Women's Editor
Phyllis Present
Shirley Rakey
Alice Fretz
Frances Triestram
SJanet Veenboer
Betty Harvey
And Build Up Endurance
To Fulfill Patriotic Duty
EACH and every American MUST re-
direct his entire life, in order to do
his or her part to win this war. Nothing is more
important today than that duty that each of us
has in order to preserve our way of living.
In most cases we are doing something we have
niver done before. In most cases we are doing
MORE physically and mentally than we have
ever done before. If we as individuals expect to
cope with our new tasks, to readjust our lives
suiddenly and quickly, and to bear up and endure
those tasks for the duration, we must watch our
physical condition and guard our health like we
have never done before.
America previous to this war has conquered
many diseases, prevented their spread and inocu-
1 ted its people to make them immune to them.
4et, at the same time as this wonderful scientific
development was going on, Americans were get-
ting careless. They thought science could make
them immune to everything. They ate and drank
what they pleased, they were ashamed to go to
bed before 2 a.m., they were lazy and they went
to the movies instead of playing a set of tennis.
OME AMERICANS, and some students on this
campus, who call themselves patriotic, are
'till living in pre-war days. They do not know
'that by being careless about their health and
their physical endurance, they are being traitors
to their country. They can not possibly do what
is' expected of them, in the condition in which
'they let themselves remain.
wThe men on this campus are probably more
6nscious of their duty to their country than the
tomen, since men are required to take P.E.M.
Aid since the men realize that every branch of
the;service requires its members to pass a stiff
physical examination.
Men alone can not win this war. We know its
otal war and civilian defense and aid is as im-
Jran as the marching army. WOMEN must
Sfit, as well as men, to do their duties at home.
They must be physically fit, in order to donate
heir blood at regular intervals. Donation of
blod will soon be expected of every healthy wo-
~nnon this campus.
THEY MUST BE physically fit to carry extra
hiurs, in order to take such courses as first-
aid nurses aid aid the rest of the Red Cross and
defense courses.. They must be in good condition'
tn order to hold out under the strain of Motor
orps work. They CANNOT join the WAAC's or
the WAVES until they pass a stiff physical.
Wromen of this University are now trying to
et. as much education and training as possible,
raduate soon in order to do one thing-to ful-
filltheir duty to their country.
-Ini order that that duty be fulfilled to the best
b your ability, you must prepare now to make
ourself fit. You musteat a well-balanced diet,
leep your 8 hours every single night, and carry
on a steady program of exercise to harden your
Begin a program of HEALTH now, in order to
serve your country! -Phyllis J. Present
Is Thompson Article
On 'Stake For Women"'
qHIS IS NOT a lecture.
T Nor is this meant to instill "Amer-
icanism in your soul or Victory in your heart."
This is not even an editorial in the strict sense
of meaning to provoke immediate action towards
soigne end.
But we hope it does provoke action on the part
of each and every woman on this campus-action
which will involve merely picking up a magazine
and reading a certain article.
We refer to the October issue of the Ladies
Ilopne Journal and the article is by Dorothy
Thompson. She calls it "The Stake For Women."
We think it is pretty dynamic. The writing is
not dynamic in itself, but what the author is
saying is. Or perhaps it is even more what she
can not say that makes it so terribly important.
SHE SAYS, "It is difficult to write this article
in a magazine that prides itself on decency of
speech. But we have got to look reality in the
face and reality today is not always perfect
reading for young girls."
What she says is the same thing we learn in
Sociology 51 when our professor points his finger
at us and shouts, "What is the basis of civiliza-
tion, the foundation of society?"
The answer is the family, preservation of the
hone and Miss Thompson tells us what is hap-
pening to that primary unit over in Europe's
occupied countries.
RADITIONALLY, all Daily supplements dur-
ing, andfor the first few weeks after, orien-
tation, are filled with columns by everyone from
the business manager down throgh the second
shift linotype man giving liberally of advice to
freshmen, and advising them on how to be prop-
erly naive and natural and charming and "-well,
justbe yourself, kids-and have fun in Ann Ar-
This year the Daily, however, has been relieved
of its responsibilities toward the incoming group
by a completely comprehensive and brilliantly
worked-out little prose work sponsored by the
Union undergraduate staff, clearly the up-and-
coming etiquette arbiter of the day.
