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October 02, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-02

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The M~ichiganDaily

\-Of,. XIX.

No 4.

LINE-UP SETTLED as Icingy Tt Ii-as larly rala e
upfrbytesp~lend~idI hltmTg spirit
FOR CASE GAME l ythwoebuc.
Yost Fears Buckeyes-Varsity Swokedown ltheTIcfil, mTo st cii te
Showys Real Form in Script- time i1n1 tt ossssisoToItilt varsity,
andTl when ToT teOlie-Yardlinethertie
mage, W~hewashing S Tubs Os not TTTTcI toubetin TTgtting tIe
Te dieis cast Michligan's lieupal 1thrTIough. Alrice t~~kicko tal.
fo oorw-,Cs aeis sdetermsied A fetv TmitesTo-ltr O IOnlTTTTTgot1
andTanst nd T acts- w ttTill have anT op1 01- OTway again wththe altc andT seni OdTTO
TotmitTtoT seTo-ccof wha-t te varity is sure0 tTsre rtT GreneC faildl ta block
Lethcalls e.T CotraytoOo gttcneral ex- CunnTTinghamTandOtheTIla tter spitl t-
TOO ttist Schulz/is nt tTlilely t he ig fdlbllack Othelc ruh t ie-ar in
used, Yosst beinTg anxiouTTs ta ty otTThIis woaTTTTl ~~~s l Tianedte htss ItltTTT
net mentTwhile tlOSTi-s sfe. Jefies will oaginTfo it lineTbuklandlie sored
goili(te Tati' ost. I-Icas aogi. Alolic followed i th ansother I O
-1iv uptt soTlT ell tonstttcrucottiam tttKickcsl goal
taheis tes.ttsssatccptlelc111,11,tof It wass-at thIis junscturtecYottTgvss S
the eliible n n-varsiy squa .cLey is trial atT tl. Ohli tpu td w i
Jiltl,\ -stkisst-i ws oulsghtT to beTthelist-ldolysthelvcsitt. Sculzi blockcdt
inlnefr sub- centercwill psit lft te crubs re ciint o f te ick on theso-
atklei ItTo i stssI "Capt Ramsttyc ttill s twe ty-yarl liecautTsng--hintts its ttstsi.
wokat lIt iensslCGatmbl SistavelSigI Thebg cter rid Its gatrinthe
on clucaid-tttws isotssi ui ofttttcsic igski, ibt lysucceedettdtin
'Torre,5wiTltsub a t fullTand 1a t ttssrooig o1t1)te goundstnd sst ttltanig tt
usd part of te game. 11e0play5dcwlstIIlttiscoeadffot teo saceof51 5fitscondtts.
s-tocti t TTi ttso is isbu tpedto t ) oT(f 1I0 It- l it ottand frosthsp tts ttt0 sfo
thegam byrrimt hTI shuigniasTtTTTic lst. int theivarsty
Iltts \l isto n s nt l i ly IItooave tt Ilte IballIandutti 'Sb as ndtttds1 t t
anyit -tt to moro wo ever playt- s.s-st.t- 1110 It o rey, sntditg himttt o t isforthIt
Ias-s sits ihtis shItdS andth iTs yath ititd tchdtton. \\astttttickedtt out
they cme lacssk yt t li ne l ts- a1t 5isTn- for p sititsontndtl slic oalItsdi.s
tac, ig t c i It-ns ofla 1toe TI play- )iltly pulldo ffsit pre10tty g 111 trt it
uing. (It i tthebakisl is nw. n 1t rn f twenSt t -aod.sbifore toc ' os.
game aainst irastcloge lst Sit-TTwSo wat lst fl Isl forthsertis oothim
- l.ae cre 3 o ti pot nenlt s' l~l on tst ot lititty taklel. A it ttI 'SN e
I. lh i ngtult-It oisssT is tucdowIfr te i- git tetwostco sf s tthe rai, t ing lai
its-- tig tt e its son iitkoe ly Theuctoust byl 1 st SN t llis loseshetel andtt ar
w ilto me1110 toule i pre- nttcoingt he ~citg stas st-Ttt t inuis t pnic.111
Bnk~ ebs fo t soilS. InIth Iis n tto1 tdi t some 111111dTwo tktforths crt
oils Yost i- cetin.rihhr, etingc ITttI ~TorreyI cftesIts-cpSrTtty
vstt SWAPt t4stTO ca 115 rut'0111and11sotlyt 1aftrss-dtakin th
stcrilt---,slutgterSlts 1110 pr~tin istall IfortaTubstntilsin ar11oundsthelit
liof the scst li e-s-te-cdlytin t urnTlITSforc varsis's lIt Iwting. I(,Tplayted swl l
i ltdacity inl pilingtils T cosiupont he li tetltr1n oTT.
lthe sititsWedesday.-stt -Yotst iohad 111 siit ok anttGreen000110 ha1010
it-iztperstientoiematks t mkeTtOS OTri aoundgheing 51u1p0 Iilaced puntls11111
suitcWeneltsdayssnightotandl teTresulI tsndIpaseOs forthelit f mmetl
st-,s- iiieslslinthit-i-litempr f teteam "l l ts Illw s gitentili(st- llsor Ii t ris
alt 0 ni- soxit ractio, the -risullt bingtit anOS tooIik fourlIo tIl st-fothelis ct-tilsd w
soe if 36 tso.TI hes coacl srangt helill i w-Ii th it,1it Ita'Willieilei n
another 10150 ci 111e lsht patI Iof Ite 1ut11a15Bily 1 tldedl)yitaing
0cc 115 . y ptt~TingJffries 01111)u 1 Tecs ainedtitilposssstillntof t-
cente, ino Cati SlIT tt'lo- sitti . l l on the11r1 1own1 tT 5 dtitl1110on11i0
and111hitiltingTltltI htrd. I"G 1111a115 Orimautti h11illas on11k011ibit lsti.
htltims loened tilt ga11110C11111gatherd oil Iupiion1theiii li ii-yitrt
teboo oietouga1111 d 110 011111ndsoeitoo over fi r a11 thitili ve.s-
111 i testaring0100suad and111ma111110it~s Allicet-a1111 takescittiloil
horibe 1ases tntescotltttd11f10100. I tgol- S oe i24 t Ti
faitihe and11Shut, lz likedIforcs 111011 Jffrie ls slnti 111 i0011111o
1110on onettie slarot 0111s lell hit 1111110eI t ,1 a1n0d1rginth allll
ti grcg, thlt son icte liius Iloil.rl11111 yard01001 ,1D1 oug1a11 ot-ti t hrougho thteit-llsd
appearediOyete~rat. Ie to itJayaskS oT0cor,30 to 0.
01111an i t oeas a01 Icinl lice 1110 "Babe0110 lyitsItimslbete ors it twas runnin11g
Catc tio tf otln day, 011111hIob11011)teth inigsIhigt handedoi,11111 it1010wlmiutels
inoffenc~sive nameIToiff Si.lie i t 111gilTplt gossc reenthe bito o111t11 side
lolt-fotovrits-ceIlcside0lnes whenTeeTotti kick. IDodlging attdlusingtstrigtit-
sptllel hit gav150hiltfve ins es111110si-ts,111heS passdI te ftwoscr01115stho
lie- Ie ateo 1p eosrything toatl cteto rTithelst to uchdown.i1I 11011 ' i 110fi-
his 1101y01111 askcd orfmtrttei0. Ieloos isd t0011100tTwit ils lkick aitg
tricdti 111at right guaotdi atttlelft tackle,-thlisc0010036 to o,0theicasriy sffeingl
01111 witht a1littillOleIrepr ctce t Otsigals 111o llhumil liatin. 1111e 1111ne-up
an itlhallein~lg oill tttokca opi- Vatsit. 0111115
til cintettt o fr Ocederson.s Hf-is i t Ri e ......L.. P111011ii Ni lsI
freshman and 1co sequentSlyiineligible~. 1 0 ie Cnm1111 lo t 1 .......f cf r
Yost gausT o'trrey 1hurdler0 ottnd highl Clly....... 1 111... .nlia
j111111100.i01trial a1 ftll atttli110shioe c~l S ltbcJffrieIs I CI I k.. . is o
ill115ry1wltl. 1'Coward1 t11e 01111 1fthe P i t..... RG . l...S it
1jolt it he 110-11sd toat pt1111initolt he ee ...(0.. R 1- FldmanT o gerst 01
itd othec afternon~itl. 101111111ins swenlVt sttTiiI ...QI3 I...Ttunnigham ~l
bak nd Iislit he 110game~. D lag s.... . Hi...... inne
Altogthero tpc 0tie twos promTiing. tolldl ts 111100.. I^. li-olla ii VsA\--agr
Stioeof theicotac's lielotd go-fast AlleT iltot ...R11. I 0001101 VsWls

