In Backfield Seems Likely
For Seahawk
Lund, Wardley
May Be Given
Starting Roles
Wolverines Work On Ball1
Handling; 'Evie' Picked,
To Captain Iowa Team
The State Street bett ors have the
word moving around the campus that
when Coach Fritz Crisler sends his'
eleven onto the field against the Iowa
Seahawks there will be a couple new
faces in the starting backfield.
So far this week the Wolverine grid
boss has been using the combination
of Capt. George Ceithaml at quarter,
Don Robinson and Frank Wardley
at halfs, and Don Lund at the full-
back spot. The first two started
against State last week and are as-
sured of hearing the opening whistle
from the field, but Wardley and Lund
have yet to start a game.
Both of these two sophomores turn-
ed in great performances last week-
end and have been keeping up the
pace during the first two days bf
practice. But still Crisler has not def-
initely decided whom he will start
Saturday in the backfield and he
probably won't until just before game
time, but Lund and Wardley appear
to be the best bets.
Yesterday the Michigan head coach
arid: his aides sent the squad through
a long drill on both pass offense and
defenise with the main attention being
cast on ball handling. It is faulty
handling of the pigskin that cost the
Varsity at least three more touch-
downs against the Spartans.
Tom Kuzma was working out in
the practice throwing several passes
and running. It is extremely doubtful
whether the Gary flash will see ac-
tionunless Michgan gets behind and
needs the extra punch" to score.. His
knee isn't thoroughly healed and
Crisler hates to risk additional aggra-
vation of the injury.-
Heartening news came out of the
Seahawks' camp today as, Coach Ber-
nie Bierman announced that he was'
"uncertain" whether halfbacks Bus
Mertes and Jim Langhurst would be
able to play because of injuries suf-'
fered in the Minnesota fray,. Both
have played against Michigan before
as the former was -with Minnesota
last year while Langhurst played with
Ohio State.
The Iowa Cadets also lost Bill Kio-
lens, regular left tackle, and John.Bi-
ola, a reserve guard. The pair have
finished their training courses .and
will not be able to play this coming
Forrest Evashevski, who captained
the Wolverines in 1940 and was
teamed up with Tom Harmon, will
return to Ann Arbor again as cap-
tain. Yesterday Bierman named 'Ervie'
to pilot the Seahawks against his old
Wolverine Fans Wonder Who
Crisler Will Start At Fullback
Last year when All-American Bob
Westf all trotted from the field after
the Ohio State-Michigan game, the
sideline quarterbacks immediately
started thinking how the "Bullet"
would be missed when the Wolverines
lined up in 1942.
After all, Westy had been one of
the greatest fullbacks in the history
of Michigan and he had been called
the best plunger in the business by
crafty Coach Fritz Crisler.
Early in September news came out
of Ann Arbor that Don Boor, who
had been Westf all's understudy,
would not be ready for the 1942 open-
ing tilt because a leg injury which he
received last spring during baseball
season had not healed yet.
This placed the job in the hands of
two untried sophomores, Bob Wiese
and Don Lund. Crisler seldom starts
sophs in-the first game of the season,
but he was going to this time.
After comparing the play of the
two boys during the training period,
the Wolverine coach named Wiese to
fill the shoes of Westfall. Filling the
shoes of All-American Bob is a big
job for anyone, but it was an awful
load to heap upona green sophomore.
Wiese Stands Out
Against Great Lakes Wiese played
for all he was worth and he certainly
held up his end of the burden. His
kicks kept the Sailors in the hole
constantly as they bounced out of
Practice Begun
By Cindermen
Squad Of 35 Comes Out;
Cross-Country Starts
Thirty-five trackinen reported to
Varsity Coach Ken Doherty' yester-
ay afte'rnoon and will spend the next
few weeks in conditioning, workouts
among the beautiful ,green hills of
the- Univerity golf -course.
Coach, Doherty plans a rigorous
cross-country program for the Var-
sity runners this fall duririg'the out-
door seasofllwhich Will extend through
:In'line' With' the stress placed on
conditioning -of all students through
the 'PEM' program, Coach Doherty
announced that a number of intra-
squad meets would' be held.,There is
a strong .possibility of meets with
cross-country teams from other Mid-
west schools, he added.
