H PRCiE-to close out remainder of stock-on the best line of strictly j
cnstom made shirts ever shown in the city. The patterns are choice
R E D U C E Dand exclusive, and they also have a feature long sought and that you
can get nowhere else. At the price-one forty-nine-they will he
No mistake in styles here C____ SPE '
-~ann'a~T _________TfE BEST MAKES OF
",The Niagara Fulls Route'" '1Reltsch~er, tbe Ph~otograpber. : Mu oln ad
Detroit Night Expes..........5 55 A 5M Sucli as e aphli ihman's, Waiaiarn'
AtatcExpres74..................... 7 45 nd lBruno'sanre n ale at the
FaYotoSpca..........458-U0F Eat , nSfaeberlo Mtusic Store
GOall aadTEope . . Libkertyonly 2doors fromeMack C r
Boon, N Y.and Cicago . 818........ 8 18 "
Chc~oNgh xpes ......... 91'c 7a The Fine TUai o ri n 1-ave You
Stea acehia Tickets. all Clatees. to a nd from
Europeanpoiatsa nt- 1, west rates. Fall lafor- seen onr PORCELAINS?'Fineet
mcation c tipicetitta r , Lenaof. th Ci"y.thing opt-only glcinthe ciy
o). W RO~tOLKO. It.W orAes, J1( l j U-whser.eltou anget theat
G.P. & T.AtChicago. Aglt Ahroe. SEGIIIL RtT[S 10 SENIORS
.The Little Minister. No douht a ttothler fromtihtre wil'
T7^ OA112W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119
-The Orstorital Assoncitiontnocte to Ypsilatiti tomorrow night to see
4TMs RT Sa z z S, m tiht apptearantterof tMiss K ithiitit L.I loyt'elatest ploy.,ADay ttid a Nighct.
MB 1 ABLE Olivtrtt thecleteid Scottci ttadtr, inIt comtes direct front Chicagooshritsct hes Theatre
Taking Eiecit. Sauniay, '81ay 2i, ia899. littivtisity Ith l ritary 14111h iss tinoroits style code it svtry poular. aisLeaeInnArbr yien1a.San0 1110 ildradfro.hrLwnad'ali
and rite, tiotn oftslit tof0 J.'Mt Barito'ts ctnt fttis mesuptllof elhic adn I t(1 s artl tg FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2.
bratter nstve l,"h itt t il liistti -e as;.Soch ad negro mlit s n ant
SOUrH 'OR1 H 'Iflite tasoitt 5 Ci rS Ief pecunh li- tll lists8 situat is, strunit iltta thtlrtad GOss lull- Big hprttar t ia o smedy
*No. 6.- lisa A 0 Nii I. 8 I A. l. aty forun atiis e ill ieiii aisle ts I ii intrd ce oI s plist. S sIoi it OI0 il
Ni. 2-:i .,l '(.5I >1. t\tsOtisveir11o11ant Si tsiir aiielirscorn~tt~ farua adn' o lt
No. 4.- 8:s0P.Ntci . a- . 1. i. ii;s Olin ' irsters rtais of cottish tlv os to Yft1 t) el st oloists for c a d ns B w o l t
ch ratr av c~lleitu iat~cll r- Ils h rc . Iflls' inith sense tthe- Seatsn ow oclose- 1
alga eteeAt aii or 11,10 n innl i 0111, a ci i ed'tit he1as 1an sli te prinipa51l ai trit popnids thid I fily tells whanst _____
All train lilly ecnnpt Slendoy s irs ofl fist 'ii and ' ou t olams n stliiandir nhavseefi
ii. ttte~ci-'-r5' r0 ~ Aol-citflolson s. nestttii- ethre of t, Nexir t A'es co- ie't tniaret
iet h l}prt. l tbywt. o V sis,1 PAeIn 11l Irn ad thrsosr teieols sirsIn; he;tggsoaa hAir dlit aAc 's
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann iAr- signasures.iltimese ra rssl rsli teIaciniiin e othler acts1 Mdek
Litle:\1,i-c ll"I11-1111 ad llDrm- ising5 fla ceiin thie.nnit sii l m th ~e M d es a in M~acbeth.
bor Railway. ohy ;fr - r se r~, his us e mt ir fte hare. t'ceel..ti50, 1SIP ;, le60c.
