The M"ichigan Daily
ANN ARBOR, \IICA IC} \N FRID \Y, NI \R('fI 2,190
JOf'. XVI.
No.. 00.
Action of 'Os Lits Ends Ancient "-11"'it 11()It nnt 111as1 I- toff op0o~ff010res
;ere sftiliO'i 'and fl-ele- in danfger for
Custon---Copy of Freshman "'110 111 day. Ti lfo'timtne 'infcidenti
'Toast Captured by Sophomores.111a1;1a il- Iil ll yt tecui Ill Silt'
'111 1111 'lfli I '-'ll refopecd ilak dtheiufill t l a-ICI 111 ito i ll till1t1c
whichIlff 11111 1111on1he espct I1isnotkno n a ietht wii he
citl-e a d te sp s o m ne lllitl'1'ilon11for1a11 111111u 1f111111it1 (Hrisit~
flitd]irts]oc n teprt oft St an1111 C0111 s 1a1111mitee to conferC
intruderll-stwit tillstudentlI 11c 1111icilonthi t 1111
1 1 111 ar it'll 111hav illl'll t' Ill-Iitit ti 1111 111nd tit ifiope i '1sytem-l can'tfbtt
ionev til inltiir aio n; so lt1 rIll ndttiritt gi d I II iii li t hllff1 ool-l phas11e1 of0
itt 11 ihis ltil c il-rti say- hethir Ill-dilt1fion ltoti egi sation, ffffthef
th'111 l h i-ct i -stuntll- oill-il' 1.11lisitsIf fl o las itvtedl-iti r approva it
''t ll 11the 111 ll o pif def of11 the, in- ofi ith ac tilt of tifl f 10i'l i lft''t
it-d i iffc l to dterfm111ff I ff11 rafiin l ley 1 frt heII uI htt se.i T hisf~~
c ve I5r'011he iith ir lasl' ln are waing1 1a1 ffction tas tken-floingO thff11example
\v 1rofexer inton G adalyI i f fatriis, cus an te
ietl hoe ]eslnI pomntifo l lasses 11 of 11111111Cniversitfr-l.
i111111 thfli dd 111 tlle Pof11esterday11 at' r- 11i'' I li il- t tfttt Ift ff1 111111 1 tt
it G vrn r ga' Is ftittf ; tkid-l
1 1111 111ff Ii Ifil-iasll- frtti tl f ff io Ilo 'If
i; t ill lquity is1111ffared. 1't 1'e s p o oe s " b "fates. P iKa p
ff1'' fit gI'llPhi.fthe to stmaster,1111
l-i - 'tiattnd lasses fill- tu t 11
intlctua pdetatf lst dinfister fl-f PRO [. D E IZ: PONTD IED
Caltlts.) tf. lis ilI ISU D DEN L.YYESTERDAY
"ain 'dt~fu i ifid tufth tist dus-
I fec ' ui oril an1111 il- siu with t hlt t
Ia or~ i an im o y.' ITis deiff'f o
\rftt 1111notttt stitalteftotilt' urp se.
o I l< II,, toitiir to a iset old-
senior tillo~fltiit w tstbt' w'o11111' Facu1t1
tight i i i Iti l-fistoIi 111e l-us int fill'
iful It I f-fff1 f t I n wICItgtiff 11111 ,ftaref
n ot i n nlf pftlli ffft l i l o s o erls it filo aI-m ind , t filr - if
11111 fl-tC I foundliai dfiitiof' whichi ap-
pilfiedin- allff111 ect11111 ofi f ac ltff or11
fti- ' ac thaltll a';rfo I eColli . o e nil
flili y ' acqua ied 11 itiIIthe fitibst' o
11111fac filty if1il(]thfil l ess11 cele til,i
Iwforc Ihvenotth timelttoi if ff1ion
f-th iclI Pmerif ec in ro u
fa 1111111111s flilllth tueiis n hs inf'
'1spost 'on i'siwt' f ortilt im l ii hut" i il-
fIo ll o lit erencet ofti itsfill 1111ff aktu of
ff11111 111111 ittdslio lamr I oif fir1 il'
tflfa t c fteia1f l Iva cemetit hen11 iti
fil tIs ii IIfrd rifraf i b lig 1 to a ll-ho
i fill-g inlleliti ulfilrpsefbutwhe
ter 1111 it dddtoi t ha ill-f ad ntl
fitd fitel~if llows tard 1ali"yeidoubte
-tff ti t itfitn ad cag u ert
reverece.i TheIo1111ff s the intlle-
tual'sdefofsuch a ma ',uiitioes not
iii the t 11111 111 itt flit ndat1 ion it o
Workoutheslarg mhr of s tleta
