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December 02, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-12-02

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The Michigan Daily


Vol'. XIX.

No. 54.

Captain Schulz Awards a Dozen
Football M's; Twenty-Seven
Reserves Receive R's.
varsity ind reserve football players
iwere rewardsd TueIsrday by the award
of thre -MI- red tR" letters twelve var-
sits mien reeiv rio the "Al", while
tweloty-seveel subs, art members of the
reserves were give "R's in ecogitioni
if the faithial serivices reniiered throu gh
tie season. Captaini 'Schlz'; liioone
iannounce tat on ilyi ix( c mein wiouild re-
ceive thre vsitny lettfer occasioniedf Ino
little suirfprise, is it had ifbeen generally
ifaken fo1rC .rliiid tihat In-ma ol
receive an"\1i o h iirt in tire
IPeiinsylvai a i"ii e rhile f iiiiii wi ias
conisidereid onilyr ifl less eer'ti 01
Nite li o f the souis mntionedir ifs in
cl fe ini lie list if lii rii ies, loii-
ri-( , Captalin Schlll!s list bseing madsie
ip fs th m ene wfro starter1 thre Piearl
(Tmas wel ias ftmy whor~ p layedt i i tie
eniegaea Syracus ha sito thre
inris tha kep I i ii erc orr the sile.
Tlit ist of\\ssiiiiment fiilowtre
Casey itis, Davuishn. C roe uacler.
iogls, cn rotk tRilci. t,irnthiieii,
TI et -os paers to eciv
th R'nle eig'hti sthotinie; of thei
vrit squd an ngiiIrt11 ineee mebeiirs if
assistan11 Coach 'I c-i-loo S reserve squad11,
;lad ar is fll \tis:r (Isis i. t'rimierii,
llrenall Fre 1 mton, co l, ka-
ton.1 i\ silsilil LI IIi Cnmiiiiiiishaulil S.
W1'los Jefry 1i rlski, I show. Wea-
;e.Pcroill '.ri-error C 1-riestil ldc-
ith the11 ciii o fi th i ~lls r isill lit-
ir, the footbllt seasoni is iraicaii lly
broughtr to is forsill it logca t nd-
ug" tire onii l s I o now relisiiirrre to
ie Settd feifrte iosigiof I iiiboos
fori tihe yerr111 being sie ;lcion soi cap
1f111 for igo 111 e eIlecion 1 w11ill1 prob-
al\ take p iace 11111 Suna} acorir
toi .t slatllillt lllire lii C utn ii Schlz
pos suibiities frti c jb o clpiiil l r-
ii rrrili 4 fa as 11m i rstc1\ tr-o of
themn rave sivlecl the111 int enioien of
01111teiilg thie hwdill +r Iii iiloelsac i ll

soimecof lire learns. Most aimulsilng if
rtse selections is thatire tire 'iiricsirla
Lilt, whtichtini all serierisriss coioses
Saffordl of lireCGotihers for XII-W'esierri
ceniter. Tha t iiouildntihie so hadii if tile
critic tiere lilt con~sideicngii"Miichigani
as tinder thcirrrcrum1stances it i untl
irave beeni ter feilly iprir to igoure thc
Wrrolveriles iin imariing 1up1aniiall-star
Confere11cr:1t111.lBii siheirtheiiter
stalks troldly iforutrdndune s OShulz
as ce111cr-liii lisresceondiltIamithell in-
T1he0t1woistiltish ta r ace
Aeilricl selei ons lie NN lii ICa11111a1d
Carspar NNhnuney e noti vet inplti ani
aippiearncebth of elli s ee cionus-11
ul aplpllring abosuiririst1m1s11eachi
11)150 eSchurlz ire arile o esM
c liii adirseilslfthliantlls'11111 of1
Xiii crierdict--reell '51101 ias riraly s
tis year. l t s .in iiueriish an lit
th liricofte neseiotao Dailysanun
iThe eilli:mreica eleveim-n tha ha
ariurapeali re ht i siatalcirdit11-
eelby lii 11151ofitheiispoit is that oflii
iiisciiceieiiit r be lihe sifoohalinl -
iieo h rs ie daC,1a1dlwho wirledt
ii 11 i 11 1 isdliump1r1011h1111chigan-Pen
silnlindlis ribsutshill ride iniScieu111
'sir the iawards 1t11 siil oile 11110ir-
sld havs - ie cnieal nleeo
usee11slectionishy nd lVither
Sofr1 sth10vsax- elcioso
Cap111taiiiil i ' 11i llsd h unsired if
makingoil) n rilii-Ameic tel am111 ls iap-
thrugou tiheii u li illo wsnothintgrry
ovr is1111n11111and 1111de lpossileth ie
ii g o111'1 f tire Cohlferenciris amiiron-l
t hip by theii.Maroon cohoirii s.rii Coaichl
Stag iau;rit 111 1 1he sties, clairinig
thati lie is lietteri hu~ Ms ee
f w s, s h cdiiilies with Iii ei ,1 il
f pedan dding 111111isking ail ity,
the1g1neraship that iiis necessary for a1

