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November 02, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1909-11-02

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ANN \1 13Ccli, ciiMIIGA-N, 'It F~f).\. V N IIINIHER , 1000.~

1"()i,. XX.

Actual Score of Syrcuse Game

t lxl 'cc cii ce tt t c cqu i ,) the cc
ccciii ciofcthi li I ictc w chc ol)
ictra isrf l cx cri iht d

Alex Lange Appeinted Acting Pres=1
aaltx ident of California University.


rd CIH Im

'I I r

is 44 to 0-Wolverines Suffer ~cst : it tat ii cc1it
Dir ctor- l;artcl icii s c lx cl
no Injuries 1 IY that i-c a 1111) W11 ]llmccc

Idlicccig li defeateci Siidcicc c y a c or
ofi -,' to oi insteadcc ofc O'cc 43 ltcid Wai
i-ic fr i a failuireof thex xcrer tocrei
Idlichiwxccc ithc xci exirca caint afe
haI)ohdelre ha lcleicclc hadcil
k ice gc latr M t'cchd cn h
lastone f th ;tae. Tis crc-cicsAI
ccc4 the 1, cline camc thoug
ciclci' cbui xsiiall ini es resuixiltincg.
wich~ Inahmoto cnitiicii for ac
litl ccl, u i i cid t sho it in th
gameii andi is ill rciht nowi Watins
s ci urthe acxcii riccild the inijury toc his
xl INllc ccci it is tliiiht that thci erec is
wcill hei ini sctioi shap i'l itinc ai shoit
Casy as ssredCo c lost thci he
u ci i help ou nil Idmu d ci tetscl ''cix
gam c it e m liel d i tcixxicilici cc
wcill Ice axii i en in lc Ik line-u ati thati
cime N c \ sci a!, Ic c or 1 a cc'ccccc' i r
of c har co ll i i I pacli~r for thei I
cam wi the~ Cathlicci
Og. Tcrrhe cat cl Mor lamei
lu s n lafat shii N" ccu wilba
the on on ii cccli ' 1rek cxix e acc

Injuries Received in Saturday'
Football (Games Prove F atal.
I ccc\Ird 11( li edA ri cix c:ttr1 ti. i
-cccl i ls I I' c ii ll-V , l I I( ' ti lll
1e sn llcci xliclccl Ow 1i n ccc li c dc
'I clktiil- c Tcic iIc r .1 il ;t
dN c re (),cilliii I<\llclc -
mCcl i i tc cllcliilIi;,I~ hl
Cli ptaci liii iii )f il(ii licri
- cll-ar 1c cc I i t e i Itl ' ti tC ic I
al y a il il 1c tIIIIC tI p~ \ 1'
1 Ienticc'' ~ cclc icc II.Il (5 %I

) t~l i t iIIIIIc fc i cle ;1 c c l
'.1 ~ 1 t l c -i cc ; I I I- cc \ ;s C IllciI tc
l':;, iccitcil ccc icct lcciiiii- lc to
rc cc- ccxwr cc (cc cllxic fCcxc Si-iccliii-1
l'cc-Ix.(,~tic-cc s cJlccclI ci- Icciicic
egel tII'If li nks 1 Grad)1,)-
Uxta Aprorittlion. tt' lstt
l l ';?1Iii 1C'ix i-cc ic'C Ic'c ici cx i c 1.1
Reget .1 E. eal hink lGra-
uae cholBalyin cNeeicdcc-c-cc

cc cccIii c'i xiii ii c clt 151 ' ci
"\Vc i\ \\ 1< lixp es ici .tliii cci i il
Oc iS I-llive (i Seen 11in Ann <'Arbe i.
t c\'1'11111, l iccil ccciit ' Ix ~ ccct II 'cI-
I ic cc'cc c ii xx~ ch lJ ii ciii- ) ciix cicl c-icc m,, cc
11h Icc a c 11cc ll it ,~( 1cc
ci li it'll i cl'i ,1 It il' <1i "11 t
\"il il a\l I mci i c cIdk.1 >l 11)\c tl