MftechrcenEn tered.thtace
PROP'ill' PONTITHliIi)1' JiStiff
E'R \Cf'0'IN'S PRDi'SfNTF Tf'ON Or
fDIll flipRN hiL S IOW ftAS BEINh
its ite l-fif fnt r lati Ifm fit'. OIf hed
Sl rhft resnit thefft ophomoresf II 11111 it
rw igh e oldntio peeattati
reise t it en proestfffheshl d vif
a ttempt 1to itguilel i tidl fin onert i f e
fitii Il-illH ll l! er ini list'Sturdayl's t
contest t ut if il hilldfClifthet fill'tIracff
ilw i i-t~iiill ll Ptwen 1Oftz f tesi titei111
fit' 'lf1 1111' f andflarl-kit flitheifret' flit
'Ien ff his1 even ft as uchlila r hum-
litk elmn fluk htitwol o
rriing if f smeo f it thecc o thefflrinewl
tilt ti eat edit nP f l acets.iilil i'rc 11
fill gii f1 1some11advittefonffrunnfing 11ff
thetapl- efll iiito if we ff1 he11o11
raidy anrdt hifs mayi heia/11/ r I-~factorf
i de-111termi i l ff111t lace tI.otrro ,
niht.tI I- 'r Ntti Pffcfl, oi
Ontth Dorthepoe auteser
Heart Failure Ends L ife of One of
Michigan's Oldest Instructors
---Time of Funeral Uindecided.
ir-f',tied'ff udd" nli t 1111111 t e1<
of Riogistrr d o vi iitl
-tic-i'as ito hafit eft i ni oiii l the1111
of flff h flit lto htil 1 «f hi,1111'-
aliditl o liithfef''t'tced ing 1111'1111d 1 en c
IIed esa l-flllf'f ilinf" Ihe reItiltd in 1 atif
parentfy goodti elth.if tA t twioto'ctofk
Ill rda m r in lie11 was1titackedfititbil
Il- tuntu if "lf th hteart, ttetn'ffnt1 with'
gr11t ff1in. Astl'l f refutu f' thiatac
If fil- at i x 'clolit ff1Iluti Ill- i onini
IfPrcffeo ePn a beenlffcf-fnllcted
ilc thell cp ty If Iistrut oro rvi
andiF rench. ill- fewlyfit sfl rhew -
11de treisl t'rarffrift iii" laft pfeit ssori
thifcot rytif ndiltfl i fluff i p i n
whrrelhe'Icwas efo edlift' lot -ial
ta1 Ie itregil-t'r'Ili' uvvd b is
aindllthrf-ie son s iTe snsi aveBee
lit iallclfi f erctfot1r's 1111t ff11u1 no
ily n em nt filittut fo fcrthefunea vil l
maittli ofncthe rare fill-li . e-
trari e P n arsXC III IN hid fINSi
de. IKc e leaveit bhind l it >r
of' lamentlf igfotrinit Cf wee t o t
hml-'r hfalt y i gool- jnattr n h l
,-om i di' osi lltl tio . l wa1111111101 1liked
cyt e i tt udietll genieItr ll tilld furl 01111
wid 11111fntill thema liftsufitoulhI
duties'of reisar froLN ivila ul
of a' century.C~i
tilt' m, ffefilmai to aftend.iiSSnut
till' itfifot thlf'il i' tunt'fionthueti l'frt
e iy fali gsiuh' t e fe tl ifttui fulfil
party i ttf uit I tily t ii itst itcr
th(1is tful'11ing d u'ftuuu ittu fte fatuumitiar
'1111tisye r. 'I' l iiinig f1I ithe
frehmn r cnfiedtofraternfit
mpop oe froly huhrt ime. Ther
stn pedtIii iitoteiteraryf depart-
iii a dlte o l h os hut ' ilififf' f111
liFrfotmf tite o ti meill'10111 culty011ffaill
adol te dras1 t t ic mfeit fillip thistIloil'ft'e
flit-I'have t'tul-"tIl tf Oflit l lof its dis-
lift' v le 1) ihtiiuies flflv i ll're ctlulhiifh
luf sec t n1t ely hif iituu met t oll -\IC' il l
a ll ad it thltti fit i-if fif n huteting'l
flitd 1nc111(fluhtett)ttfofluffrshmant fuf
to d tsfulf.Ilca fll aprcite th
f~tlietusuevlu rea1itovhto11d1scuss
''ififl pooiftionliftdit tltithil-hioupled
With litheffallht Iftht1 flitotill:0111o lIfe
I cantttselfdith face (itt ttteltihy ot f ti
