Publihed Daily (Sndas ecepted) dno~g the
College yer, at
Oreto'ho Inad Pess, Henin, Block.
Both Phoe, 147.
F NEaLtanD0L
. 11. Be, .'00 L.
ATH'ILTIC, . . . (G. Di Uecaue', '01
T.IR. Wosonlow,00'L. A.II.Bo'cDnoo,'O E
A. O. BROWNE, '02. E. J. B. Woo, '00,
L..J. NGMoeas,'R,'00, X. .0. oeoCRE,'tOEM,
The subsciponpie W te l.l.0aoe oO6.0 fo
he college yer, oeithlarergulaerolliury beoe
anaon ehdy. Notcesc 0100 aton, n
othe tatter intendel to pblcio nocet ee
haded jinOttho DILY oficloeoe 0 p n., o
mailer{ to the edior efhoroe p n. olEee dy
pevios to tht on whih theyne exopeteto
siption onay be loll at the DIsLl0c,
ldeye's, o tole'c newstando, oewiho Benee
Maanoe.shbsciloesowill coortoo favoreblo
rlepoting po pey anothis ofic cy failre of
carie ondlie ppe.
All changee in advertiig0"t000e1100stoe inl~
the oltee y 4 pot. .othetcalopreviouicto 0t ht
on whcth 1ev 000r0tootoote.t
An old-Time Potoffice iot.
Whecn the postofficec atoritie recetly
diconinued the veal r delivery fromo
sudden ed a Uoiversiy cstomo long
sudden end a 'oUivriti ct'Betoll iog
etablished, aoddonoe wichet lad aimost
become a tradition. Onoe of tle frs
things tie gradeoate recalls wheot ie
viits AnArbor oftercoo alseceoegf
1010e timre ithIle daily walk ttie110s-
office ino the evening.
Tioe posoffice hoodlgradultly lbeoooe
lomost the ooly place wheroe 01001of1di-
fereoot lasses god cdepaotmentsoetne.
Whatfle roroer grocoryooeis toa
stmall coountr' communitoooylt.eipotoffice
was to fle Uivoer 0sty ppula0 toen.c It
the abseone of a Unoiersoy cluoboswhere
tll sere velcone, Ihe. poitoflco. eamoe
thomeonooomeetigloo aeeof allstu-
dents. H-unodreds of stodons went oot
te oficeeevey eveninog ITetey fe-
elolocqaeitedoeowitho eachlothler. A-
pointm~entos foe tinefor maonyoop1000
poses swere tomadetere. Clotssoanod e-
partmnt poiica semtoes owere.poosed
forswaro. he lrge crowvos.assofblog
nigioy gave anot unuosloopoportoiyoor o
the etergies of fle "orgaizoe rto ovok
tenmselves otl. Aliegreoteooletoe
victories oroler10010000tat Uooosesol'
events lie'tfetost0 offise as
espeeially large. Thlere toey gateredl
anoelfrom here toey swen in elebooaionos
Tite imoporant hapfpenings wore di-
csted in all their bearoogs foy nearly
every one aod popouoar sudcento senotmoeti
mouleed. It faot toepostofoee oas a
grat rink to whieh every matoner of
University tmano ame. vervotoc wa
free, easy0 atd fratofe and fle utmoost
goo fellowship prevailed. Otide of
9few nass meeings for special ocec-
sions the stndcnt body as a whole se-
domn ges together. A goodly share in
Michigan's college spirit resnlted from
these mass nmetings. But thoey were not
as potent a factor as this daily.unncon-
venticoal metng of large crowds in
the postoffice. The closing of the post-
office in thoc evening ths brings to a
sudden end one of the University's best
established custons.
Many are the stirring scenes that have
in years gone y een eacted in the
postoffice. Probably the ms exciting
of these occurred in 1879.
In 1879 occured something of a sen-
sation over what appeared in the nes-
papers under the ominous hleading, A
Riot in Ann Arbor."
