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October 06, 1942 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-06

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TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1940


1 I I

Dr. Penberthy
Given Degee
By University!
Detroit Surgeon Describes
Contributions Of. War
To MedicalProgress
Citation Is Read
At convocation. exercises of the
Medical School yesterday in the
Rackham Lecture' Hall, Col. Grover
Cleveland Penberthy, '10, prominent
Detroit surgeon now on duty with the
United States Army Medical Corps
was awarded an honorary degree of
master !of- science.
Introduced to the meeting by Pres-
ident Alexander G. Rtithven, Dr. Pen-
berthy addressed the group on "Con-,
tributions of War to Medicine", ex-
plaining the historical development
of medical science through the wars
of alIl ages.
"In' this war," he added, "the Sur-
geon General plans to combat 'epi-'
demics and has announced the for-
mation of the Army and Civilian:
Board of Consultants on problems of
communicable diseases.
The National Research Council,
in conjunction. with the Army, Navy'
and the Public Health service,Nhay
outlined a program of research and'
.investigation for the study of many;
problems relating to medicine and
surgery as they may pertain to this,
war." Dr. Penberthy added that sev-
eral members of the University fac-.
ulty have contributed "liberally" their
time and knowledge to ;this activity.;
A great development has been made;
in the treatment of shock, wounds,;
fractures and burns, Dr. Penberthy
pointed out, and the number of cas-
ualties to be treated in this emergen-
cy will afford a greater opportunity
to further evaluate these various
methods and types of therapy'.
Prof. J. G. Winter made the cita-
tion for the award to Dr. Penberthy,
paying tribute to.his "unfailing help
in matters of civic government and
in, problems of social welfare."
Graduated from the University
Medical School in 1910, Dr. Penberthy
has practiced in Detroit, since 1913
and is now chief surgeon in the Chil-
dren's Hospital there. He is also a
senior surgeon in the Wayne Uni-
versity Medical School. At present he
holds the rank of colonel, M.C., U.S.A.,
Ruben CGurk, 526 Detroit St.,
thought he was stocked for the win-
ter cold until yesterday morning.
He looked at his towering wood pile
in back of his house 'wlen he arose:
in the morning to find it' 'diminished
to mole hill height. Police are search-
ing Ann Arbor backyards.

U.S. Troops LandIn Andreanof;Group

Expert Staff
Presents Class
In War, Peace
(Continued from Page 1)
the political science department, an
author of books and many articles on
Germany, while those of Japan will
be analyzed by Prof. Robert B. Hall
of the geography department who re-
cently returned from a government
mission to South America, investi-
gating Axis activity there. China will
be discussed by political science Prof.
Esson McD. Gale, who recently ar-
rived from a government mission in
the Far East and has had many years
of experience in Oriental affairs.
Other European countries' aspira-
tions will be discussed by Professor
The broad subject of Latin Ameri-
ca's aims will be treated in two lec-
tures, the first by Professor Hall and
the second by Prof. Arthur S. Aton
df the history department. Professor
Alton is teaching courses in Latin
American development.
War aims of the United States and
the British Commonwealth of Nations
will get the fullest treatment with
seven lectures being devoted to them.
The first lecture, concerning the At-
lantic Charter, will be given by Pro-
fessorSmithies. Three lectures are
scheduled on internal and eternal
U.S. policy. They will be given by
public control Prof. I. L. Sharfman
of the economics department, Prof.
Dwight L. Dumond of the history de-
partment, an authority on contempo-
rary American history, and Professor
Two lectureshwill be given on the
objectives of the British Common-
wealth. The first will be given by
Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the political
science department, an expert on in-
ternational law, and the second by
history Prof. William B. Willcox, an
authority on British institutions.

U.S. troops unload equipment on, a barren beach somewhere in the Andreanof group of the Aleutian Is-
lands in establishing an advanced base from which to attack the Japanese in the western tip of the island
'chain. This photo was made from a landing boat. (Associated Press Photo from U.S. Army Signal Corps.)

900 RegisterF
For Fraternity
A record-breaking number of men
have signed up for fraternity rushing
this fall. Close to 900 students, more
than ever before in the history of the
University and almost 200 over last
year's registration, have indicated
their desire to pledge a fraternity.
Today is- the last day that freshmen
may register for rushing. John Fau-
ver, president of the InterfraternityI
Council said that the IFC offices inI
the Union will be open from 3 to 5
p. m. to take, care of the last-minute
registration. Any freshman who has
not signed up by that time will not
be eligible for rushing until next Feb-
It was also explained that; every
man who wishes to be rushed this
semester, regardless of, whether he
signed up last year, must register
with the IFC.
Fauver stressed the point that,
"absolutely no rushing is permitted
Saturday, Oct. 10." This means that
no fraternity man is allowed to ac=
company or take a rushee to the
Michigan-Iowa Pre-flight Naval Ca-
det football game.
In addition, fraternities were re-
minded that no rushing dates may
be scheduled for Sunday evening and
that each house is allowed to make
only one date with a rushee during
the first 'four days.'