Pronounces Michigan Well Fitted
to Prepare Men for Diplomatic
soul11 ibylire rtatretieartmrent of
tie C iner taesisisovernmitenrtIErdwvrd
H.imu,'t a tie tpra st else yeares
i hecnua-srie, lcturredl tefore
111e 1111-0'ierof Pr Ieosidentrii hiell's lass
ill11internatlioiaiilaliii sterdavsafteilooll
ii iit1e111011111111 lies ffoirited rllege
ncill the11 ilom1111aieic nn consulair oer'-
ic s. Air. ls'11rriris-alreait spirkeni
:i the11111 r'ivci-sitis ofMinehsioteian
lil ii i ~ [tschooiitl inthis erlnntrv. At thre
saner1tue Ihe is main lelg aiddresses tiefore
thei comeial botdniies oif thre larger
t'rtt'soil onh to turn spectsIwih
11111 Isliii)ielvediwile liie inturnneli
111d11whiic hetink hvedoICuc
Iiilil epst lfiw year1s tirestile ero-
11trnln haiiei Is had ificultyih ill ifining
tiatim sillntlice ihuh either tirancrhrof
is I oreeig seie.e tar thistreas001,
111 iniil11 Xii.) 'iriirihlire rn rent
'01 t ispllire aninterii est ini Ihis work
11111 to11111151 suitlteICcr1se if studry
,T)\theistab liishmruntI ef ian eftiieettey
I~ai thmghteeffiirts sofSen rer
ii c1110iiIiiiio ett~c fi \iisi n 11toire
Ket hsaholler 0) stierif promton
aiitris iexptcedi toiresult.Xniy
111111 11110eessittolletitg thr literary
in this unsire rosityshioiuldlieistle
toipassIth l lissic examlinaitioni pro-
videling lie has ad p olirtical ecoomyratsnd
a oltoio111of1 Fsech. WiexX p lect thti
' his0c1n1g'esos cui mike proisionirfor art
additiona11li l iiy-iveconrsult issistalit-
husipis aing somile liort-iviniirall.
I1 heiro it irsytrillie-$1,.200'ornheliirsot
thre casatd ill lie linesed01$2co
each year-ithiieftei until the salart is
$1 'soer tlt onunthis tier r is tpoisoible
lee-tir eews-ri.
Mii fzs'usoifferecn1tidtheliii ptlor-
rn aire andrionsiulsr services aridresides
giv ing itro if thrir ltvseloplrent,
care fully ioutlinedithlie 11aretrilai rillrkof
eah Anhu ws shtthoiweversnid
it wras nonil teir thre liiiueetht iIe

