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October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

… ae Ita :41Datt Weather Warmer VOL. LIH No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1942 PRICE: 5 CENTS I Students To Meet For Second War Give More--Spend Less, Roosevelt Urges Nation; Bombers Hammer Kiska Rally Tomorrow Naval Flight Training Is Made Available To Michigan Men In Class V-1 Or V-5; Cadets To Train At Ann Arbor Field President Launches Comr With Appeal To Wage WASHINGTON, Oct. 5- (I)-Urg- ing his fellow Americans...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY. TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1942 Officials BeginI Tour Of Upper Peninsula Schools Dean G. E. Carrothers of the Bur- eau in Cooperation with Educational Institutions .and Ira M. Smith, Regis- trar of the University, started yester- day on a tour of upper peninsula high schools. For a month Dr. Carrothers and Registrar Smith will visit schools which are accredited by the Univers- ity or are petitioning to be accredited. Du...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

… TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1940 THE MICHIGAN, DAILY m 1 I I Dr. Penberthy Given Degee By University! Detroit Surgeon Describes Contributions Of. War To MedicalProgress Citation Is Read At convocation. exercises of the Medical School yesterday in the Rackham Lecture' Hall, Col. Grover Cleveland Penberthy, '10, prominent Detroit surgeon now on duty with the United States Army Medical Corps was awarded an honorary degree of master !of- science. Introd...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…FOUR THE MICHIGCAN D'AII.V TTTVfilAV £[New R_ I~sA '.. .. .a s . iIU 1 ll i .L I 1UJrjOLF4MX# Uj4 # b, 1V'14 4 An Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press T...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 5

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'AGE r PAGE League, Uniorn Operate Joint Book Ecag Books Taken In At Both Booths Are Sold At Union This Week; Freshman Texts In Demand Starting up again after an interim of three years, the League, under the direction of Mary Moore, '43Ed, is operating a book exchange in cooper- ation with the Union from 8 a. m. till 5:30 p. m. every day until Saturday, when business will end at noon. A booth was installed in the League...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

… PAM THE MICH IS1N DAIlLY TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1642'. P'AO3 ~ir TUIISDAY, OCT. 8, 194~3' Cards Take World's Championship From Yanks Training Table Helps Michigan Gridders Stay In Fighting Trim' Rookie Kurowski Paces Red Birds To 4-2 Win. Johnny Beazley Hurls Sparkling Game To Vanquish Yanks Despite Numerous Cardinal Errors v 11 By BOB SHOPOFF Feeding fifty fighting football players is no small job. To keep the Maize and Blue gridde...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 7

… TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1942 THAV MTCHJETy As TAITT VAIWvAVVVM a0s.I lia v s1 l1 ,lt1 Ex-Wolvermnes Return In Iowa Pre-Fih Lineup Sal urday v Seahawks Risk Streak Against Michigan Here Evashevski, Fraumann, Jordan Listed On Seahawks' Roster For Game Saturday Afternoon I "he DE.NCHCOMBRF By JACK FLAGLER Iowa's Pre-Flight Naval Cadets zoom into town next Saturday with. a three game victory string under their parachutes, including their most re...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 8

…CT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1942 Savage Running Attack Brings Michigan 20-0 Grid Victory Alert Defense Muzzles State Ground Attack Robinson, Wardley, Yaap, Score For Victorious Wolverine Footballers By BUD BENDEL Daily Sports Editor Balked throughout the entire first half by a surprising Michigan State defense and an epidemic of their own fumbles, Michigan's Wolverines un- leashed a savage ground attack in the final two peri...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 9

…WOMEN'S SUPPLEMENT we it1 4ait t, WIIOMEN'S SUPPLIEMENT r ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1942 League Council Reorganizes 'All Out For - 1 J# War' War Needs Filled By New Courses Technological Openings Are Numerous For Women Who Have Special Training By BEA BOUCHARD Women and more women are needed constantly to relieve men for com- bat duty, and they are needed now! The University is diverting its every energy to this purpo...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 10

…T HE MICHIGAN DAILY 1MOAT O'. U It can no longer be said that Michi- ranen't ag to each applicant as well. Working hard gan men and women aren't eager to far into the night, those in charge try be 'friendly; the files of the Acquain- to fit the men and women in every Lance Burearushow welluonver 9U0respect. The personal opinions of names as proof of the number ofthssgnguptdesaloofr freshmen, transfers, and upperclass- those signing-up studen...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 11

