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October 02, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-02

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The Michigan Daily
"rICflI6AN 33, CAS[ 0
'Varsity Won Opener After Haro
Fight-~Hestons Run the Fea-
ture-Good Showing By
New Men.
Just fair,'. tas aCotaciht 'st's smerdc
<fcyetra's game, and Captait
l isul nd tI]tin lla i)thtin etam echota
tihe cacith'setimnt s. ITerea sn-at l'
inso fotalill test-ra'a t sttt' -
go adI andtiintlifferent.T htetrtwa
omea;oeawrk inthtatfarsi t hlfut ba
tasiatrte a ere f tltaatraa:
itt ittsiii t tittalitt I Caet o
tt it iiitt is be tot boi t o al
tossed t th h a it S tta t st i p u t A a l
as ei lt vas cu It a d, tea el' Cast
hit ft atnli m or tettyad
fee itt " uu tCptl i O r, tl
aaro t. v a t 'u llt a te l , ob dien
X' S'T'. Notare Diatti a12, titiabfasho
Illiataisato, satan a. (tarst ialf). Xtttt11 ' r)1 i. >S . aa atsia II. S.
Illioistit, K<jua o.I(Secatttdihalf). EAST.
Iowa 'iS, 'orntell I Cii hf's' a. Colulit 1 16,i (a l an'a .
P tin te 28, i-ariitattio. ICotrit'-2,I i itahsstir (6.
O.)S.'U. fit, Miamii a. i aitti' ' '-iii24Virg;itia a.
innettsota 65. ,Carletoinio. Yale'i'T'i nitty a.
\'iisaatnsin 45, FornShieritiatia. 1 ritto1tt o, i tat rifritai o.
Cictaga 56.Inidiant Iaiot at I ',Ii XXiatus a.
Return to Three Years' Course Has One of the Fiercest Games Ever Seen
Immediate Results-Freshman ? us Latter City-Great Defense
Class Is 40 Per Cent Larger By Michigan Men-Final
Than Last Year. Score 0 to 0.
No. 6
Old Michigan Graduate Writes a
Popular Football
Coach Yost in achieving fame, for
tat year a brand of cigars was
named after him, and now cameo the
atnnottncement that he in gad-fattier
to a two-step. The new arrirat is en-
titled i"Men of Yost," and wan written
by Chartes D. Koantz, an '02 lw
aradate. Kountz became welt known
taben in cottage by composing the
"Miichigiani Drinkling Song."
The new march is saidto p tossessan
atronntiliitary' af tirn.I illtibe
White, for variottastiubstatitiat rea-
snso the faculty tof the U. of M.lDen-
tat Cottage did tiot favor the return
t a Itiatec-yeartacoursae, andtinit fact.
ottly submitted to it. when nit oter
alterative s-cemaainedl, several cni c-fe
units results have occurred since t
No tdetital college in the Unitedi
States tins a four-year cousea, tatu
Michigat idbum tuicrito taint inueitto
ranki an tie teat intshle ciounttry'. Lass
yearns totalaenioltmntt if the fitealt
tian chissns umtberedt atatyi xsatu-
tents; forty' artetitos'enirolledforticle
entintg yeaur, tutu it is etimttatied that
the total etirollmetoftheitaentetinitt
cltiss wiut reach lift y.
WVitetiasiced for a satlcment cc-
gardling the future otlook' Se-cetic'
T. Hoff of the dental faculty saidl
'Atipearatices ares-eat fasorae.T'he
entering clans, in, an aathbaitoateof
the niost intettectual and bent pan-
pared of attyate have everadmiiitted.
