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April 02, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-04-02

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The Michigan Daily



No. 1I9 3

Given at Granger's Last Evening- Yorefadrensaeivtdo bnWs kow to .ofM Botany Section Gave Interesting Pm.
Quaint Features-Amusing Pro- ated the Annual Faster Monda studnits as "Tug," the star guard o1 gram in University Hal Thursday
gram Prepared of the Dances Dancinige Party, gte tnlby te'Spaishtj lliga'ss eleven tit 1911, has beeni Afternoon-Addresses Deliver-
Grinds on the Class. War Vteirans at the Atrmtor yModatyapoited citcuit court commtisioner ed by Ann Arborites.
_________ crviing, April ll, 8:15 oort. Cardsot (rat ot county iy(Go. IBiss. MIr. ____
The Senior Law class gave their canttits iroctredi at te( Atrmiry ottev- 5 5'ir asilat' last oificesat Si. Lous, Thie metig of the Botany section
April Fool party at Graoger's Acatde- eniiig f paurty, 75 ier couplte' The 'and it'ielolitthe uttst popittlar amonsg it the Acaiesiy of Science was Bea
my last evening. The entertainment ietuamogssOtrcetstra has poittiisediIlls yontger lawyers of tie cunty. ihsrsiay ailernoons. The foilowitgiso
was replete with quait and amnssing att extra insip'rogramtltf msici. A tie is tos ctacit Atta colulst's fotttal a partial resume ttf its-,rtgram:
features which caused great mrriClgotd tints is assuresd. etsesetinext fal.lDr. fG. P. Buns disctsset "Thre 'co-
ment throoghout. "Stunts" of vartis --,-- --lgial survey itofts tron river,"
kinds were pulled off after evry SENIORS VS SOPlS [ORESTRY DISCUSSED Misaua Warer takedi ons"eg n
dance. All thirsty coples weetet-l _o__ruat inolost tis atnr slittig;"
ed to an' electric shock at every visit Basketball Teams Play Each Other to Dr J.W Clark of Washington, and Atls AMay eds'ntold1toitt"Cnitins
to the drinking fountain Ther old a Stand Still-Another Tie Game Prof. Roth of Michigan Read In inltenintg regeteratioinsit th fHypo
fashioned circle two-step was one o No Decision Yet teresting Papers on Forest cotyl fit inurntiit Usiatnmtn;" Miss
the amusing features of the occasion UtilizationAtitabel C lark tldsio "Regense'aton
The dance program was pintted in Friay aftertoonut 5 o'esoktee 5of the kpisiesyl in sedings of Vicia
the form of a race pragram some 01 seniss iti saed the' spthomosrtsin "'h'ise ncrasng Ctmmteriat Vasiuea'aban issiftinSt issm;Miss Jla
the enties eing as filos bshktbal, andsfortttelthiirdtimte this ofi a 'free"sot'ctupiedl ts Furst ry set'- Hays'sdistssetIThe Age' sitElea-
I.Ten Less Than T1hrteen (See year the amteresultei n ast aits.atdsiolnstsfsthitsMichigatn Aaseny o iotsat whch Stems Sosw the Strng
page 10 )Gliver's lectures) Fsactors- fotithe secondt ine, n sit sit nexa Sciee' yesterdiay lie J.iW.fiatk.osflestrspose;ss'" B. N Ftletolsd of
2f0.' Dos Your Ma Ma Know Your tra i titeinut5slaythlt trteminsid Wtashintontstgas's, ttme' intrst ing "Statttyss funtottn tt starch graits in
Out? Music hy Faculty. uWads - hr fitta scoe.s'Tihe'lint'-sitfortfitt' statsttissIsis gensrratasisets ofi lst'-ts roistips"A W. Person esnsi-
17. Everyhody Whistle (otchesra tainsswas as folssws'Sesitor'ssu-bsi-e stry rss"Ti'heOccueniuc o Bassijorimi
gone for refreshments). Musicieans -es, isss EnyatMiss AWilmerst Iittits Prsf lsiissrt RothslositMichiganfalarun o llatsd in Michigan."
19. Last Lap. Bie str ansi make Miss Permnsitceites, isMss Yekes,5sswedihosw the' statsssf Mihgai As te titles insicae the asdresses
goodi your sprint. 1st prize nsote ivMss DicktisontNliss Dibbtstetgardi sssuld ssseits ile'landi fsr grwsvng were sfthisihlytehniical taturesansi
en, 2nd, your treat.5Miss lirjr i'e'Ku its rMiss'eWhtimostiltforss wsshiis wouidise srvr'its citzens cosntane'sIlite stintsereststhe fa.