…THFMICHWGAN DAILY Six Dormitories Plan Pro grams For 4> Students Find Accommodations In New Houses, Private Home s For weeks since bomber plant workers have invaded Ann Arbor, the question of accommodating all Uni- versity students with satisfactory rooms has been uppermost iD.. the minds of students as well as authori- ties. Newspaper articles have been printed deploring conditions, accus-. ing the University of relaxing rules for t...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 12

…~MI~'J~ MIeHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OM T. 194 :7-'-"' WOMEN'S STAFF BARBARA DtE FRIES Women's Editor JUNIOR NIGHT EDITORS Phyllis Present Shirley Rakey Alice Fretz Frances Triestram SJanet Veenboer Betty Harvey GUARD HEALTH: And Build Up Endurance To Fulfill Patriotic Duty EACH and every American MUST re- direct his entire life, in order to do his or her part to win this war. Nothing is more important today than that duty that each of us has i...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 13

…,1942 'TH MICHE . t~), PAGE tN _ _. _ ... Honor Groups Plan Activities For This Year Qualificatins For Admittance To Campus Societies Stated; Students Are Urged To .Join' (Contitued from Page 1) average and an interest in activities is your ticket for entrance to this se- lected group. PHI BETA KAPPA Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest of all Greek letter secret societies, was or-, anized at the College of William and, Mary on December 6, 1776. The ...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 14

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, QC7 . 6, 1942 Pleats, All-Wool Crow Scarcer In New Styles By CHARLOTTE HAAS Comfort is still the keynote of col- lege sportswear! Even though the outrageously roomy "Zoot Suits" may have been abandoned by the War Production Board, sloppy sweaters are still being worn this fall. While the trend in skirts has stuck to plaids and checks, the pleats seem to be skimpier-or not at all. How- ever the tapering sk...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 15

…GENERAL SUPPLEMENT itt Iut GEN ERAL SUPPLEMENT i M ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCT. 6 U.S. Post Office Announces Rules For Soldier Gifts -- - - _ i Four Out Of Five Frosh Men Take Math, Physics Professor Van Duren Declares Males Are Candidates For Services, Not Degrees Cossack Chorus To Open Annual Musical Program On Hill Auditorium Stage Government Urges Nation To Write Armrd Forces No Later Than Nov. 1 Mail Christmas Package...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIG AN DAILY TUESDAY, OCT. G, 1942 - 0. .. _ . -.S Publie Th Hear Rackham Builing, Clements Library Britisher Talk . Germany Will Be Subject Of VisitingProfessorJ Dr. Reinhold Schairer, a British visiting professor at New York Uni- versity, will speak on "Germany Be- :y fore the Peace and After" at 4:415 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 8, in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Brought here. under the auspices of the University . .. ;.. ,r.r.N.::::.Y'. ...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 17

…ITJV5SDDDAY, 'OCT. - , ,9x T HE YICI XN DOI NV PAGE THEE, Music School h Scene of Concerts StaffExpands " N New Conductor To Lead U' Symphonies., To fill the vacancy caused by the induction of Thor Johnson into the Army, Dr. Earl V. Moore, director of the School of Music, has announcedh the appointmenit 'of Eric DeLamarter to the position of conductor of the University Symphony Orchestra. Professor DeLamarter has long been known as :a ...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 18

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTJESDAY, OCTi. 6, 1942 Brawn Added To Brains: Physical Hardening Is Required Of Men Enrolled In University Burton Tower -Whence T he Bells Toll War Extra Demonstrates Dedication' Of Daily To Service Of Student Body By BART JENKS Every man on campus' is the new slogan of the Physical Education Dept. with the recent adoption of a new ruling requiring all male stu- dents to enroll in PEM as a prerequi- site for graduati...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 19

…1 IHE MICHIGAN D AILY PAGE FIV] I UNIVER s ITY MU S I C R4L s 0 C IET'Y CHARLES A. SINK,,. President THOR JOHNSON, Conductor HARD IN VAN DEU RSEN, Acting Conductor i OF THE UNIVERSIT Y OF MICHIGAN /§reien lj the &x1,j - §ourtA Jinnuat 11 CH R A UNI 0 N 11 CON -I ER S uI ES 11 II I11 11 Serge Jaroff, Conductor Don Cossack Chorus * . :.%' ;;.'."}.}V:.1:" -{ rt... : v...}LJ;? rS":r:f}?} i}...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 20

