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October 07, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-07

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Fifty-Third Year

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michign under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesdiay 'during tfie summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use fpr republication of all news dispatches credited to
it orotherwise credited in this, newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Po.st Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
seec-lass. mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Represeniative
420 MAbje0N.AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y.
Editorial Staff
Homer Swander .. Managing Editor
Itorton Mintz.. . . Editorial Director
Will, Sapp . . . . City Editor
George W. Sallad. . . . . Associate Editor
Chairles' Thatcher . . . . Associate Editor
Bernard 'Hendel . . . Sports. Editor
Barbara deFres . Women's Editor
Myron Dann . . . Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
Edward J. Perlberg Business Manager
Pred. M. Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager
Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager
Jane Lindberg . . Women's Advertising 1lanager
Janres Daniels . . . Publications Sales Analyst
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


Campus Gets Chance
To Study Peace Issues
TF EVER THE WORLD will need in-
telligent, informed men to criticize
its proposals for peace it will be after this war.
A Tealization of this need by the Post-War
Council last summer prompted a suggestion of
a course' analyzing the issues involved in win-
ning the peace. Now that course is being offered:
Social'Studies 93, the problems of the war and
of the peace.
The benefits of this course can be tremendous.
f the students 'who enroll in it seriously study
the'. problems that :they will surely face in the
future,. they may help1 prevent a fiasco like the
peace of the last war.,
-Leon Gordenker
Russian Winter Cannot
Brin Allied Victories
T again bringing with it the- wishful
story that Germany will be stopped by the Rus-
sian weather, and that all the Russians have
to do is hold out another month and everything
will be jake. This would be nice. The Russians
would like Ait to happen. The rest of the Allies
would also like it. But it just won't work out
that.,way - not by itself, at least.
Russia is the coldest place on earth where
active fighting is going on, and winter will find
the Nazis eating carmels to keep their teeth from
But the Russians are graced by no special
providence that keeps them from freezing to
death. The Nazis have ransacked every piece
of warm clothing from western Europe they
could lay their hands on to keep their
soldiers warm this winter.
They cannot succeed entirely, but with last
winter's experience, they will not be caught as
short. Their realization that Russia won't be
knocked out makes them even more dangerous,
for their planning is more exacting and creful.
And the Russians are having more than their
share of difficulties in getting sufficient clothing
for the winter. Ordinary winter furs made for
city living aren't good enough for continuous
exposure, for lying in open fields, or for sniping
from gutted buildings.
N OTHER WORDS, the political soothers who
want to enlist winter on the Allied, side, and
the harebrained optimists who just figured out
'that We have nothing -to worry about until
spring, slitting their own collective throats
With a very well sharpened razor. And if we be-
lieve them because it's the easiest way out; and
serves as the perfect excuse to look to easier
fields to conquer, we'll be slicing right with
Finally, if the short memories will be
lengthened just a little, it will be recalled
that while winter stopped the German ad-
vanee, it did not throw it backan apprec-
iable distance. When the roads were still
all mud the Nazis began their push again,
and what they lost during the cold months.
was not enough to stop them entirely, or
even slow them up for long.
Hitler doesn't have to get Stalin's signature
on a peace treaty to make Russia another "en-
lightenedcountry." All he has to do is push his
dines far enough into Russia to make her armies
retreat behind the Ural' wall, or push them far

,ln AXE th 9ind
(This column is written by Hale Champion,'
formerly very much of The Daily, who leaves
tomorrow for the army . . . Torquemada).
The time has come - as Lewis Carroll's famed
Walrus once said - to speak of many things.
Tomorrow morning I leave Ann Arbor and the
University of Michigan for the duration, and
the things that I'd like to say come in a vast
emotional wave.
I am happy, proud to be leaving. I am sorry,
a little ashamed about what I leave behind.
I am happy because I am breaking a shroud
of apathy that held me from September, 1940
to September, 1942 from doing what I knew I
should do. I am only a little proud because it
took me so long.
I am sorry to, leave behind me a campus
that is failing to fulfill its potentialities as a
force for democracy. I am ashamed to leave
behind me a pot-wearing, bonfire-burning,
play-soldiering, coke-drinking, socially-un-
conscious campus.
I admit I am bitter about students who take
their war over the soda-counter, and their self-
expression from the sticky sentimentality of
Tin Pan Alley. I admit that I hate to leave
-efore all that changes. I hope and know that
it will change.
There are a million other things that I have
a million other emotions about. Football games,
presstime on The Daily,; the people I know, the
things I didn't get around to doing..
But when I leave Ann Arbor tomorrow morn-
ing it will be with one great hope: That the
University of Michigan led by its students will
do an about face, that it will discard its academic
detachment and pitch into the war effort with
a whole heart, ready to sacrifice not only what
it MUST, but what it CAN.
-Pvt. Hale Champion
O MORE BABY GARG'S, the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications decided yes-
terday. No more cartoons of voluptuous lingerie-
clad women lounging in the Arboretum. No
more sly jokes for the freshmen.
Maybe the, death certificate should read:
"Death By Overexposure."
That hitch-hiker murder up in Midland
yesterday probably will kill our chances
of getting rides into Detroit for the next
month or so.
.TavioRahikainen Finley, a Detroit tailor who
said he was afraid to fight in the war, yesterday
tok the easy way out. He sliced his wrists with
a trimmer knife, stuck his long tailor's scissors
into his neck and swallowed a vial of poison.
* * *
The University doesn't know it yet but the
president of a large mid-western university
was on campus incognito the other day just
looking around and observing a few things.