The Purpose
The title of this lyric bit of beauty is a kitten-
ish bit of Winchellism which has emerged as
"Michiganetiquette", and you may be relieved of
all your worries about being accepted as one of
the socially elite at Michigan-whatever that is--
and, incidentally, be clipped of fifteen cents by
merely walking up to your neighborhood book
store or yournearest shifty-eyed Union dealer
and-making known your desire for the better
things in life.e
We are told in the preface that "The University
of Michigan Union is happy to present this,
Michigan's first etiquette book in the hope that
the suggestions herein contained may be of some
value to those aspiring to the finer Ann Arbor
society." Certainly, all of'us who have known,
loved and respected the Michigan Union realize
that if ever an organization were born to show
the uninitiated into the hallowed corridors
wherein dwell "finer Ann Arbor society", that
organization is the Michigan Union. We pro-
ceed, feeling finer, better; more purified charac-
ters, knowing that we are in its experienced
The Style
O TREAT LIGHTLY, first of the booklet's
prose style, we think we might say, without
fear of contradiction, as the saying goes, that it
might have made the eyes of a High School Year
Book editor shine with joy; that it would have
been a gift from heaven to the Ladies Home
Journal when the proprietor of the Sub-deb col-
umn went on her vacation, but 'as far as we are
concerned the whole thing Is a rather florid coin-
bination of Malcolm W. Bingay and Child Life.
The booklet runs-just a bit-to quotation
marks; in fact, the Union seems to find the
phrase a rather dull and uninteresting one when
it is not favored by at least three of the little ras-
cals sitting up on the page and complicating your
astigmatism. Every phrase that is, in the Union's
opinion, a meaty one-to be chewed and nour-
ished at leisure-is set up in caps so that one
may chew and nourish it at leisure. One of these,
Women And The Ar
This week WOMEN AND THE WAR is proud
to present Beth O'Roke, '4, who has done out-
standing work in the war effort, to say nothing
f the great work she accomplished at the Uni-
versity during her undergraduate years.
When Miss O'Roke graduated the June before
Dec. 7th, her activities were not yet turned to the
"All-Out" war effort.
Her school extra-curricular work only included
her office of vice-president of the League Coun-
cil, president of the dance club on the WAA
board, president of a League summer council,
assistant to Miss McCormick one summer, orien-
tation adviser, work on all class projects, includ-
ing her comedy role in the 1940 J.G.P., social
committee, Ruthven teas and social committee
and pledge captain of her sorority!
In addition, Beth was a member of Wyvern,
Junior women's honor society, Mortar Board,
senior women's honor society, Tau Sigma Delta,
honor society, Phi Kappa Phi, honor society and
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman women's honor
society. She also received freshman, sophomore,
junior and senior honors at the annual convo-
During the last year, while doing full-time
work in drafting and design at the J. L. Hudson
Co., Beth took a course in machine drawing at
Laurence Tech in Detroit, and at thesame time
was an air raid warden. As a personal sideline,
Beth decided to take another little night class in
weavings and textiles at Wayne University, just
to fill in all of her free time, no doubt!
This summer, anxious to convert 'her abilities
to immediate war work, Beth enrolled in the Sur-
veying, Topographic Mapping and Photogram-
metry course which is given here by the civil
engineering department under' the auspices 'of
the Engineering, Science, Management War
Training program.
Upon completing the course: Beth, as well as
all others who enrolled, was given a.Civil:Serv-,
ice rating. The purpose- of women. in this field
is to release men, fr overseas duty "and jobs
are-aplenty," according to Beth.
She is now preparing to leave for Bellemont,
where she is to report Oct. 12. She will be doing
construction work and expects to be there until
about Jan. 1.