Reformers, Orators and States-
men to Deliver Lectures-Rob-
ertson Players Billed.
Fortis cotlleg 1y0010 111Sttlcs
Iec~tre asocialOtionTf 11e0unille rsity
prsnts tit te faculty, sttdetts, oandt
peoleOoil AllisAror, tsc strotgsti110-
gram llof Tunit trsiy stpeokros whicthotas
cvr 11001 offere re to. it surpasses anTiy
00111100ne,1111 ompar1OSion w illSothr
unitsercsitistshowsothaoilit is qualtl hit
noi otheur instituTtilt ill Amelrca.
ITce liI f setakertstfor tis yar is
nnneillman10re1pcts.I The roTigram11
is enstire-ly 110w. 111t1o11110sonhvin Ttlg
del11eredtn addressfiris thesociaint
beforti. Fott hecfhrsTit te TnoITe of 1110
"cit an dr11 hi"ceum burlT auhllcisl0trers
tos itoeOT otgagdlby te asstoitio, fill
thei speakers thiTolspe lrs~olly ot-
cepted the110ivitat hill toseaok at 11h0
Univ-ersit f 'Mihigant.Itteachucas01e
oheoadduess Ths 110-e1 lchoen exr00sl
itchhs 1no1 tftnei stedlcin llfome
wars. tFit tos aSTeptat110ion11ii 111
mhclilt f it-ewrld hichilsisnot
mcceintsharaotrb.ut pretuliO ~oTO it
it- effect . Asoue professr1101s sai,
Itis ;1 gootd, solid up 111 of noitbleh 1101-
pleii 0a11 tecaratoctoiter nd-repttintof
cach1 imerit 011 auiceiogeatr thisu
Unsuitoiy I lol 00111hol.
'ilec assoition haT uos gioeto Isgreastx
11111510inT 11o01inthe sp110eakers05farthils
year, tutndi iok for 110he u tsl 11support
of theunvesTity bodyi. Asint former
years 111110cociptos-ill b ito e1001t1
differet 1sudetlorOgnTiatinls ontilhIe
A tcso fcaturec io thec appearancelt0of
iuu I. in U ives-uity- Ifall, ITTISotur-
IdayODTceimber 5 Tis coTTpan~y thut
p s-tdinittall t isi ratTIctis of th
-tutur oild ttuthetlrgslt.TTierit~lis,
tiroitcksciringtuheuchigeslt raie
fo drmtic citics suund tos itelr-
ested in te l s enationt oft u ahtiso t-i il-
mSinsing Ienugneoeruin t-ilhellsordTiwo Il is
pre siet - IoTT tith;A icano Io- stitiute lie
Migott It-ti lchs, i ll ef i ve TO rteolt i
grut fCeilsRholitsTfotsufhis chsi
aotiOxord.By mansou f hh ~TT'I i sTealyIITo
lis-ve atssuidt siftITdentsin mtny Iofll
th mii sssussucof itisountsry.150hrutgTTh
him iou-hiita os tioTns1111vIT 110en1se-
enti repuulica aintauu0tT~I tT llhile is an
soratrcsf Itic gioatsltability
Justoic Dossi Jflurwer whooup ie~is
at ight poTsition inItThe ubl~icTTlifof tie
country, s- tell as T intejuiilTt is ts
stoakols "Thes iss'ionofIThNils NationT
us thiusekootto f Peoac. Pssessing
groeassintiolloctsuaowerTs andu bit tlito ts
111110atub, liclutaslorisenfrilmsthosi-o
tions 1f a o uns~g lawsyr aottlhe uoutnct ou
thit supremeOouTrCtTTTof the Uiel Stotes
l~aouusKogoros Takoiios, the JapansTe
amubatsssdto r sthis coutrTTiyis tu visit
lth uivesitylinIthosriTTg, whenlie
isill udolier0111oaddrts s t ue sf tis
yesscor ea~okrs. Iei aoITsinitTeres-
111g tutpers otusand iihishigiTh postiioTn anTd
gretbil oiiiy OassuTTe biTrothoage OanTd Oi-
pia~c~tie tatudinc.
MSiss Tlarbell is te is foot anTTTtoS1
appear s oneITO uf tTe associaions spoeok-
er, or mu0Talit yas iBelvedul by all

