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February 02, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-02-02

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The Michigan DaIl 1y
"PARSIIAL." of Parsifal forbd str dwelling on the ( VONROE DOCTRINE. KILLIFER MAY PITCH
I____lw eisod55(es whici are istifed by- The annontcement tat Karstens
Professor Stanley Lectured to an in- bte great anti helpful lessons. Any Professor Hart Begins His Course of wht tas retett tpon to be the stand-
mose Audience-Lantern Used toI one who atstrociaes the correct en- Lectures yn Diplomatic Problems attie by to play t[a this year, haspices createdon-
Illustrate-The Lecture Will irontiet of Baieth, and under- -A Lare Crowd in Atend- sternationt amtng the baseball coaches.
be Repeated. stanids Wagner's attitude towards the ane. Pithing material is sadly lacking and
oters wotd ttitt leave the perform- Asistant (Coch Johnson may mke
Uiveersity Hltli twoulltave better atce t cart" Yesterday afterunotn at five o'clock, i is mint to give Killifer, last year
accotmsodatedsthsts large ntsber of1 The many peope alo heard Profes-( Professor Albert Btshnel Hart ot wih tKaamazoso College, a chance at
I Harvard University, deliered the first the botx wot. Killifer's reglar posi-
people whtos twishedto ttniear P'rofessor str Stasley's lecture, and a greater ofhssre flctroo ilm tiito t isehins the bat, but as he has
utasnley give his ilustrated(lecture ste inutber swho hal not that pleasure Qestions, before a large ailence o a remarkably srtng throwing sine
k'arsifal. Soesisoi eager eiisic-losv- till look forw ard to the time when students and members of the faculty. satd there are catchers to spare, he
rs sere tursnedi stay fromtsehe mt- it sill be repeated. The lantern will The csure of lectures to be sdelivered may be rached ts supply the ptch-
seusm lecttre rsoomst thichs was crtwded theta be supiplemented by' a msical it- by Professor Hart on the Morse Do- tgtdeficiency. Killifer has recently-
itil as tstis as ts-dosors were optee'd.! lissratisin. This will prbably occsr trine. This is not the first time that been delaredi eligilse y the conmit-
The tecture sas e'xceeeinisgly issterest- ex April. a University audience here has lis- tee
stgas litit' massy whit aers' cite- tened to ass expositiso of that soctrine
seliedstoit statistwere very gratefulsi STUDENTS AS ACTORS y this eminenttita; at the' time of OFFIICERS TREAT.
ili u:thethtd suitbeeist itfts' mil),!tthe Sanish Anericans war its'delier-
sI unda.enss 5t~'\lsth lcissre is tr 5e IDramattc Spirit is Revived in Univer- ei a.cuetitrof letrss usie hi' sit- Newly Elected Officers of Alpha Nhu
ested, teas-gr ass sesssssidi tils1 iyPast eGvnNwi- ntowihms nvtbyhv
sit the ms e cissisi-ture sissms uill siyPly t e ivnNe n- satid othaisc ustserioaty Mave Settle for a Ligh Spread for the
sisitbtdly ie sles siu cstiiilesiisi. terest in Literature,aldfrhadssois i h ie
robel etae nocnsdrto.te Doctrine. Members.-. Interesting Pro.
Its iis oinsisig remarks t'rsfessrt Professsor Hart begans by the start- gram Given-Lincoln Num.