Several of the gritds which embl- iMiss Ahdrig.S' phomossnsrs'-bsasetssi t cni tr Iies itPr f.ssoshgase ustati ans
ished ftse program are printedt bssow:iihiss taweyMiss ilisaslirust "e' Miss is tss prositsistsargu't. Hei-shsesw IrissiI C.Ruseltresdedee sver the
"The committe wishes flu inormntRenich, cunters Altss RiftutiMss usiusow itarge'.pars oirumay sfthe mtitng o thstGeography ansi Geolougy
the ladies that proposals will riot be Caughrey, SisIDavis. g'uau'ds tiissl-it',tats inthteuiion have hunrds sit sectdtisis, which meet in the museum
aloud in the halls. This rule wilt beso sn Miss WiisurMiss tGre.n .cro.sitfie landsiwhich coulduiibtetus leeture rososm Theiaes''given were:
strictly enforced." le siositi haulth' sosuiut i ske ft'' 'usaily utuze'stAs urthlisprtooftiofsitBestRocTo'Ipgahiy f tue Suth
"The committee feels hgslyhonor-thelut hiafiatt fit stie stay sasltsvauesosithSis planthe espeiceenn uissinsua itt Micigan" iFrank
ed in securing the srcestra fto act as sowthe' girls dtidtnotu warms tirot i 'iiGer'm'an'yufnitpromottinthe itests 1 rtt,. tits cty The 'Theory
chalerons this evening." iturk immedusssiatslt, andettutue fott u st ON-st tit sat otswas gusteus The' utf C its's Depotsuitin" iDrA. C.
"Carrie Nation, who was invited to itsre sultedi uturng"(te list hsiveumi nsetns-iiofsitthec adsityuswill biscrustsan sit Lansng'"The Develomen
he present sends her regretsIbeause'rtes tian st intue re'Silst f t's sumeS iust today.ioflie Ignes Magna"tDr AC. Iane;
the committee hadi previsousltyinviesdrhitsphosilss'rs'st ts' altiii the' -'Ariesians Wells Along thr Nrth Shore
Joseph Parker. She alsis restuestusd unorth couitS alumosst immedias'tuls'ystilt SONGS WANTEDsit Lake Mchgan,"fDrA C. Lan
that the stickte fatten out of the itsfosre tesenuiors wers' awars' what___"T Ihe fiatcers itt the Three Sister
hunch." wisappeings"Mss lit'sat itrisdgs'the I iy wasf iin utsg ia lonugfelt wait la I,,"Prof.IC'ussetlsit this
"It is said that the Lawsetarment star playr itt tic sophomorettt55s idt siuci re tlPcty'"'The fGlacal Geoltgy it th An
ito resides'the iUniversity self-sutp- tnsomevry re1tty wilt ai Instutu.,hSli t hi pigasn oko i-Aubortitsisange,''FrankLeIvertte.
porting. A fee of 50fc wilt e chargedi batliad asciasi aiskets' tby ia tlotg ntllet icig"a stin"gssIn sthsis ThSairycinestonpe
for naking or attempstinug'tmatte' athrow, lThe tsts a'h'scn ase as'inut'm ila esydlteiua tigdu ils itlsassonithe tcsonuthssetss lien-r
recitation, anti $2.01))fr smossing pliv-ly SM tiss Pesrmnut sr lthe' sniusr sNuto iiita s'iDostutssi.ssta teti sasi t i st'he stew meiaui.leesnsur
ileges tittheufonthestepss"amreSpBittI werw ai-is.fi-tautewithiiPut C.I fMarshalsit te Agri-
''Tears welsed to thseseyessositthe '14 haltivas cttcl. htet h usat OHwletaht cliisttur Clege as ciarman. The
laws as they listseedtot Fayling'siles fBothteamsuhanitwarmeus iltoSithSesir Ms.Jodai ad I I orF.N irsgsuuSuot''tc. ir ittesPs
that gowns oisustsitutedl fr spirngwortkisnite. sicon sltutndSits itty u'itw i' hisstsstteuusuus'~ rthIstitute sr thus'Ya' Endinsg
suits." was nuchsi nmore ittrie i" ls'u sissuit. Tesihsie iswichassetiltswirth
us is. caerer'inu te titlist, husc l- Apil i1 1 1'' i D '.'T. IIB. 'sooly, f the
"It has hbeen suggestesd that assas sphomoctres ludsoutite's''excellielins sSi sus'st uSpiass- li sUniutersity PsrsonsaHiyguene for
sesment e levied oisisthe clasa toitstg, Missientwirl'satchingreing es dire ~ ctitSsit fh' )uiiersiti tSchooltof I,fe's Aftetnosns,"iMrtimers'Wilsn,
provide the. memberso f fle ibaseball tupecialy goodss. Theusindsiidual wrk Mss's drht tltst elAumnusiAssoita sithissUtivterst y"'Stintstrobhlems
team with clothes asets this year" f thitsesn'i'usrs waits exel'lent; Miss i-tit nSntr cec, ,tyL ifr
