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October 06, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-06

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TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1942

Officials BeginI
Tour Of Upper
Peninsula Schools
Dean G. E. Carrothers of the Bur-
eau in Cooperation with Educational
Institutions .and Ira M. Smith, Regis-
trar of the University, started yester-
day on a tour of upper peninsula high
For a month Dr. Carrothers and
Registrar Smith will visit schools
which are accredited by the Univers-
ity or are petitioning to be accredited.
During the year the Bureau in Coop-
eration with Educational Institutions
plans to investigate all accredited
schools in the state. This year one of
the chief objects is to straighten out
transportation problems.
New Meeting Place
New meeting place for the Students
Evangelical League, effective since
Sunday, October 4, will be the Assem-
bly Room in Lane Hall. As before, the
Sunday worship services will begin at
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.

Bicycle Owners
Urged To Itavest
In Lcese Plates
Recovering stolen bicycles is a daily
occurrence with the Ann Arbor Po-
lice Dept. which knows that the only
way to retrieve a bike is 'to check its1
license plates. Unfortunately, overf

Thai, Chinese
To Be Taught
By University

ROTC Drilling
Reflects Value
With Marines




Courses Introduced
Supply Translators

ROOM and BOARD-Seven doors
from campus for 2 girl students in
exchange for services. 2-3610.
Koon, formerly on faculty of the
University Music School. Call
MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
LAUNDRY - 2.1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.

half of the stolen vehicles are re- F or O'riental Language5
turned to their owners because half;
the owners neglect' to spend 25c for Oriental Languages. Thai and Chi-
plates. 'nese. are being offered this semester
Police Chief Sherman H. Morten-! for the first time by the University
son advises all students, especiallyI Linguistic department.
those new on campus, to immediately Recognizing the need that the far-'
equip their bikes with Ann Arbor eastern crisis has developed Prof. Le-;
plates. 'Phey May be purchased at the oy Waterman said the demand for
city clerk's office in the city hall." Oriental languages will be increasing-
The ffie i opn fom toS d i.ly important after the war in the
The _ffic_'isopefro_8_t_5_ dily post-war construction period. The
addition of these courses replaces the
Nazi Mutny jlack in Collegiate language depart-
Nazi Mutny Iments where before only European
LONDON, Oct. 5.-(jP)-A Reuterslnugshvebe ag4
dispatch from Stockholm quoted
press reports in the Swedish capital Intensive 'Courses
toda tha 3;00 t 4;00 Geman ol- This fall two intensive, courses, be-
tdayrshat 3,000mprton00 efrmso- ginners and intermediate Thai, will
tinrs ad bee nimrisotnorayu- be offered by Dr. Mary Haas, who
tinyat ltain ar orternNoray.studied at Yale University and is now
being spcnsored by the American
Council of Learned Societies. Dr.
1D W E TISIN Baas pointed out the great need of
being able to converse with the East-
erners. "In Canada," she said, "let-
ters in Thai are not accepted because
_______there is no one to translate, and cen-
FOR SALE sor thema. The need in our own coun-
- ----____ ------~ try is nearly as serious, and we have
V'VE GOT good Conn wooden clarinet, had much correspondence with gov-
to sell. Dick Bryie, 408 Williams ern-mental agencies asking for peo-;
House, West Quad, ple who can speak, read and write
the language."
CHRISTMAS CARDS-The largest Any student who has enough abil-
selection in town. All imprinted
with your name. From 50 for $1 00 ity to learn an European language
up. Catrs,0 can learn Thai, stresses Dr. Haas.
sp Satess,05students sana .Inswho studied the language
FOR SALE-One full dress suit, with Dr. Haas and her native assis-
tailor-made to order, site 41, looks tant, Mr. Hang Subabanka, can con-
like new, worn few times, small verse in the language.
fraction of today's replacement Chinese Courses
cost. Write Daily, Box 37. Mr. Tien, former Research felow



