VOL. LIH No. 2
Students To Meet
For Second War
Give More--Spend Less,
Roosevelt Urges Nation;
Bombers Hammer Kiska
Naval Flight Training Is Made Available
To Michigan Men In Class V-1 Or V-5;
Cadets To Train At Ann Arbor Field
President Launches Comr
With Appeal To Wage
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5- (I)-Urg-
ing his fellow Americans to transform
some of their "new buying power into
giving power," President Roosevelt
declared tonight that donations to
community and'. war chests would
"affirm before the world our nation's
faith in the inalienable right of every
man to a life of freedom, justice and
decent security."
He spoke in a radio program laun-
ching the 1942 community mobiliza-
tion for human needs, in which gifts
for foreign war relief and community
relief services will be accepted in more
than 600 American cities.
He recognized that war needs were
exacting a heavy toll not- alone on
fighting fronts and in personal lives
but also in the fortunes of everyone.
He added, however:
munity, War Chest Drive
e Earners For Support
As Jap Lo
Assembling for the second time
since the declaration of war to learn
how they can best aid the war effort,
University students will hold a mass
meeting at 8 p. m., Wednesday at Hill
Auditorium to hear officers from the
various armed services present in de-
tail all enlisted reserve programs.
The speakers will be the Michigan
members of the Sixth Service Com-
mand's Joint Army - Navy - Marine
Corps-Coast Guard College Procure-
ment Committee, newly organized
body designed to halt competition
among the various units of the armed
forces soliciting enlistments of col-
lege students. Serving also on the
committee as the faculty representa-
tive of the University, will be Dr. Bur-
ton D. Thume, of the history depart-
Ruthven Chairman
With Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven,
president of the University, acting as
chairman of the meeting, each repre-
sentative of the armed forces will be
given a chance to explain the provi-
sions of the various enlisted reserve
programs. Representing the Army,
Capt. Ward M. Estes, will open the
program by explaining the Army En-
listed Reserve Program to the stu-
dent body. He will be followed by
First- Lieut. Francis A. Wilgus repre-
senting the Army Air Corps; Lieut.
John-Howard, representing the Navy,
who will talk about V-1 and V-7;
Lieut. D. L. Griffith, representing the
Navy Air Corps; and Capt. Paul B.
Rlckard, representing the Marine
Corps and Chairman of the board.
Officers Available
On' Thursday, the officers will be
available to the students for consulta-
tion. Capt. John H. Patterson (Army)
and Lieut. R. G. Gibbs (Navy Air
Corps) will be present to interview
students but will not speak at the
mass meeting. As faculty representa-
tive on the Joint College Procurement
Committee, Dr. Thuma will supervise
the'enlistment of students, keeping
the committee informed as to the
scholastic standing of students who
enlist in the reserve programs and
notify the committee when students
withdraw from the University to
transfer to another college or uni-
The mass meeting will be a new
procedure in campus recruiting. Prior
to the formation of the Joint College
Procurement Committee, the various
units of the armed forces engaged in
spirited competition in seeking enlist-
ments on the campus.
10% below
Last Year s
More than 9,000 students attended
classes yesterday in the opening day
of the University's third wartime se-
mester, showing a ten per cent de-
creased enrollment from the 1941 to-
tal of the same period.
Although the enrollment figures
are not as yet complete, since stu-
dents were still registering late yes-
terday afternoon, the total drop in
all colleges will probably amount to
a little more than one thousand stu-
dents. The number of entering fresh-
men, however, remains undiminished
by the emergency and has increased
slightly from the 1941 total.
The Graduate, -Literary and Law
Schools have suffered most acutely
with a decrease of 517 in the Gradu-
ate School, 358 in the Literary and
297 in the Law School. Other schools,
however , more closely allied with the
war effort, have experienced a def in-
ite increase, particularly in the case
of the Engineering, Dentistry, Bus-
iness Administration and Nursing
Enrollment figures as of yesterday
afternoon show a total of 9,190 stu-
dents as compared with the 1941 total
of 10,271. Freshmen enrollment sta-
tistics gathered during Orientation
Period show a slight increase over
last year with 1,915 men and women
The "good old days" of the six-to-
Flight training for the Naval Air
C.orps will be available for the first
time to a limited number of Univers-
ity men who are enlisted in the Naval
Reserve Class V-1 (apprentice sea-
men) or V-5 (aviation), it was an-
nounced recently by Prof. William A.
Spindler, University co-ordinator for
the Civilian Pilot Training program.
