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June 02, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-06-02

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c>. 379
TALUABLE PUBLICATION. tilu01oflot101(lils ellirely oil IliJE#CAST AND (WEST COMPARED, 17oPiacice ITst rhay.
________Ilt lcl~ i i l -li Iion1(0. _________alo'lty woe 1ill111 tiiuadldid 1too
I'e vInw iM1';j 0(...(1111 1) t:
1" "Hulrepoit forl la ii(-e -y-etrlI-on- s I(-
T 8 Fr lrn s11e 0ofthse "Uiversity >LtoI1.t<iiio. 1tWlIIl iieiO4siii to tcmparison Shows That Easterners (")1117 o tt( thr 1st ! '<ectte1
f3i lich fan Studies-H timanitiC lliow 31111((3:I ioly ii 1 1 11101all L xcel in Six Events While the {':1)17. tley 7i11ii tie viiooii; a tIl
t1oll soloiliil(I 1) illliii. \Will thoseWetTk Far
Series ,"Will lBe Issued By .ho ivouldb 1etiii ol:Iea(p Ws aeFur or ~rci a tefed31 .1 1
Maoiln Comnpany. i(ofs, l ii inksiisiiI-j o t * -i - lii l s i--
- osil ~~:11d aidtitriooi- tofore 31,11010, eeithei Titi- I )etroitiJouriiil of ieslitiday r ih~ e tr lih. Th e
;.r 1.}tte Sesate of the Usheiyr- to the ( halIviii1is Of tm oisl evv t li i tiii - :^ 1etshoooi tlitviy i-ii sO o-i l
-o lillas aiiooo- vtiilt toiovinil"". ( oe - iinit setite e r-iloi ai-i ii liii i lt i i l ojaci c lt' 'trI t)] a h
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4 ii tlii- iii itill-ill outlast Satuiday-
-15i-t w l tl teyevi i-iiitritiI 'lvi it1 atrnindiiveiteol 'ii iii ol ii tc iiiamtjvilS or
1.x1 itt' ~oy 112' leaeii lvitotig- iijiiMAY 0C-HA -GtElDAli--, Itid IlietiMeor i-i -ia l--1y iiil l tis-o i~h11 ta Ilyefr
-Ii iiY i~t heAlclilatiii. I - 1 -lli ii_ ai -ll- i iitlt tiiiitud Sahs i~.ts w l ile H a Ben o re-Bote os May ei
II lie -iiteillii teliry A. e iuirstht hoi-i-iI o ili~i il ld h tit hu stri-oil-i- liiles haIi Ob tned si .t erndayl ';(tin l
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- E lii~ le ics i sii ill eve -yo-tuer ormiofsI-ill- sliii-t sle \th( l1iiillsoder tlud si-i
Si-I i .'-ill presentic-n-ributif oli -iioniiillViiiwlstern. - -li-il I ii iliii-l-The1- liii iasii li-vi151olld ho iinor1:t:.11ii 11
'_ t1iuu~, ii--i 115 Stirslilopicit l I 5-dc- - Illi li 1
3'17'h1 1~t e : t :tn 11 1 i x1 ii s-n tl-io i iii --ii 0 lllt-io1ti 0the-i ° ii
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;ltoro i-tr
frlt ytlilee ttod oi i l ii o' j i 11- I-- si-u--I'tY lt 0 ('~ for A1P 'l- l I ihiliof101li g -1'- 5y
;ole' ns 1to i tIui 1111 1 3ty .11 t i ltWI:c i,1 s ' ih w"t e 1;1 v s d cd d y t
zi in lilie - n 1e rv . I i. lo i I,[ h coos(1 tmlt.1 01 11(1(:1o ha slll 0r0ii1'il l~tU iesiyB idrcs
0111 -- liill ill lf t ii -iv I ii
To 1, lt s 1 sernt' i O~ i l ir itt tillv
- -.t,1 itt1 tllietionIii ii somehits s-
:anei iWt t o l it i i-es o 1111-r Ots Iii -R
iect ~ waotedIatoifusis-plitcny ~ l
l e-elteIitt st-i-te igalie s i hvf-t'.k S t r s
7;o-ifin i uh ivirol il infNti
Cli n Pr c.iiletto ,"ul thoi r a tiiatiCG
(il'u',tio ('illso o iesi't I (.la toti-tI L t l-ts I ii is Ifittt tiitiu li ttt iilli-tio uii ii tht} vo ga it
- 2L2t10 thih dopit rie ts t-re i 51i Ili ii 1 1i hg itiie Io tti-lu- ii th utleS ut ie. l it s-
ttltttuO 00telr etlo tefa-i tois-. thel iir tu ii 5 i s Ivul -o iseIutue fS-~iuu. Iu sir i
la ts alut tu b eeniiuutn-ot d or hav- Lac I Mte Siu s i f itt tssoterin5thei ill-teittoi leto s il f:1-uIast- o-h ir
?~toiltiilt ei s~lt -ut-iltuflth ud-u-yast1entn jllt iu ioiioi t is 5515 ii tt I ltll 2Ictsit Di rkofii s ltt 1filit tl iit o1Iifeeth
is- fitt \'.t'fiut it ii o tilu tl liii l x - I - 1- ' iul isi l iti- - lll i lie ih Ilu-u t h p olle ttlt, wit fast 12 inl