residents-Alterations on women's
garments promptly done. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678.
LOST: Alpha Xi Delta sorority pin
with name Bette Sachs on back.
Phone 2-5579. Reward.
LOST: Norma pencil. Four colors.
Initials R. K. D. Probably in vicin-
ity of 318 W. Engineering Bldg.
Call 325 Wenley. Reward.
MILLEM DAIRY, 533 S. Main. Stu-
dent fortpart-time help.
HELP WANTED: Board job. Nights
only. Call Phi Sigma Kappa, 2-3315.
and dining room work-sorority.
See Mrs. Young, 407 N. Ingalls.
woman to work in return for room
and board. Attractive room and
private bath. Faculty family.
Phone 6451 after 5:30.


at Yen Chient University in Peking,
wili teach three courses in Chinese:
elementary, intermediate and liter-
ature. The hours for the elementary
course may be arranged by the indi-
vidual students. The classes will study
pronunciation, grammar, reading,
writing, and practice in the national
spoken language.
The Literature course will survey
Chinese literature from ancient times
to the present. No knowledge of the
Chinese language is required.
Students may still register in any
of the Oriental classes for this fall.
Post-War Plan
To Beoffered
Canadian Archeologist
To Lectiire At League
F. St. George Spendlove, Canadian
archaeologist who relies on American
initiative to contribute to a lasting
peace after this war, will lecture on
"The Post War World" $ p.in., Octo-
ber 7 in the Hussey room of the Mich-
igan League.
Spendlove, a member of the Royal
Ontario Museum of Archaeology in
Toronto, is a specialist in India and
the Far East where he has traveled
extensively. He is a former resident
of the United States.
Envisioning a future world dedi-
cated to enduring peace, and aboli-
tion of prejudice, Spendlove places
his faith in American initiative to
"supply the necessary leadership.
A graduate of the London Univers-
ity School of Chinese Archaeology,
Spendlove is a Fellow of the Royal
Geographical Society and the Royal
Society of Arts.
The Ann Arbor Baha'i Assembly
and Baha'i student group will spon-
sor the lecture.
Police Nab Razor Fiend
Mrs. Schlupe at 200 N. First St.
called the police Sunday night when
a strange man dressed in an Army
jacket and civilian clothes asked for
a razor. After interviewing the man,
police found that Paul French, soldier
on leave from Springfield, O., had
blades and no razor and a date in
Detroit that night.

Military Officials Trace
Exceptional Progress Of
Light was shed upon the value of
ROTC training to the modern soldier,
a question currently batted about in
military circles, by the recent gradu-
ation of Marine officers from a train-
ing center in 'Quantico, Va.
Early in the summer a class of 300
men went into training for commis-
sions in the United States Marine
Corps. Enrolled in this class were 28
graduates of college ROTC, including
two cadets from the University of
Michigan unit, Lieut. Edward Harri-
son and Lieut. Verne Kennedy. The
remaining members of the class were
selected from other sources including
Army training schools.
Lieutenants Harrisoa and Kennedy
were specially selected by the Marine
Corps for reserve commissions during
their senior year at the University
upon the recommendation of their
instructors. Kennedy, who was cadet
colonel of the campus unit, was un-
able to finish with hls class because
of prolonged illness. Harrison and the
others underwent intensive training
before graduation, at which time 15
members of the class were selected
for commissions in the regular Ma-
rine Corps.
Of the 15 members selected out of
the class of 300 for commissions in
the regular Marine Corps, Army offi-
cials were interested to note that
seven were former ROTC students.
Military science instructors at the
University were happy to note that
Lieut. Harrison was included in the
seven former ROTC students selected.
The others were from sources other
than the ROTC.
Exile To Tell
Of New Plans
For Homeland
Dr. Reinhold Schairer, whose at-
tempt to democratize German uni-
versities was thwarted by Adolf Hit-
ler, will lecture on "Germany Before
the Peace and After" at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday, October 8, in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. There will be no
In the lecture here which is spon-
sored by the University Committee
on International Studies and Admin-
istration, Schairer will discuss a new
educational policy for all Europe and
Germany in particular.
Head of a Central Bureau of all
Germany's universities which sought
to make German schools more demo-
cratic, Schairer, at Hitler's intrusion
into German politics, left his home-
land for voluntary exile in England.
Dr. Schairer was granted a visiting
professorship this year by New York
University as a lecturer for the United
States Committee on Educational Re-
construction, formed two years ago
at Princeton University.
Financed by a Rockefeller scholar-
ship, he has coered every state in
the United States on an extended lee-
ture tour in addition to conducting a
seminar on Post-War Reconstruction
at New York University.
Final McKay Indictmeit
Dismissed From Court
DETROIT, Oct. 5- ()- A motion
in federal court today cleared the
court docket of the final criminal in-
dictment against Frank D. McKay,
Republican National Committeeman.
Upon motion of Wendell A. Berge,
chief of the Criminal Division of the
Department of Justice presented
through John C. Lehr, United States
District Attorney, Judge Edward J.
Moinet dismissed an indictment in
which McKay, two other men and a