The evening mails from the east and
from the west reach Ann Arbor at about
ix o'clock ; between half-past six and
half past seven the largest numher of
students visit the postoffice. Until 1882
the postoffie was a very small and in- M ENSWegt1Oacs
convenient bunilditog, and the entrance GYM SHOES, Wegt1Oucs
to tke students' departoment was such1= Best Buck tanned Elkakin Bals.,
that hot few cold occopy it at the canoe Fulutiebcsayoepce
timoe, iogress oooelegress keing at teelceofacigdrci tyoepee
sato door. It otay he presuoned that a /aefcn n ip l ie 13
swrogging moass if five cr six hunodred alszs$2.o, now $.3
stueunots uonder suchlocircumostanoces, LADIES GYM SHOES,
ogtsitot osellgaorXOd-'weight io oz., all 9 c.
notiary aonot of 0mtoral depo avoy, too- D lt AIS sie, o25 o
izs$Z2,nwgage in Josttltg. lotig attn silealug.
ups in ooiact, otocy nod uogoot alter logoi ONA 1
otile great oinconveniencoce wiua bo-ty- VITAL ) Glass's Clearing Sate,
alee0) coeoftU s; toLAotne etetlol119gl 9 Soth ain
e...coter too 1o70, thtey fcoundelpo.ceooeoo urtxln
s~aeoooed at tioc; acocs, wsuciton ocec- ___________-____
,,.eooo to coter hot one at a toote. ilIe
o v.0111ssa gretio crosed, IauL~~olg rc-
boork fo romoth te steents, adetattests
cro0m floe pollee. a1the tolowsing eccootog O ur 1-4 off S ale
a101stilaltger croowd gaLilered, ctzn
00000 5t00e.. l~o ooogie~d geoloer. A aoge (i
ty (iseoo iooeo l oa r~olt i ...IS STILL ON...
lilcyci f or tecoccaontoandth nen0.000
.rior comopatyoyfOtile stac teolli ssac was
calleed oct;thle formoer niclloarrlotests 00of0 But it may cease as suddenly as it
thoe stuodentset vorever they could ho. 4f started. Bear that in mind and
foondanod whiatever thoey ooglt he odoinog,'~ b t
andoel he latter 100 thiecvcotioth irotogho ro
tine streets oithfioeed hayontswonoded
a citizeno. Had t.e postmaser possessed !
lact, goodOnaftreanod cwofoness, toere 'I~ -4 Off Mveans
woooulbase heeonono trouole of all.;
As itseas 1100."Root" wsin00ade otecho
eif aood ssas deseignatoil for mtooty years Special $20 00 Suts atid Overcotls $15.00
afterward lt thoet"troatIPosiollioce Riot." N~ekwear 18.0(10 94 0it 0t 13.50
'Tle next roguolar issooe of floe Daily 50 acent 1.0 " i 12
will he coTesdeay,1Fehruaov sixth. Puffs and 10.0 0 000 7.50
P'resideoo enr~ooy 1B1aorowsof Uberlin fAscotsColgsetprofuedyvi n( ts r N b S a }
floe campufos. 11,. fiounoi ef la ~ sses i 3000 fr$10
oratforydebatf'ing tfle A"to- ' 3 or 1 0
A'0lliancee luestliooniond give tlilahp
pyltersiaookfoogsoofoI f iiofn 11pit111 SAND ELLOIR C LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES,
ing himiselfin torof.001ur 0 0.5,tootnialet PORTA BLE LAMl/PS, ETC.
lillliotA .XILr. S=NTRY1looil,o o .0asoANDHOTovaro It1HEATI.oet
Prof A.A. taney, f te Shoo ofJ. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST.
Nltotie, 1 is opending theio~c s o0 in s ________--
tay eomnple'tinog ng tranrlent frl h 0"I0 u f~x I A F r 9 1 E& f I'i 7
...I1ULLt) LIVEKY...
00.000'~. ..'.8 '"' orPatisReepios tc
I EuthymolAN
To)oth Paste CO ElSGoond and Prnmpt Service Gnarante
TOOTH BRUSHES TO MITCH E , / . .,-" ^ / ,ri 1/ .
25ยข1Antt $1.50 REDUCED TO $1.50
) ad Sx3Ohe
- Fire Numbers for
"TELMUS"Sousa and his Band, University Hall, Tuesday,
@TEBODMUS CO.Evening, February 20.
JOSEP GILOTT' I6' roo rolGo To wait until you are compelled to
GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSITONs, 1889, buys rubbers and has them ready for
AND HE HICGO XPOSTIO AWRD.wear when occasion requires-and
THE MOST PERFECT. OF PENS. APRILL'S SHOE STORE has less to pay the doctor.