Statnley stalest that its'bail beens asked I Michigan sudets have been awak- hung statement that the Moore dic- ers Scheduled for Febru
ustismber sit ties ts gves'hIis Oiisiss ened to the many oportnities is the tine was in reality not a "Mnre"ar2th
resgardlssing t- esstirsersy ragsigre-)sdrmatic fielsdand have islannedst Ao ctin. oh uicyAdms0heh.___
tinily svir ts' prs'sensttons sitPar- gleste half dszen plays during Secretary of State, was responsible) 'asrn n b er, a h
sifal its Ameris'a. His rs'ply 55a55 atts'esoinieusemester. for the greatest part itf the famos "adinisse.mry" a h
itstisiotsptes'henisits'on, its whlicels i Since te succssfuli perfsrmaectof lrnssciamensss bsthskinises ansicos- t-ouight uppermost in the mins of
ponedotslthefats itat'arsifal te tissedysly'ub several weeks ago,poion 'heM reOsireb- the Alpha Na members who, sat
haleaieiare soBiruuthitil-'isucelintierst nthe actitg freofwsesthspontie arounsd the banquet table at Oyster
hut nsasusiuusut sat-rest is tr orfe itiwan gien tothepub ssuirogh fa audyngt n noe
it lastt'Christmauss; lust at ts' Nt- alsa beets arousesd. Several of the the means sof the President's message, light "feed" Stra at the expe, ndse of,:the
York pteformanceis neiter irrevers'nce vasrisuus sudsesst societies have already was the subject of long and eanestexpnslo
nor setk at artist isuappreiationitwas5 held seetitngs ts arrange fr amateur discussisn in the cabinet chamber. it iewly elected officers. Following a
siislayedi; tut t' mtuies'sflterte prductosoitsthe stage ansI many was the restlt sit a series os ilolsmat- memosrabe and time-honored cutom
prsnttionts asresut inthle leastitut-' are sigtnifiedl their wiligness to as- ic complicationsgoigttua h fthe sciety the neophytes to honors
usrty s's ee, ith'e. eturercs-sestits'a risuuss rotss fistthe protosed sccessftl revists itt the Spanish co- wr bue og oni hi ok
limed-u,siseosne lisabroent failsdi-I plasys. onies in Soith America. etasfor te necessary to settle *Jb
iec-tlysith thle' publishilers asunitt-I tPe'rhapss le mos recenst tan for, Professor Hart believes that a leu- WilliTa.
i's-ly awithithu:titles.T'flue nts'per- ~eductionutualossg udramatic lines, was ten title than 'Monsre Doctine is he Th' regular weely meeting of the
usemtssue siay ussssitu it,- usgesater sartssd last Fisay when a number iof insre expressive title "Dosctrine of Alpha Nss was held Saturday evening
iodfrts': witoles; its's rtsisassitsudents in Eglish literature sdeiesd Paramouunt Interest." Itsfhs lecture and a very entertaining program was
muuuss hits-rs-iisembieedithat titetital ts reproueeu-, ssme tiss u trissgthe he reerresd ts it by this name.'fis teneresd. An imprmptu deate'o
sas inetesduesdfr Birleth; that Wag- spritng. one sr two Elizabsethan plays. title very accurately fits the central he disfranchisement of the negro
nruse ntsuedtuptons this etet 5f the it is thus'isesat those interested to theme of the doctrine, namely: that sencil tp a lively discussion.'Wit.
Blaire-uth etnvironmssent. ite it fisished pesrormance with the the Uited States has in all Ameian students from all parts of the ou y
In Prtesso Staley'sopinin flt,- am of evisng th stuy of he ol affirs mre toeresseaalantheir-tofeelingsir onli suchn u ah adub-
hialis t'eW'sss ersss reatstt, ust ish raitt revsn hiss stu denittesdffars mtre neet. hnatyEr-ject the discussion always will becomea
fuse tis- stuisis- is tut euatu o his, Mihigantivsersity.There can be us very secifie deli- very titereting The following 05-
mousinspiiredscora-ues', andh te his'mlt-it'Otiltss-performansces are tits' given ninon for this dcrine for it hissgone sera tiorInet Eeete ser-eleted
is its sss-ltetuu-s. its lu' uhes tyhe f'ees'Fescis, the usicher thrughss masy changes siPsnceentFhV
us qiuest ionssis suit' sitisigret'atest uses Vreh, and thsiler soganiat ions. The 5first eussctioss oftits ptintcipes he Vie-Pes'iets-G. W. Barnum,
suts sit'uWagaiseneteersefusesmedh ttin rmtierasifthiss'reivasotthe da- t823. The udiferent siluatiossso Seetsary-G. A. Fx.
theue esuOtut'enirneunuut. mitris-spiinthiri- are in earnest ansi which it has been aplied have every tresurer-J. F. lewis..