"While quizing the sniors'sinsRail- yar,as suwys pliayedtel suh, Miss Mr ssitaeared ee rt-Dmsticta Scnceins's Rflmya itis';o
way law Pro. Knotwftonsasksedha msenu- Whtimorissiesdhuusetilly stll t. Stits .tiu' ttg lsrSarut usssa hntsry s'ttt'iiiScinc,"Mss t'riessLyf o
Pen' what were the pissers sifa ail sulioftile haf, bosth siet is tumds' esu, t i -;o thiseuuusrunlitholharye grad-a"TaryOujetus'f''CoMsskr-sit Shols,"'
rolaisandireceiehsyhthissweucthat atiaskettuest Yeakhslist fheuseniorsitisssssslss'uCyrinster; u"iron sa''
roadandseciveh te asswss' isa a i '' -s ur lit .stttuir ut. iio inst yearsAs;yet teec'ae Bs es i'tteu r Iss n
they were steam,eetricityshyoPisestutuiss Hastley sr hut'sophomotssres. beinT irRltotoheFd
etc." T e'irs eid d ss la ff Iuthe it- tutusons reprt u s't't""t itt tits fst hisscollehg 'h isI ii Ilss 'ra ut shls uu
"It isrepsorthetoisisgoodssauthority ins mitextrs-sttessminuts.'s ettilr sls eisiii in utsim mt hu suusi f i Mss 'en'htYarshussWork ite ieuu
that all the players sit the Seniosr Law luist"a'shuts-hs ns'e Au. tS-slrtutu- 's-u t insg this- maittrins sliusg', iesuh'uuY ms iareiI m us Bc
cutsit suts luu siltiiitheAttils 'uiugus'uuExainuuatiomustsDsitn~sking
fotbshall team havesented iigustsI cus ittiutuethss at swhot ni te'sa t Setic "r e' serxtsts t hattst i'eu' e shi-il u Drus itt V.Vaugan; '"yphioit
tions as coachies fr snest.all. An uls-isf sssuuuusttuu ssai lt h,versmusnushoitlwd be rem-huum Wiliams
ex-captain has receivedulaiurativten'ofhustir'' thus'lits'couuldish Si~c' Ssst. ilt'- - ______ _'WhturehuM illsIPrucu tint Meanst10
fsr to coachmsuie of the 'Ioledo Grfan- ins"'thiss'remainsinguu"stinus isneutir thie'Prod uctse,"'T.'F Maston; "the
merScool. y artcuarreqes sde ud a.bake, s te cor r- ALL PLAYING IN THE STREET sigificac annulPrIution ofmsitWalk-
the nams of the schsoolhis wthhleld." uauus A2t 2 rGosrdonusMill," a 0 Jhinon; "As-
_lusmttus whitehiis evsentlys sh h aI 1 iocissaivet'Achitts of Bacteia ins the
SENIOR PIPES AND STEINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLUB DANCE. 'd lhe atitn Itiltniof thi stsuttensts 1istells. urings'oit Sil" C.IE.Marshall; A
pacthattere s ,s city oritsnhuaces'Istuisuus ins tutu studlPsysics-What
The 1904 it upipe anti stein cimli ss'Thudancto behutits"et-btihe huscfus-itt ituHl sitayits hatt inithits tets.Causesite list his sRotsaton?"t t"B. B
tee have selected thissclass lis'sannulMo5n5ain'sums fl G fransgerr's MondayseIhis ordisnance l iktuaigood ma ny oi th-hBatsr'"GuttsSlhot itWouns anTet-
stens. hum making thus seecthinttshey ight Aplii sthus hrst at tutuitifhut,5shtutu' is suis'wstchsihetisfsullis ustakteantis,''T. I. Coley
have chosen aupies anti stein Isis'sen I Pu' shunts(ittmuta'itigins Sis mius ''uluiar sitlights insenforing,"'hree Prui.t.I. itPitilit, ftht' Agicul-
iors of she 'Uiversity o1 Michigan t15r anusproiseuuss t hie-a vesr t'ry ''a 'Suesus weres iars -re-seus itt' smithd ural Collegesiwas thurchainman isfthe
and not for senior Titstinly Tissueart'a'tshndussuccessfu culsvet.'tttuttseistoispsy cstssfoit'thisoelsa- Zoolohugy sectiomuss hisspsogam was:
tinslwhen depatmentatluitsersucs Thissrorms a'ns're' unuius' ic tha1usionussfis l awusositwicut hu hy were 'A sathistical Slimiy sif Conjugation in
and disinctions shouldibe aiti asde; -thily re'masetpttufstause'S ofirstuiuilustSt. ware Iasmit umtus ss srvaeussr- arasiussciuum ItsiRaymondulPearl
when then-s shouldshbe justtefur elass- tlios asmithe times itttssant tisseuigntut uu-sits this' ssttt-sritte1155that uoters smithMary Burr; "'Atshosuin mulCtivat-
es in amd of the entire hUniversity. A hby wel ktownuwsesris exprtessions,:ri- libeto isustffer liihewise. Sitsu it-tg ure trhans of Paraueciusn," F.