All other Varsity thinclads who re-
ported for the various field events,
approximately 40 in number, will un-
dergo a stiff conditioning prgram.
This will include calisthenics, wind
sprints and exercise on form for the
various events. These men will also
work outdoors as long as the weather
One of the first men to don the
gray sweat outfit and trot around
the Field House track was Captain
Dave Matthews, '43, Royal Oak,
Michigan's ace half-mile performer.
Coach Doherty encouraged all stu-
dents interested in track to come out
for the team. "Experience is not
necessary," he said. Varsity athletes
are excused from PEM courses.
bounds within the ten yard line sev-
eral times. Added to his punting was
his line bucking and power plays.
Frosh Gridmen
Begin Practice
At Ferry Field
Initial Session Draws 85;
Coach Weber Stresses
Fundamentals In Drills
Freshmen, 85 strong, joined the
varsity g-rkders on the spacious trf
of Ferry Field Monday afternoon. Al-
though this number is smaller than
usual. h-d mentor Wally Weber ex-
pressed the hope that it will be swell-
ed when some of the yearlings have
gotten their PEM difficulties straight-
ened out. Freshmen who attend prac-
tices regularly are excused from PEM
Wally and his assistants are keep-
ing wary eyes on the newcomers in
hopes of finding plenty of good kick-
ers, runners, passers and blockers,
and, who knows, maybe another Har-
mon or Westfall. However, it's a
little too early for making predictions
and the cub mentors are' keeping
their tongues in their cheeks until
they have witnessed their charges in
action. Meanwhile, there's plenty of
hard work in conditioning exercises
and drills ahead of the cub prospects.
That the freshmen° can stand
plenty of hard practice is shown by
the fact that a number of them have
never played organized football be-
fore. These together with the rest of
the squad will be lining up against
the varsity in the near future and
the frosh coaches want to field a
well-conditioned, smart-looking elev-
en. Also the best of the freshmen will
be expected to fill vacancies on the
varsity next fall. Who can tell which
of the freshmen of today will be the
stars of tomorrow?
Services Claim
Daily Sports Editor
* * * *
Wiese gave drive to a backfield that
had speed to burn, but was lacking
in power.
Playing the entire 60 minutes, the
big youngster sent Crisler's fears fly-
ing in the wind as he helped the Wol-
verines sink the Sailors, 9-0.
Last Saturday Wiese again started,
but this time his running and ball
handling failed to come up to the
standard. that he had set the previous
week-end. Coupled with his weak
kicking, Crisler replaced him with
Boor in the second quarter. Boor
showed no signs of his old injury
hampering him as he played an ag-
gressive game for the short time that
he was in there. However, his running
ability was not given a true test as he
carried the ball only once.I
Lund Gets Chance
Giving his third fullback a try late
in the fourth period, the Michigan
mentor was pleased with the perfor-
mance turned in by Don Lund. Lund
blasted the Spartan line to a sham-
bles as he did some of the finest run-
ning of the game. His drives set up
the third Maize and Blue score.
This threw the race for Westfall's
position wide open again. Who Coach
Crisler plans to start this Saturday
in the crucial game against the Sea-
hawks of Iowa is not yet known. This
will be determined during this week's
drills, but it is almost certain that
all three will see action.
Punting may decide the issue since
Tom Kuzma, who handled this de-
partment last year, may not see ac-
tion. If Lund continues as good as he
was in the State tilt,'he may win the
It is an important decision which
the foxy Crisler must face. Boor,
Lund or Wiese? Who will it be?
Tickets may now be secured for
the Iowa Seahawk-Michigan foot-
ball game by presenting student
coupons at the Athletic Offices.
Tickets for seniors were available
Monday, and for juniors, yester-
day, but these tickets may be pro-
cured anytime this week. Sopho-
mores may get their tickets start-
ing today and freshmen can get
theirs tomorrow or Friday. It is
urged that all students go on the
days specified in securing tickets
to future games as they will then
get better seats.
Varsity basketball practice will
start Monday, Oct. 12 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Intramural Building. All
eligible men are urged to attend.
