FTS TIME to face the facts..
.1 Our University, like almost every other in America, has
fallen far short of its potential contribution to the war ef-
The dominant attitude of students and Administration
alike has been the passive one of, "If we must we will."
This kind of sober resignation will never blast Holy
Hell out of the Axis.
This kind of sober resignation will never build a
better world.
This kind of sober resignation will never begin to
exhaust the vast reservoir of aid which our University
can contribute to winning the war.
From the beginning our University, although its ef-
forts rank with most, has been slow and unimaginative.
We have given men. We have greatly speeded our
program. We have tried conscientiously to put our knowl-
edge and abilities to the most essential uses.
T O DATE, the compulsory physical hardening program
is the most encouraging step that has been attempted.
And if there ,is one thing it has proved beyond doubt it is
Convinced of the need of action, and supplied with
aggressive, intelligent leadership, we students respond
willingly and patriotically.
The vital conclusion to be drawn from this fact is
that our potential contribution will NOT be realized
until equally aggressive and intelligent leadership is as-
serted in innumerable other phases of University life.
But 10 months have passed since Pearl Harbor and
still there is no student leadership worthy of the name.
Nor has our University Administration or faculty.
acted to inspire a vigorous Fighting Spirit-the spirit-
that will make the difference between victory and
We nevertheless believe that our existing organiza-
tions, when you and I and every one of us demand action,
should prove equal to the job of providing imaginative
leadership. If they fail, they should get the axe.
I-ERE are some suggestions for the women's organiza-
They can, undertake a no-holds-barred campaign to
make this University roll more Red Cross bandages per
coed than any other school in thecountry.
They can supply all the girls needed to relieve the
University Hospital's serious shortage of help. This means
more than passing a resolution.
They can enlist girls to take part-time paying jobs
with the over-burdened Telephone Co. They can also
help by cutting down on long-distance phone calls.
They can assist in the registration for the gasoline
rationing program.
On the social side, they can revive the custom of cor-
sages - War . Stamp Corsages - for every formal dance.
HERE are a few things the men's organizations can do:
They can collect "cast-off" student clothing wiich
is desperately needed by war relief societies.
They can enlist students in the auxiliary police and
fire-fighting forces.
When the farmers in this area are short-handed - and
that's a large share of the time now - some organization
can supply student help. This has been routine at Yale
for months.
Art Rude, '42, almost flunked out of school last spring
getting the Bomber-Scholarship Fund going. It takes
$100,000 to buy that bomber we promised. At -our pres-
ent rate we'll probably buy it all right - after the war.
As we see it, there is only one course open: Every
student organization - and this includes every dormi-
tory, fraternity, sorority, cooperative, and rooming
house - must be held accountable for what it DOES
NOT give to the Bomber-Scholarship Fund.
THE University Administration has not done a thor-
T ough job of collecting scrap. The big iron fence run-
ning around Martha Cook and near University High
School, for example, serves no practical purpose and it
would not be missed if torn down. .
It hasn't been tried before that we know of, but the
Administration could convert many classrooms into
"Arsenals of Democracy." The freshman English classes,
for instance, could devote their weekly themes to a con-
sideration of some timely, important issue and then send
them, in the form of letters, to the Congressmen from
their home districts.
Both the University War Board and the Student War
Board (somewhat vaguely constituted now) should be
granted more definite powers. Both should become idea-
centers where anyone's brainstorm will be studied and
acted upon when warranted.
Both should plan and carry out War Bond rallies
and shows, thorough campaigns to collect money and
scrap and books for our fighting men.
JT IS OBVIOUS that the untouched possibilities of help-
. 1 , -- - - -
U.S.Envoy Returns To Get Aid For Soviets
Japs Succe ed
In Supporting
Invasion Units
On Solomons
Invaders Land New Troop
Reinforcements Despite
U.S. Aerial Opposition;
Bomb American Base
Enemy Cruiser Hit
DuringAir Attack
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6-The Jap-
anese have succeeded in landing new
troop reinforcements on Guadalcanal
Island in the Solomons, despite val-
iant American aerial opposition, and
a new enemy effort to capture the
U.S. air base on the island obviously
is in the making.
A Navy communique said tonight
that the troops had been put ashore
by a force of destroyers and a heavy
cruiser on the night of Oct. 3-4, fol-
lowing a daylight attempt by a small
group of bombers with extraordinar-
ily heavy fighter protection to ,bonib
the American base.
The cruiser--wa4: dnage. by,.'t
least one dive-borm0hit an two to-
pedohits.Moreove,..thealik 1aid..w s
repelled without a bomb being rop-
ped andl 11 of an estimated 30 Jap-
anese fighters were destroyed-two
by anti-aircraftt fire and xnine by. a
little band, of seveni Navy Wildat
fighters which went up 'against th
big enemy force.