womenT d o ntTTII TItoildby1 mellsht-sbetcatuse-
have sparicuslarly lbuge til hist when
ife Thivs tlihhaddresssl sthou i hi
ofi tiiho centennisasslhclltT hl-ssy ofth
spbeakeru and lhats oacit-ar,;top;vi.
The otilrospeiakeros areits het I list.
CihrlTmagneTc 0soersoas spetthe it
lost ohl-seOTTye011 in tesitu lomatic1110 ot
s- c of tuis countriy : Johnu MSitchell,.
'SAmeriuca's gretehsht lbor leader; thei
lion.1 W. Bohurkelos oscitittfaous s Oanti
o10tor;1WolliamstLloyd Guth rrison, whtilis
Cait ~us certain soul s reorsso ; astd
hiltdent otheUirs situ-osaiossia
who i is a 01 ooi1hahttt hg 1o1at111, 0111d ;. S.
'Si oClusso- -etilsrso f ii SiC iotsts uitoigo-lt.
loh)lt lE105T1111(1(11NINT10(1
IlITNiI li-illliib; I)AND Ni 'IN
Tile uiverstiitty us IMii Clist o -s p
Oil il t to-ilek tiul tootb l l ls
\S t asmeeth~ o ingt hutsd pepleldlts
Mi tht, ts--i t110111 li ts re madeho 1111111ii
Of trts toii tck siltl isth po t-I 1 1
it hot muii ans. It s f s h ttusri
i~ ntii il i (prong1 tth llsd it fsor 111
of this besi tt sn s i okhe Uid Sttes,
Sliha intr t h tlteshsip of"Ie
Fischers, stillsthistotopesuitonoistoi
athlet so sit toti sl itand theu 'Sichiigan
Th ths-tic to s toll s lus prio-Th set
tr sipth Ito h hluls ll fors this IooMSate
10110C. The,'Sclg ITO i soutisotpete
o furnuish I 1101 ic 5101 the1Alaspetns
hossan is re obeig hit-it tToosc r o
sp ilehs o1511 C l T l t or practi.
Titusofficer1s lasot oightu1whotepttToo
ho sg- membsiuhilp. o(plica
l paesiill besecurdsbeoreelecion
sc-tout of pIingisio ts w sill bhocst
t iliscsh tu nd a room oul i-tait- stet willu i
besecouredti fli theIto ii-I ti o11f c- sgs
The neitwlyius ectedo-ucss are : I us
50.55uIse il i. 00501 isetr, il ipl
Conilats for shot-posititn oif1110k
stagr ill beiou osssouussoSa turda hoy.
'So IS the 051st 1111llte catanl sut oil til
isorack hlteam sill oappoint he1 anidaes
Cap~tasins IDuslhi s h eots itt o sn o suder
' osspsituuttluoi tash sill sannoouce;t hou
miesof theiwo-m110 ome
Nt1 I. i