Homeowners Asked To Rent
Extra Rooms To War Workers

LANSING, Oct. 5- ()- Dwellers
in overcrowded industrial centers
were asked by Governor Van Wag-
oner today to open their homes to
provide living quarters for war work-
ers, as he petitioned the War Pro-
duction Board to release materials
for a speed-up of building construc-
Van Wagoner identified areas fac-
ing the most acute shortage of hous-
ing as Detroit, Willow Run, Muskegon
and Saginaw, but emphasized there
was a shortage in practically every
industrial city of the state.
Asked To Waive Restrictions
He called on landlords to waive
restrictions against renting to famil-
ies who have small children and
asked home owners and renters to
allow single workers and childless
couples to rent their spare rooms.
"It remains obvious that the War
production program cannot proceed
with full success unless we are able
Naval Affairs Club
To Probe Strategy
Of War Movements
Opening a series of weekly meet-
ings, the Michigan Naval Affairs Club
will gather in Angell Hall next Mon-
day night to discuss recent naval and
,aerial developments in the world-
wide conflict.
The club, which holds its discus-
sions under the direction of Mr. E. W.
Mill of the political science depart-
ment, is a student organization com-
posed of men and women who are
particularly interested in the strate-
gical considerations of the present
Special topics of discussion this
year will include the activities of the
American Pacific Fleet, problems of
anti-submarine warfare and the At-
lantic convoy, the expanding roll of
naval aircraft, cooperation between
the United Nations, and plans for
future offensive action.
Nazi Official Criticizes
French Industrialists
VICHY, Unoccupied France, Oct. 5
(WP)- A high official of the German
embassy in Paris sharply criticized
French industrialists today for their
lukewarmness to the Vichy Govern-
ment's new compulsory labor pro-
gram as the first trainload of 133,000
more workers demanded by the Nazis
left Paris for Germany.
"An abstention on the part of
French employers which remains dif-
ficult to understand is often to be
noted," Minister Schleier of the Nazi
embassy said, according to dispatches
from the occupied capital."
(Continued from Page 2)
Room of the Architecture Building.
The public is cordially invited.
Food Handlrs Lectures: The City
Health 'Department is to conduct a
series of four lectures for the instruc-
tion of food handlers in the W. K.
Kellogg Auditorium (New Dental
Building) at 8:00 p. m. on October
6, 13, 20 and 27.
All persons concerned with food
service to University students are
urged to attend the entire series.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 7:30 p. in., Wednesday, Octo-
ber 7, in Room 319, West Medical
Building. "The Sulfur - Containing
Amino Acids" will be discussed. All

to house decently the essential war
workers who must be added to the
local labor supplies in order to turn
out the materials of war from our
factories," Van Wagoner said in a
formal statement.
"War brings all of us added duties
and the necessity for added sacrifices.
The program I have suggested in-
volves sacrifices. It is essential."
Sharing Of Flats Suggested
He said occupants of apartments
and flats should share them with oth-
ers and, if this is impossible, some
of them might move into single rooms
and release their accommodations
for rental to families.
He suggested owners of large res-
idences remodel them with minimum
use of critical materials and, convert
them into homes for two or more
families, and that large apartments
be cut up into smaller quarters for
more family units.
Homes which are vacant while the
owners seek buyers "should immedi-
ately be placed on the rental mar-
ket," he asserted.
Governor Appeals To WPB
Coupled with the statement was an
appeal to the War Production Board
for release of more building materials
for Michigan, declaring lack of lum-
ber and lack of assurance that the
supply to be released in future would
be adequate "threatens failure of
completion of the private and public
housing program."
"It is increasingly apparent that
shortages in transportation facilities
will become one of the major factors
in the housing problem for all war
workers," the Governor cautioned in
his message to the public.
"Conservation of tires and automo-
biles even beyond the degree which
may be enforced by rationing and
speed limitation is necessary. I ur-
gently request every owner of an au-
tomobile to conserve the car and tires
so that in the event of a crisis in
transportation there will remain a
reservoir of private facilities to get
war workers to the job from their
housing, wherever it may be."

Food Lectures
To Open Today

-' I I


Series To Concentrate
Health Problems


Dormitory and restaurant hygiene
is the special concern of the Ann Ar-
bor Health Department this month in
a series of four lectures for all work-
ers in establishments dispensing food
and beverages.
In the four lectures, at 8 p. m. on
Tuesday evenings starting October 6,
the Department will present informa-
tion on the control of bacteria, proper
refrigeration, highlights in sanitation,
and personal hygiene.
Movie shorts, supplementary ma-
terial for the lectures, will accompany
each weekly course of instruction.
Dormitory, fraternity, sorority and
cooperative house employees are
urged to attend the course by the
Health Department although it is
primarily for employees of city estab-
Those desiring credit for the course
may obtain food handler's cards,
health officials say, provided all four
lectures were attended.
"Public Enemies" is the subject of
this Tuesday's course of instruction.
It wilt be followed on successive
weeks by "Food Guardians", "Good
Housekeeping", and "The Individual."








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