hindtlwithuttit trongtitendenlucy tttartd
p utrftatit ttu i t IsoIfrutiyuttwil
tiIflhr lii f111 ileliiftol-le (ittgi-tulltuotucMhchi- n uinitit aticcs utiut ' x Nillufp ' i- lk-NuPictu. u-ua-, l'"rt11 ii. it il- Siuuo:i ihuliC-
paron my pprett emfluff' etic i l-hisatronIllseflefnlw r-ti''le u Gi il' uif'uMa l-t ilcub h ''n 11111'
fluff rile reuh, cii o jtill-Biitiiti'ullfCarkil-lcoxalit iielull-If Mr. W bIttofifth chooltotit
111 lim IIflih ut ti lsy tuatittt(laughi- io ut i h tierlt assman aull~~ftht ill- 010eittNpr ioso . aln y lrk NadIatuft F1 ildeh 111 ti ~ ti t i hIC-l
Uit, l T S F LL If[Ihif l-h, it fil iti ItifnIeed a igood istart ilor kitold-beu t ctut" c twflufffi eIhtfel-ld tt ilrt l i ne'F lt 1 1110 Pirsi, ull,i i betteli rii wtor til-k than wal- i l e 1i htni
itirO o 1 itftt~iii lt ttilft flyer t flintoitkeetphifthandsI intt'is i ghI t int Wta1 ute Itohn ff pa ffu f'if ill- n ,d A n rde ?Irl~ alek h l-biilth' atth Itil
lui-legltedti t eh airtu f tfluieng11 fueill fotul adit th10t I- aiat lfffeo n g tiu den11 tt feill-igto co petetraldofo 111.1'orthCconcrtiffApilflith
from' thei versit" tit c ufuff i 0notitwhereiiitill-guIlnhrll- dil-rif a l izedItt y10111eC if'ttt he cule rklf cotl urse.xfhl-l-tullertonf tecl. a dlr irlsX' Tl tclubin ichI thlull-P., ii
int 'rs urw s Ch i fetdle mei ngIllly- fulfthltime l-lwedal-ile tiw Il th1111reatt ttinteres ill probfill-lu f eurln ytfort, ~ l
fli bthp fl-il-Iduta1111 effefi" fltilt n t pitrmti theift Ilimen i tltiill-ngl-thoelitny- i t h:dahad tel f i le o vr eaditiuc iupt I i ~it stonutttu iitl , M ea eealmrtgts n ano
atigt. atTl- iu tugm ji tyft t11,1e latea nd soitt i rs O-titod aril-lil t askup I 1 l-itadu neorliipe uh fhtedfilllpme t acoil p1,1 ltrhtotateiantiigtp ly e C or-i oher fu t hesefulfu
ho eer ou ld 'tletmdeismller db t-it tfo u fstotteureatpruh leori I I fiat e ike l o ocu w'h'cageteifs fumensiure tocm topa ic
ill-no ofut-l-lRu0 yliitait c u tufutit a Cls ayar , C tlk 'otc .J i n Bru u riu o
rc1u1t1 haf r-cftinh uff stuudrgo.hi il- sttei rfli hItfi r s utft fillson laccos pe d liist ff i The111 on ul-Ieeni whtt htteekrt 11y1mT ea iu -r l Aii-~ui
Thepctti i ofhir-cflt iftt ting e uicrl tuit 1101sflunitwIoi ret l lf ie i th t e if tts e fe tt'be ittrl- itefestOiuthehigh H lberI Pstf l o nitereftry axl teat- OudAi M tr-o .I_ oht
itMciga u s'''~-Itom eginit 184)8"itt ff rfmlitnitssifafulfill itutiofut on10ff fr hir Jiptn t presenttIll- th eamuhf-l- rec Atkurlnstutfita, taBeshop AtWieeicoUnCoo- A IliuCkee P~iLUB iu-N -VL:FTfr uhC/
fl-fr at Itolitt tt~htehrfnn ab ejs e ras c n clsthatI F f l-it i i -t a pietus ou en ftel-edif rth~ tti.tPo lhbabl- tit tliti 10i ll-Con t Berg i tinnegadn, t ha.e o hu e t- elh l .
I l tar netha tt i th ouiatinr tas ftrst lthfit classf f pre11111il- rift appte 1 h ut Come adithinf fosre-rSatu IntlHihfjum- Cosf A dltaklul-toFerr held Tonihant herOhoielu-b w ill btuuic
pefome.T he'rtf' fiCtrak cand utshd wo lse d wiiI110 fflih a hot orwhagoilon telveing. n vet teih emotd n atheaieCok H use-JohIn PtoiuOc
ReaI I Dnn otoCak