…THE. . MIYCHIGAYN". D+AIL - TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1942 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCT. 6, im Oratorical Association Series Will Feature Nine Lectures G v Tickets Now On Sale; Romulo First Speaker Tickets for the Oratorical Associa- tion's series of nine lectures by speakers of outstanding ability and world-wide reknown-beginning at 8:15 p. m. Oct. 22-are now on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office. The series will begin Oct. 22 when on...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 21

…1 PAGE SEVEN TH IHIA JAI AG EE I Bourke-White 1hotographer Will Talk Here Place Of Russian Women I War Will Be Topic Iek. In Hill Auditorium Data s First-Hand ** * One Of The Last Men On Bataan Louis Adamic To Speak Here Noted Author Is Authority On New Immigrants Louis Adamic, author of "The Na- tive's Return," "My America," and other books, will lecture here on the subject "Tolerance Is Not Enough" Nov. 30 in Hill Auditorium. He is no...…

October 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 2) • Page Image 22

….,. THE MICHIGAN DAILY .................. Student Senate' Represents All Men, Women Campus Vote Determines Nine Policy-Formers; War Staff Is Created The Student Senate is the only student governing body on campus that represents both men and women and is chosen by unrestricted elec- tion. , Streamlined last spring, the organ- ization now consists of nine Sena- tors who form the policies of the or- ganization and an administrative staff who...…

October 07, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…IS MICHIGAN TO GIVE TOO LITTLE TOO LATE? By MORTON MINTZ DAILY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR FTS TIME to face the facts.. .1 Our University, like almost every other in America, has fallen far short of its potential contribution to the war ef- fort. The dominant attitude of students and Administration alike has been the passive one of, "If we must we will." This kind of sober resignation will never blast Holy Hell out of the Axis. This kind of sober resig...…

October 07, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…TIHE MICHIGAN "DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7, 1942 . ,.. Meet Jim Brieske- Specialist Wlho Wants To Play Regularly By PAUL CHANDLER Associated Press Staff Writer Introducing than :ad with the crew haircut who ambles on the field after each Michigan touch- down and usually returns a few moments later with a big grin on his friendly map. Jim Brieske is the name, and he holds a little Wolverine scoring record of which he is modestly proud. He's ma...…

October 07, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE THREE hange In Backfield Seems Likely For Seahawk Contest { Lund, Wardley May Be Given Starting Roles Wolverines Work On Ball1 Handling; 'Evie' Picked, To Captain Iowa Team The State Street bett ors have the word moving around the campus that when Coach Fritz Crisler sends his' eleven onto the field against the Iowa Seahawks there will be a couple new faces in the starting backfield. So far this week the Wolve...…

October 07, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7, 1942 Fifty-Third Year BETTER PULL TOGETHER OR WE'LL PULL SEPARATELY i I mi",f u p~~~~ r" , I . 5 s' , 1' r r3, " ; .. r_ < ,'fy . . '.:Y: ;} h'^6' 'sC 7.: . 'sI'-' l . . t " S.Ff:.s.%.Y .->t . L._- . .:.. - , Edited and managed by students of the University of Michign under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular Universit...…

October 07, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 3) • Page Image 5

…Sophomore Project Petiti THE MICHIGAN DAILY ins Will Be Due Friday Class To Act As Volunteer Nurses'Aides Mass Meeting For Sophomore Women Planned Soon; Suzanne Sims Is Adviser Petitioning for positions on the new Sophomore Project committee will be held today through 5 p.m. Friday, it was ainounced in League Council meeting yesterday afternoon.' Inter- viewing will be from 9 until 11 a.m. Saturday and from 1 until 3:30 p.m. Ponday. A ma...…

October 07, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

…T HE MIICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY,-OCT .1, 1943 Speed Limit In Michigan Legally OK'd Attorney General Passes Proposal To Slow Up Fast Highway Traffic By The Associated Press LANSING, Oct. 6-The State High- way Department and State Police to- day received an official go-ahead from the Attorney General division to declare the entire trunk line road system a safety zone in which it would be a misdemeanor to exceed a 35- miles-an-hour speed limit. T...…