'iteslissedtutfuse this-ilu huuinares-houloftdritvening muchhpaci- sie changedh its sms' measureehe ('etic--L. L. Fosythe.
incued houuutoahussiftheb getat c-nibesefit froins(te iproduionh utosf measing. These aplicatons sdivide Marshal-h. A. Sims.
comserttsene si'-stsititusnd arusndss lstit- Ielknowntit e usceoihelitesratre. nauraly into five subjects which wil Eitorsr of Syil-J. Y. Krr, H. t7.
reutsh, asnstvse-saosi this'wortld-amusuIt Nt onluy inthie stams will Michi- serve as the basis for the five lectures Stevesns, J. E. Murphy and N. A.
tetrtet.ireutheli e-iiset-ts tec-'si-gallt Ussesapshesrthisisseasonst; Sin- wich Professosr Hart aill udeiver. Mtiune.
tiuiustuthititepo itntiGene uosit-puera Ior uoasisthe musical fraternity. will pro- 1. Meonsre Dttrine ansi Foreign In- Fiacial C.E.ParyuBard-. . Dstidson
usres- isausthush \\'agnortt-eee toi uiStus-ue Sir ArthsussStlivan's delightfulhtet, solnd . I-Paty
Iis ieas.At thus lresenitt tiet is(' suico its-pesaat the Athena theatre 2. More Dotctrine, ath hForeig A esotions was mae by outs of the
lt~riseitownes is fastsbechis'nssug a utau- ibuts thus'smidle of the month. For Extension. snewsoffiers that the old tie-honored
sfatstitu'eenele; hotwvere its sctite- stunts times'pash the smembers have 3. MoosetDocrine and Protections cussomssoa payng for the eats" for
ity isgretstsisitsfestiseatlays. shutsitsbsisntquiety tussing etenssive pies-pa- of Neighbors, owhing tothmem lrg e attndnethe
ofth sht-sosst itheesting shuts was, usisusafuse the'es-it. The parts are 4. Monroe hDoctrineand Principle officerstweeaout-votedane.themo
ltit shoinsg '"Willi fresti" uatistes' atreaduy learedeansoulthus'productison of Leadership.ofies ee ut'tdan th mb
tissue-,heut' uut usositwhishuelrua.seornsess tshis'artistic in both nter- 5. Mionre Doctrine and the I- tlonwas lost.
'Iic hue at isst'satusI lieeiss--u t." uses's atnts se attig.iss ('sial. At the banquet hall, T. A, Sims
'Tes- setn s asl tituwssiofthe Tt 'he Moistoe Doctrine and Foreign acted as toastmaster and with iis sup-
st-sit nderedtushsit fsinoustishrotiughi DANGERS IN MAGAZINE READING.. Interest was the subject of the hc- ply of good stories succeeded in amus-
\\agsiu- ree.'line doushsus amounsst of tre yesterday. "It was the isteret ig even the newly elected officers.
sace gisent-tihi' stats'. sit theIs- at- in a receuntly puulshaed article osuitfatEurpieasn powers in the revolting On Saturday, Feb. 20, -a Lincoln
sten's'esofstall -u'deoation f risestue inteu'u- ssme of the literary aspeta st the Spanish Ameican colonies' said the program will be given.
lute sit thus audtounisusm set'este chietjsay,,Isaac N.iDemnusphrfessr of lecturer "that directly called forth
Ietr'suuufnosuts-u, 'Thutes'tipeuliarities Englishi astseUiversity of Michigan, the first enunciation, It was not for HIGH SCHOOL OMEGA.
