The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR,,1I I(ITI-IL1N EDNESI)AY DLE'EMBEI{ 2, 1908. Vol'. XIX. No. 54. TWELVE VARSITY M LEN REWARDED Captain Schulz Awards a Dozen Football M's; Twenty-Seven Reserves Receive R's. varsity ind reserve football players iwere rewardsd TueIsrday by the award of thre -MI- red tR" letters twelve var- sits mien reeiv rio the "Al", while tweloty-seveel subs, art members of the reserves were give "R's in ecogitioni if the faithial serivices reniiered throu gh tie season. Captaini 'Schlz'; liioone iannounce tat on ilyi ix( c mein wiouild re- ceive thre vsitny lettfer occasioniedf Ino little suirfprise, is it had ifbeen generally ifaken fo1rC .rliiid tihat In-ma ol receive an"\1i o h iirt in tire IPeiinsylvai a i"ii e rhile f iiiiii wi ias conisidereid onilyr ifl less eer'ti 01 Nite li o f the souis mntionedir ifs in cl fe ini lie list if lii rii ies, loii- ri-( , Captalin Schlll!s list bseing madsie ip fs th m ene wfro starter1 thre Piearl (Tmas wel ias ftmy whor~ p layedt i i tie eniegaea Syracus ha sito thre inris tha kep I i ii erc orr the sile. Tlit ist of\\ssiiiiment fiilowtre Casey itis, Davuishn. C roe uacler. iogls, cn rotk tRilci. t,irnthiieii, TI et -os paers to eciv th R'nle eig'hti sthotinie; of thei vrit squd an ngiiIrt11 ineee mebeiirs if assistan11 Coach 'I c-i-loo S reserve squad11, ;lad ar is fll \tis:r (Isis i. t'rimierii, llrenall Fre 1 mton, co l, ka- ton.1 i\ silsilil LI IIi Cnmiiiiiiishaulil S. W1'los Jefry 1i rlski, I show. Wea- ;e.Pcroill '.ri-error C 1-riestil ldc- ith the11 ciii o fi th i ~lls r isill lit- ir, the footbllt seasoni is iraicaii lly broughtr to is forsill it logca t nd- ug" tire onii l s I o now relisiiirrre to ie Settd feifrte iosigiof I iiiboos fori tihe yerr111 being sie ;lcion soi cap 1f111 for igo 111 e eIlecion 1 w11ill1 prob- al\ take p iace 11111 Suna} acorir toi .t slatllillt lllire lii C utn ii Schlz pos suibiities frti c jb o clpiiil l r- ii rrrili 4 fa as 11m i rstc1\ tr-o of themn rave sivlecl the111 int enioien of 01111teiilg thie hwdill +r Iii iiloelsac i ll soimecof lire learns. Most aimulsilng if rtse selections is thatire tire 'iiricsirla Lilt, whtichtini all serierisriss coioses Saffordl of lireCGotihers for XII-W'esierri ceniter. Tha t iiouildntihie so hadii if tile critic tiere lilt con~sideicngii"Miichigani as tinder thcirrrcrum1stances it i untl irave beeni ter feilly iprir to igoure thc Wrrolveriles iin imariing 1up1aniiall-star Confere11cr:1t111.lBii siheirtheiiter stalks troldly iforutrdndune s OShulz as ce111cr-liii lisresceondiltIamithell in- T1he0t1woistiltish ta r ace Aeilricl selei ons lie NN lii ICa11111a1d Carspar NNhnuney e noti vet inplti ani aippiearncebth of elli s ee cionus-11 ul aplpllring abosuiririst1m1s11eachi 11)150 eSchurlz ire arile o esM c liii adirseilslfthliantlls'11111 of1 Xiii crierdict--reell '51101 ias riraly s tis year. l t s .in iiueriish an lit th liricofte neseiotao Dailysanun iThe eilli:mreica eleveim-n tha ha ariurapeali re ht i siatalcirdit11- eelby lii 11151ofitheiispoit is that oflii iiisciiceieiiit r be lihe sifoohalinl - iieo h rs ie daC,1a1dlwho wirledt ii 11 i 11 1 isdliump1r1011h1111chigan-Pen silnlindlis ribsutshill ride iniScieu111 'sir the iawards 1t11 siil oile 11110ir- sld havs - ie cnieal nleeo usee11slectionishy nd lVither Sofr1 sth10vsax- elcioso Cap111taiiiil i ' 11i llsd h unsired if makingoil) n rilii-Ameic tel am111 ls iap- thrugou tiheii u li illo