The University of Michigan is proud of Beth
O'Roke and all of the student body.alumni and
faculty join us in wishing her good luck from
"Women and the War."
-.. hc. n n anil bp~nmo .anin 9
which we may entitle Axiom 1, and which will
serve as an example of what turns up with an-
noyiii frequency is: "GOOD CONDUCT BUILDS
UPON GOOD THOUGHT." The Union, we are
to take it, thinks good.
The Content
UST TO MAKE the whole set-up a little more
gay and frolicking, some of the cutest little
touches that you've ever gagged at in your life
are inserted. Men and women are called "lads
and lassies" repetitively enough to make you
think that the Union has a couple of new words
of which it is rather fond. Neither is the leaflet
lacking in a certain sharp wit. "We might say
that the attitude of the well adjusted person is
like the contribution of a Beaver to a stream-he
gives a damn! !" We are reminded of the blurb on
the jacket of every humor book we have ever
read: 'There is only one funny organization in
Ann Arbor, and that organization is the Michi-
gan Union."
-In this notable volume the Union also dares to
draw aside the veil and draws for us a clear-cut
picture of what is probably the most discussed
and the most vital topic on campus, even in these
perilous times: "What shall we do about frater-
nity pin hanging?"
Pulling no punches, the Union goes right to
the core of the problem. "If a fellow gives, and a
girl takes a pin without a deeper significance in
the gesture than just "going steady," chances are
that one of two types of people is involved. Those
who love to advertise and those who leap before
they look. It is quite generally conceded that the
girl who wears a fraternity pin intends to be OUT
O THE SOCIAL PICTURE for good, and the
fellow wh plants his pin likewise. The rest of
society acts accordingly." Just what "according-
ly" means is not explained, but the intimation is
that everyone on the Michigan campus who goes
steady may be found in a reasonably accurate
facsimile of a Fifteenth Century dungeon. The
same paragraph instructs us not to "cheapen fra-
ternity pin planting!"
The Unspegkable
ON THE SAME SUBJECT, the closing para-
graph tells us, "Every year we hear of some-
body planting his pledge pin, or, what is infin-
itely worse, his Union pin-" (We cover our eyes
with horror.)-"It may be a good idea to pledge
your girl before you pin her, but it isn't done,
and although we admire the sweet sentiment in
which these little troths take place, especially in
the case of the Union pin-we laugh!"
Ad we leave you, hoping that you have in
mind, as a parting thought, the beautiful picture
of the entire Union staff, sitting around, and
laughing merrily. in unison at the unspeakable
sacrilege of hanging a Union pin.
You're not a "frosh," and you can't join a
You'll have no "profs," and you'll never see
Joe College at Michigan-he departed this cam-
pus in '29, in company with his raccoon coat, his
silver gin flask, his supercharged roadster and his
whoopee hat, and you'll hear none of his raucous,
College Humor jargon.
Why don't you? Because this is Michigan, not
a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer six day set, and we like
to think of ourselves' as a group of somewhat
serious-minded college students, not mere atmos-
Our Rules Are Few
We're a hundred and five years old this year,
and over a century of education has mellowed us
a bit, and we consider ourselves entitled to a few
halycon recollections. Our rules are few, but such
as they are, we like a moderate adherence to
Here are some of the favorites among the ac-
cepted practices, and keeping them in mind,
lends a strain of unity to a cosmopolitan com-
A freshman smoking a pipe on campus is
frowned on-no law you understand, but one of
those unwritten customs.
Treading on the lawns on your way from class
to class is not regarded with favor. Not that your
classes aren't worth getting to on time, of course;
in fact, walking into lecture rooms consistently
after the instructor has started to talk is a lead-
ing misdemeanor. As for leaving classes before
the lecturer has finished, even if he slightly ex-
ceeds his allotted time, this is a flagrant violation
of common courtesy.
High school pins, athletic emblems, etc., can
be stowed away, in the attic trunk with your
diploma and pigtails or short pants, as the case
may be.