Conducted under CPT sponsorship,
the flight training course will last
for 16 weeks and involves 72 hours of
ground school work and 35 or 40
hours of flying. The ground school
work will be conducted in University
class 'rooms in the evening while the
schedule for flying instruction at the
Ann Arbor airport will be arranged
so that students may take this train-
ing between classes or on Saturdays.
Eligibility requirements for the
training state that students enlisted
in V-1 will have to pass a Civil Aero-
nautics Authority physical examina-
tion without waiver. Students in V-5
will have to present the certificate of
physical fitness received from the
Navy when they enlisted.
Applications are now being accept-
ed at Room B-47 in the East Engin-
eering Building. The class is limited
by quota to 20, Prof. Spindler said,
and the first 20 students making ap-
plication before Oct. 9 who can meet
the qualifications will be the ones to
receive training. No enrollment fee
will be charged.
Foe Retreating
From Aussies
In Guinea Hills
QUARTERS, Australia, Tuesday, Oct.
6- (/P)- Australian jungle troops,
still without opposition, have cleaned
up the area around Kagi, last village
south of the mile-high gap in the
Owen Stanley Mountains of New Gui-
nea, and are continuing toward the
gap, 'a communique said today.
The occupation of Kagi, which is
about four miles from the pass, rep-
resents a gain of about three miles
from the village of Efogi which fell
On another prong of the mountain
trail which branches off at Egofi the
Australians have advanced about six
miles to the Myola Lakes, the com-
munique said.
"Our ground patrols have covered
Kagi and Myola and our advance is
continuing toward the gap," the com-
munique said in its only reference to
the push through the towering moun-
tain range.
The reference to patrols seemed to
indicate that occupation of these
places was carried out by rapidly-ad-
vancing small units which preceded
the main body of the Australian at-
tack force.s
Beyond the gap, now virtually
within sight of the Aussies, the slip-
pery and rugged trail falls steeply
through Deniki to Kokoda, from
which the Japanese started their
menacing attack toward the Allied
base of Port Moresby last month.
Meanwhile, Allied air forces sup-
ported the ground troops by continu-
ing their smashing attacks on Buna,
the invasion base on the southeastern
coast of New Guinea from which the
enemy forces were supplied.
Two formations of Allied medium
bombers yesterday struck at a small
enemy convoy of two destroyers and
a transport off Buna with unobserved
results, the communique said. The
presence of the transport in that area
indicated the Japanese pro bablywere
trying to land reinforcements.
An air battle took place over Buna
when six to 12 Zero fighters inter-
cepted the Allied bombers. Three
Japanese planes were shot down and
one Allied bomber is missing.
Editors Smile Bravely
As Profits Melt Away
The 40 salaried members of all
four Daily staffs yesterday lined
up 100 per cent behind the war
effort when they unanimously
pledged ten per cent of their sal-
aries for war stamps.
sses Increase;
"But your giving will provide not
alone strength for our nation at war;
but proof, in a world of violence and
greed, that the American people keep
faith with democracy, that we hold
inviolate our belief in the infinite
worth of the individual human be-
The chief executive declared that
every successful' community and war
chest campaign would be another
step toward ultimate victory of hu-
manity and civilization.
"Your gift," he asserted, "may give
new heart to courageous families
bombed out of their homes in many
places; it may add to the precious
store of medicines in a distant hos-
pital or speed a shipload of food to a
little nation, whose people are drop-
ping in the streets from starvation."
Treasury Head
Envisions Tax
Of 30_Billions
Proposed New Me asure
May Add Six Billions
To Federal Revenues.
By The Assel3ed Press '
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5-A new tax
bill to raise the ,federal income to
around $30,00,000,000 a year will be
asked of Congress as soon as it en-
acts the pending revenue measure,
Secretary Morgenthau ,said today..
The Treasury head told- a press
conference he v.iould -request a bill to
bring in "at least 46,000,000,000 and
possibly' much more'." At the, same
time, 'he said the Treasury believed
it must have a "minimum of $30,000,-
000,000 year revenueto operate dur-
ing the,.war.'
His use' of those two figures raised
the possibility-of controversy-over the
need for a new tax' bill raising as
much as $6,000,000,000.