WASHINGTON-Those who accompanied the
President when he reviewed military maneuvers
in the far West, reported that three things
stood out which should make the American Army
the peer if not superior to any in the world.
(1) The marvelous physical fitness of the
troops; (2) their high-spirited morale and bound-
less enthusiasm; (3) their mental alertness and
Regarding the first, Army doctors have been
astounded at the record-breaking low sickness
rate, despite the rigor of the training schedule
and thefield conditions. Although living in the
open under blazing skies with bivouacs shifting
almost daily, with tentage, blankets and other
personal equipment limited wholly to what can
be carried in packs, the health of the men is
superb. Not only have there been no epidemics
of any kind, but the daily "sick report" has
practically disappeared in many units.
The hardness of the troops is truly phenomen-
al. After the invasion of Poland, U.S. corres-
pondents wrote awed stories about the spectacu-
lar marching ability of the German soldier; of
hiking 70 miles in 24 hours and then going im-
mediately into battle. That is an outstanding
performance, but it's nothing unusual in the
maneuvers which the President witnessed.
In several problems, outfits have chalked up
even better records; while 30 and 40 mile opera-
tional marches are every day occurances. One
regiment hiked 35 miles across swamp land in
a total blackout and nearly the same distance
'the' next day under a broiling sun and intermit-
tent downpours to surprise the "enemy" and
punch a hole through a soft spot in his lines.
High Morale
The morale of the troops is as exuberant as
their physical well-being. One striking evidence
of this is the pride they take in their personal
cleanliness, and the smartness of their attire and
equipment. Is is a common sight to see men all
over a "battle" area in woods and under bridges,
shaving, brushing their teeth and washing up,
just before dawn.
After "battle," no matter how weary they are,
the first thing the troops do is to "police up",
their arms and equipment. And they do it with
a will and dash.
Only troops of high morale, troops who have
pride in themselves and the cause they are serv-
ing, will stand up under gruelling tests such
as part of those which the President witnessed.
It takes more than merely wearing a uniform
to stand up under tough maneuvers of this kind.
You've got to have it inside you.
The Army will not permit the Justice Depart-
ment to make any mention of crimes involving
the Army. If a civilian is shot by a soldier, or
vice-versa, Justice can say absolutely nothing.
Even when Gen. Buckner in Alaska swears out
a mandamus ordering Secretary Ickes to show
cause why he should not get a hunting license
to shoot moose, andit is all a matter of court
record, the Justice Department must keep its
lips sealed . . . After six months, -the Justice
Department usually asks if it can -release the
information, and the Army replies, "It's old news,
so let's forget it" . . . Bill Hassett, White House
assistant press secretary, telephones cabinet
officers and high administration officials when-
ever anything appears min the papers showing
they are at loggerheads. Bill's idea is to keep

VOL. LII No. 3
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Michigan Medical Service Sub-
scribers: The following notice has
been received from the Michigan
Medical Service: "The present meth-
od of payment for services provided
under your Surgical Benefit Certifi-
cate will be continued until further
notice; accordingly, Michigan Medi-
cal Service will pay for services pro-
vided under the Surgical Benefit Cer-
tificate when rendered by any legally
qualified doctor of medicine."
To the members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
October 12, at 4:15 p. m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. All regular meet-
ings of the University Council are
open to the members of the Univers-
ity Senate.
Student Enlisted Reserves: A mass
meeting for all undergraduate men
will be held in Hill Auditorium at 8
o'clock this evening. A joint board of
Army, Navy and Marine Corps offi-
cers will present the latest informa-
tion on the various student enlisted
reserve programs. President Ruthven
will open the meeting.
B. D. Thuma
Registration for jobs will be held
Monday, October 12, in Room 205
Mason Hall at 4:10 p. m. by the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information. This reg-
istration comes earlier this year than
usual because the demand from em-
ployers for personnel is asking us to
furnish candidates now. Only one
registration will be held, and every-
one who wants employment at the
end of the February, June, or August
term is urged to apply now.
This enrollment applies to teachers
and to all interested in business and
other professional positions, and is
open to seniors, graduate students
and staff members interested in full-
time work. There is no charge for
registration. It should be noted that
everyone who is a candidate for a
Teacher's Certificate is required by
the School of Education to be regis-
tered in the Bureau before the certifi-
cate can be granted.
University Bureau of Appointments
& Occupational Information
Choral Union Ushers: Last year's1
ushers may sign up at Hill Auditor-
ium Box Office between. 4:30 and
5:30 p. m. Thursday. New men, 4:30
to 5:30 p. m. on Friday.
Women Transfer Orientation Ad-
visers: Please turn all reports in to-,
day at Miss McCormick's office in
the League.
Phi Lambda Upsilon: Will all mem-
bers of P. L. U. not on the chapter
roll this summer or last spring please
leave their name and street address
with the secretary in Room 264
Chemistry Building. We wish to wel-
come members of other chapters .to
Applications for the Hillel Hostess
Scholarship will be accepted at the
Foundation through Friday noon.
Blanks may be obtained at the Foun-
dation and further information may
be had by calling 3779.

