Haro Fight-~Hestons Run the Fea- ture-Good Showing By New Men. Just fair,'. tas aCotaciht 'st's smerdc <fcyetra's game, and Captait l isul nd tI]tin lla i)thtin etam echota tihe cacith'setimnt s. ITerea sn-at l' inso fotalill test-ra'a t sttt' - go adI andtiintlifferent.T htetrtwa omea;oeawrk inthtatfarsi t hlfut ba tasiatrte a ere f tltaatraa: itt ittsiii t tittalitt ...…

November 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…The Michig A.k VoL.. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WE'LDNESI)AY, NOVEMBER 2?, 1904. No. 89 A5 OTfHERSSEE us ADDnArbor's New Thetre 1kNOb An Account of the Recent West ManagerE Virginia Game From Their o h Pint of I I 'it- View. Through the kindness of Coach 0111troll Yost, lhe Daily is able to reproduce a coe the following grapthic account of the !ft~ -ie Vest Virginia gatoe from the Daily OWDominion, published at Morgan i> a~ ttt, W. Va., where te un...…

December 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Ivot,. x~ ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, 012 0EMNBER _ ' 1904. No. .)3 IDIEALS IN JOURNALISM, intersting and Instructiv e Lee te--eie in atUniversitv lidu-I cation for Newspaper Men. Ii It 1111II i t t r'tor ( i li0 ct.t ,\ lln) c\ rc~fk' ,;I-M arch(1b H Ittgli f 0 i fl \ Ii l' 11 c 1 ( )1 I l ( ) 1 11 ' } ) ' )t1 11( ) 11 1 t til l I i I 1 1 k a l 1 ) ~ ' -1 " , I1 aI 10 1 1 . }III :1 1111 11 111111 ii11) 1(d1t1 ~ltI ) 1 11"a1 1...…

February 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…X.1 0 m a 0 0 e gA= = iii co 2 NUN f 'J. W _ J " _ I i _ r I ! I C~ . T I a f. .. W f . R . " ; 1, i' -r s ..-' ' '-' -, .+ J " " .j, '. r 1' r ,,,, J. y- .° .. 'J. _ . .' T J 'l . ,. . _ _. _s- ' = ' i .,. r !: ... .: . r . ,. r r !. ®. r v .J: r _ {; % !'; 7 _ .- . tr f "--- J. ^ .-. .. .- a r ,_, r r . °J. ,J r,. . 'f r; _ !'; ~ / f r. : T r r A , ^ f rr ',. -,. , _ " pt wr H _ -' ,_., . f y 1 f .. ~ . " : J ... ,.,,,, ... 'f. r ._ J F, F= ...…

March 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VO.XZ. tNTRIES CLOSE TODAY. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUXRSDAY, MARC'i 2. 190. THE COUNTY FAIR. All Eitriesfor Vars.ity Met Must be Committee Appointed to Arrange for rlied T oday --iarrels Put Sthot Big tavent-Michigian Un iionl and 42 feet"2rIches. oman'sL eague in MNove l Iti l i le ;iIIi ,r i i n e tI 1t .IX i c li f'oft e ) "I- +f }I-t t 1 d -iy' i't tl t, ilt I lel 1 n ill tin nim i Ihr11«ei c~ ~ ~~~~~~~li iilir ii iiiiteic<i...…

April 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga_ il n Vt ' + Xv ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, APRIL, 2, 1905 No. 132 EASY FOR FRESHMEN __ YANNIGANS TROUNCED. 'lb XK TEAM BEINS OUTDOOR ____ ___TRAINING. r5 lo II0511 -oil k t w i I han Track Team Walks Away! Varsity earn Wins Score 9to1in I Meth wthHih cho-,'0 rinthtth 4r n e itpatylo ix Innings Pitcher Martin (Onl a fee of the track-msens respond- Meet withllbe he osigii Schooljurd. d osDlirctor lFitzpatrcks call for out- law 1 h c 5...…

May 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…_ 7:: .. 1: r ,._, ; ' r 7 -' " i l .~ f - r -f .. i O i m , <y c c - ., "" ,. i '" , m v , C V R r: r , , " i {~e { ; . .t . z J I _ tit ..= ti I " ,^,. . ' __ . ;_ - r- u-' ,- - r 7 . r- r I. '_' 7 f ). t' c ,' c O :; rs r 1J - v - 4 _ V A v 4 J J .I w . ell J. u , P7 zb l1 . . n .+. i ', i s r c y .:b 'hw'.... . yr f ',' !_, i = I …