atuielne arid Martin's coimiedy of msni COMITI ESLN KE
ners, "L~a Pouidre arixYeurs" as ipre-IT E ~A E
senrtedlby' lhe Cercle Frarncsis Firesitau
evein, an til ~n crrinr ~iilb Class Holds Meeting and Votes
season's 0campus15 dramnatics.
'The play is ecnst in twrora101s11111 at- for Big Class Picture; Social
treks thre false social stanudardl inn vsgne Activities Planned.
inn Frnnee durinig the latter tarntof line
nineteenthlrcentunry, n-hen thre mnembrers Foltloisunig lthe rustom11 of unore
eef thre rmiddle' classes swerr' sicinng itiherlases, the -senirie ng~inue'er sortdfur
ine anrother rinn imniatinigthur nrcalthy ty ig as hinc itrointthi-r clans meet-
1Twouaenng lpeople are 111 1lcue anutthenrslur. ye stueayeafte-enrnn. 'IThe counranct,
par-ruts endneavr to 1mpress115 lhelprestuige us Bich is crlnetithussirsdhr-furNiichnigani-
nun trre nspectnive famiulies annul ty' tis scnsinrlphotsias nens rdumn-to RuItandanll
runs socurre tirernvinautle murn . Inn ik: nn nudelu- tonge-i classso ciral
IThue 11150 gives nample oppttuni hty finn'ateninnes stahrtels-siwrsesn-cidestoInhorld
<usnusula-ding, prtrnicularlyinnthinscenes nocrlas rue ns tiei-rida eny rfsiru'ther
nohunch cact i nnnlyarnges thre ditiiion)1C liii stns svaserioun. 'iii' mlc t (rmg ennu
ino be prac1titd upon1tlhe mhuir.I nics weri e rsumi) iersss'l yIs-lresi-
Nh Keonus a s Nlrlingrugse cureru sinnilWNN,.I i rrisr
nunre tha irunssar'enut laugshs try tinis Rcllturns suit IromensladeI- I. S.
ilClev insby-playinnthur scure wtohtuin suiutih i u'irmrise;nAV. XX BXhrtami, F'
;ifle, andul othrwisetrgate a plenangr-ne I_, Etrili . XX I I nnluerut I F. . Boltorn,
fusemance. M r. loins orscnn frefi irsti (;. I".Isill inner.XXAV ' F. sutrtsrnr, C.N-N'
fusi'mehersaccoutedt nvery iapabltsforin Ii o
nine rio'letfRatinouin I'hl's. uitar Illnws - - i~ :J.11. XeaI chairn'r ;
-ocollout as a1landilourdit unt IXi Sills-XXVI I'IireTI J.ITurk, 1). X. Appl e-
1111 rnd Xi'. Butterfieoldre rrunnoptuabileto
ens Robeurt untilIFredeuric.Xtnfsi thr. hush Capi sns oI 1. ,''rest, chain-
es Blaniche, AisosLsnch as Contane,1It srrur-ornF l-I 'urhrl,
1111( Xiss XXeitz as I' melicl wre1 ery010P.Schik
tleasinug.'lTre mnnorpatrals incr south ANungesun s McCarthy,
tahen care-of0,partlhilulsrl tatofa er-1 ml a7:J. si ungturn oh XX R.Kepler,
s-anuitplayedt ty C.Isowen.11 hoWXXBIsh
XI snu in : f.V Dvokchairmar~n
SC~ni~y~ss Al II IIlk'1XXII XX.I NIson C.,XX. hullJ. b-I.Flyrnn.
TIIl'It-NIt)XIII I IN Ill nun in : irs etnnc cairraen;
Inn thre followi-nng ennui nnnncutills C , ,Fi,,%1.R as D .Sg
tormin runIbmpresent sy stnenn nf s. urrur IScll :A .Sro ehi rmnnre;nL .
tosun p r the~rsI b hasnd:t I snisnir1 R. S msillnilchairmiarn ;I-1.
Inn lher I)aily lure Decembrier i I NiZr '.Shnuinursi nus I J . -
line quresrutinohsedt"Whins nolhe hand'st X l c li .C.i I s
loinheelIpatron" I heiee tha tu i i c t s sure :S igi hi ran ;'I,
waadta s h tdn oy iN XXdttu i, tX
insuarethur trudentus ungeltIbn annd ulchi Clhiss Dai:i . - esninchirmraen
ran ~ ~ ~ ~ C T.r arrs'ii 1111Ct.aIr,.cii tn 1 C i F. I.Alger.
Ihe bluesenut1timmenthe students aei 0n esoraum Al r. ernschair-
urnt or thre brs r.ni tzt re u to n t.sus tern
nit A.i unsng nn'1mm111rt isllinurhJ.eiC.nMead.[
- ;.- s 1wh1inh nnclnrdur all theur dentNs. tr
thu ruans'ent1asuite inn ther-athletic aso- unsennui AVXX BIhul iner, rhisnrmn;
en shunt buypmyimug $3, }unt thins -err 'sushiI 'urolls inn'. R.Xi situ en
t 1abut 1ne-htmlduofther strrb~ u seth d Iiare P ill1andsheinn:3Jsi ririwsshar
in he at mutc tha(i tt irgmio t1 lisV ;,, sinusfl- hmsni:rJ. i Is I X. 3. urdhru.