Only two American planes were
lost, one in repelling the air raid and
one in dive-bombing the cruiser, and
the crews of 'both-were saved.
Allies Drie On
In New Guinea
HEADQUARTERS, Australia, Wed-
nesday, Oct. 7-The Allies' coordin-
ated land and air offensive against
the Japanese in New Guinea contin-
ues in full course and still without
major opposition, the Southwest Pa-
cific Command announced today.
Australian jungle troops pressed on
from Kagi, only a scant four miles
from the narrow pass leading through
the Owen Stanley Mountains, the
communique said, picking up still
more territory in their so-far unim-
peded advance toward the enemy's
main positions on New Guinea.
Allied bombers, at the same time,
returned to the attack on Bumn and
Buka H~arbors in the northern Solo-
mon Islands. Still other air nits vis-
ited Ceram, far to the west between
New Guinea and Celebes in the Dutch
East Indies.
(General MacArthur was on the
scene giving personal attention to
operations in New Guinea, it be-
came known yesterday. A delayed
dispatch from "somewhere in New
Guinea" disclosed MacArthur was
on the island Oct. 3, when he pre-
sented the U.S. Army's Silver Star
Award to Vern Haugland, Associ-
ated Press war correspondent who
made his way to safety after being
lost in the jungle 43 days when
forced to make a parachute jump
from an army plane.)
The mystery of the Japanese'over-
land retreat, now in its 10th day, was
heightened by the presence of a Jap-
anese convoy which American bomb-
ers caught Monday as it sped north-
ward from Buna. It was not clear
immediately whether this convoy was
withdrawing forces from Buna or had
attempted to land reinforcements
'Our Victim' Grins-
But He Isn't Happy
Mr. B. F. Holden got a type-
written note slipped under his
windshield wiper last night. The
note said, "You are our victim!!!
Present yourself in person at -coal
yard on Depot St., Oct. 10, 1942.
The above is your first warning.
We advise you not to wait until
the second!!! DO NOT SPEAK
YOU." (Unsigned).
The police have been quite re-
assuring; they believe that the ex-
cessive use of exclamation points
indicates that someone is nlaving
All-Out Offensive Urged
By Fact-Finder' Willkie
Volunteer Emissary Demands More Aid To Russia,
China With Guarantees Against Imperialism
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, (Wednesday) Oct.
7-Wendell Willkie vigorously de-
manded today an "all-out offens-
ive everywhere by all the United
Nations," more U.S. arms for China
and Russia, and immediate "iron-
clad guarantees against any west-
ern imperialism in Asia.
In a statement late last night he
said, "We believe this war must
mean an end to the empire of na-
tions over other nations," and
called for "firm timetables" where-
by colonial peopfls "can work out
and train governments of their own
choosing." This should be done at
once, he said, because "after the
war, changes may be too little and
too late."
Willkie followed up his statement
by broadcastingIextemporaneously
over a national hook-up to the Chi-
nese people. "Mankind is on the
march," he said. "The old colonial
days are past."
The one-man volunteer fact-
finding emissary said he expected
"to dedicate the rest of my life urg-
ing that the world be constructed
after the war on a basis where all
men can be free and with govern-
ments of their own choosing."
His statement, issued after his
fourth conversation with General-
issimo Chiang Kai-Shek,was in the
same unvarnished style as the one
he gave in Moscow appealing for a
second front "at the earliest pos-
sible moment which our military
leaders will approve."
The one today, however, was
broader and reflected impatience
not only over the opening of of-
fensive hostilities on a world-wide
scale but also over the rate of de-
livery of material to China and
Russia and what he called the lack
of clearly-defined guarantees of
post-war independence and democ-
racy for the peoples of Asia.
"It is my personal opinion that
the time has come for an all-out
armed offensive everywhere by all
the United Nations," declared Pres-
ident Roosevelt's volunteer fact-
finding emissary.
. . i
King Reports
Big Shake-Up
By The Associated Press
OTTAWA, Oct. 6-Prime Minister
Mackefiie King tonight announced a
large-scale cabinet reorganization,
bringing three Quebec representatives
into the government aid sending War
Services Minister Thorson to the
presidency of the Exchequer Court of
King announced thatthe following
would be sworn into the cabinet to-
morrow noon:
Maj.-Gen. L. R. LaFleche, Associ-
ate Deputy Minister of National War
Services, as Minister of National War
Ernest Bertrand, Liberal member of
Parliament for Montreal Laurier, as
Minister of Fisheries.