June 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Miichigan Daily VOL. XV OFF FOR CHICAGO TODAY. Coach Fitzpatrick and Te~nm Ieav e' Ov-er 11. C. at 7:58 Boys in M-igh Spirits.I 111k' tst P ott MWIIW AN, FRIII)AV (' A :T () l\11. I111' I ", 1C..1\ IN TlNisIS IF COMEDIES TONIGHT. lDouble Btill at School of Music- f niversity I, en in the Kole of IBurglars. No. 175. 'FuRY. U II sing ihe-cusom iualisgursted at the- leginitig ofthle twar. the Japanese 1) 1'( l lt illn i o f u-svitry o er lls ...…

October 02, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…________UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.______ I-0) 1 YEA R YOST CLEARED THE AG tie Foot+- 11 PracticeYo E {i O ,'11 0 1 ct for 1904 FIELD{ t I ' P,,o,-in ,nt : Dl to' il 1 0, YIN IS NOT MARRIED t -iesthe.b nd Nu InletlOdedt itI t'II11I 11 +'t't Wi t' j . ;l t itrillV 1;11_ lt'Ill ANNUAL FRESH-SOPH RASH ;III lilt -';m w ? Tll, wI t . i o Definite Puns Yet Annolti lilt Itiltl'!il.:; rrl lS t'tli i t) I+t Humors Are In the Ali'--PO tI''s 111IIItit;...…

December 02, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…_______ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.__ ANN AIU 0P,\MICH.. Tt'>1) XX I (rf{: 1I hEl2. 1902 S12:cci NI XvAI1. Ne. GhAMxPIONOF THE"WEST! P I .( 14 l+ (1 ' ti l li, 11I 1 11 11 '1' I '+1 1r l + Ii EfPI iI' i 111 , l-i " 1}t~n1i11:1 ls "111115 5l fi 't' l: ' : + 11 1 I - I311' V lI 1' t 11" t-1: 11 ta i"E 1 k li til l l +t 11 111 i l, ! t ,II 1 1( 14111 trl4I 111 with iiis li: 1121'Ill i 14 ;~ 11t1i1'I .k$ t 'Il t l 'I1"l '1' I I l i 71 1 )11'I'' I IllS...…

April 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…; v _ _ ° Y ' ' '. s5 - G ' I r" , " . ! - .. .. - e 71z n- G o ? _ . r I _ _ _ E F7C r- S~>i fY CD G cfq :5 e'Y -1 rt fD ft s c°r f. J. cn, m CO m !: _ - i. , -' m li , . c ',l, :r! r ' C'' t N t ..V V " r 1 M°' t--+ F- + F'? r-- .... '=f- r'° 4. M" M ^ -+ V f U ;. I .rte f rt 4 . v rV t^t v " z r-t Ft C 1- i v FHS r ' lUy'c, , ~ r "f. J, ~ _ ~ " tl % t+"t ~- ^ y .-. y ... J .. f J :, 'J. ' 'Yq . " _ J ,... 'f. . V !' "-" , ,,,. .", .'".. ,.....…

May 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…Nob,. XIII. AiNN ARBOR MICIL. SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1903 No. 1:54 THE SWING-OUT ( ROOTERS OUT VOJD GOVERNMENT LECTURE BASEBALL RULES Fine Showing by Senior Lit-Eng ClassI Chicago Toda y-Noise on the Side 11ir Franklin H. Hed Spoke Lst The Followin Rles Govern al11 Class is their First Appearance in Lines May Win the Gaie-Cloe Evlsening to an Intersted aid Gams ad Sosud be of Interest Classic Garb -Dr. Angell Contest Expected Wel Pleased Audience to...…

June 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…v OL.Z XIII. ANN .ARBOR. MICH., TUESDALY. JUGN E 2,11903 c>. 379 TALUABLE PUBLICATION. tilu01oflot101(lils ellirely oil IliJE#CAST AND (WEST COMPARED, 17oPiacice ITst rhay. ________Ilt lcl~ i i l -li Iion1(0. _________alo'lty woe 1ill111 tiiuadldid 1too I'e vInw iM1';j 0(...(1111 1) t: 1" "Hulrepoit forl la ii(-e -y-etrlI-on- s I(- T 8 Fr lrn s11e 0ofthse "Uiversity >LtoI1.t<iiio. 1tWlIIl iieiO4siii to tcmparison Shows That Easterners (")1117 ...…