'tican i , -i a s itt-'isc o X l tt -
ley ti-ialy illiii n o tld
lo Y V. i ) scare, aith
scp l;t iighoitittad wei n
vrcst tl ::gyat vs el1l~ d w t h
tutu rl t msiaati'tbytais )f lItlC- tia 'it--
A' r ~ cr t. NO &tofa t i a
ptlayedtiy hrle C. iot Itbantd at, tne
of th le iariayteasoin fittbaitt;aitie:
Kue tia. whosie profe-ssionttl ntine
nrat full,- atdI titter at Litft hallanwit' ihosatoitdttfeidthile ave. t galI. (Jr N[WS PP[R [U5RAR lheIiidmi-cI an rm. It's late-t tra-
pravt-i'I bein'a tior tab tato i ti ah' ibacktoa tethir t-ive-yardi lie. I lasto The World's Bet Efforts in Journal- xesvl y sntet''ani t e' ued
pat )l la iti at1 ft s lilr)at's'-'' bt a ~eI telt eift ails iid ta llli ofat ii smm WillBEnCollected for Use of I lialer's i-lietcthtat itincirciltaiti n-will
th al.T I stt at iiit 'asi paisati'loii I olal a deii it anifit list the Students in Prof. Scott's ret ctil ait ,a0liiimatrl iibefotrethe s-nd
1InnI n wasaov1- te bro 1 1ttti at X icha iaa a -a peaaai l i ttwentyat rdtNewespaper Courses. iii thei yarat It itsawhat the ttutli-
011 ].i lkeafahnl(o i nt1ti ;Stuart i lotedaaai fi-tty a rita (,lii i ----- ;-i's i-nil -n '"seadit' sailer'" is ait-
flll(:. Rin vits ntt i prep atd f-a) trostnit acktl-for a ii saa )at1 lici iii' The valuea of -tie ceursaes in itt-an- Ititigisialt rot aa"''ttu"
such al l t tk, al atroppadl the al ll a j wt -a ealized fr beintoff s tittaer -taorItattise t'Professort Scott -Mci oi Yost'' auas a lig satecens in
The lna aiaaia tutunau as l To a taaite 'arity' at- ie ill lie, grealy-incra-eaedby te Citiesa'arecetly.I',T'hicregaultartrade
at Iiiaaaaa I I a latalas he l it tat1froi1iity ft btfaile d itoi I ii5'it arett ltattem ted 5 etltittei f nsituem a edition awiilipear- aiotnaiDecembert'1,
onl tt'e bl tlt shpsswltre it, on ' go aroundttiilteIaeft et anidatI ai ail i t fetabistiuhmen titof -a iesa rlirar y htata o lii ct a t t-,r.Yost a
iltttaaaI11111 oho an i pu tail bitt-i v< i latit'ru to'as a r ed t p allasIs'auitauilt' 'uhltitt tll u
Inthealit' rst hlif, Capttaini II atitutpro a-ards , tatd Noryroial uaght t it i-e fur, 'hfb irst voumine atfthe. libraryau(itilt siiiuar.
ceedcdtat showtathe ast sa altha'hfresllnleaI 1hctat ,gallicda fve a rdtail d , I an wilt cotusist oh', cutiica oh' leadling_________________
hI)()t\ hie umadet tie lt -AmeXrc an eui-cghut. I heat'itt etati ouudtifile tutu ft(, Amer icant andah foreignt uailies tithe
h't haHitAuRR111sS.tatmli litlu ~ui- ti-n aahaifi us~n ispued uduritug the mouuth ittOctohubeARr.016I
'uoouee h ftecnoouu thhtt, ttitasaa c-ia f et ulheatc'iyuttAn-i Noted Lecturer From Toronto at
\Vit1 th hal oi Micigans tirtyfit ive Norrossfaied t gai oi andelevn freig pubicaiatsiMcteullen HaltMal
XX alitlie, tille i cap tain tia uu athtsnd ti i Stat riamclanilla nf(1utu tatg lt i nita at etoa. t ,his a expected tatl h ong t
b ltldI 'trctt " el, 10vte usa-gna it thr uat-hafair itin attra ii uoptpottuunity ag intfor compuarisnn aiongh
sh tut il ht w cn d. N h s ite of I xtts tuu altsignalstsss, tir the e b etutau t ueua'auuea mn n it Ia Iila sh.h tataf'a -t al
als. I lcs etfo)t. it nafaus. I hueisnofutuuharut oh
passed h alltI ls n a dtah etilterils' catrritdlthis uball t Cas's tr-t tein efrt turieuhclegea journaliatt. 'fle watt- atill snatio t h etit' eiltit u'theus- nuiversity
pr autauta tuto at hutsve ty-iey rdsaf( in. Stat wasu t hrowl n u-m bac fain hutaddaedutohutthe genem-al library idur- I I cal tni'ghti.
