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October 08, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-08

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every iorning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
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]Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43


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Homer Swander . .. Managing Editor '
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lIGHT EDITOR: BUD BRIMMER r .- -... a', V. "t
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily Gy \ r
are written by members of The Daily staff 7y-
and represent the views of the writers only. .

(Because of space limitations, we
areable to reprint here only the intro-
dluction and conclusions of "The War
About The Peace," which appeared
originally in "Free World." Lin Yutang,
a noted Chinese scholar, is the author
of "The Importance of Living," "My
Country and My People," and other
standing at the crossroads: one
road leading to a higher and better
world order based on equality and
cooperation of all nations, and the
other leading to world mastery or
world domination through sheer
military force by America in the
exclusive company of Britain and
excluding Russia and China and
all other countries.
These two tendencies of thought
are basic; this is the war about the
peace. Their conflict is necessary
and inescapable, and between world
mastery and world cooperation
there is no other choice. Both
schools of thought have sensibly
ruled ' out isolationism after the
war as both foolish and impossible.
In this war our political leaders
make a better showing than our
academic writers. On the side of
world cooperation and equality of
all nations stand President Roose-
velt, Vice-President Henry A. Wal-
lace, Secretary Cordell Hull and
Under-Secretary of State Sumner
Welles, so far as their public rec-
ord goes. On this same side, I must
also mention all New York taxi-
drivers and our soldiers at ther
front, and Samuel .Grafton, the
only columnist who seems to speak
about a better world with anything
like passion and deep sincerity.
The showing on the part of
publicists and college professors
is disgraceful, and this is the
whole point of my writing this
article. The deep-seated cyni-
cism, the stupid belief in domin-
ation by force, the total absence
of appreciation of a moral point
of view, and above al, the
haughty threat of force, in the
form of an overwhelming air and
sea power with which they are
going to police the world for the
world's own good, are the general
characteristics of such reasoning.
On the whole, it is the American
college profe'ssor or research ad-
visor of some learned institution,
rather than the statesman, who
can view comfortably the substi-
tution of a nineteenth century im-
perialism by a greater and more
powerful, more overwhelming rule
of force. This is the result of his
peculiar academic training, which
teaches him to be objective and
amoral and to rule out all "silly,"
inexact, immeasurable human sen-
I accuse modern Western scho-

bout Th
larship of being amoral, which
is a splendid attitude in regard;
to the natural sciences, but
downright decadent in the sphere
of hunan studies. I maintain
that academic attitude, deprived
of warm emotions for our fellow
men, is a dangerous attitude to
teach in our college classrooms. I
maintain that this trend of
thought has produced a Hitler,
and might produce more Hitlers:
in the future, wherever this type
of mental attitude prevails. I
maintain, further, that this
method of strict objectivity, use-
ful in natural sciences, is unre-
liable and dangerous in the hu-
man sciences. I maintain that
objective thinking in human re-;
lations is an impossibility, and
never exists.
I maintain this, because first of
all, in- the final weighing of con-
clusions, after the assemblage of
facts, the decision is always a sub-
jective process, involving evalua-
tion of imponderable factors, never
reducible to facts and figures.
An example of the failure .of the
objective method is the isolation-
ist position of Charles A. Beard. In
the final weighing of divergent
facts, to arrive at an isolationist
or anti-Axis stand, the emotions
not only do, but also should enter
into our consideration, or we are
debasing the intellect and the con-
science that God has givenits.
ECONDLY, in the realm of hu-
man affairs, psychological facts
and factors could never be assessed
with anything like the accuracy in
the scientific measurement of elec-
tric volts or radio waves. Outstand-
ing cases are Russian and Chinese
morale. If anybody ever took pains-
taking trouble to assemble facts,
the Germans certainly did. The
odds looked all in their favor; but
the odds do not look that way now.
If the Germans could be wrong, so
could we.
Thirdly, we all place different
values upon such human factors,
naking objectivity impossible. The
fact that the Japanese are a war-
like nation, and the English are a
peace-loving nation has a certain
significance for me, but not for
Professor John Nicholas -Spykman.
The fact that the Japanese are
warlike and aggressive and the
Chinese are peace-loving and es-
sentially democratic in spirit
should be a deciding factor in
choosing our partners for the
post-war world; but it does not
seem so to Professor Spykman,
who only looks upon the map,
spread out before him and is in-
tellectually intrigued by the sim-
ilarities in geographical positions
between England and Japan,