pipe and stein haye Peen selectedsh hat thuslaguagehbeitg' chasracssteristc iof'lhis indsusst'pre fer his haveusosmeisbody F'saces Duba-r, Anus Astrb; "On the
will be a valuable souvenir ft uny the west throtughut ethat ejoyt hei spe ssndinsg'monsey this Ocurrencses of a fill hut Ph-norbis
senior It will ise'ass infornmalh ftirandh itei lillwith gos tsosmesssuiables llacs Jean tDawsn, Ann Arbor;''Variations
The pipes will be solPy Mr. . . hashbetntdecidtedthatSislannsuuethshirts t111,1 al.ins Fourms sitSucina Be'lis," Bryant
Jolly, State street. The design is a are usoheswornss a disingusing fetu- - - Waler, Detroit; "Nofes on the Mol-
medium sizedl luar with a large los ture in riss. DR THIEME'S JOKE. tusks.hRepties ansi Amphiians of
M~ and '04 inlaid in silver in the ow. All western mustsari' ctriallyintvit- PrcsupineusMsunain, Michigan," A. .
Rubber stem will cost $2.00; amber cii ftstints sut anth maktuwistirte Dirh hitsme sof the French despr- tttttheu, Ann Arsor; "A New Type uof
extra gathering isthusalmusem,Is succeeait nuncusmsei ins Wdnsdlitay, his Cerianutlhd anti its Sigificance," r
The stein will be sod by Wi. Ar- andestablissh if as. a regulasr anualouni ussr iPs freshmen slasses that hie Playair Mc~turrich, Ann Arbor.
nold, the jeweler;' The design is a event in ftse hapenings ifthetitubuh. wouid give a written test sns irregular-
large, plain pewter beet mug with a R. S. SCiIMuIAh, verbs Frday as this class semiei to S. C. A. ENTERTAINMENT.
Michigan seal and locke 1904 upraised A.tB. REDFORD, be weals suithIis subhjet. This be-
in bronze. The price will be $.50. L. . RAICI, tg isse ositimstis.dsifficul parts of At Newberry Hal, Tueday and
These souveniro will be here in Cmmite. Frech, the anosuuneent causeds a Wenessday, April v ansi 6, Col. C. H,
ahot one week, --- great sial ot mntssal anguishu anti the French with give a series ot ilutratedi
McCOY, MEDICAL LECTURE, Sburning ofiimush mid-isghtsitstun the entertainment on Japan, Alaska, and
PARKER, tDr. V. C. Vaughn.ceant si this arisit thu reshumen. Wehen the Cubha. The proceeds go toward the

BOULGEK, Medical tactulty, deiversed a lecture chess assembled yessterday motrning!I 'chool room decoration and the liP-
33 Committee, before the Students' Medical Chits lash: armed with hltuoss, tDr. Tiesuse rary fund.
evening. The meeting was helimu thu gravely announcedl that as time ci-ass
TRACK NOTICE. West Amphitheatre eof thus new instil was noiw doubtess well intfirmedh sn IOTCIE '06 LAWS.
All track men except C. C. C. re- cat Puiding. A Iargtestumber si th th le suibjeet, he woulud omit the exam- All candidates tor '06 baseball meet
port at Ferry Field at 4C The C. C. C. medicine.. stiudents were presenut ftIns- intion. Then it suddenly siccurred to ini trophy room ot gym Saturday, Apr.
squad will leayethe gym at four ten to the address sun the t"uutues and the joyful treshmen that ht was the 2, at 10 a. in.
o'chock today. ReK'sponsibilities of the Physician. first of April,. REINGER, Engr.

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