sii--ilt Mi- rss-ii~t1wdl ote iioiio scielil- iiiiiiliii Wl i s ii ts li 5 tl ii i llas i t ov l(ar iiiofSyautli ise. iireweio fl
e, hiustior 111isiicad p loutsiueut ls tltlhls-u-l iiisalueitu-usuiuuug A~iligIi liihif th feets 11his ches illoft1e
ftill siof-ths o tr y i ndi- uriope. iiiIiesi ngg hu oflulorthwest05en iu lii ti u m tiilo ipsg2fe gleInhe flua
Tlo. sct s iiiuie p iiitl ii tili hich tfi t u ii- ill iie ee, Wi leut,-lourii iii rlan f i th ishut-Illvisiif iii
571 ('A Ce ille- is Moltdt-ea ly i ihe llll - ii byiiuitide 1 iiil 15 i I01101ill e1111 iiwehsn, iwit 21ife-S itiil eiill th
il tu tiout aiioptitu(unsityhu the ex-uorflit .stx1 tuIC -ii I u 11ii 11,ii tuuhliy bradIluit i h ealtiu 111io uini ofit li lrs
vet oh iiirrb o fthsie1liiist ht i e t ais-r- of w m oscre ort iii tI'1erytreice.D wt fIrn
sCl oiiit i lii iliuuis lul fg1'ualthitlti sill -i l olluiuoi iii ii I>Tenths
Ieta it 'and i iS l si-i-il-s vi 01 lwu-lu jilp luiui uthe -ii 1- o 1 1 usth ha i ulitr ,hi s I l 'li f1 :t5
~ -1"12( 1 -I t' i ui ot liiiiiuuiiit ill- 1's"111 uif,';1t ii -o ill tiee ills the Nil1101ilTet ~ ~i of the eetill iiiii h i a fe Voe1i u ht
.,2ii-ierll Olhleiuit silly isponitull ofl Purple stli l uh s iuiii lhi \ lii hut tiofllit 3,l outll adfo.iuKieck
Si 0111f iiirs vlu ean fr haurtsn ne l ,1i r( tutu huhe ,Cks f slp te itthe shot -li liMe -t ohe
it i-ui- vs thelsue nt-il i- iiuto o e ,"Iriluif1ciis:tliEiili ______i i huh1.11 i uuul111 nehill-ifet moet h anu-ti
rio ei-urot i iiitis i t iiidltultheiir h erIistll: Ni .I il N1 1 1 fpii on I tohgehfI hs itllti i oldi tl-dio. lil
-t-i libtli 11 liii~n re; ien usolOlt I - -"00 ii tauto vi tiiioiii hut ii siiuii
pie- , sthe t udn a d ich la ly oheiistttinsiT i s.1 tlihii i
-ili s1ch as hser islitfii -lulcii l i4lilai i iliinli li'luuiat ist} l l(,sem ls elnsne ~t
Cu tidi eso ;iisii prois1 o t h- is a( 0dIhi adii 11wuiu prXopie rit ai l- .r+' Itii ;ftilisi (_Iii liii lull 111 1sil tt1
'Ino shllt l siueiw s f li s-iil o -st tI ;1gIii( a iar t i ti Nv l:i hh o liii -- ;r r.tuii 1111 isilll lituiiwultt
11ioosi r l uu-uusut hoit is i- ill uut e lst 11 liin -heu sil htsll -iutouug 1 Si l Is il ic u ii1 u-ut is-i t iii li Oiltil lii
- ili s lt to th se iIta. ii in eii ,r1i(. ttl3 ui - 'ils ctr 1Ie , 6
- - It io 5 titttactortoin the ti octi airiug - tee.i11 11G1or an t t niin s d hp T is$1 ;up
yu bs r sO s.ttu rIC ol Itt t KS E .L T RE Csctutng a Phoar ay .Ivo t '
liii iu11lliuigiof thelbook1ar1115 -li -
1111- hug ilu-1411toliis,1one 1110n,55
(lii t his weektof iliiliiic- I uiriuiois
hoiuslo iitehidii hilsiii tilauih-
(011 51 0--eea wud do weillitou 11101
A.A. U. Meet in Detroit.
Iii C o1'thou Aer i iiilt it i'thu-
to tie hl -atIDetroiltlnixti'Saturdahy
wil oal y bri i teill".tto-others asl"i us-
ticipate l-t hetsiiirlul i-iaiu-iionlal-
"0.. Si fari liihe Milwukeeu-A.C.Cis tile
~i~tlsush-0 teaiiiis uttte iii7 lii- tile
ilslu haitiof IUuiiu~rsiis if XiT'sonioh
if lii(i.1hliuoullul atihetes siill ibe ahdh
ieut Nuivo of tlii- huigut111athlites
;Ire. liii liii-list ant it ispuosilithuat
otlIlil ositluix tit iaiiuiliihh
iii ,Xe the oolouu-u-a-u- Wuuiscnin stari
i-st I i liii iiiiiioilduttend iinice ill h
sa11s 111o- i ndu('1tl1i11shut1tilt hte1101
edui11tineisulerates.iii ihlilit is lIi-
sild llut heitle 1ui i11(11 highclrol l
thihetwoiiimitle.Iiitoiz i11slushlf.
Stilli11 the jleps.Indiiiutri-i es.ItKtiox
intehti Slil ti--s-ht pu~it.Inca21pttle
Suill I iii (iiirr tlgti i C-Ciand
lsht ut.iandibbotsI-il- athe i-h utip
Iiice rot u nd truitto lii l rtti il ul-il d uil
,Itfflie Cty.114f
Fresh All=rti t«,a rih
I lug's- Pharmracy.

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