wsnothintgrry ovr is1111n11111and 1111de lpossileth ie ii g o111'1 f tire Cohlferenciris amiiron-l t hip by theii.Maroon cohoirii s.rii Coaichl Stag iau;rit 111 1 1he sties, clairinig thati lie is lietteri hu~ Ms ee f w s, s h cdiiilies with Iii ei ,1 il f pedan dding 111111isking ail ity, the1g1neraship that iiis necessary for a1 OZMUN SPEAKS OF CONSULAR SERVICE Pronounces Michigan Well Fitted to Prepare Men for Diplomatic Work. soul11 ibylire rtatretieartmrent of tie C iner taesisisovernmitenrtIErdwvrd H.imu,'t a tie tpra st else yeares i hecnua-srie, lcturredl tefore 111e 1111-0'ierof Pr Ieosidentrii hiell's lass ill11internatlioiaiilaliii sterdavsafteilooll ii iit1e111011111111 lies ffoirited rllege ncill the11 ilom1111aieic nn consulair oer'- ic s. Air. ls'11rriris-alreait spirkeni :i the11111 r'ivci-sitis ofMinehsioteian lil ii i ~ [tschooiitl inthis erlnntrv. At thre saner1tue Ihe is main lelg aiddresses tiefore thei comeial botdniies oif thre larger t'rtt'soil onh to turn spectsIwih 11111 Isliii)ielvediwile liie inturnneli 111d11whiic hetink hvedoICuc Iiilil epst lfiw year1s tirestile ero- 11trnln haiiei Is had ificultyih ill ifining tiatim sillntlice ihuh either tirancrhrof is I oreeig seie.e tar thistreas001, 111 iniil11 Xii.) 'iriirihlire rn rent '01 t ispllire aninterii est ini Ihis work 11111 to11111151 suitlteICcr1se if studry ,T)\theistab liishmruntI ef ian eftiieettey I~ai thmghteeffiirts sofSen rer ii c1110iiIiiiio ett~c fi \iisi n 11toire Ket hsaholler 0) stierif promton aiitris iexptcedi toiresult.Xniy 111111 11110eessittolletitg thr literary in this unsire rosityshioiuldlieistle toipassIth l lissic examlinaitioni pro- videling lie has ad p olirtical ecoomyratsnd a oltoio111of1 Fsech. WiexX p lect thti ' his0c1n1g'esos cui mike proisionirfor art additiona11li l iiy-iveconrsult issistalit- husipis aing somile liort-iviniirall. I1 heiro it irsytrillie-$1,.200'ornheliirsot thre casatd ill lie linesed01$2co each year-ithiieftei until the salart is $1 'soer tlt onunthis tier r is tpoisoible lee-tir eews-ri. Mii fzs'usoifferecn1tidtheliii ptlor- rn aire andrionsiulsr services aridresides giv ing itro if thrir ltvseloplrent, care fully ioutlinedithlie 11aretrilai rillrkof eah Anhu ws shtthoiweversnid it wras nonil teir thre liiiueetht iIe FI?,R\.CIISTUDENT S FISI NT OL'SENIODRLENGINEER "LA POUD)RII ALXY IX ODIYr AUi1J"A atuielne arid Martin's coimiedy of msni COMITI ESLN KE ners, "L~a Pouidre arixYeurs" as ipre-IT E ~A E senrtedlby' lhe Cercle Frarncsis Firesitau evein, an til ~n crrinr ~iilb Class Holds Meeting and Votes season's 0campus15 dramnatics. 'The play is ecnst in twrora101s11111 at- for Big Class Picture; Social treks thre false social stanudardl inn vsgne Activities Planned. inn Frnnee durinig the latter tarntof line nineteenthlrcentunry, n-hen thre mnembrers Foltloisunig lthe rustom11 of unore eef thre rmiddle' classes swerr' sicinng itiherlases, the -senirie ng~inue'er sortdfur ine anrother rinn imniatinigthur nrcalthy ty ig as hinc itrointthi-r clans meet- 1Twouaenng lpeople are 111 1lcue anutthenrslur. ye stueayeafte-enrnn. 'IThe counranct, par-ruts endneavr to 1mpress115 lhelprestuige us Bich is crlnetithussirsdhr-furNiichnigani- nun trre nspectnive famiulies annul ty' tis scnsinrlphotsias nens rdumn-to RuItandanll runs socurre tirernvinautle murn . Inn ik: nn nudelu- tonge-i classso ciral IThue 11150 gives nample oppttuni hty finn'ateninnes stahrtels-siwrsesn-cidestoInhorld