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March 02, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-02

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i i .



No. 114

....our Special Line of.... (CHANGES IN CONSTITUTION OF THE ATH-'
Foreign and Domestic LETIC ASSOCIATION
FOR SPRING ------__-
President Verdier Petitioned to Call a Special Meeting to
has arrived and is ar- Consider the Adoption of These Changes.
ranged for inspection....-
sor wnent in the city,
IFor a long tmac it hlien rafet IthaettThrar aition to o ad tial
Cooity clangrs-Wight le tadto the pre hnge fomi the ldiconsituttitin: I
6. . W LD et ro trintof theatiltica ruea'itittit. Article I. Section .
T hrptitionito Preienct XVetir.wriiclt At itl 11.. Seton t.
[Os E. Washington St. is prn hid elowtgeteriritti it igner-s. Article tI.. Setioo 4.
wiill preibably tri tt tir etetitatict ill- Article Il. Sctio 7.
relt inisattichclatge beieng omadre tatti the Article I v.. Sectioi .
probittbteIradtltitintiof the ret it c tititit- Article tV., Sectitn .
tionas rined blow. Article V. Sectionit2.
W~ATER COLOR ttpitte Aricle v.. Octin 3.
.+F .li PT ITItON T0 PRESII:ET Xt't( Article V. Section 4.
OUTFITS j1DER. Article V.. Sctin i.
reoa ir i ter ier. tresidertt A hltir A.- Article VI.. Seti it 2.
Article VtI. Section .
AT criittiIArticle tX. Section .
Believintg ttait certai caige i the j .Article IX.. Sectioti 2.
onstittitoniofatthe atihletir assoiatott rati Arie tX. Section 3.
hr i + eirt the a-vantage of thleltir itt Article t.. Sectiot7.
I DE S trsin te nierit f liliga, Article X.. Section .
PHA MA Yaigieteeb perrtiiotn ytoti,mndmieti .
Pa1 A MlC a spcial it iin g ioithetltictheir o atce resrce
lso io te tptrpotise atf -titch tirrtng fo h odcn tittii te. rcli
rengt ucnier the aop i tt lfteitctttttit
YOU KNOW where to get..., -hageswi a r eitpntiot n rticle It. Sectiet It.
13t ttAredci VtirSicrcioicretitilt Werharvt iii eXnieachVchangticti t
.A GOOD LUJNCHIgeted XXrlicarecosierat iog n e-t- Aricle AX., Sectioti .
ANiD ntrtefi ointr u Aiith irticl IX. SecioS.
hr r lthat hr aeltitiit ofithrm ill p 1 i roe tiieittttieitt t Sectin 2
S MOKIE tof r tgreateefit othe atiltlticrsoca
Ri . 1.Jolly, 308 S. State Street.iugh- iitrat- Danorli. tt . The1pnic oNtfL t,..sca
N - :eil Sntti. FXrnR ushttottshll le le Utivierit f i ch ligeti
THlE l)E1tXNl7FOR... Ediwin Mfinntis. S. W.XLacrt Athletic .Associatio.
Ho art a y,,I ie. tra (aiptll. II ii. t.-Sec .rt letttlcr-thipthalltei
Trowbridge ' X... ..tBrowni. Dtint\ I t t. i oind-ate-tctie etitilet-ciate. Ac-
I. K. Craft. AXXW . tLive immberhrip shalil ud e br
Chocolate Chips T I otio.CaleDoa. o l eatet fteU fMfc
THlE ORIGINAL) Jet. Strasbutrg Jor S ttilti t piy, aluttmni adtie d ilrgrdltetc- wh
XlI Lit-itg-tet. G . G ( r iae ad l tannutiatl iuetuuitr-iip er itt
LUIN CH Crl .XIcihait (ht t ii Ott - a; l ires teirtiithoihare Ipaidlai aiii oi
ISINCO P 1 F it XIHOU-T KenetrPtter. Jas. ItI t Citit. ii ettrilte-i iofit$3. A.V.-itetmembatier
TAIIN, N I O 1^C~<,IY -itiliir i e e i-en elit tre-el ate l t ail vi e ute vicin te managemen
Q C t l x iPiAtT cEpa uiteNulerat e consiti. ititt it-. fdi S ar-c. o2. the tee-itic a iiicviti
tie alit noll ctetitti ist ti ngr s.tr e h v
CAMPUS DRUGi STORE tck itf -lice tire tt- prit iitigg od tteilctinet-oiit themr f they
letyiiwill pitout ttithere t e cantge iee cllege yeartt
.tirritittrI.. ,d~,g..~l.benmae) chta.1Ill.Sec. i. Tt lieanfiarioitt tli
-Iteio n halt ceniti-t e acetelcit
IFirther iiarino cange-rotre ithee cOnu cat - t iiectir, iirlu itghe gradtite
1. iiiio intitan ger.abaeblti ant e ii h rlea eotbarlcl
FEINCE RS Article1maaeamngrotacahlis
Article t.. Sectioti 2.ad c uiii-, ta ttanagerofittiter - clitic
''FOILS 4 Aricle Ill.. Sectioti . athtletics, a teattstrer.aneamitnatittcittiec
34 in. Cotlauxz blade, Article VIt. Section 1. retery. Tthettirnd shalt choose rentit it-
belguard, browit Articte VIt Setion 3. owni itnutiber a chairmantandietcordinig
handle woundl with ArtcleeVIII. Section 2. secretaryawIo sailtttsetehrmaeinuteineit
+ red cord, per par .$3.00 Article VII.,Sectionu4.eoring sceat ofteahlteicats-ocia.
j Soingen blade black Article IX.. Section 6. their astcesoaca are eectedt, The cap-
handle wouind with Aril- . eto .riso asblfobladtakah
ec ppArice XI. Section i. l fcs nd ens a atndal etig
FieqAliyK irS IThe-e are slight ecangrs trot the old ofth te otrd of diticetor. ut they -Ialt
eantrlnee mesh with * cottuition in taeioroea hirtteig.
S ear and face guard Article III. Setioni 3. Se. . The ecairmnandair reorinitg
per pair...........$3.00 Article ItI., Section 5secetriay shalt haeethe tioual powert and
* GLOVES± Article III., Section 6. perormt the nusa dities of ich oficer.
± For right hand Article III., Section 8. -- Se. 3. Ii addition it shalt e the
,heavily padded with Article V., Sction sday of the recorditg secretary to obtain
gauntlet,' eack-...$1.25 Article V.. Section 3. andletp a onplete record of the nm-n
gArticle VIII., Section 3jber of el-cry athletic leant organized by
' T4 ~ ~~Amendment 2, Section i.Cantincnae 9a