(as er o r fu Icicoil mu a ndepilani I m -itt rad Cth r tnnnnsrresit___of______
evety hafutt IroiiC n int 71 a l. h 11i aml. a ttills 5 -l n tie Artior 151ste Co0.110CrNEW TERM1
until y7:45 p. 11m - AIte ht Dt lroin s tc ii s renh ', acs edci aed inn Seio t il titcssect i c e
atds8:1, nti 1:ffp.toanitd II1:5p 1 afainhs en lt es-sts srl t i010 lclc m ns t fe t
WIaitilng riolecorltrile Atn ant i l; i ssniii ts il li a rd itn; alioe s uite5(
stes IDetroit 1I l i tes lil st. iei :- "1111o51 tn <.: )r nai% fcountls.
It.8S. Greenra'ood, euI. AChsiclagocs
nile 11t- 110 'i n er Nr
senioes file handinlg ini them
graph andli ceiiitis1s15ip111k 5
L1511 i15astolos: Ftortlitti
egner-ingssstents,5 reb.I1;
o1 'suith iionis at 12I W
and1111tl- -
'<tlonoflicle.Bot, atoc thtie misrket at
$13' 0. 421, 0 S.MainS t.'
'W e laversoom15for 12 sr 135tiioro
lossed to bortr a st5 eels, or 21 mleal!
I phto-titcts at $3.00 attParliser's Cafc.l
Ir piiic Gootdilfboasrdigusatitneil. Steswardl
liry andiciantei.it709 N. University av. 9a
'WA NTED-A parste for my 1awj
buinessP a ntl iterary. ILiheral terms
ci-t sieoffintl i wrs-f due-eiO. iMains, Losell,
ioflliitit 511103
.tdAl) lHE 1)NI I.Y.
- Wa~rrancted fsr 1 Year
Wi.Arnold, Jwee
IThMos 'Ioanne Line ocf
j) 5 'cc rnimpitroveemoets 515-
as asEWs7COURSE'7OI7C/\ _____\__LOWINEY
------___®__-----___ _ nw d rh of staentltnSitsenw ut A tihree-bour enursesinn tomatn (lee- CHOCOLATES
in r t li t &reet. -Seecity ssill be of'rred the secontd seineaser, iltnC e lscfoSa
op_________ sieto altlestdettstiho have hadi 'j
HO KNGV L EYR y15ts AnTemr ance ottleIs not curses 1,2 tnd 3, and toc others by, 1mTVe St.'
4 TRI'L S DILY 4 n 11ay t steires a brss bsand nse ilpriso.Th oko h 338 S.SteS.
Betwe eToledloand Coustcia,usinlg uitocnci font barrels ofsuvencseto dlewas0 nor sewilt tinsitst estcs ialyiccthe
depot intthettcitieo. audiecec. Thec tteritt15pisesseeseis suf- lrocnsits nandidnterprettion of fl
ThroueghSleepce toWashcngtoncand Baltimtore. iclenttotepack the teatte upon eery letoed plane of Plautuseanod Terecnec , M AKRl.
GREAT RA5ILROAD occaeion. Wit Richarde aed Canfield, Mtonday, Wednesday and Friday et3 FUNERAL
THE OCKIG V~LLEY in teir origiea l caracters ef "Mink", p. ma. in Room 9, Uni-ersity S S. The DIRECTOR
THE HOCKJNG V ~~nd 'Bingo.'"sted seeralfothaers of the eourseoin Chisrltian Lit e Lure (0) will Euemsaseily o 0)S t
Wrtfirst case, the plany witt be produced at5 ncot Ice given til year, but may be exc- mal m iaspneeigt ady. 20 "th
1 W. IMANrS,Deri the Athens theatre Ticeeday, Feb. 6 th. i peced 1n 1100-19031a C.L. MEADER.1 dence 3012 Piifthn Ave.
SSee the 'PURITAN"$ .5M
i And You Will Go No Further 1 ~ ao t
®__________ FnealDiecorUniversity J flaw lokwptn1 n dlMs.Eoh itrlLdyAsstn.oflwaiclii AiAL Ee Kn mble aa63 .at-hl AllmkS-etFn
. TA~M1 .Eanh ieereLdyAei Sho (e S opofrepirteg neatly dane i d alI o
Bath Phuons'o 08.1t W Wahing- Na. it6 E. Liherty Street. Raidence 588 5OflOI E. Lambert. Dis~
no St.. A.ti seaor. Fourth Avn, Roth Phoneais129-1