a t inh- u(t i1t li s itetaulain fte ths aua hiIiuatt ittbu tng a t-tatet-cvr fainthus ung "Notvembuer. In.I lila isa crathttata nit 't'urusa
itiaaith ha I utu ii uuuuauut In I utuhal am t I uuuuaaauaI atitat Iollowng us the haistt fnewspapers L ~ v i , at utwhilie'a collhege u s at i
uuiuhi itassal intPah rtu t, ail 'Stitutt iffttiict gut i
liii1 iisif t hi ii athuch atittl hue tplacedutin the librare :
tau t I a ugubuntdt g(-rihel te ltt o i a ul alasttthe n t hiahumaif otaut l' Ntw 'YoutaH eraaldXWorld, Stun, Morni nthiu astiali thlete. lhc is still interet''-
totf G'ii mg a fau ty a il I tiluart iadesant ent tat th ils' son TrnsuitGlbe Taiil d tine o ea iso
tt'ais s nt in t take fl ston's lace, an fiveaug Jtuauanix; Na-eating eastIhitadeisaa Ieitt-illltf-titSu , fillu-sintsh titanas el arts atschola
lie Xloai h s a pr ciI-ito th h tor o turti~s g aied tfour,'tuartcm i xci i ( f A l ata Itoeataita tio, N Shut rla nsifeh d a ectutaut-n 1onsuiderabit nlte.shauk
11y 5puttaut Chum stit atma.atoalonCe di(CuItis tiltson Dea ri1i1 imals-Dempo lc a aa St. 'ou Goe s Naig spae, a(] m ksfe
It I faii tto akeg'th en calatdam uaotat usa utu utah Siuntat tua i r i a aa gtttt t hahiDeoth an it' an iatt Eat m nerai fail l iptau etr t lgsthroaughl
to adv a ethebli fla'iauttutie hcIan o lit 'tautiedt heau illt o C haislit iett t -gaut( Xhraice nSemuatluun -Iteai ( cami t tl aha atitra r tat a -allah htls wit.l ieo
asIlratta far thus a ataut haluf b1 i t ha lot Iten atrins, aul IrrIans afaints(,' tea-Ocean, Antiranam News;a Detroit alaentsandtaile s t oa-f a lmatutliso-f schoottlh
P(>sifi wii il tst u uhat laotaetoe, t utIftrtmt itshtid huts gal oth Fat-a Paean, TriuaneNsewsJoturnal; uhancolesin tt hituta,1 tutua, antd Jaanu.
sliratu''Nartats tat ha balt hackt heti t Lo usville Coui-J oturnal Wlashing- I~r a rit iatll spat on iiglutoalma h
lilt recitl hodlll.uuasa a-st fitta utite-ua a utlie. Cutrt'' andutI agaunt; t ohnlau Past, Toronuto falobe, Londonuau Cotilt-gea' l's Opaprta u nity,"mu a ntdshea's-a
chi l iii i a haultattautsdctut.t Is at a get altr madehafivetyaud ra a- hsatit arut, 'fimates, Standardt,Stal, Path Mellt tGaz su t s at-l ael to asehrassemt.
il evtart plas' anthwasatlwuasagoodatfu cametwitatmauahauahinfv aif a ItiuchldouIettn; Dlasngoaw Heral, Panes Figaro
aiaai hnletrt at Cus's ltnutStatar aauldI tuo;naa aartrtautit thac rcst of iJountcal thenshDebaut; nerin Tage-blattCORRECTION.
1lialdat igataut gallut t ouaiuaghaIlila tiit wam . aIIumua tImon k lcl dgal. AlenieImin Zeuummat N omen Osa-rva_____
1lif wasa (Iilsapupai tlitll', Scthultz.a Yostt aetiltat ats-n ubtstittesa'ill this tom-n tRomnano, Mua-rid El Die, The at ttlt iisliet(I corure'ct a sae
g''it a Oputan-le il uu lt-nc good hotat ecnd haluf, aut the te-aa ttba t-itt tasIltep ti-adcin re t'fatre-tcet'oiilth adrtes
that ]intutu allah tnt tune tias aliseraetat og'tt nuauurally, uth a as unoo , clevaealtat itt Octaober' Ilamney comntains phtuba begg gl b Irs~ln ill t1at
y it5 w lm ahut-auIt ilra n g wut asta ntutu ala taut g all that itse'aggregatiotai It'ata t (11 gratphs of PantR. M. Wenley a anI d a ai ids. Tt isI tt1b i venuil at that
hie.t sor.Mostes A, Gombierg, illurative of a e hati atutu-f thae a aahat a ntlitiruary
Cas 's vteranuuteain, auuhuh i ht.C achWena at m imga's-tut Ithet-fa11tu'- article 00n ''Our Foreign-Born ENatac PIesilent X -A ll asai 11a1alo dliver aut
p tiltap haa uk gallea nd nevema tr quit aug satetmtt-m afterthis'gatmet: tor's,''which shtonws that many of 'auress abolutut Naoatmtetrniaat thsd- i
hatil tiewa-itcealhled.aihMichigan'saucr ta-as nt a ulharge' it America's bes nt ownninstructors are catautn aof that It allet 1Ispiutl at
Cata uuinlesttnwn-aathut tossantal (Continued on page a imported. - Muskegont

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