Who is really objective, and who
can'say that he alone is correct?
Fourthly, our emotional bias in-
evitably steps in. Professor Spyk-
man notes that China's position in
the Far East is similar to that of
the United States in North Amer-
ica. Nevertheless, through personal
bias, he thinks of the necessity of
creating a strong Japan to check
China, while he would never for a
moment think of creating a strong
Mexico to check the United States.
That final decision is emotional
and not objective.
FIFI'HLY, back of all such fascist
thought, is the fashionable de-
termination of modern scholarship.
Determinism always spells irre-
sponsibility, as if we were by neces-
sity helpless to create a better
world to live in. The taxi-driver has
the courage to say, "This world of
eternally recurring wars is bad;
let's change it." The determinist,
objective professor has not the
heart to say it, but must say, "It is
bad, and will continue to be bad."
There is a curious intellectual
pleasure in such Satanic predic-
tions, but it is not going to help
build a better world. The elimina-
tion of conscience from Western
scholarship has gone far enough
SIXTHLY, the world is not so
simple as these pseudo-scientists
like to imagine. What the unpre-
dictable effects of Anglo-American
domination by an overwhelming
force will'be the best geopoliticians
cannot tell us. The normal human
reaction against all threats of force,
the corruption that will set in with
power, and the guilty conscience
that follows corruption, the dilem-
ma of sending American boys to
help England fight a native insur-
rection in New Delhi or Calcutta,
the absolute certainty of the will-
ingness of Russians, Chinese, and
Hindus to be bombed to pieces and
sullenly continue to resist, the
meeting of violence with non-vio-
lence by the Hindus which should
burn Christian cheeks, the groan-
ing and public dissatisfaction with
the crushing burdens of taxation
for armaments-all such things are
bound to follow in its wake, result-
ing in a violent reaction such as
followed the Versailles Treaty.
The advocates of such sheer
domination by force have not
even the wit to see that such
things are bound to happen. In
any case, the guilt of arming
against Russia and China will ,ie
heavily on the American coni-
science, and moral defeatism will
set in long, before an actual war
between the races sets the final
and greatest conflagration of the

A Squabble All Of The
United Nations Regret
T was a pretty scheme that Wendell
.Willkie and the President cooked up
to worry the world a little more about the "Sec-
ond Front."
In his blunt Indiana manner Willkie made a
big noise in Chungking yesterday by demanding
"all-out offensives everywhere by all the United
Nations." That sounded very encouraging, be-
catls Willke left this country on his war tour
withtlie unofficial blessings of the Administra-
But after the President heard about Will-
kie's startlingly clear, opinion, he made a big
coiter-ros.--He bluntly told newsmen that
Wilke was talking through his hat, acting
like a- speculative- poet. He asserted that the
accounts of Wiikie's speeches were not worth
All that is left now is a mess of contradictions.
Willkie is speaking for a large part of the
action-hungry people of the United Nation
whe he speaks of a second front. The Russians-
back him up the Chinese acclaim him; the
Britishpeople are won over-arid we Anericans
admire hun. -
THE PRESIDENT added a new note of con-
fision. ' If he must send unofficial envoys,
let him instruct them to keep their opinions to
theiselves' until he hears them. Roosevelt has
maiaged -to destroy any good that Willkie might
haVre accomplished.
And Willkie made a mess of his trip by giving
the President a chance to contradict him.
At least Willkie did reflect- the feelings of
the-people of the United Nations, Those opin-
ions--whether they are militarily correct or
notshouldnot have been - brushed off per-
Wendell Willkie was not playing with words
when he spoke of the doubts in the minds of our
allies. -Russia mistrusts us, China is waiting to
see results of our over-abundant promises. Does
the President think that he has, allayed any of
these misgivings by flatly denying what a man
popular in those counties says for them?
Now, Mr. President, is the time to speak for
democracy, for the winning of this war. You
did not do that in your statement yesterday.
You did not help the people of the United Na-
tions maintain their faith in a great victory.
- Leon Gordenker
But Safety Required
Stay In Washington
HIRTY-THREE Washington news-
men, hopping mad because they
were not forewarned of the President's junket
through this country's defense plants, have dis-
yatched to the White House a written complaint.
An ominous warning of a tendency to ward
"creeping censorship" marks their special mes-
sage. In the President's secrecy they see "a kind
of suppression which undermines confidence, not
alone in the iiewspapers, but in the Government."
Poting over. such a matter may soothe the
ruffled -correspondents in their grief over the
loss of such a sensational news story as the
President's tour.,But pouting will not heighten
the nation's estimation of their common sense.
The trip, planned as it was to afford maximum
protection to the President, actually did include
one man each from the country's three leading
press services. The absurdity of telling thirty-
rof +h innnP Atrin and inviting