Bennie Oosterbaan
Varsity Basketball Coach
interest story, barely connected
with this shifting world of sport,
crops up in some phase of the ath-
letic realm. It rarely concerns a foot-
ball or baseball star who makes the
headlines with monotonous regular-
ity, or a famous coach who is known
from border to border for his out-
standing teams. Instead it is usually
about somebody who never even had
any relation with the modern dayl
version of competitive athletics.
That's the type of story we're goingI
to pass on to you today.
I AST SATURDAY a young man
sat in a secluded corner of the
Michigan press box. Hisname was
Jack Livingston, and he wasn't
there as sportswriter or a radio an-
nouncer or in anyway concerned
with the workings of the press. He
was simply there as a spectator,
the same as the 39,163 fans in the
Jack Livingston had been lying flat
on his back for four months. He was
the victim of a rare disease that only
complete rest and absolutely no exer-
cise could cure. So for four months
he remained in a bed in University
Then, when the football season had
rolled around, he asked the doctors
if he might see one. of the games. At
first they said no, but he convinced
them that it would do, him no harm,
in factit 'might even help. They con-
sented only on the condition that
suitable arrangements be made so
that he would not have to do any
This seemed like an extra large
order for. the ardent football fan
Living'ston, but not too large for
him to fill. He got in touch with
an old friend of his college days
when both attended Michigan, the
Sfriend being Fred Delano, publicity
director of Wolverine athletics and
the man who decides who does and
who doesn't sit in the press box.
And the suitable arrangements in-
sisted upon- by the doctors were
soon completed.
Came Saturday and a cab pulled
up to the door of the press box, foot-
ball fan Livingston was wheeled up
the ramp, carried up the steps and
set down in his own little corner from
where he watched _ Michigan defeat
Michigan State. After the game, the
procedure was reversed and Living-
ston was back in his hospital bed-
much more cheerful than he had
been at any time during the four long
months. What's more the experiment
proved so successful that he will be
up there during every one of the re-
maining home games.
And that's today's human interest
story. We think some thanks are dueI
Fred Delano whose generosity made
it possible. And we're sure Jack Liv-
ingston joins in.
history, but we may as well
have one more say. This one's
about the most colorful man in the
103 year tenure of America's na-
tional game. Yes, it's about that
amazing man MacPhail, Larry
MacPhail, the only guy in baseball
to ever talk back to umpire Bill
Klein on or off the diamond.
The pop-off red-head who gave ev-
ery newspaperman in the country too
much copy and built the Brooklyn
Dodgers into a pennant winner is
gone from the ranks of the game for
the duration. He's with Uncle Sam's
outfit now as Colonel MacPhail, but
we doubt if he can do the things for
it that he did for the Brooklyn Bums.
career. In 1930 he was the owner
of the Columbus Redbirds. In 1933
he was made general manager of
the Cincinnati Reds. He had Cros-
ley Field painted orange, he intro-
duced usherettes, hired silver-tongued
Red Barber to air the games over the
network, built up a farm system and
gave the Reds two pennants and one
world's championship before he left.
Next he went to Brooklyn, where
the club was in the hands of the
Brooklyn Trust Co. to the extent
of 0500,000. He talked the Brooklyn
Trust Company into advancing
$300,000 more, brought the glib Red
Barber along with him to Flatbush,
paid half a million for players, and
made Brooklyn the most talked
about team in the nation. In five
years the debts were paid off, and
during this last season. 45 per centf
of the National League's paid ad-
missions were at Dodger games.
Probably his most famous exploit
occurred in World War I when he
led a group in an attempted kidnap-
ping of the Kaiser. The plan failed,
and the red-head barely escaped with
his life. Well, baseball will miss him
-the most loquacious, verbose, spec-
tacular and efficient character it ever
Gridmen Meet
Old Teammate
In Fraumann
About four years ago a tall gangling
freshman from Pontiac. Michigan,
was wandering around the Michigan
campus wondering, just as most
freshmen are today. whether or not
he would evertbe able tohacclimate
himself to the vast spaciousness of
the University.