Matter Of Dispute
Current taxes are estimated to yield
about $17,000,000,000 a year under
present business conditions while the
potential return from the-pending tax
bill-reported to the Senate today by
its finance committee-is a matter of
Chairman George (D-Ga.) of the
Senate Finance Committee has pre-
dicted the measure reported to' the
Senate would add $9,672,000,000 to
the Treasury's annual collections
with $1,772,000,000 of this to be re-
turned to taxpayers in rebates. How-
ever, the Treasury's estimates of the
yield have been lower.
Morgenthau said current taxes and
the pending bill would bring in aboutI
$24,000,000,000 and, on the basis of a
needed $30,000,000,000 revenue, spoke
of the desired new bill as a $6,000,-
000,000 one.
The Treasury secretary said noth-
ing as to what form of new taxes he
might recommend. He said he would
be ready, however, to present his new
requests as soon after the pending
measure was passed as the Congres-
sional committees could arrange to
hear them.
Congressmen Reluctant
Many legislators have evidenced
extreme reluctance, to raise income
taxes any higher than in the pending
bill, and have spoken of a sales tax
if additional revenue was imperative.
Before Morgenthau disclosed his
intention to ask for a new bill, Sen-
ator George expressed the opinion
that the rates in the measure report-
Byrnes Starts
As Price Chief
National Leaders Pledge
Aid In Price Control,
Anti-Inflation Moves
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON. Oct. 5- With a
call for unity in 'the fight against'in-
flation, James F. Byrnes took overj
the "post of Economic Stabilizationj
Director today amid pledges of sup-
port from leaders of labor, industryI
and agriculture generally. I
At the same time 'the Office of
Price Administration moved swiftly
to stabilize rents at March' 1 levels
in areas where they were not already
controlled and to freeze retail food
prices. pending the ,imposition of per-
manent ceilings.. ,
- Action Awaited
Still awaited was" its action to, con-
trol the price oflivestock, grains and
other farm commodities and Byrnes'
directives, presumably through the
War Labor Board, for enforcement of
the wage and salary stabilization
which the act and President Roose-
velt's order directed.
Byrnes, who had resigned from the
Supreme Court Saturday, moved out
of- his office there during the fore-
noon and took over his new desk in
the "left wing", as he called it, of the
White House. His activities there for
the rest of the day were not made
public but it was presumed that he
would confer with officials of the
OPA, the WLB and other government
agencies and put the whole stabiliza-
tion machinery into high gear as
speedily as possible.
Green Pledges
William Green, president of the
AFL, pledged his organization to full
cooperation and Alexander F. Whit-
ney, president of the Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen, expressed assur-
ance that labor would "do its part;"
Philip. Murray, president of the CIO,
deferred comment pending study. W.
P. Witherow, president of the Na-
tional Association of Manufacturers,
congratulated Congress and the Pres-
ident "for their serious effort" to
combat inflation. Edward A. O'Neal,
president of the American Farm Bur-
eau Federation, commented that far-
mers "will cheerfully accept the ceil-
ings proposed provided that the wage
sections of a new law are also fairly
and competently carried out."
Moderate price declines developed
on the commodity markets amid un-
certainty over the controls to be
New Assault Endangers
Northwestern Suburbs
Of Besieged Key City
Second Front Talk
StirredBy Stalin
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Tuesday, Oct. 6- The
Germans have begun another huge
drive in the northwestern suburbs of
Stalingrad, hurling three infantry di-
visions, 100 tanks, and many dive-
bombers against Soviet troops who
"repulsed numerous enemy attacks,"
the Red High Command reported to-
day at the beginning of the seventh
week of siege.
The Germans were acknowledged
in yesterday's mid-day communique
to have advanced slightly in this
heavy fight raging in a workers' set-
tlement, but the midnight bulletin
did not concede any fresh German
Improve Position
Above Stalingrad the Red Army
was reported officially to have im-
proved its positions in a relief offen-
sive against the extended Nazi flank.
The swaying battle in the North-
western suburbs of the Volga River
city was said to have cost the Ger-
mans another 1,500 men and 14 tanks,
but the Russians continued to em-
phasize Nazi strength in the pene-
trated area.
The Nazi siege army, estimated at1
400,000 men, had turned much of its
thwarted:fury toward the northwes-
tern section apparently. There were+
no fresh reports of heavy action else-+
where in the city's streets.
Red defenses in the Mozdok area
of the mid-Caucasus were reported3
holding generally. One Soviet unit1
there was credited in the midnight
communique with killing 600 Nazis
and destroying 12 tanks in one day's1
fight at an unnamed inhabited local-1
Russian Gain
The Moscow radio reported last+
night that Russian troops had made
a sevren-mile gain on one sector of
the Western front, presumably the
Rzhev area, and had captured an im-
portant height.