I'd Rather
You can't get away from it, you have to save
the world at retail. Wholesale doesn't do it. The
four freedoms promise to -free men wholesale,
but when Hitler selects French slaves for his
factories, he knows each individual man's name,
age, address and makes sure he gets the notice.
"You cannot Xdistribute slavery through a radio
speech. You have to follow up each case. Why
we should suppose freedom is any easier to pass
out is har4 to understand. When we begin to
creep up on slaves as gloatingly as Hitler does
upon free men, and clasp them, one by one, in
our glad embrace, shouting, "Tag! You're free!"
we shall be well on our way.
You have to grab slaves where you can, of
course. When Hitler found tradedull, and could
do'no better, he even enslaved little Luxembourg;
It wasn't much, but it increased his volume and
kept the overhead down.
So, we, too, cannot be choosy. If the best lo-
cality for enfreeing men we can find is, say,
Martinique, of the West Indies, now run by the
Vichy French, then the morning sun should find
us loitering near Martinique, whistling disingen-
uously, looking as if butter wouldn't melt in our
mouths, and pretending to be waiting for a
ferry boat.
The temptation to jump in, and enfree the
Martiniquers ought to be too powerful for us;
we should be unable to keep our hands off them;
our palms should itch, as Hitler's would in con-
trary circumstances. Does anyone suppose Hitler
would pass up Martinique, if it were free, and
he could reach it? It is not free, and we can
reach it.
We issue blanket pronouncements proclaiming
our aim for a free world. But we don't and my
voice is rising, free it. All we need do is do It.
If you do it, you don't have to talkabout it.
When the ugly rumor that there is a man in
Fort de France or Alabama or Calcutta who is
being deprived of some of his liberties makes us
swear and reach for the telephone, inducing in
us the same symptoms that free speech in Berlin
induces in a Nazi, then we shall be out of the
wholesale branch of the freedom business, and
in the retail branch, where trading possibilities
are almost unlimited.
The Nazis, who -hate the individual, always
make sure to look him up. They knock on his
door. They want to know what he is doing.-They
distribute their burdens by means of a careful
canvass, and make sure each man gets one. It is
hard for us Americans to understand the indi-
vidual terror created in Europe and the world by
this retail marketing of Fascism; each of hun-'
dreds of millions of people now knows that Fas-
cism is no abstract threat to his principles, but
that he, himself, the single separate man, with.
his own particular bunions, will be called upon
and seen to; that a specific finger will wag under
his nose, and a specific voice will speak his spe-
cific future to him.
Our own wholesale approach to humanity is
broad, general, rather blowsy and shiftless by
comparison. What do we do to convince the little
Italian peasant, in his little Italian village, that
we care about him as specifically as the Gestapo
agent in the city hall cares about him, with
blackjack particularly, and with willingness al-
waytno give him individual attention. if only




WASHINGTON-Some of the President's
close advisers are getting more and more con-
cerned over drafting a huge army and the simul-
taneous problem of supporting that army. They
figure that the quest for manpower is going to
get tougher and tighter, and that eventually we
may find it a mistake to draft an army of 10,000,-
000 men-especially since we lack the means of
getting them to grips with the enemy.
White House advisers point to physicians as an
example. Today the Army is plucking doctors
from civilian life by all sorts of methods, first
promising them commissions if they enlist, then
threatening that if they don't enlist they will be
drafted. Students in medical schools have been
taken in as reserve officers, and, in some cases,
third-year medical students who couldn't pass
the officers' physical exam, are being drafted as
buck privates--despite three years of medical
The goal which the Army seeks is seven doc-
tors to every 1,000 men, whereas the British
have found the optimum figure to be four and
a half.
Result is that many small communities find
themselves without a doctor, and the situation
will get worse. For at the rate of seven doctors
per 1,000 men, a 10,000,000-man army will need
70,000 doctors and there are only 150,000 to 160,-
000 in the entire United States-of which only
105,000 are young enough for service in the
Medical Corps.



('4'in te


LAST NIGHT we went to Davenport's where we
stuffed ourselves with T-bone steaks, cracked
corny jokes and bid our farewells fib Hale
Champion, who goes to war today.
Champ's been around The Daily for three years
and now he won't be here for his senior appoint-
ment. He didn't even wait for his degree. We
can't do anything about the sheepskin . . . but
he's been a senior as far as we're concerned ever
since his freshman year. He's always told us
what to do whether we liked it or not.-And we
always did.
The Daily has seen some "natural" newspaper-
men. - Also some plain good guys. Champ was
both. He could sit down at a typewriter and
bang out the best damn copy you ever read. And
he'd always be talking over his shoulder and
crapking jokes with the gang while he typed.
He said after he enlisted that he was happy
and a little proud to be going into the Army.
We're glad he is . . . but we can't feel the same
way about it.
-Murph, Mort, Will and Sam
set up a special United Nations Foreign Legion
of all United Nations' refugees; we would issue
United Nations passports to all lost, stateless
In other words, individual treatment for the
individual'c ustomer, a nrincinle khnown tn every

