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October 07, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-07

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Speed Limit
In Michigan
Legally OK'd
Attorney General Passes
Proposal To Slow Up
Fast Highway Traffic
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Oct. 6-The State High-
way Department and State Police to-
day received an official go-ahead
from the Attorney General division
to declare the entire trunk line road
system a safety zone in which it would
be a misdemeanor to exceed a 35-
miles-an-hour speed limit.
The order will declare it a misde-
meanor punishable by fine and jail
sentence to drive at higher speeds on
and after Oct. 12.
James F. Shepherd, chief assistant
attorney general, addressed a memor-
andum to G. Donald Kennedy, State
HighwayCommissioner, informing
him the order as edited by him "is in
compliance" with the law.
His letter marked a recession from
a previous opinion by Attorney Gen-
eral Herbert J. Rushton, who had
held the law did not permit a blanket
statewide speed zoning.
Shepherd said the new order was
acceptable "because it has been strip-
ped of political advertising which the
highway departmet attempted to in-
sert in the original order. It now sim-
ply states that, effective October 12,
it will be illegal to exceed 35 miles an
hour on trunkline highways."
The speed limit already is in ef-
fect, by proclamation of Governor
Van Wagoner, enforcement relying
largely on the patriotism of motorists
to comply as a means.of war-time tire
Capt. Caesar J. Scavarda of the
state police said it is possible, even
without the speed control order, to
arrest persons who weave in and out
of traffic at speeds in excess of 35,
because the state law provides that
speeds must be "reasonable and pru-
dent" in relation to traffic and road
The license numbers and names of
flagrant violators also are being not-
ed for information of gasoline ration-
ing boards, in event they may choose
to impse restrictions in gasoline al-
lowances upon noncooperative driv-
ers, =.Scaarda said.
Instraction Schools
PlannedBy OCD
LANSING, Oct. 6- (:)- Bomb
reconnaissance agents outside of the
Detroit Metropolitan area were noti-
fied todayof two schools of instruc-
tion planned by state police and civ-
ilian defense officials.
A two-day school will take place at
the East Lansing state police head-
quarters Thursday for Lower Michi-
gan agents and one Oct. 12 and 13 at
the Marquette state police post for
Upper Peninsula experts.
The men will be trained to. diag-
nose the presence of unexploded
bomrbs. Many are sheriffs, municipal
police and firmen recommended by
localcommander's of the citizens' de-
fense corps..

White-Hot Gasoline Flames Mark Spot Of Tragic Crash

CDVO Officials Seek Voluntary
Help For Gasoline, Oil Rationing

White-hot gasoline flames blaze from a tank traile r which collided with a bus near Lumberton, N. C., kill-
ing at least 11 persons. The bus is between the cab an d the tank trailer of the gasoline carrier.
Russian Dfemwand For Second .Front
Causes Return Of U. S. Ambassador

To prepare for the approaching f
date of nation-wide gas rationing,R
local CDVO officials have issued the
request for specially qualified volun-
teers to aid the ration board in regis-'
tering Ann Arbor drivers for gasolinel
According to the computations of
Mr. James H. Cook, Chief of Volun-
teer Services, Michigan Council of1
Defense, on the basis of car and truck1
registrations several hundreds of vol-
unteers will be necessary for gasoline,
rationing in Washtenaw County. Fol-
lowing the instructions of State Di-'
rector of OPA Arthur H. Sarvis, vol-
unteer help, of which 70 per cent'
should be men, will be relied upon.
Because of the official nature of this
volunteer assignment, certified public
Senate Adopts
Large Portion
Of Taxing Bill.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6-The Sen-
ate got off to a running start today on
the nation's biggest tax bill by adopt-,
ing all non-controversial amend-
ments offered by the Finance Com-
mittee and the stiff individual income
tax rates voted by the House.
Working at a pace which kept the
reading clerk panting for breath, the
Senators flipped through the 577-
page measure in slightly more than
four hours but several important
matters were reserved for future con-+
Sharply increased individual in-
come tax rates were tentatively ap-
proved, for the committee presented
no amendments and accepted the
high schedules voted by the House.
Those rates, however, will be subject
to possible change later.
Senator LaFollette (Prog. - Wis.)
was reported to be preparing an indi-
vidual income surtax schedule more
gently graduated than that voted by
the House. The combined normal and
surtax rate on the lowest .bracket in-
comes Would be 19 per cent, under
the House plan.
25 Freshman Students
To Supplement NROTC
Supplementing the Naval ROTC's
quota of 250 this year will be a spe-
cial group of twenty-five freshman
Naval Science students, the, Depart-
ment of Naval Science and Tactics
announced yesterday.
These students, though not in uni-
form and not required to participate
in drill, will attend classes and reci-
tation sections at the Naval ROTC
headquarters in North Hall.

accountants, bookkeepers, and insur-
ance men are requested to serve.
'A' Rationing Through Schools
According to present plans, the
preliminary or 'A' rationing bracket
in which everyone owning a car will
get his card entitling him to a basic
gasoline amount will be done through
the schools about Nov. 7, and volun-
teer help will not be needed. However,
applications for additional gasoline,
by certain people in classifications of
business as set up by the OPA for 'B'
and 'C' cards, are expected to be tak-
en about a week later and this will
require seven volunteer helpers, if
each serves on a full-time schedule,
to each 1,000 auto registrations per
ration board area. Their services will
be needed for the seven days duration
of this supplemental rationing opera-
tion, with hours of duty from noon
until 9 p. m. each day.
Specialists Needed
The program involving the use of
volunteers on rationing fuel oil has
not yet been made public, but the
local ration board, according to the
CDVO, will need specialists familiar
with heating problems and those with
ability to make certain computations
on the basis of data submitted by
applicants in determining fuel ra-
Since both rationing programs will
be conducted on a county-wide scale,
it is requested that men and women
enroll at once as volunteers for the
rationing of gasoline and fuel oil. In
Ann Arbor, persons should register at
the Armory between 9 a. m. and 4:30
p. m. daily, Saturday and Sunday ex-