- i

-n-s5-irulsinut Itoii rueshIo'- t irectedl
ltne seso n,sitl n ine rum In ina
gamss nextrseaso?. u s il wiln rlingve l lulls
dic. hennus-ts mr l adwh in-Ntor
tic Issue sunrasidllsthis snaouns ansen-
iri-fil hickr.ss thlls s arc 1 gib1
-otune ho ssitiornas ioCaisey, if ir('et-
te ei ore tr toiii'hs clii colle-ge hn'xt
Ier.e .Atithino ime theiss. n us ursf
lush jwsiiity of maing a ii'icorrect lre--
dictionn nas thrthe ur tcomleias the candi-
batsalre eabosutt cr11111 Its lich sl ie
fine urcastncntesindt- ll iililly polartli
nitb hiatlli htes
haoletile a'l deliI hihugenf rushiucail
eleverns. calledt XII XX- esier mu' use 'II-
;Nnrricas''le-Is ac cosrd ins" us inc ore-
lio sunsuthIllscountry 5 11i birch lthe critic
hie' s s u a101l these se lectiosru ebh
Inctheslihtelst unnmity,'un iatbust
represeonnurly thec incd iia1 oinriost
nf the noriners.Shire em-un tChicaugo pit
pire gatheritsselcionis buy blue variouns
coauchesosnf thur middhleC test, Inertwiothi
these' 1e011ori thuoenuftherm us-nns sint
null confne thueinr ctines to plaryerrorun
tu'amnsreprresenitinrg Connferenuce scholrrs-
Cartaieint Scolzeoef 'Nincligni s Coestl-
cedbed againn t e tire greatest of stesterni
colliers. Other 'Miclhgan10011, in rot
instancees, score eeltnrecogized, althughI
Qasey aird Alerdice received places on

CII-I 1111 5 XII CC I IN
Ill l'Is XCIlII 1'Ii'S I' IRI Y
In sculls to an I s ti ln s t()-in whthr
.'rInotline facultlyeos iniougnt y rnnly
studnshnts-narc lsrcingostacslesr ie'nntho
ofl nit'udentisinhnunarn-'thiths innou-
stir toI '!n h fo saisni"shn tine
tream", Dean lReed 's-' m ,l iiltrio de-
urtmnt sudniit ins takhiig p-nt
inl athletics hills rus favoIr-shsrowsn
themithnI any 1110hus I tineslr Istuidents.
ha lusnis Inc sas hI"to1thik thaI
aily' intutor-eti would make=i the ld work
unsrecdiiultfforuthesunhline.irhrlie stun-
shrllentioesnutsertains suide,,u~ns shsorulc
rush be. sltuosustonunInuenuns- siing rundo
wih h leitlins5i1l 5115 wais.I Ins hue rdoesj
nurt 1krnwenough. Ak heoptineursrwh'o
tintswounlin Itis dbitsmientu if thern
wuorkt is imounretificurlth,iiiif sunmsouthsee
athhe uythititisas Iido.I rs russtudet
is givn i st n enquil Chc e i fe 1tinsys furl
it is their01011fant,
xiC A sor PiROGuiRAM IVEuss' ILSLUBener
Xt rn ostromee1t01ing orutheiiirnut clrub
nut Hobalrt IGunrid tsrlInyestuerasy-fue
rnusun ia t sers lball, I '11hort- 11muscal
prosgramun sas gienurtte .irssosStrt
reeyer situLIoaurd e ing50 mngr"tumore
soegavrerselections.tDanicinug forllowdcu
the iprogram.r Abtnrutowensty-nir "nets
score present,

enuthrused sor thin service.antilurrgredthe
interestedstentsrto go into thrsnew105
nulei "I snanrtmeiing brighrt yourng meir
ill 'suc hensciiinhily,"Iresaidsvwho as-
sure ilsha-ttey'rre renrrurnnrg for ibis
irn. i 'Itr y mnnd it no thre host field
trust stuntoIiia svotinursma n hous look-
inrg fire anlife'tormke
1I thtiit," hr.conrtinued,"that this
scdholisb1we1llifitierdt prepare 100n1for
thins stork, btin0 unlitsasy tbluAtit might
hue bretter ton thur sturdenut to hinish bin
laot searrin XXVisingonn at line diplomatice
schrool recently foundrred there. Natural-
lym tossw corsestorrid he of great valure,
especially rn thre Lesant.i Tire consular
sere oe hichrr isnocommnercial inn nearly
i ll its aspectosifords ans excellent hbui-
ries trinng atnd throrsugh thre xpellent
work, nomnny inrhiate hand flattering
olfenrsfromt hinge corporations in this
dcountr1y untilmiiab rad Tberoost of thne
tren, trustsrs ire ins lost wihbtheir
wor and rihturnn r u nntne sees-ice,alhrouigh
j ust now55 theyhacvbnse nnlorttnities to
meakeie r monnern tblu usness nworld.
Ih Isforeignr noerr1cr ho aremrend~rr~ostac-
tile in imolihing citizenip andg orn innrrig
a hit. In affordns nn exceerinttrain-
ing roser abpoiticial rInrerirl thins crutrly
inlte hindubit
XlirC s'nurn robine be Icrdorwrs theguest
nf Ireienrt Anguel, acllathtfoethe
rischnere hr will sirsahrin New York
andi Buotorntbefore g"ung Inntire Paeific