October 08, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

… tit gan I ati WPeather Warmer VOL. LIII No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, OCT. 8, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS FDR Completes THE TIME IS NOW: Economy Board To Assist Byrnes Tell Them About .It! In a front page editorial yesterday The Daily pointed out that our University has thus far fallen short of its potential contribution to the nation s war effort. We believe that the failure lies not so much with the general student body as with t...…

October 08, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…THE MI C H IG A N D A ILY THURSDAY, OcT, s, 1942 The City Beat: Today's Ann Arbor News In Summary Mayor Leigh. J. Young yesterday stamped his approval on an. amend- ment to the city blackout ordinance to allow city merchants to use small "blackout lights" in show windows if they are used so as not to be visible from the air. Merchants have been asking for the lights for protection of their safes. Plenty of CDVO volunteers will be used in the ...…

October 08, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…1942 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE UREE National Crown Ray Courtright Named Coach Of Mat Squad Replaces Clifford Keen; Appointment Create Father And Son Duo With the announcement today, that Ray Courtright would serve as wrestling coach during the absence of Lt. Clifford Keen who is on active duty at the Navy Pre-Flight School at the University of Georgia, the for- tunes of the Michigan grapplers pas- sed into the hands of a father and son com...…

October 08, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every iorning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credi...…

October 08, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY League Hosts, CountyUnits Q4 Red Cross First Aid Work, Junior Group And Disaster Preparedness Slated For Panel Discussions All persons, students and towns-I people interested in Red Cross work, are urged to attend theRed Cross In- stitute meeting beginning at 9:30 a. n. and. continuing through 4:3. p.'m. today at the Michigan League. The 'program will be three-fold, dealing with complete coverage of first aid, disaster prep...…

October 08, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY nTHURaSDAY, OCT. 8,1942 'Carnival In Flanders' To Open Art Cinema League's Season In line with its policy of presenting the best in foreign films for the en- joyment of the members of the Uni- versity, the Art Cinema League will open its 1942-43 season on Thursday Oct. 15 with the much-lauded French comedy "Carnival in Flanders." As is the case with films of this type, English titles are added to facil- itate a better unde...…

October 09, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

… igt 4at Weather warmer VOL. LIII No. 5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS Nazis House Passes Huge War Bill; Senate Rejects Securities Tax Six-Billion-Dollar Measure Boosts U.S. War Costs; Goes To Finance Naval Air Expansion Program Tax On Securities Jolted By Senate By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.-A $6,236,- 956,621 appropriation measure, boost- ing this nation's cost-of-war bill to $220,000,000,000, w...…

October 09, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PRIDAV, OCT. 9, 1942 r s ; ea ee-ea .a u uwr. Survivor Given First Aid A survivor of the U.S. Navy auxiliary vessel Calhoun, sunk by Jap bombers early in the fighting in the Solomon Island area, is given first aid at Guadalcanal Island, after his rescue. Health Service Is Kept Busy Medical Men Get Brunt' Of War Examinations With the impact of the war gradu-. ally affecting every part of campus life, University medical ...…

October 09, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, OC T 9, 1942 -0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIThiY, OCT 9, 1942 S Wolverines Ready For Seahawk !+ Five Unbeaten State Teams Risk Records, Wolverine-Seahawk Tilt Not Expected To Draw More Than 20,000 Fans DETROIT, Oct. 8.-(P)-Michigan's five remaining undefeated and untied football teams will strive for further successes in this week-end's 10-game program that is spread over three days. For the first time this season all 16 state col...…

October 09, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR TRL MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1942 Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the. authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. -Published- e'very morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except. Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re...…

October 09, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…MA V, OCT 9, 1942 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ?aGE FIVE _a League Spr acklin Fo Continue Friday, Saturday Dances In Ballroom Y"} To Lead )ld Band Hardy' S C Dixieland Band Will Augment Regular Dance Music; Thi rty Coeds Will Act As Hostessesr Winter semester dance enthusiasts will be able to enjoy the music of Gordon Hardy's band from 9 p.m. to midnight this weekend at the Friday' and Saturday League dances, which have been so successful...…

October 09, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

…PACE six THE MICHIGAN DAILY FfUDAY, OCT. 9, 1912 PAGE SIX FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1942 ___________________ I New Technic To Go On Sale This Thursday Magazine Of Engineering Revamped This Year; Staff Tryouts Wanted The engineers are finding plenty to keep them occupied these days, but the staff members of Technic, official engineering college magazine, are doubly busy preparing their Oc- tober issue, which will be placed on sale next Thursday. Em...…