University Lecture: Dr. Reinhold
Schairer, British Visiting Professor at
New York University, will lecture on
the subject, "Germany Before the
Peace and After" in the Rackham
Amphitheatre, Thursday, October 8,
at 4:15 p. m., under the auspices of
the University Committee on Inter-
national Studies and Administration.
The public is cordially invited.
Freshman Health Lectures: The
regular freshman health lectures will
be given this term in the Natural
Science Auditorium-one lecture each
week beginning Thursday, October 8,
in five sections, preferably by alpha-
betic grouping.
Surname Hour Day
A-E 4 Thurs.
F-K 5 Thurs.

1.r Rather BeRight-
Ah, truth, truth, what is truth? a major offensive; that weapons
Truth, perhaps, is Herman Goer- must be ready, men trained; that
ing, saying he cannot defend the surplusses of goods and reserves
cities of the Reich against air at- of men must be available far be-
tack because his air force is too hind the fighting lines. Without
busy in Russia. all this, say experts, no one can
That is the kind of reluctant dare an offensive. Then Hitler
truth which history extracts even must have all this. Then bombing
from liars, as with red-hot pin- a factory in Germany now cannot
cers. possibly stop him in Russia now;
But truth is also Stalingrad, it cannot affect the present battle;
which says to us that the worst it can only affect the German ar-
demolition from the air does not my months or perhaps years from
destroy a city's capacity to fight; now.
that the most savage bombing What is truth? Truth is some-
does not give victory; that a city times the other side of a lie, when
goes on, until men on foot, or in you turn it on its back and see
wheeled land vehicles, enter it and its legs kick.
take it physically; that if they Truth can be a gentlemen in
cannot do so, they do not win. England, saying that a second
Ah, truth! What is truth? Put front now might be an unparallel,
the two stories together, and per- ed disaster for the Allies
haps .truth is that this is the time
to hit Germany, but that hitting TRUTH FROM A LIAR
her from the air alone will not Or it can be a liar like Hitler,
overcome her cities, that making sweating in the Berlin Sportspal-
rubble is not the same as making ast, assuring the German people
victory, that a second front now would be
TRUTH IN THE STONES an unparalled disaster for the Al=
Truth is the fighting spirit of lies. See, the liar says it, too, in
England, which has proved that the same words. Then what is
air war alone cannot win, and truth?
yet toys with the theory that air Truth is the record, which says
yettoseitctha teorwthat Germany has never had to
You see, there is truth in the fight two major opponents simul-
world, because it is not only men taneously in this war, and also
who speak, events speak too. A that Germany has never lost in
man writes a book; he says we this war. Truth is history, which
can destroy the enemy from the says that Germany prefers to
air. Is that true? But there is fight its opponents serially, not
. Cesimultaneously. Truth is that Ger-
Stalingrad. Can we hope to do to many goes to great lengths and
every city in Germany, from the takesoe great hances i ndert
air,what the Germans have done takes great chances in order' to
to Stalingrad, not only from the avoid second fronts. If truth is
air, but from the ground, too? whatever is said by an expert, Ger-
That would be the ultimate in many's fear of a second front has
successful bombing. et it woud been told to us by the experts of
not destroy those cities as fortress- the German general staff
es, as fighting units. That is what I have not, in this piece, been
the rubble-heaps of Stalingrad arguing especially for the second
say, a sermon in stones. front; I have merely been trying,
The destruction of Stalingrad is salt-shaker in hand, to creep up
the destruction of the theory of on the truth.
war by destruction. Ruined, it still But what is truth? I admit
fights. Stalingrad liquidates Ziff there may be greater truthf, un-
and Seversky. ' known to me, pointing aganst, a
second front. One must always be
TRUTH FROM THE EXPERTS prepared to bow before a greater
Ah, truth. What is truth? Truth, truth. I say only that these will
we are often told, is something have to be great truths indeed,
said by an expert. truths which can stand up when
Experts say it takes many finally, as they must be, they are
months, perhaps years, to prepare revealed to the people.