Toledo bond firm were accused of
conspiracy to rig the sale of $2,255,-
000 worth of City of Grand Rapids
Waterworks Bonds.

All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. }
Michigan Medical Service Sub-
scribers: The following notice has
been received from the Michigan
Medical Service: "The present meth-
od of payment for services provided
under your Surgical Benefit Certifi-
cate will be continued until further
notice; accordingly, Michigan Medi-
cal Service will pay for services pro-
vided under the Surgical Benefit Cer-
tificate when rendered by any legally
qualified doctor of medicine."
To the members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
October 12, at 4:15 p. in. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. All regular meet-
ings of the University Council are
open to the members of the Univers-
ity Senate.
Choral Union Tryouts: New can-
didates for membership in the Uni-
versity Choral Union are requested
to make appointments for tryouts at
I once. at the offices of the University
Musical Society, Burton Memorial
Tower. Tryouts will be held this eve-
ning. Candidates are required to pos-
sess reasonably good voices and to
be able to read music.
Former members of the Chorus in
good standing who desire to renew
their memberships are requested to
register at once, otherwise vacancies
will be filled by new applicants.
An annual fee of $5.00 is required
-$2.50 of which is refunded when
all music books are returned. Mem-
bers in good standing are issued
courtesy tickets for all Choral Union
and May Festival concerts.
Charles A. Sink, President
Academic Notices
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, Fores-
try, Music, and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by November 5. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with
Room 4 U. H. where it will be trans-



G r een e's
Michigan's Favorite Dryclearier
Dial 23-23-1

TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1942
VOL. LII No. 2

First Aid Instructors: Will all au-
thorized First Aid Inst'uctors who
have qualified in some other state or
county please communicate with the
Red Cross Headquarters in North
Hall, telephone 2-5546.
Applications for the Hillel Hostess
Scholarship will be accepted at the
Foundation through Friday noon.
Blanks may be obtained at the Foun-
dation and further information may
be had by calling 3779.



Shows Continuous Daily
Week Days 25c to 5 P.M.
Now Ploying!

- Starting at 1 P.M.



at 4:15 p. m., under the auspices of
the University Committee on Inter-
national Studies and Administration.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Siegfried
Giedicn of Zurich, Switzerland, Nor-
ton Lecturer at Harvard University,
will lecture on the subject, "The
American Spirit of Invention," under
the auspices of the College of Archi-
tecture and Design, on Friday, Octo-
ber 16. at 4:15 p. m. in the Lecture
(Continued on Page 3)

Surrounding Program

Lectures -
University Lecture: Dr. Reinhold
Schairer, British Visiting Professor at

New York University, will lecture on
the subject, "Germany Before the
Peace and After" in the Rackhan
Amphitheatre Thursday, October 8,






Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar





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Shows Continuous This Week
Next Attraction
"Orchestra 'es"





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