Filiptnos of Thus Tagalog Dstrct f-
fered Up Prayers For. Brya's
Election-Prof. Patterigil's
Interestitg Letter
Prim tiu ifrirndIn iithe Phtilipptine,
ito. titi-t ttee ittitasIlisthec ttgtdltge
aelortgniqueltt and1 to lii eitiiprfath
er.ythi citwasut teire Cli.yith I-gtitltgs
tigutu. TeTagalogtinhbicitulCnoth 1-
stronly inOuitri-iduteth oli-' occ.
1-ite-tirirtt- Asuthtrei payeuureo
lit -Taalog."tilt Nit, . I19WIel-ectioti
daty) i Aug tittitrtiiag-tio Its
Llao (Thec Light). :ti lMuiltpaitter,
pitdtlhatltiiTtagttlug tanuthalf ii
leunutitt. Thu praeryptttatedtuol ouy il
thet Ttagtalig ltill
"iWeiac- tlmtitntitCle Irettkig of -t
stetio iiutee ays. lTere- ftll n
tout thatt it isnthlroeughtuthe let-tin in
peritnt ruinu raitoe tblct
tllW. it apltarsiutheluy tannoituce hpo-
trilut:I1ft-rtic teithte rintlt if fle
etetinsu uay hritg uti ilie"fort-titet
Wherefore tont utuevtutnmthh t-retinf-
fete itilute griefa.
sastatiiiithe trepublicn httieliu-
dtemoucats.to. le.lii t a iwoi. bthtumayu
trluit hini ttu u- Iiitttiilt
littl tihis ucititielu-ueii ttu- matny
falt thein- uuuutut thin in tilt u-n slvt
nditt hnstu i llut-i ,l -rult I: lit tutu-
rlie-thi neutouf hulliri-e-1is, LottI
from11all 1il lluuit-ti uOi
'Ot u ti t Hlu-aytei i ign-gte ii
te 1revilon thinut-tii ueinhi-u
at-c lit
lul t i ec ulesn-ythat ein alli hukno-u
lu-uQ liii I- it utti !"ii I-ost e - thut te
ili 0f! ic.
L~d telr-ipshto hir tine li
"so C i . th en ll .at
-loi-y :,t rt- i-. glorye he- Ameica
Clr t te so tiltflthe ttin itit: i
"h'l i ltoii nullSia lin, i i t t-
cit-f , lrii ftoluherhted-i. i- tIe
ur tubtuicteu teI i-. itut
lt(nee. -. Lor. Gui-ts holittle lsn
ti t ciaieitin.
"Iol r ht-tinth iitt ttuei lin.t
"Heol n- teeyth.hsb hu
"ltllhe-PiliptiesI - thiutt ie
-t. trratutiiti iatutihtliou.
ituoiuutit-Amertiiica -li iurtut-Iha
:Cr ncduuendece-iiiuuY- t-c-win
The lift- of Ag Itlttldo- thug it le fr
hi thtottsattdl3ears.
"b,, title-bue it that of getiereul.
".Fatitttlioii uf tatti--ituaiespies-be
ttet strutng. -Ioufttier POinalay
(shttrtrtf -teetret-lie thonue"Otr
gimii--be thou great.-
fl"Iy Thy3 merry, Lor, ttrse tetn
thtat wttch nter is-Do so then,
tortu-All thiis. Lord, so be it."
IfluttiuCh~attdler w-io has]tuenitatinas-
sistattini the botanical labtorttory for
the past four montshis acepted a
position ill the -shools of Eigh,Ili.
Sitetill teach botany arid piysology


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