October 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…: Dv4$IAI jfIG k FIRST XEA R. SCRUBS SCORED. Succeed in Carrying the Ball Over 'Varsity's Goal Line. Practic.o Snappy. I~ tk l. I 1 1111 i ll 1;11 I '''s0l tsi'ols i'o l:1 tl~ i l 1 111:1 i l-:1 1 IsI ssft 11')i 1 1 T l111 11011ff].s l I lin1s1' 11 s 1 11 \i I i tI 4 1 4 l , t 1 i l t 4r ~II 1;4111401.ollf I'1 1 ;i lt)II " 1 )"Ill '11 "41,1 1\ 1 4 ill ]t:v d 1;1.1: k 11, 1 i [[1111 t(, ~ls1:1i1 4111Its ll~lil~cs :11 ANR'AtlBOI , MICII., WELIN ...…

November 02, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…quLAS fag Tr 4 y ,t*' ;,r 1. Ati.1 7C A .NN ARBOR, MKI'l ., SATtTRUAY. NOVEMBER 2 11-401. FlRijrYx x Ca. " y LAST PRACTICE LIGHT. Senior Laws Win.WU TING-FANG. Sophomore Medics Strog- Oll alxxinil l, 'I i' x''i5 xi ii i lxx xxxf, 11 he11 iii 'xx 'xx'xxi ii.' xxi'l"xibiy xixfxxlinxg Yosh et Puts the TeamThrougoh iuuv c sI,,es f1 oo h i ire t Mnister Frm China Spoke lxi xx ixi x'rxxi i'xx' xxxx hrt Sip nal Prrostiexand Then Th ji ors01 w' l~xi ...…

March 02, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARIBOR, ITCH., SUNDA~Y, MARCH -,V42 VON OPPORTUNITIES SOPHOMORES h thl i= Na. 1< ... t ,"; T t 51tt O T l }~tt t''-ki 33I lit'(iiil 11a ll aaaaaaaaaaa -1 t t - 1° ': i a' la11 1 " T ai 1 a a1 , S alw ' 1 a rT e e r . '\a laa l1 t1 11'1aa t 0a1!, si l a! ,1,'1sn aa aaaa T aaa a d w , tlli4' :a111 Thati~ at'tw atltaaa l a aa4i't' alaa' aaaI'tahea ya . Naa a a"I v't ~te e 1 a a a atttIlt'iiit~iit,:ilsil ', lI ''" 1'Sit ' n d 'a l l Ta aItt a ...…

April 02, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…z 1 ' ' ry, ,F . _ _ p ; n __. _ - ... 'f; - ''I .'-. _. r _ r: _._ J ._ _.. . _ a v ... ._!. 1 c-. I Y r "E i t iK Wit{ h s E i I r J Lea i I r Y { I f . ! :s ;i 7! i !, W-d ,. ! 1 6 'j } n { < ,Y { Or ' _7t i; . r ! -- . _ _ . _ r .fir - "% %. _ . .. y _ i-. r .. __ , , j .f, y _ - 1. _ - t. ... ti _ "_. .._. t 1' - 'L "" '_ l / ..N ° _-. rr Y n-e e -1 .. r. . _ _.._ °!. r .. f .._ ... .f.. :I _ !, _ r,. N ° ' - S- ' ti w ;,, "' at _ : H L ....…

May 02, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…\NIN RIOR, Irh Il T m RTYE'AR. TRACK MEN BUe tNT. 151) SY MAXEY AT CHICAGO hiPreparationi for Varsity Meet a Michia's Hlonor Orator Will Compete Wleek from Saturday-Baseball in he Northemn 0 atoi-ical Leaguo Accidentsa Contest Tonight Ii 11'14tnw k men l i' I)Ilsy so14 '1 1 ' 044l"- As11.1' 4'') 44 '1'14 )44111'N"ill11 .11 11.1 ; 711 1'~l il ti r~iy lc''t N-11t11 ,"tlnaS. ",I pubis a ut f i ' 1'nk)1- 11.~o .t ti ' )1 11414 n t xli t)r 1'1)o4It...…