In the Baltic Soviet warships were
declared to have sunk a 10,000-ton
enemy transport.
Stalin Letter Provokes
Second Front Question
+ MOSCOW, Oct. 5- Ambassadors of
the United States and Britain evi-
dently will ask the Russian govern-
ment to clarify certain hrases of the
Stalin Letter in which the Premier
declared that a second front is in the
first rank of importance to the Soviet
Union and in which he called upon
Russia's allies to "fulfill their obli-
gations fully and on time."
The two envoys, Admiral William
H. Standley for the United States
and Sir Archibald Clark-Kerr for
Great Britain, discussed the letter
informally today.
Apparently the main issue is whe-
ther creation of a second front in
1942 should be formally considered
an Allied obligation.
Russians generally have held it to
be an obligation since the Washing-
ton and London statements after
Molotov's visits to those capitals in
the spring. Both of these asserted
that all three governments were in
agreement on "the urgent tasks of
creating a second front in Europe in
Prof. Smithies
To Lead lass
In War Issues
Fourteen professors, each an ex-
pert, teaching one course.
That's the staff of Problems of
the War and of the Peace, Social
Studies 93-an entirely unique course
in the history of the University-
concerning post-war reconstruction.
The two-hour course - first sug-
gested by the Michigan Post-War
Council-will be a series of lectures,
two a week at 2 p.m. in Room C,
Haven Hall, for two hours credit, by
authoritative speakers in history, ec-
onomics, political science and geo-
graphy. It will be directed by Prof.
Arthur Smithies of the economics de-
partment, an expert on war economy
and economic theory.
The course is divided into three
parts: introductory; the war aims and
aspirations of the belligerents; and
post-war cooperation. Within the
groups, particular subjects will be
handled by experts in the fields.
The introductory section is divided
into three lectures. The first-con-7
cerning the political history of the
Versailles period and the policy of
England,; France and the United;
States-will be given by Prof. Preston
Slosson of the history department, anE
authority on recent European history
and the war. The second will be given1
by Prof. Leonard L. Watkins, an ex-
pert on' international trade and
money and credit, on the foundations
of the prosperity of the '20's and the
disintegration of the '30's. Prof. How-t
ard B. Calderwood of. the political1
science department,,working in inter-
national organization, will outline the
history of the League of Nations.
The second 'division of the course
concerns the war aims and aspira-
tions of the belligerent powers. Lec-
tures will be devoted to the countriesf
of the Axis and the United Nations.
Germany's war aims will be dis-
cussed by Prof. James K. Pollock of
Continued On Page 3, Col. 5 1
War Changes
Concert Plans
Detroit Orchestra Cancels
Choral Union Program
With the announcement that the1
Detroit Symphony Orchestra had1
definitely cancelled its scheduled
Choral Union Concert here March 2,+
Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the
University Musical Society, yesterday
said that a substitute will be an-1
nounced at a later date.
Transportation and financial dif-
ficulties have compelled the' Detroit
orchestra to cease all of its public ap-
pearances. Dr. Sink also disclosed
that the Cleveland Symphony orches-
tra scheduled to appear here Nov. 8
will give its concert at 8:30 in the
evening instead of in the afternoon
as previously announced.
Tickets for the concerts are being
sold in the Burton Memorial Tower.
Any season tickets unsold by Oct. 12
will be broken up and sold for indi-
vidual concerts, Dr. Sink explained.
Motorists Ignore
Governors Plea
For 35 Mile Limit
LANSING, Oct. 5- ()- The State
Highway Department reported today
more than half of Michigan's motor-
ists, as determined in a statewide
week-end survey, violated the 35-
mile-an-hour speed limit imposed'on
state highways by proclamation of
Governor Van Wagoner.
Enforcement of the speed limit has
been placed largely on an "honor sys-
tem" through an appeal to motorists'
patriotism, pending issuance of an
order declaring the entire state high-
way network a speed control zone.
The state police reported 23 drivers
driving faster than 35 miles were ar-
rested Saturday and Sunday for a
variety of offenses against the traf-
fic laws.
The Highway Department sum-
marvsaid5 1 . ner cent of the auto-
Fog Lifts In Aleutians
For American Attacks;
229 JapPlanes Nipped
Navy Submarine
Is Long Overdue
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5-The battle
for the Solomons continues with sav-
age ground clashes and mounting de-
struction of enemy planes, the Navy
reported today, while Army bombers,
operating from new bases in the
Aleutians and favored by good wea-
ther, have stepped up their hammer-
ing attacks on the Japs at Kiska.
