94 Pai1(
E Suitings, Golfl Suits, E
Fancy Vestings.
A We Carry the Largest A
L In the City
ThIeta femto banotf tooth
bototta tthat will not aed
teir rio to' We rplie all
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD F~o sve, i wekwt liv
RELI ABLE sthamn'no w(hA-
.... GOING AT....
I- f
Last Facultyj Concert oil Semester department. The centre page is a vry The American Spirit oi Competition
Last Night . kin;;-aty sceaa of oldn times, with is Not Approed.
Every slat was takern at the faculty ;urlrisate verse. The favorita by Mills Tha California universities have aol-
concrt astevenng nd veryne vaswill appeal to all--representing the Jes- ished the systetm of experienced coaching
highly pleased. The program was not trsJ o il o ierahei em n judging
too long, and the variety good. When Thore are tmore tanth ie usual munt- from the following from the Californian
Bertard Sturm first played before an lir of stmaller drawings. Te usual their next step may be toward aboltshing
Atan Arbor audietnce, he tmade an in- literary mtater sill be found, soue of t the tauns themselves:
pression and won the favor of every- being of ott excellent character. "Amercian athletics ,in general are
otne swho heard him. Since then, if pos- Te story on the Hlop, by A. M. condcted far too tmuchs with the single
sile, felos won more adnirers by Stitha and the department "About the eye to rivals atd contests. American
his artistic playing, and if atny were Towtn" iii be aval wortha reading.universities ougt to be te first to free
present last evening wholad not pre- Tenmrwill be twenty-six pages; temelves from such a spirit. The
vtously Iheard im, te has aeded theta price, t15 cents, broader basis should be the physical
to hs lst o frend. Itis har thngelfare and advancement of the swhole
tohi lstoffretd. t s brdthta Lair Exminations, race. We are too prone in athletics an
sonato aa s besthgiveeno wever, te The Folowitg is the shedle for te in other tings to specialize and to make
Scherzo e iven bst eetThe exatinations to the lawv department: no effort toward our own atd general
acheropanietofesaVcpon.Grave- IS ER dacneti ie hr ecno
acmaieto ElaVnGaeFIS YERavneetiliewrwenot oas, was as lae solo worlk always is, letoarttary laws.... Feb. 2, 2 p.in. excel. Atletic dvelopmett ought to
excellent. "Baae Iidalgo" was given Contataet ..... Feb. 3, 2 P. i. become a feature of all culture, a part
by Miss Bailey in a very pleasing tnt- Husand atd Wife .... Feb. 5, 2 P. m. of te furnishing of every well-ordered
oarandwasetelatsistialy rceiedTorts ............... Feb. 6, 2 p. m..nman atd wotman. Such a change more-
'Doris" with obligato for violin was Sales.............. . .Feb. 7, 2 p. tm. over wotld mean te raising and not the
also the recipient of nauteh applauase. CrimainalI Law ....Feb. 8, 2 p. m. lowering of te plan of intercollegiate
Mis ishr' wrka acopait as - e:OND YEAR. contests. These wold teto becoume the
exceeditagly well dlone. t is ntsttaces- Bills aad Notes ...Feb. 2, 8 a. u. sigta and sytabol of the atletic excel-
sary to speak of thae playitg of Alberto Comamaot aw xPleading ..Feb. 3, 8 a. ta. etce of te whlole sttdent body."
Jonaas, lis namaae ota a prograta is staffi- Ret Froperty.....Feb. 5, 8 a. mn.
cienetot uato tegata areant endaca largementatt..t..da..ceb 6,t ai n. ApoinmenttFro.theZoolgica.thFelt.cer6, T8 Mach to.ubAppointments......Fromeb the aZoologicalent
steit, its oddity and retditiota made it Euitty Jutispr uence . ...Feb. 8, 8 a. n. Five of the persons cotneced with the
ana interestitag tnoamber. "Toccata" byilTIRD YEAR. department of zoology of'te Utiversity
Selaatonracannt h styed oo fteConsttttinta-lLasw .... Feb. 2, o a. m. drirg te last two years Iave received
by rof. Jonas. Hsexquoisite teehticrs-'te Interraationaal Lawv.......... apimeisnotriniuttsTy
wondrfulexection andthe usicanly " " " "" "."....... "". Fat. 3, o a. in. are as followvs
feelitag witha whiach it waas played, taaade itFPatentaw -o....... ...Feb. 3, 4 P.ra. Dr. . Lillie, instructor dtring the
thae maost artistic raumabler of tie vert-Eqit Juri'srudcae . .. Feb. 5, o a.ai. college year of affi-of, prfessor of i-
stg. Thea corncert was a sarccess throtugh- Coti'asscs ..... Feb. 6,, t4o pa. m. logy at Vassar College.
ora cborgl satepespl scraodeerrsPracicse Coatrt . ..Feb. 6, o . Dr. J. B. Jhinsor, irstrarctor in i8W-
itned to comse late. The attendanarec aas Stttct-a ,i p t ...... .FI. 7. o a. nt. sitaa rfssro iloya h
one f te lages of tai seaora Ftatical I trssction . ...Fb. 8, o a. ina. University of West Virginia at Msorgan-
______________ Pubtlic. Officers .... Feb. 9, 10 a. m.n own
Reoto uhi ee.- - Johna IIMcClelan, assistant in zoo-
Dr.Vicor . atrtistt.ders f t IPapers From Zoooical Laboratorty. ligy ira 18,7-98, instrorctor in zoology in
Dar.lseetariC. roaugsalideanvestetne the Uriversiy of Ilinois.