October 02, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, ?MICH., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1903. No. 4 CASE GAME[ TOI 1ORROW. JAfr1 [ WHlITCOfrlB RI [[Y PASTEUR INSTITUTE. Hotly Contested Struggle Anticipated1 Recent Addition to Medical Depart- -Yesterday's Scrimmage OPENS S. L.A. COURSE ON SATURDAY UCT. 10-GENERAL AN. met-Successful Treatment Great Improvement. NOUNCEMENT OF YEAR'S PROGRAM-TICKETS ON SALE of Hydrofobia. Promtly at thre o'clock tomorrow TODAY AT ...…

December 02, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH.,- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1903. No. 53 TWELVE MEN 6ET "f's." EMICI1GAN WINS PRAIE. Just a Dozen Football Men Receive Member of Mosely Commission Places the Coveted Insignia-Sixteen Men Michigan Among First Five Great Awarded "R's'-Fourteen Fresh- American Universities-In Class menWin the All-Freshman With Harvard and Cornell. Numerals. Hon. William Henry Jones, member The following twelve men ha...…

February 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan DaIl 1y VOtL. XIV. ANN ARB W, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1914. No. 91 "PARSIIAL." of Parsifal forbd str dwelling on the ( VONROE DOCTRINE. KILLIFER MAY PITCH I____lw eisod55(es whici are istifed by- The annontcement tat Karstens Professor Stanley Lectured to an in- bte great anti helpful lessons. Any Professor Hart Begins His Course of wht tas retett tpon to be the stand- mose Audience-Lantern Used toI one who atstrociaes the cor...…

March 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…TheMchigan Daily VOL. XIV, ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904 No. 10 'VARSITY ME[[T. CLOS[ [lGHT. PROFEiSSORS UPHE!LD. CHIICAGO L[TT[R.. Many Entries for Saturday Night Con- Result of Election of Managing Editor) Figures Submitted by Professors Ad- Washington's Birthday Prom. a Great test - Fitzpatrick well Pleased of Next Year's Michiganensian ams and Cooley on Railroad Pro- Social Success-First Prom. to be With Showing Made by Men Mu...…

April 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICLI., SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1904. No. 1I9 3 SENIR LW PA TY. S. W. V. "EASTER BALL ALUMNUS PRACTITIONER. AADf1 oiSIN E Given at Granger's Last Evening- Yorefadrensaeivtdo bnWs kow to .ofM Botany Section Gave Interesting Pm. Quaint Features-Amusing Pro- ated the Annual Faster Monda studnits as "Tug," the star guard o1 gram in University Hal Thursday gram Prepared of the Dances Dancinige Party, gte tnlby...…

June 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Mlcigan al VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1904. No. 175 ME[THODISTS NEXT. [ILECTION TODAY. S[NIOR REICEPION. SHARP CRITICISM. Northwestern will Cross Bats With Student. Members of the Board of Con All Departments will Unite to MakeI Mrs. Fiske Makes Caustic Comment Michigan at Ferry Field Saturday trot to Be Chosen at 4:00 This This Year's Affair a Success Concerning Appreciation of Drama -Last Game for Majority of After...…

October 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…The M~ichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, AIICIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBLR 2, [()08. \-Of,. XIX. No 4. LINE-UP SETTLED as Icingy Tt Ii-as larly rala e upfrbytesp~lend~idI hltmTg spirit FOR CASE GAME l ythwoebuc. Yost Fears Buckeyes-Varsity Swokedown ltheTIcfil, mTo st cii te Showys Real Form in Script- time i1n1 tt ossssisoToItilt varsity, andTl when ToT teOlie-Yardlinethertie mage, W~hewashing S Tubs Os not TTTTcI toubetin TTgtting tIe Te dieis cast Michlig...…

December 02, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR,,1I I(ITI-IL1N EDNESI)AY DLE'EMBEI{ 2, 1908. Vol'. XIX. No. 54. TWELVE VARSITY M LEN REWARDED Captain Schulz Awards a Dozen Football M's; Twenty-Seven Reserves Receive R's. varsity ind reserve football players iwere rewardsd TueIsrday by the award of thre -MI- red tR" letters twelve var- sits mien reeiv rio the "Al", while tweloty-seveel subs, art members of the reserves were give "R's in ecogitioni if the fai...…

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