Alphonse Fournier, Liberal member
for Hull, as Minister of Public Works.
At the same time King announced
that Fisheries Minister J. E. Michaud
had resigned to become Minister of
Radio Re ports
Nazis Execute
10 In Norway
Germans Continue To Try
To Halt Rising Rebellion'
In Scandinavian Lands
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Oct. 6- Nazi firing
squads executed 10 persons In Trond-
heim and vicinity tonight as German
authorities enforced martial law
along the Norwegian coast in an ef-
fort to stamp out a spirit of rebellion
which appeared to be spreading in
the Scandinavian countries, radio re-
ports from Norway said.
The executions took place less than
24 hours after the Germans had pro-
claimed a state of emergency in a
400-mile strip of territory along the
sea, and just a few hours after Nazi
commissioner Josef Terboven arrived
in Trondheim to take personal charge
of energetic measures to suppress
U Assembly
To Describe
Service Plans
Ruthven To Chair Meeting
For Joint Procurement
Of All Reserve Corps
Groups To Meet
TodayAt 8 P.M.
Officers representing the various
branches of the armed services will
describe all enlisted reserve programs
at a mass meeting for University stu-
dents at 8 p. m. today at Hill Audi-
This second large assembly since
the declaration of war will be a com-
prehensive presentation of details of
each reserve corps. The speakers will
be the Michigan members of the
Sixth Service Command's Joint Ar-
my-Navy-Marine Corps-Coast Guard
Procurement Committee. Prof. Bur-
ton D. Thuma of the psychology de-
partment will act as University rep-
resentative of the committee.
Each representative will discuss the
particular branch of the service which
he represents at the meeting which
will be chaired by President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven.
To follow up the information given
students at. the meeting today, off i-
cers will consult with anyone inter-
ested tomorrow at times yet to be1
announced. Prof. Thuma will super-
vise enlistments, informing the com-
mittee of the applicants' college ca-
reer and later notifying the commit-
tee of withdrawals from school.
At the meeting the Army Enlisted
Reserve Program will be explained by
Capt. Ward - M. - Estes of the Army.
Representing the Army Air Corps,
First Lieut. Francis A. Wilgus will
describe his specialty.
The Naval Reserve V-1 and V-7
programs will be presented by Lieut.
John Howard while Lieut. D. L. Grif-
fith will represent the Navy Air Corps
programs. Chairman of the Board,
Capt. Paul B. Rickard will tell of the
Marine Corps opportunities.
Labor Record
Highly Praised
By President
TORONTO, Oct. 6. - (P) - The
American Federation of Labor con-
vention received in behalf of a great
segment of American workers today
the compliments of the President of
the United States for a war produc-
tion record which he described as
Labor Secretary Perkins and L.
Metcalfe Walling, wage-hour admin-
istrator, added their congratulations.
A message from President Roose-
velt asked federation president Wil-
liam Green to express to the officers
and delegates "my cordial apprecia-
tion of all they have done to further
the war effort."
"Our production record," Mr.
Roosevelt added, "speaks for itself
and for the working people; it is
"Everywhere during my recent in-
spection of war activities, I found the
workers doing all that was laid out
I for them and more. At every turn
they gave assurance thatuthey are
not afraid of hard, continuous, pre-
cise and dangerous work. They are
walking up to it as their duty and
part in the war. They are proud of
Relaxed Lewis Speaks
CINCINNATI, Oct. 6.-( P)-A re-
laxed John L. Lewis urged his United
Mine Workers of America today to
make greater contributions to the
war effort, then turned over to them
an officers' report outlining the un-
ion's stand on issues ranging from
poll taxes to wage demands, from
anti-union legislation to the St. Law-
rence Seaway.
Rubber Czar Warns
Tire, Gas Wasters
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6- (I')-Rub-
ber Administrator William M. Jeffers
said tonight he had been given "all
the power that I shall need" to carry;
out his program, expressed confidence
Seek Help
Comment On Stalin Letter
Withheld By President;'
Churchill Warns House
Nazi Tank Wedge
Nearly Destroyed
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Oct. 6-Amid the grow-
ing dissatisfaction in Russia over the
aid received from Great Britain and
the United States, Admiral William
H. Standley, U.S. Ambassador, dis-
closed tonight that he would leave
soon for Washington to try to get
additional help for the Soviets.
He said he would confer with Pres-
ident Roosevelt on "coordinating to
the utmost the war efforts of the
United States and the Soviet Union"
and give the President a first-hand
picturevof the loyal support the Rus-
sian people are giving their country's
war effort.