medacala t~srtmtent, bas conpleteebhis A h etigo h esenmm eicas o0Atearona agraduate student
portion of a report macta as a merooat hters of ue Aericatn Society of Nassr- -
cf he batardapintssedb tat ascertaina t aiats acldinooCicago 'Decemober 28 and in zology; awit received the degree of
tomaster of science isa 189, is art assistant
cause of tythoidt fever amsong the troop s ' Irofessr Jacota Reigiard, diretor
an pbeStaasoNaeiaawrad it, ieslgellaartrra in z ooligy ithtecUDnivrsity of Wiscon-
staoetme-rtsfortis prveatio ofap ~ers T'b itsles awere (r) The Beedsi
aloes5t5 c Ti mea oarieprconitingof inhaitts of Ana () On sle Nor \Mi--s'a Wiifrei J. Robinson, as as-
thedisase Ths bard cosi asserf ts tael of 5tm a(3) tiii.Deseopment 'ittantoth le zoological laboraory last
siai orVltergee, ?ajSaspae of Nhstisa eOsras ad ifpoilyss i ea ndagrautate of th University
asis Maejoraugnf ais agoite, by8Anna.At55tsle smie tmeetig Ba.Id S. itshle class of 1899, is noowoassistant
areseptarsiasbystdt het r arin AnsJusans'istti tososread a tatntbioog ad Vassar College.
sti eMstatusloerotor nReaetiostof ite 'a _________
peronaly nspcte al th trops afer-Anitercesting German text is eirg
waerdsn-atinarostesdallale trops.ciaftre- i la lat's snd Cliato.
xv scsi', m ilsitog assasDlyaof theofcar JNNBsstale holder of sheBD. ttubisshed by George War. Te editor
pot.Dr Vattolas's rortion of ths JW.T.i DrNNW NV. Florer instrutor its Cr-
isoeb Ni IeryvBotansical Felowship scr
reportwhisceh insctases aleconctlusios u ere feprieti e asat thsie Uaiversity. Tbe text is its
drtatn from 'althe avaiatble slaa, conBrdnto001heiestyofseinarying ttc ededb otitebegitnitg classes, and
pistes ssoethitng over elevena thousand liamoates. IIei seding pactsages of i.Ositst of seetiots fromthbie latest edi-
pages sal typewrtten copy. sest h oeneteprmn t-touotssf tae Old ard Neaw Tesametsn,
________________ seti ii tii. ot t Ot~et ix~it asen as beirg splemoened by Questiotrs for
Thpe N Hosaeopathic Hopitl. apestatsh le gulf states, orto Rico, adCo''''saionaad Grammatical drill.
bost-CaseCioty. Soth Africa. These seesl Oi rain
The wavals of tie loosnonatlic hosi ail sbtsequeantyIse pianted andb testa 'ieraaiadiob ilcniu ie
sits nowv butilinig are conmplte ts te top lir vitality. ticirg regtsarlycldtsrilg examinueatiost
of the fis,t story anal sle swok is bang perec their cotcrt to he utos. They
htusedilforards as rooidlo as possibte. The Larest Unersitq in the Bob. are vert isaacdirg fiely atd ater a
Ain imoportant featture in reaerd to slos ted States. f ea fitising totces sall be prepared to
taiting is ale sy-stem o ventiation Tle Hlara-rd trniersity catalogue give a cotcer of tec higest order.
whih asbee arited Bass o aves lwthcs tojust appeared soawsthe er- ary corcert parties sare eita ote
air asittlteconstasaty seats into te seosggote
eral ovorsb lathi'e ass. bTe ttai air rallsoeat toe: rofessora andI istrue- ap ad a lare iart of te seats awil be
lirs, 448: regular students, 4.091 ; or taken nit by tes. Reerved seat sale
inchsbiaina g e wilslbeast wian oasbyisa-itcudsing thea summeor school adsi393 opensor Ttesdaytmorning asCalkis.
stanc.lTheasati o teometethatet-ees iso AnnaRadcliffe college, 4947 ''h
stckTe_____issocopltetht___TheGee, Barjo ard Mandolina Clubs'
tire air in the entire hbuidirg cart he Mosjsia prformoance, Monday nigit, asisaltoolmstse cnrcert will be givert in
in en mires.Urnivrsity al Saturdiay eveinirg Feb.
elhanged iaInmots promsises o le largely attandd. Man- roary lot, as eight oclock sarp Re-
__ ____- :er Sriblt was lient usvveterav sere atseon asae at Calkins' rug..
T. Hosts Wrinhle.
Tire Jasnor Tlion Wrvtiexvwiii annear
Tasesilay itefore the I-oss as in other
years. The rosnther is to, contairn an
extra nasaoher of sn as wth ass rnasstaaly
ar-ea osa1ttohr of snecial featasres.
The cover, ina two colors, is boy W4'te-
head. awhose drawina s e air ionz been
pleasing feattures of Wrirnkle's artistic
arnsaveringoteleonesaoitt reg~ard to tire store, commttenacinog Tuesday maortning,
saleo feat. Te sle pend ystedayFebrutary 6th, t ine o'clock, Reserved
sat o eal. 'itasal oiene yeterayseats are severty-five cents and one dol-
and a arge numbaer of seats hati been lar. Gerneral adnmission for seals in rear
sold last nig-ht. of balcony, fifty cents.
1902 FootballMen. A portiors of the asenior class ini me-
can et hei cas a 60 Sotll Sltechanical enginearing will visit Jackson,
can et hei cas at607Souh SateMich., the ater part of February to
street. Please-eabi at once. m rakee a beat of the' plant of the Heat,
IH. C. SMIrTH, Manager. Light & Powcer Company.