ercie [rancaise Decides Upon
Le Malade FImaginaire"-Pro-
gram for Season Contains
Twelve Numbers.
cx cicic;ic cc c' xii ccc thelis ccccsc'cc ichx~
to - -- - --,og~nt:il i lay o I iil
.milimlin~'il n,' fo Ix cccli Iccai-
crl t~cca it cricixciccrig heigiiii
,Irt il ll, plig \Inicr ';"Le _M lidie'
h, bcl csccc- a play
lia i :tlnirtlln .aap c ilifor cth cciiu ic
t, i ci i i cc ai d appci atedIc by
,i, csiittr i,, ic dpaind' i hicthli
-\ iin l p lr ofit d c g
s o e h t n % 1 p r c cia t iwd c iy ccci
o xc t~ ccle tare; of th c oursccicccxc.
-'I w,,I p p lr , h ccriii'ccllii' cx
cccx cc ii cc e ih.Iic ii cdc xcii iwh icicud ii
it c- cclclc-c'cc fur cli
,1111)1-. ii i cc i ng s ccliii c i for the
iil 1- ,t ies 1i nc f~e o l liic It
rest >1i lii ife d ci
.' ile ;11 t lic 1, 11 c iii e cic
1, j lie il P;,is r iic iccpeas
rco h lfe :cut ust ins in ith ic li
xtd ii i ii i lcdii , .- tinderiicnsi
1',rl 4 l " c il e iix
ii ciil,,cicici of ihose cw
ut clix tttclx c iii c \i~recx N ccl ii
cccd i i s p ~ u i c cifi f a n d
ci' c ii" x c
cci cl ,i 'ii oli cri h
x,01< ,n~ia xiii l heCicagocipiapersc
N1 C i iIi cc t.sr c (IfoiM c i
>, i titclt~~sofo~. 'Mciss ii l k- N
' ri ii,. it:[]Il- ise cn cirepeat c word
t~- hid re\ uu ra cc a i nterpreti~ii
I iilh a c ii-'' eri l cii ilii cci
.i c cic i ccl lii- ,t ccliitim-dchxill cAt-i
t ~c c itcc - icc-cc 'ci c li cc he posseix-sedi
{ 1!1ccci i'cc-'c"I"-

Iliii~d l^0 Wi Sap
sina ll m r i . wi h li ii hni wh"ciii i
tt _lih~g n' ca ce ( lc iii clii
ciMic igan plIy'heiiiqsr' lo w
cii I cth fo wa d p ssandi icccl
ci ii; ciii cii iii iiiit ik i x ccc s u iic cn (-k
I 'l~ cWli ii iii l I )(, c cciii I i ftsiiii
I c c n+ c. Th cbc lii ill remini
may ik, ipl c-id Iic-ici icc'i ati liii ihalf-
Im kAl rl diig( ng tr ulc k ii ii
()lll' )biccti}n t) :l clh i t fullba1 ck
w dcc I >("hi ,( ig t.,IShetilsxtheiscales
.It less than iiiiiiiurn{15
Olic c~ thedisressng;lcatresccf;i t-i
111days ne as he ccl cccliii I iii c ii,

c ir cI t ci c ci)l ci i11
te cii li l t hat i clci cci x111
cci icichic )clcii i c
cc-c ccIx i ii >i l i ef (f sii i
ccc MI c ili 'c 'cac isi a
i'iii'C'it ' c d 1<'()I'll' im
cv k t a cc ixilcx iiixxcic
axiilai«~ h lcr I lily cciii- llc -' ll)'' a)uccilsth
ic-i11" ll l- c th Iii av
io (o b l at li iia l il
hacil a iii c li cl ccli1v f>

()1 I I1 it
)11 ;td1c rt l l'
i5 tlle i"c°It I}it i>llt.ttl 5 Ica < t .
lit' Itr11 tai l'!c
a lld I'l' lt2t !
} lllll t'I' l'C'1'c' 1
111 \ (;tlltio IIll
lrltidd ill 111
itallt7 1 lr

; ril' ;I

r tli rr thatc

ccc, (>r ii cli ~ cxci ~ li fci-c\I1(ci ii ccccIII.xcccc - IIix liichc wcill
i5 (), f<r yk-l cc{ f(w he lc cn is beii Icicilicc.


it' tr
itt l


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Speaks to

Today at
5 P.M.

... .:e

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