(Continued from Page 2)
Algebra Seminar will meet Friday
at 4:15 p.m. in 3201 A.H.
C. J. Nesbitt
English Honors (197) will meet for
organization today at 4:00 p.m., Oc-
tober 8, at 4 p.m. in 3217 A .H.
. W. R. Humphreys
Phychology 91 will meet in Room
225 Angell Hall.
Psychology 153 will meet in Room
16 Angell Hall.
Bus. Ad. 22 (Statistical Method)
and Ec. 175 (Economic Statistics)
will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays
at 2:00 o'clock in Room 231 Angell'
-0. W. Blackett
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in German and French
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, October 9, at 4:00 o'clock, in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Buil-
ding. Dictionaries may be used.
Frederick W. Peterson
Mathematics 9, Spherical Geome-
try and Spherical Trig. This course
will meet in 3010 Angell Hall, at 1
o'clock, beginning Thursday.
C. H. Fischer
Students in my section of English
297 are to report to me this after-
noon between the hours of 2:00 and
5:30 in the Hopwood Room (3227 An-
gell Hall).
R. W. Cowden
Oriental Languages: Students who
may be ihterested in a beginning
course in Chinese, Malay or Thai
language are asked to call at 3:00
p.m. today at 2021 Angell Hall.
L. Waterman
English 107, sec. 3, TuTh, 10, will
meet in 2208 A.H. insteadl of 208 U.H.
A. H. Marckwardt

New Graduate Students: All stu-
dents registering -this semester for
the first time in the Graduate School
should report at the Lecture Hall in
the Rackham Building for the four-
part Graduate Record Examination
on Tuesday, October 13, at 7:00 p.m.-
and also:on Wednesday, October 14,
at 7:00 p.m. Credit will be withheld
from students failing to take all parts
of the examination-unless an excuse
has been issued by the Dean's office.
Be on time. No student can be ad-
mitted after the examination has
begun. Pencil, not ink, is to be used
in writing the examination.
Mathematics 6, Solid Geometry:
There will be three sections of this
course, one on Tuesdays and Thurs-
days at 3:00 p.m. in 307 West Engi-
neering, and two on Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. meeting in'
317 and 318 West Engineering.
Geology 11: There will be a field
trip Saturday morning, Oct. 10, at
8:00 a.m. This supersedes the an-
nouncement at the Wednesday lec-
ture. Students should - meet at the
east door of Natural Science Building
facing the Chemistry Building.
C. E. Dutton
Upperclass and Graduate Women
Students: The following physical ed-
ucation classes are open to upperclass
and graduate women students:
Golf, Monday and Wednesday 4:15,
or Tuesday and Thursday 10:30. I
Body Conditioning, Friday 2:30 or
Friday 3:20.
Register at Barbour Gymnasium
by Friday noon, October 9.
Silversmithing and-Jewelry Courses
will be given in the University High,
School Shop every other week. One
course will begin- Friday, October 9,.
7:00-10:00 p.m. and the other Sat-
urday; October 10, 9:00-12:00 am.
The course will consist of designing
and making hand-wrought jewelry,
rings and hand-forged flatware. Fee
for the course, which is given through
the Extension Service, is $15. There

annual Choral Union Concert Series,
in Hill Auditorium:
October 20: Don Cossack Chorus,
Serge Jaroff, Conductor.
October 29: Gladys Swarthout,
November 8: Cleveland Symphony
Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, Conduc-
November 19: Albert Spalding, vio-
December 9: Boston Symphony Or-
chestra, Serge Koussevitzky, Conduc-
January 18: Josef Hofmann, Pia-
February 16; Jascha Heifetz, Vio-
March 2: Open date.
March 17: Nelson Eddy, Baritone.
Season tickets, including tax:
$13.20- $11.00- $8.80- $6.60. Each
season ticket contains coupons ad-
mitting to the ten concerts, and an
additional coupon of the value of
$3.30 when exchanged for a season
May Festival ticket later in the year.
On sale at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society, Burton Memor-
ial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Events Today
The Sociedad Hispanica, will have
an officers' meeting at 4:00 p.m. (in-
stead of 4:30 as announced previous-
ly) today in Room 302, Romance
Language Building.
Varsity Glee Club tryouts for old
members and men who have com-
pleted one semester will begin to-
night at 7:30 in the Glee Club rooms,
third floor, Michigan Union. Inter-
ested men from all schools of the
University are urged to try out.
Officers are asked to meet at 7:15
p.m. to plan the first serenade and
discuss other business.
International Center is having a
tea today, 4:00-6:00 p.m. All foreign
students and their American friends,
and any members of the faculty or
community interested are cordially


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