Are greater
Many University officials were
gravely concerned yesterday about
Michigan's ten per cent enrollment
decrease, but Dean Ivan C. Crawford
of the Engineering College was'happy
about the nine and six-tenths in-
crease in the total number of engi-
This semester's undergraduate en-
rollment, he said, is the largest ever
registered in the College of Engineer-
ing at this time of the year.
Specific reasons for the increase
were not available. However, it is
generally conceded that the promi-
nence of engineering in the Univer-
sity's wartime program is responsible
for the many engineering aspirants.
Cold facts on the increase also
showed that there was a 19 per cent
increase in the number of freshmen
this year in comparison with the fig-
ures at the same time last year. Then;
there were 487 neophytes in the col-
lege, while at present there are 582
standard-bearers of '46.
Dean Crawford also mentioned
that this year 12 women have en-
rolled in engineering courses. Total
enrollment figures for this year are
2,241 undergraduates. Last year at
this time they totalled only 2,060.
LANSING, Oct. 6.-'()-Pay raises
for state employes will be held up,
pending a joint study by the civil
service and budget office of wage
"freezing" Federal orders, C. J. Mc-
Neill, acting budget director, said to-

Wide World War Analyst
Admiral William H. Standley, the
American Ambassador to Moscow, is
coming home to report-and there
can be little doubt that he will pic-
ture the Russians as increasingly im-
patient over the lack of a second
That mood was made abundantly
clear by Premier Joseph Stalin's re-
cent letter to Henry C. Cassidy, As-
sociated Press Correspondent in Mos-
So far there has been no direct
comment on this letter from the lead-
ership of the United States or Britain.
President Roosevelt had nothing to
say at his press conference yesterday,
and Prime Minister Churchill merely,
warned Parliament "not to press
these matters .unduly at a period
which is certainly significant."
Exactly what that Means, is far

from clear. Churchill coupled his
warning, however, with an assertion
that he had nothing to add to the
"carefully weighed statement" on
Allied-Russian relations he had al-
ready made.
That obviously was a reference to
the Churchill report to Parliament
September 8 after his visit to Egypt
and Moscow. He then revealed a rift
with Russia over Allied second-front
"The Russians did not think that
we or America had done enough to
take the weight off them," he said,
"and this is not at all surprising in
view of the terrific onslaughts they
have withstood with marvelous ten-
Mr. Churchill was then convinced,
however, that he and his American
colleague, W.. Averell Harriman, Pres-
ident Roosevelt's personal represen-
tative, had succeeded in reassuring

Soviet officials of "our loyal and sin-
cere resolve to come to their aid as
quickly as possible without regard to
the sacrifices and losses involved so
long as the contribution is toward
That seems to be the "carefully
weighed statement" to which he has
now referred. One implication is that,
despite the Stalin-to-Cassidy letter,
the British leader sees no widening
of the second-front rift since he
spoke. The other, implicit in his
warning against Parliamentary ex-
ploration of the subject at so "sig-
nificant" as time, is that the hour for
Allied deeds-to ratify-Allied assur-
ances to Moscow is close at hand.
The only other statement that Mr.
Churchill has made on the subject
since his September 8 speech was his
recent warning against published
speculation about the when and
where of Allied attempts to ease Nazi
pressure on' Russia. 'That- also im-
pressed this writer: withthe feeling
that Anglo-American offensive moves
might be closer than Moscow thinks.
Time, and not much of it, will tell
as to that. There was another Chur-
chill remark on September 8, how-
ever, which events in Russia have
since gone far to make good.
"Of the Russian front," he re-
marked, "I will only at this moment
say-it is the 8th of September."

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No State Convicts For Army Yet

By The Associated Press,
LANSING, Oct. 6- Despite pres-
sure to "let down the bars," Michigan
will not hasten parole of large num-,
bers of convicts to provide the armed
forces with additional men, it was in-
dicated today.
Col. E. M. Rosecrans, Adjutant
General of Michigan and Selective
Service Director, declared that "there
seems to be no immediate need" for
either selective service or the state
parole board to change present poli-
"We wouldn't want these men until
they had been paroled in the normal
course of events as having paid their
price for having committed an of-
fense against society and until they
are again in good standing as citi-
zens," Rosecrans asserted. "The num-

ber of-men who could be released to
us in any event would only be a drop
in the bucket."
A. Ross Pascoe, chairman of the
parole board, said a rough survey of
the convict population indicated that
between -500 and 700 men might be
eligible for parole to the Army if a
relaxed program were adopted. He
said upwards of 500 parolees, released
through normal procedure, now are
in the services.
As a result of a conference with
selective service officials, Pascoe an-
nounced, the state's current parole
policy will be maintained. "If the
army really needed our inmates, the
board probably -would be willing to
reconsider its policy," he said. "But
we now are convinced there is no need
for a change."

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