Mass Meeting Will Afford Oppor-
tunity to Welcome New Men
and Cheer the Team.

I elt ---itli-ist os> s ususIIo f
is c- ; n si of sOll
'Sil hoI oaster---sooso iall. s
h~alr ot Slii o-i is--of.s a
co liii ususor th lo stsuhid los
t) h n a hu Si ill h isl(
ho t V hIo ksillt is u nu n,.1Iis is
h\ ho ii us iii ou h;ill c m -1 ft
ohati o t iIlh faso e"l
t(o foomi , 'Mlhis(, I iater still Ie
11-slo tush 11prctllill so 's 1
stih ill lieu sed-u ath O w Ths ;d ill
sty ill lie too usshosooss he 11 rst-

ilt ( vIii
ilo sol
1 ,(I-01(
f lt. T()°

lo Ouchitg-sos loshd tos
Shil ossuoslougo-s {)f the
01111 oflite.-athticIi
ittoicith oty. Neo tl
is httsisosheonitsos-i 1

'Si idolr
ss ho tt


Jissss )-e iso occh r cf tI
firt m i ng. Th y ll S-I s sAll b
Sidl Sit sth ts +f ilO 1550 1 -
WS'totitlsuorsident ()f tho udenlo C oss
stool Niarr fth 0 ." 1I ful
tou Ihis o explao~insi (} Is oil auo newl at
'luohiu ha ,il h e Itc lof i m
huts. Poaly see i Hlot usll
ras s wosill aiso he msolos I t5thati me
rce h ir fthe ho1 h-so i- o
su eetooldhoosieli sohII ili ohe ~j
of sltht o or i~ ti 511 l lru o tool lhit
theo ahi c l so ssl Is he Sill eascI
'Siciug Prt. Cen 'SoAdls whoi
iad toss h t ing
tlls i spomsdsoheo bu
'Sichigansos sog
Liii y si suitsceis lve k15ar
Shuet usCouni0 nd igoousy Cll


The he oheeting till b1:s li
Is :4511'cok T5 oot
(6105. Not ohIui- hits us lot
ity partsu f tn1C O ss
allowedosinsidolo ths hll. '1
hlots ie s etfr l isaly h
ta ?t1 11110 11n1ot 0 ll t o iii W


.'ShssstomplassIins havte.colie o s ii the ~ o ittililoI
suiesmracroft lis )t-iluithlat p-51 1 -Iili'SN f high~ SIhN
TperstTTdelveredtoo to uthiuscriers0have
tics, pehapiols thuousghtlessly ssinu-l It hoistslobt grae ie-, wcrT
beenssfaithfullyo endeavosi o erv 'Song V los his is11 a
lhtst sof newitubsc100 rsanthe p 05\wery 11. tre
0001001ofpaprs yoosuhsubes\ ollss s on is si reis ts o s is
hsobrlout lis tsuvosomaitshefforftts omadoil toolmaossthe
a ish o t to s h oi ts 11 1 gi is o s is s f el th o ii u so I ceuo s h is

st'Coinl ll

$2.50 Per Year Phone Business Manager 960

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