set-eurpoetssey'tbrstglt abossut Iy 'sag- tuas ' lrttlustly te greatest menace any charitable reasons, but mainly
uer shuts's'heconsaieed this stags' thus t triteeuure henstrsay is the de- for the purpose of self defense, It was To the satisfactoff of -ts advertis-
suetia's weortl fromss thichs iii.'autsins- fore nscs-liassesuus infsrmation osI' doctrine of peace, of fixed status Of es, patrons, and student- body, the
is-usatuuitttnashudusuhno tese-uw all imuaginalsoss srs. which the ppu- the clnies its America but the fact editors of Omega are planning to issue
by ansyudsscorationu. Inthsitss teare l.- mugaines sut Suneday snespaers that the tUnited States was enjoying their annual at an early date this year
ts- stags' tmanageruas,-staumtsandus all -u- -ntuw' supslyingsoabhudanly, and a very prfitabe commerce with the and the opening of the second semes-
whtoshatt charge si thets stags'asseuit i' it s uch thesp ansi attractive tori.nsewly recogized South American Re- ten marks the beginning of active
ceassedi us isat isansandeas me iussut' 'e IDeluge that threatens usa mostpubic which was restricted under preparations for its publication, The
fisis. domnes frosm that quarter. Let anyone European control, possibly was an n-fathtte'O gaiteonyih
'teayses casuhuauu it s L-a iuy the net result to himself of an derlying motive, school publication claims for it more
as-eesy ueli representedsb. i'shoursn tasting in the olaptodrida thus The effect of the Monroe Doctrine than ordinary attention from the ste-
siles. Proftessor Stanley dicusstedl ervedhup is him, and hie will see) Professor Hart cnsiders very remark- dents and towspepe. Many prepar
hi'hense ofsetsh in ass itshens-sis-'.hat' I meat.Yots may spend an en- able. y the declaration of itn prin atory schools in this s to and others
smauner and showed-uthow the pictres ieeeing very entertainingly oven ipte a weak and almost defenseless claim the distinction of a quarterly
hattmoesuo-su less symsbolism. a single number of almost any one of cuuntry met ans completely surmount- or monthly publication, but the state
The Pasifalt hems euvoves as theuuur curreniterodicalsandut what ed thusdifficulties which were at that of affairs ie our own schol allows al
character sit Paria astes throuugh have ytou in the end? A mass of dis- time very oppressive" --

thus variotus stagsaosi its development. ; jointed infsormationu, whicha in a fewI The secund lecturse in this course the ana.Ti in surest ofncnratuo-
'lits ai thenu i teeriseses a-tu husus, r lay atmot, illpas ostwill take place Tuesday afternoon at cots in a more mai'ked'ddgree than it
umostasbeautifuli melsdies. Professor itt mitsu and be rnpasedh by more of three o'clocks in Tappan Hall lecture would otherwise have.
Staniley remarkedl while treatinug this the same kind. To what purpose? room. On accosunt of the locture on A price story contest has been start.
subject, that it Wagner hash folowed Totheels usp-o-date, yosu say, as though ('ontemposrary France , the lecture 00 ed, and it is hoped that among the sin.
s ite cosurse of she least resistance,i it were any man's spat in this world Wednesday will be delivered in Sarah dents the same spirit will be arnused
his career would hayve that of a mseth- to gus ahbout as a walking current en- Cast-eli. Angell Hall, at five o'clock. as in former years,*as it is upon the
titist; his steals hue placedl higher cyclopedia. There is nus greater it- students as well as the editors that
thiss that ansi by sacrificing all tuo at-'lusion than to suppose this a marts of REQUEST TO SENIORS. the sucesa of- this publication de-
sain he became a nmasher dramatish. Itruse culture. Knowledge is powerbust ponds..
'hue criticism made upoun Parsifal noti this klush os knowaledge. And yet Sittings fsr Michiganensians and. , '__________
to the effect that' its siubject heeds tss Itear that the coirary view has tak- class pictures are coming in so fast
hue immioral was strongly denedubtu en strong buld uspon the minds of the and the time limit, Feb. 15, is so short NOTICE-INDEPENDENTS.
P'rofessor Stanley.. As often as 'he mass of sum people. Teachers fre- that it will be necessary for us to
hiss seen the Haireuuth iperformance of quently fusster ibis crate tfor miscel- hook as many morning sittings as pos- Independents who expect to, attenl
Parsifal, Prosfessor Stanley asserted laneus and piecemeal reading, in- sible. the "J"'Hop are requested to meet In'
thastsonhy once did he hear she above steasd of dirocting their pupils ht the+ H. RANDALL, Room iC,'.thniversity Hall todayt
criticism insinuated. "The high ideals treasures of pore literature." J. F. RIINTSCI{LMR 4:15 'p. mn.= ' STRAIN.

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