The Marines are maintaining their
positions on Guadalcanal in the Solo-
mons, said a communique, and fre-
quent short engagements between the
opposing ground forces have made no
important changes in the lines. How-
ever, despite hard-hitting American
air attacks, the Japanese have suc-
ceeded in landing small reinforce-
ments for their troops on the island.
Action In Solomons
In three communiques, the Navy
reported today that:
(1) American fliers in the Solo-
mons during four days of widespread
action last week damaged an enemy
destroyer, shot down 10 enemy air-
craft and damaged two others, with
no American losses reported. This
brought the total of Japanese planes
destroyed in the Solomons to date to
229i and the enemy also has suffered
29 ships sunk or damaged there.
(2) The drive aimed at dislodging
the Japanese from their Western
Aleutian footholds, marked last Sat-
urday by announcement that Ameri-
can forces had occupied the Andre-
anof group between Kiska and Dutch
Harbor, has had the rare.luck of good
weather. Raids against the enemy
have occurred almost daily, with five
enemy seaplanes shot down last Fri-
day and direct explosive and incen-
diary hits scored Thursday and Fri-
day on the Kiska camp and seaplane
Sub Overdue
(3) The Navy's submarine Grunion
is long overdue in the Pacific, and
must be presumed to be lost. One of
the nation's newest undersea craft,
the 1,526 ton Grunion, was launched
last December 22 at Groton. She was
commanded by Lt. Commander Man-
nart L. Abele of Quincy, Mass., and
although the Navy did not announce
the size of her crew, the normal com-
plement for vessels of her size is ap-
proximately 65 men.
In the Solomons, the Navy report-
ed, a small force of enemy bombers
attempted a raid last Tuesday on the
American positions on Guadalcanal
but interceptors shot down four of
the large escort of Japanese fighter
planes, and forced the bombers to
jettison their explosives before they
reached their target.
The same day, American planes
bombed and strafed enemy positions
at Rekata Bay, about 120 miles north
of Guadalcanal, destroying two sea-
planes and setting fires ashore.
Meanwhile, Navy and Marine dive
bombers accompanied by Army pur-
suit planes were raiding small Jap
supply vessels off Guadalcanal and
attacking enemy troops on the island.
Reketa Bay Hit
The following day the air attacks
continued against the Japanese on
Guadalcanal and Navy dive bombers
also attacked Rekata Bay, setting a-
munitions dump afire and damaging
two enemy aircraft.
On Thursday, attacks against Jap
ground forces were continued by
Army planes, while the Navy and Ma-
rine dive bombers and torpedo planes
went after four Japanese destroyers
which apparently were covering a
small enemy landing at Viru Harbor,
on New Georgia Island about 120
miles northwest. One of the destroy-
ers was hit and damaged, said the
Navy, and when last seen "was dead
in the water." The same day, said the
communique, Army flying fortresses
set fire to a small boat near the
Greenwich Islands, a small group off
the southeastern tip of Malaita Is-
land about 45 miles from the southern
tip of Guadalcanal.
Friday the Japanese attacked Gua-
dalcanal again with a small force of
bombers protected by a heavy escort
of fighters, but again interceptors
t+irnri tem hak_ u of te e nem
ed by the finance committee "run placed on farm produce. There was
very close to the maximum direct tax some concern in the grain trade lest
burden that the country can bear." the range between the price ceiling
Heavier levies, he said, would force and the floor, represented by the loan
down the standard of living. rates, might be too narrow.
Beazley Excels On Mound As Cards
Break Yankees'
Oct. 5.-(A')-The unconquerable St.
Louis Cardinals swept over the New
York Yankees, 4 to 2, today and into
the world's championship of baseball
as George (Whitey) Kurowski capi-
talized their indomitable spirit with
a two-run ninth inning homer for
their fourth straight victory in the
five-game 1942 World Series.
World Series Reign
continued their reckless running and
received a wonderfully pitched seven-
hit game from lean and confidant
Johnny Beazley, the 23-year-old
rookie who also won the second game
of the series at St. Louis.
Visibility Poor
The climax came in the dusk with
visibility so poor that many of the
fans in the huge concrete arena were
unable to see where Kurowski's tre-
mendous fly landed, but they could
MoMI, .i.'-- Mem O