It wasn't very long, however, be-
fore "Whitey," as he was called be-
cause of his extremely blond hair,
had gained the favor of his many
classmates. He was especially appeal-
ing to the coeds, for there weren't'
many boys around that were as pleas-
ant and handsome at the same time
as "Whitey" Fraumann.
Hard Worker
One of the places that Fraumann
found very easily was the football
field. He went out from the very
first, and gained recognition as being
one of the hardest workers and most
conscientious men on the freshman
squad. When the following spring
came around "Whitey" ,was invited
by Coach Crisler to show his ability,
and he again proved himself to be a
valuable player.
"Whitey" was one of the few soph-
omores to see action and to travel
with the varsity the next fall. He
played end, being a very capable re-
His junior year saw him in more
action than before, but he still was
not given a regular position due to
the fact that Michigan boasted an
All-American end named Ed Frutig,
and one of the best ends in the Con-
frerence named Joe Rogers.
Perseverence finally paid, its re-
wards for "Whitey" Fraumann last
fall when, more experienced and
greatly improved, he won the regular
:left end position. While he never be-
came an All-American or even All-
Conference, he was an excellent team
player. He was also among the most
popular men on the Michigan roster.
Upon graduation last February,
Fraumann left with wrestling coach
Cliff Keen and Bob Flora, a former
tackle, to take special training at
Annapolis. He soon became an En-
sign, and was assigned to-the Univer-
sity of Iowa to train Navy men in
physical education.
This Saturday afternoon, Michigan
students will be able to see Fraumann
once again, only this time he will be
playing .for the' Iowa Seahawks Pie-
Flight teamn along with former Wol-
rerine players 'Butch' Jordan and our
great quarterback Forrest Evashevski.
Half Dozen Players Enter
Soon; Slaughter Drafted
NEW YORK, Oct. 6. -(/P)- The
World Series has come and gone and
everyone is wondering whether it has
gone for a long lapse.
No one in baseball knows the an-
swer, although all the major league
clubs are going forward with prepa-
rations for next season. And the se-
ries just ended was as successful from
every standpoint as any in history.
It certainly was the last for awhile
for Phil Rizzuto of the New York
Yankees, who already has enlisted in
the Navy ,and will report this week-
end, and for Enos (Country) Slaugh-
ter of the St. Louis Cardinals, who
has been notified to report for induc-
tion into the Army.
Many of the other players are go-
ing too, sooner or later. In general
they are young, ranging from 25 to
35 years of age, and even though they
are exempt now they realize that
eventually they may be called.
Johnny Beazley, 23-year-old rookie
righthander from Nashville, Tenn., is
planning to enlist in the Marines, and
it isn't taking much for granted to
say that the Marines will be glad to
get him.
Whitey Kurowski, whose two-run
homer in the ninth inning supplied
the winning runs yesterday, is an-
other Cardinal rookie who may have
been playing not only his first but
his last series for some time.
The Reading, Pa., youth is married
and the father of a few-months-old
baby, but his draft classification is
The Professional Touch.
comes most quickly to the draftsman
who pins his faith to the HI-DENSITY
LEAD which is a feature quality of mod-
Pencils. You get greater density of M
line, and less smudging.... try them.
- .
r .-
! !'fit
Letters and numerals will be
awarded to basketball managers
this year. All eligible sophomores
interested should attend the prac-
tice Monday,' Oct. 12 at 7:30 p.m.
at the Intramural Building.
Fred Gibson,
Senior Basketball Manager
,/ f
'~''~. "
I t '
Terry Moore, the Cardinal captain
and great centerfielder, has been in
3A because of dependents, but is not
married and expects to enlist.
Buddy Hassett, first baseman of
the Yanks, is in the same situation as
Moore. Pitcher Red Ruffing, 38-year-
old veteran who worked the first and
last games of the series, is married
but has no children. Some of the
other Yankees who have one, or even
two, children have talked of enlist-
ing. One of these is Joe (Flash) Gor-
don, the star of the 1941 victory over
the Brooklyn Dodgers and the goat of
the 1942 loss to the Redbirds.
!1 -S
Michigan Daily S!
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py knack of making thirst a minor
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ef "IA . 6And veur nwn *np* nnee il