Standley's announcement was the
latest development in the situation
created by Joseph Stalin's letter to
this correspondent, (Cassidy is Chief
of the Associated Press Moscow Bur-
eau), urging the Allies to meet their
obligations fully and on time.
The Ambassador pointed out that
some ships had been lost in convoys
bringing Allied supplies to Russia,
but insisted "we feel that our aid has
been of material assistance."
Leaders Are Quiet
About Stalin Letter
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6-President
Roosevelt withheld comment at his
press conference today on Joseph
Stalin's suggestion in a statement to
the Associated Press that Russia's-
allies "fulfill their obligations fully
and on time."
Stalin also had said that the ques-
tion of a second front occupied a
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6- (P)-
The United States, Great Britain
and Russia signed a protocol today
covering delivery of military equip-
ment, munitions and raw materials
to the Soviet Union by Britain and
the United States.
The protocol gives formal accep-
tance to agreements already in ef-
fect providing for the continuance
without interruption of the supply
program inaugurated at the Mos-
cow conference a year ago.
place of first rate importance in ov-
iet estimates of the current situation.
On the announcement that Admir-
al William H. Standley, United States
Ambassador to Russia, was returning
to this country, Mr. Roosevelt com-
mented that the Admiral was coming
home to report and to go back as soon
as he had done so. He said several
'diplomats were doing the same thing,
and he specifically mentioned Lau-
rence A. Steinhardt, Ambassador to
Turkey, who already is back in 'the
United States.
Nazi 'Tank Wedge
Nearly Destroyed
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Wednesday, Oct. 7-
Twelve Nazi tanks out of a huge for-
mation beating at the Russian de-
fenders wedged in the ruins of Stalin-
grad broke into a single city block
yesterday, but 11 of them were de-
stroyed by nightfall, the Russians an-
nounced early today on the 44th day
of siege.
The Russian relief counter-offens-
ive above Stalingrad meanwhile made
further progress, the midnight com-
munique said, five hundred Germans
were killed, and three tanks, nine
guns, two mortar batteries and 13
machine gun nests were destroyed as
one Red Army unit "advanced some-
what" in that sector.
Another detachment of Russian
guards was reported officially to have
broken into the outskirts of a popu-
lated place, demolishing ten blocks
of houses and wiping out 150 Ger-
Field dispatches said Volga River
Report From Iowa City:
A Wolverine Squadron Aviation
Cadet Describes His Training
Former Daily Staff Member
We're leaving for flight training tomorrow morning-twenty-eight for-
mer Michigan students who enlisted three months ago in the Navy Air
Corps to form a Wolverine Squadron.
Our week's leave, interval between pre-flight training at the University
of Iowa and primary training at bases scattered throughout the Midwest, will
end then along with our last taste of campus life here as we knew it before
We were organized during the University's spring semester, but we didn't
report for duty at Iowa City until July 8. The idea of a Wolverine Squadron
for Michigan men in the Navy Air __
Corps originated with C. Phelps
Hines, '42, who formed the group FDR Plans Short
aided by official approval from naval
authorities and the assistance of En- R adio A ddr ess
sign Harlan (Whitey) Fraumann-
former Michigan football star slated To Nation Soon
to face his former teammates in Sat-
urday's game.
Once in Iowa City, "Joe College" WASHINGTON, Oct. 6-President
wardrobes went home in mothballs Roosevelt plans to deliver a short
just in time for government tailors radio address a week or more hence,
to take our measure and fit us out discussing a number of subjects on
in Uncle Sam's version of the "zoot which the white house has .received
suit"-on cuffs, but gold buttons. We iqiis
were all also supplied with work suits The Chief Executive made this an-
from the G.I. pile and the usual gov- nouncement at a press conference
erment system of putting 44 longs today. Correspondents tried, by a
on a Lou Costello was visibly in evi- series of questions, to learn the nature
dence. of the forthcoming speech, but elici-
Gymnasium schedules, to put is un- ted little information. It might in-
censorably, were thorough and seem- lude a paragraph about his recent
ed to be aimed at equipping us for trip, Mr. Roosevelt said, but he
meeting Japs with our bare hands in- thought the reporters had gotten all
stead of Grummans. Football, wrest- the news out of that.
.xnsThe President added that his Sec-
track, hand-to-hand combat and retary Stephen Early had drawn up
. were assigned to us-two a list of 40 or 50 subjects which var-
swimming e sgd ious individuals had asked the Pres-
weeks of each. ident to discuss in a public address.
To work off any excess energy, we
were given a two hour intramural
sports program every afternoon NOTICES
which ended at 1800 Navy time for Contrary to an announcement