inn sating lhru- a tism,2iztll
sloes nnthrreensentitheurdtiinit hsby.
T]Ihunquelshtin ergardhing i veu rsity
bandtt ruill lnoh toesentlent until thust-i-
I-i assoia mun a unce oil di sfflerent
tn-is.I In -lin' ftlirten stiuliert sol
111mad sIr nunsrunt of rthurn-athlenticr' roS-
Inn ts ~loll ; ith t is ( ru t len t bIlls b n-m
invi'''onutthur yeamr towarubs thinmanarte-
nace ofur athletics. XIahr thinfir, savy
andshthin it i nuttimto ll nitamrilC
ium-e oere tyythits plann y st n -snu
inure mIvtyrtdeIont ei m nirlleii Ithahu
enn buy anrits iiitIbissltdent hbody,
s the111case lat the re dsrt tine.Sit-
uaeiies it nouldulalrthInrtn~e rthletic
rerun null oullmue in a1postintoInsstunt-
limit thie'haendrnd ntlthi ntlireestuditrei
busiy swouldn Ie inisestout
iR'hea~rsal,, for' rlire (-Xinrrtle Crichr-
torn" will tie- cnsrdtrhnnonor h111 hNiiley
threter fretoe stuldsy s 05whihremanirn
biefoure the performance1usd 5fiialily steaged
try lire Comedo~y clib Director Sr. John
weill arrivesodauly soithrthur.scetnnryfeo
the iproductniori Iheree ai nuso Inhe
effetedethelrg olotig of thur litres int
lire ierfetonirofthn~e 'businress" hInvolvedl
brefore lire r2th of the rronth, prelimui-
nary rehearsintg hoing arunt Compltedn
Santurdlay tlire rsevedselatstwill 'gourn
slfl. It viewo of the exgelenrce of tire
comoedy anud the xtraordhina~ry explle-
ernee of rho players, there is every rearsorn
to expect an urnnsal sade of sears,

I)I' ItX 0lCC l 1)SU'( li'S A :
IUNIt'1"' BXNDl 'I NCTI'i'
hunibenr sihandt Iis ust 11 munch
cnaempru s oreganizeat inus is tinefbeaeball
Mr fo tfiesl to-illssuollhy nmmmiive-them
spot s i Icemt iR-u-utoInnai Daily
Tummersay ftelroit. 'XWe cshoruldt Ie
Iro ns f o'rndm IasndsIobrush n rnit mas
srsliititthlion:u thanram ore nsnadvertis-
fnk'usg tvirnnur I undrstand rrsIilthtthin
hand stpletys gratris fuoe campnusn srterrise-s
stnt thinannatenbuy it 5shownshetruicr
truth buyussr tile nint nf its practdiced trll.
Thi is li or''himunftirt.I Th t hltici 'sso-
ciationtreeiue-sa15eiseim rfin uti from
thie handtintihenmiwhy (uosit notiiCumin
Irisrnue ino rhe hindsmmmii !-
TheyImburnt ave musornso}e huntmn
cishsgemI st t the dearrn.fmnhI 'lm
Ior urtro'f muge-nuns uswouldrrmuncruisthy- ro-
m!nim ther haell, and Istudrentus andi farctilty
cortul buny-tickiets.XWe- alwudik
Inn Itae handurm con1erurcts suit hits-umusiu
! tsuprin g.bunt sue demurdleuriy expect
time Iiaitinltois-n c nrh oeta
thie-fesrvic-s, The r e'iiis a15 Iik''1Ititing
bRilc rs for nstCumiltuu''"uprincipl-, hothis
Iftrnonat4 o'mlocin rmSucttis acadr-
emily.Coituseral rehearsal mmtp7o'clockInn-
iiight inn Scollts muirelint A-Nibtrorilers
andi sow irls'ire-inretIt crust surhiroomr
todaiey. C roftums unill bun fritted eitween
Sn nit2m un rtemruninm"andultwt'een
12 :30 anmmli:;;huhnthin ufrtrnn.It is
irunssmtatthut evry onenrbIncfitteod rray.

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