ganization this afternoon at 4 o'clock,
2215 Angell Hall.
M. L. Williams
Mathematics 327, Seminar in Sta-
tistic . Meeting to arrangehours at
12 noon in 3020 Angell Hall.
C. C. Craig
Students Concentrating in Mathe-
matics: Dr. Bradshaw kindly acted as
my proxy last week. About necessary
changes. of program, please do not
disturb him but see me in room 204
S. W. preferably at 10 or 2, MTTF.
Norman H. Anning
Metal Processing 107: The labora-
tory period for Metal Processing 107
was announced for Wednesday, 8-10
a. m. This time has been changed to
10-12 a. m. the 'same day. Students
who wish to enroll in this course as a
result of the time change may do so
up to Wednesday, October 14.
L. V. Colwell

Mathematics 9,
try and Spherical
will meet in 3010
o'clock, beginning

Spherical Geome-
Trig.. This course
Angell Hall, at 1
C. H. Fischer


Honors 102 (Mr. Rice's group): willj
meet today at 3:00 p. ri. in 3223 A. H.
Phychology 91 will meet in Room
225 Angell Hall.
Psychology 153 will meet in Room
16 Angell Hall.
German 157 (Advanced Composi-
tion) will meet today at 10 and at 11
o'clock in room 304 U. H. to arrange
for days and hours.
Geology 65, Organic Evolution
class, will meet in the Natural Sci-I
ence Auditorium for its ,lectures,
MWF, 10, instead of in Room 2054 as
originally scheduled.
Anthropology 159, Primitive Soci-
ety will meet in Room 18, Angell Hall,
instead of 225.
Political Science 68 (International
Politics: The Far East and the Pacific
Area) is being given TUThS at 9:00,
room 1035 A. H.
English Honors (197) will meet for
organization Thursday, October 8,
at4 p. m. in 3217 A. H.
W. R. Humphreys
Graduate Students: 'Preliminary,
examinations in German and French
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, October 9, at 4:00 o'clock, in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Buil-
ding. Dictionaries may be used.
Frederick W. Peterson
iidents in my section of English,

'ollowing concerts in the sixty-fourth
annual Choral Union Concert Series,
n Hill Auditorium:
October 20: Don Cossack Chorus,
Serge Jaroff, Conductor.
October 29: Gladys Swarthout,
November 8: Cleveland Symphony
Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, Conduc-
November 19: Albert Spalding, vio-
December 9: Boston Symphony Or-
chestra, Serge Koussevitzky, Conduc-
January 18: Josef Hofmann, Pia-
February 16: Jascha Heifetz, Vio-
March 2: Open date.
"March 17: Nelson Eddy, Baritone.
Season tickets, including tax:
$13.20- $11.00- $8.80- $6.60. Each
season ticket contains coupons" ad-
mitting to the ten concerts, and an
additional coupon of the value of
$3.30 when exchanged for a season
May Festival ticket later in the year.
On sale at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society, Burton Memor-
ial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Events Today
The Michigan Sailing Club will
meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 308 in
the Michigan Union. Prospective
members are invited.
Coming Events
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course offers a series of eight lec-
tures on world affairs by prominent
platform personalities, season tietets
for the full course being on sale at
the box office, Hill Auditorium. Box
office hours are from 10-1; 2-5 daily
(except Saturday afternoon and Sun-
The Sociedad Hispanica will have
an officers' meeting at 4:30 p.m.
Thursday in Room 302, Romance
Language Building.
Varsity Glee Club tryouts for old
members and men who have com-
pleted one semester will begin on
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the.-lee
Club Rooms, third floor, Michigan
Union. Interested men from. all
schools of the University are urged
to try out.
Officers are asked to meet a 7:15
p.m. to plan the first serenade and
discuss other business.
Episcopal Students: There will be
a celebration of Holy Communion
Trsdaiv morning at 7-30 in Rishon

L-R 4 Fri.
S-Z 5 Fri.
Specials 7:30 Thurs.
Warren E., Forsythe, M.D.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 7:30 tonight in Room 319,
West Medical Building. "The Sulfur-
Containing Amino Acids" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
English 300. The English Seminar
300 will have its first meeting in 2220
A. H. today at 4:00 p. m. Thereafter
meetings will be on Monday at the
same time and place.
J. R. Reinhard
English 211g, the American Litera-
ture .Fro-seminar, will meet for or-

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