October 10, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…Y it 4M1 43aittj Weather g Continued Cool VOL. LII No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS Wolverines ace Iowa France * * Blasted -By . Giga Seahawks ntic . S. Here Aerial Today Attack Soviet Forces Stop German Advance East Of Stalingrad Defending Armies Crush Nazi Thrusts To Volga; Penetration In Kalmyck Region Threatens Reds Russian Guerrillas Fight Behind Lines By HENRY C. CASSIDY Associated Pr...…

October 10, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCT. 14, 1942 PAGK TWO SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 1942 vacArthur Honors AP Correspondent In New Guinea DAILY OFFICIAL B SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 1942 VOL. LII No. 6 All notices for -the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Noties To...…

October 10, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 1942 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine Gridmen Face Seahawks In Day's Both Teams Unbeaten, Have Hopes ForMythicaiNationalChampionship !. Mid-West Grid Angles: BENCUCOMBEBR Leahy Ordered To Mayo Clinic, Misses Irish -Stanford Contest Four Ex-Michigan Men Will Return As Members Of Iowa Pre-Flight Roster; Bierman Seeks Ninth Straight Triumph Over Maize And Blne (Continued from Page 1) ing post. He needs no introdv...…

October 10, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOI THE MICIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 1942 PM~E- POD SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 194.2- Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclus...…

October 10, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

…MATURDAY, OCT. 14, 1942 THE M l C H T f: A V n'- - TT IV its THE MJCTTH2AN flATTV --a 1~U - PAGE k IVAE r Hillel To Have House-Warming At Mixer Today Foundation Will Introduce Home At Corner Of Hill, Haven Streets With Dance For New Students Hillel Foundation will combine a mixer for new students with a house .warming from 9:00 p. m. to midnight today in its new quarters. The Foundation has just moved to a large twenty-room house on the ...…

October 10, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

…TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCT. W, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. OCT. 10, 1942 mono* For 'Double Ten' Day Chinese Students To Celebrate 31st Anniversary Of Republic In commemoration of "Double Ten" day, marking the thirty-first anni- versary of the founding of the Chi- nese Republic, the Chinese students on campus will hold a banquet at 7 p.. i. today in the Ethel Fountain Iussey Room of the Michigan League. Professor Esson McDowel...…

October 11, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

… It41rn i3aig Weather Tepid VOL. LIII No. '7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCT. 11, 1942 Gigantic United Nations War Rally In Hill Auditoriumj PRICE FIVE CENTS Friday I 'I' 'I' * Seahawks' Power Crushes Wolverine s * * * * * * Benson, Former Wildcat Fullback Star, Goes Over For Cadet Score Culminating a long Seahawk drive downfield, George Benson lunges he starred with Tom Harmon. Michigan's right guard, Julie Franks, is ha...…

October 11, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…" R E 1 C ;1(; A D A 1;114 SUNDAY, OCT. 11, 1942 ,at:... .s sE'T rI(Za fl a..,UNvAr:OCs-s+. 194 Sunday at the Wolverine 209 SOUTH STATE Sunday Dinner from 12:15 to 2:00 o'clock. (Guests Invited) Price 65c Soup-Cream of Chicken Giblet Choice of Tomato Juice, Grapefruit Juice, Apple Juice Celery Hearts Blac~k Olives Stuffed Olives Dill Pickles Mixed Sweet Relish Entres Stuffed Spring Chicken with Raissing Dressing Mashed Potatoes Grilled Be...…

October 11, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, OCT. 11, 1942 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . . Navy Japanese Course Opened Five hundred openings exist for the U.S. Navy's intensive course in the Japanese language which is now being given at the University of Col- orado, Boulder, Colo, it was an- nounced yesterday by the Navy.' It is hoped that 200 tqpicants for this course will be able to meet with the Navy representative at the Michi- gan Union between November 18 and 21. Application fo...…

October 11, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…SUNDAY, OCT. 11 1942 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) the reading room where the boo] are usually shelved. Warner G. Rice, Mks I YOU are quite correct in taking Michigan stu- dents to task for their failure to realize and act upon the seriousness of the their freedom and well-being. That is, you are correct -if you are addressing some, but not all, students. There are a good many who, like other members of the c...…

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