Hats are removed when 'The Yellow and the
Blue is.sung, as it always is at football game in-
termissions and pep meetings. This one is
Rules For Rushees
During the 'rushing period, always call a sor-
ority or fraternity-not a frat, remember-when
you are unable to keep an appointment, even
if -you don't intend to pledge that particular
Refrain from addressing a professor as an in-
structor.,or vice versa,:but if:.you must err,-by
all means favor:vice versa, And a:doctor, recol-
lect, is ,a member ofa closed shop-he. has to
hav.-re ivad o ct iort dere from same'place:
Soph Observes
At Every Turn
Another year, another class; this
time it's of the 1946 variety which
consists, in case you didn'tnotice, of
women, small to middlin', who have
in common, outside of that terrified
"do or die" expression, feather bobs,
gay sweaters, oh yes, and men. Oh
yeah classes '43, '44 and '45, bear up
under that freshman landslide, but
be comforted that you, at least, can
find the campus recognizable enough
to wend your way to Angell Hall with-
out too much difficulty. A freshman
is a type peculiar and familiar to all
secondary schools and colleges. It is
an interesting species; the most not-
able characteristics are effervescence,
drawn brows, and a strange fanatical
tendency to giggle. The female of
the species can easily be identified by
the fact that it is constantly sur-
rounded by the male.
The male of the species sports an
odd contraption kntwn as a "dinky"
which comes in one case in bright
glue and gold. As the type matures, it
loses its two most important means
of identification, and it becomes in-
distinguishable in a group.
In order to elucidate upon the orig-
ination of the drawn brows, an exam-
ple must be cited.
There was one wee feminine mem-
ber of the species which stumbled
hesitantly up the steps of the afort-
mentioned Angell Hall with the"i
this the building, huh?" expression
of panic fairly blotting out her fea-
She grinned sheepishly at an old
timer (a member of the class of '45)
and inquired intelligibly whether this
was the Women's Athletic Building.
Upon being straightened out on
this vital matter, she skipped lightly
through Angell's portals with the re-
mark that now she could find Natural
Science. Needless to relate, this con-j
fused the "upperclassman''.
But, after all, this is our future
League president, this is our future
prom queen, this is our typical fresh-
Kenneth Haven, '29 B. D., elected
by a campus-wide vote to presidency
of the senior literary class, was pro-
nounced ineligible for the office by
the Student Council after a heated
session in the Union.. .
Nicaraguan says jazz is merely a
physical appeal.. .
No cheering section provided for
Michigan - Michigan State football
game. Students wishing to sit in the
cheering sections for the three home
games must apply to the committee
of the student council in charge of
the section, ..
Plans are complete for League buil-
ding. Sizeable gifts assure library's
being set aside as memorial to woman
Beautiful black and white kitten
inspects campus...
Dormitories draw names to deter-
mine who will represent them at out-
of-town football games.. .
A motion unanimously adopted by
Interfraternity Council opposes ban
on automobiles and disapproves of
new abolition of dances on football
week-ends. Members suggest that all
upperclassmen who are scholastically
eligible be allowed to drive cars, a
stand paralleling the Daily's...
Detroit University of Michigan club
presents two real wolverines as Mich-
igan mascots to the student body. . .
Beautiful black and white kitten
shot by police...
The weather-generally unsettled
and cooler today. Some rain maybe.
Probably fair and warmer tomorrow.
It Happened
15 Years Ago About Now
.~. , ,
m b .
\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\\\ \\\\ \ \ \ \ ' 14
Here is an opportunity tha
is rapidly becoming rare. W
advise that you take advan
tage of it while you can.
t Lovely
lace trir
They c
rose, lig
31 %
rayon satin slips,
immed and tailored.
ome in white, tea-
ght blue, and black.
ar and half-sizes:
to 35V, 34 to 38.
..~ /;, .;
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x'r.I wI ,A.t
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8 Nickels Arcade
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u:".Ii'ii l eiii:'...
rSi. °
,J '.
'A. '
b.' 4
._. , i3
Off to the game in a Kessel
frock - gay, flattering, comfortable,
yet warm enough to wear all through
football season.
i .
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