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October 09, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-09

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FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1942

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the. authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
-Published- e'very morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except. Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to.
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter~
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pgblise sRepresentative
Edit..4 Q#44ff


Homer Swander
Morton Mintz. .
Will Sapp
George W. Sallad6 .
Ch1arles Thatcher . -
Bernard Hendel
Barbara deFries
Myron Dann

* . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
.* . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. .Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Sports Editor

Business Staff

Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg.
James Daniels

. -. Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager-
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Publications Sales Analyst

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the; writers only. :"_

Lin, Yutang Is Invited
To Drop In Sometime
W HEN WE reprinted part of Lin Yu-
tang's "War About The Peace" in
yesterday's Daily, we had our tongue in cheek as
far as the University of Michigan is concerned.
Mr. Yutang, an outstanding Chinese scholar,
in essence accused modern western scholarship
(college professors) of a disgraceful showing in
their thought about the post-war world- ". . .the
deep-seated cynicism, the stupid belief in domin-
ation by force, the total absence of appreciation
of a moral point- of view, and above all, the
haughty threat of force... with which they are
going to police the world for the world's own
good°v "
Mr. Yutang, because we believe your analy-
sis to be fundamentally correct, we're just
that much prouder of the University of Michi-
gan. Wethink that if you could come over to
Room sC'in haven Hall at 2 o'clock Tuesday
and Thursday you would understand why.
You would like the professors who are teaching
Social Studies 93. We're certain you would be im-
pressed with their humanity which you miss in
others. And as far as theset-up is concerned-
using 14 of the best men the University has in a
unfied effort to evolve a concept of the better
worlA to come-we know your enthusiasm would
match that of the students, whether they are
taking the course for credit or whether they just
drop in for a swell lecture any time they have a
chance. -Morton Mintz
Local Housing Situation
May Incite Intervention
are slowly beginning to recognize the fact
that there exists within this county a deadly
serious housing problem. It has been occurring
to more people lately that to nod wisely in agree-
ment with stories of trouble and to thoroughly
discuss and damn the local, county and national
governments, the health authorities, the migra-
tory workers, and the Democrats has not in any
way eased the' shortage of adequate housing
facilities. for war workers and their families.
And with some sharp prodding by Mr. George
Christman of the Chamber of Commerce and
other men who have seen the situation as it
dctu ially exists, some of these same people have
finally been driven to action.
A few houses are being remodeled to ad-
mit more families. A few apartment build-
ings are being converted to hold more fam-
ilies. And a few yards have been cleared of
junk to admit war workers' trailers. But
most of the people are still sitting on their
property titles and wondering Just what
in heaven's name they can do.
They have already been told by the men not
primarily interested in the politics of the thing,
or the personal comfort of the local citizenry,
that'either they will get into action or the gov-
ernment will take over and tell them who is go-
ing to share their firesides. They have already
been told that definite expansive action must
be taken. They have been informed that since
the war workers must live someplace, it is up to
them to provide the places for them to live.
TTT Tf c A T, d'RTlm~nie t>4_llY

litAXE to t'n
VE1;RSINCE I have been on campus I have
been working on publications of one sort or
another; there has always been one pressing
problem presented. It gets bigger and bigger all
the time, mostly because in many cases a mis-
take in judgment may mean finis to a promising
young career.
You can never decide about criticizing people
and hurting their feelings. It always comes up.
Working over here you have a bunch of more or
less mature kids with very firm principles-and
then somebody comes along and does something
that is entirely inconsistent with those principles.
Ready at hand is The Daily with its editorial
columns, or the Gargoyle, or Ensian so you blast.
You hurt somebody's feelings, and the University
gets sore, or the person involved gets sore, and
develops a complex.
Last year in collaboration I did a little piece for
the Gargoyle in which a University employee was
mentioned by implication. I received a terrific
dressing down, and the gist of the whole attitude
of the dressers was, "You've got to be a gentle-
But that doesn't mean anything at all. It's a
very, very narrow idea to say you may not write
anything that hurts anyone's feelings because
that is ungentlemanly.
IN REALITY it is entirely necessary to hurt peo-
ple's feelings at times. If someone acts in a
manner which I regard as stupid it is very un-
gentlemanly no doubt to criticize them, but it
also is very necessary. It is necessary to hurt
Congressman Hoffman's feelings if he acts like
a two-year-old, or worse, like a Congressman.
Someone has to do it. Someone has to be around
to criticize.
Winston Churchill must be pained when his
following wails over a Tobruk fiasco. But what
if nobody wails? That's not so good.
AND THAT GOES back to what we try to do on
The Daily (speaking remember as an indi-
vidual whose views are his own and not The Dai-
ly's). Somebody writes an etiquette book as a
guide to our better and more fruitful living. He
puts hours on end into the attempt. And it turns
up with the excellence of literary craftsmanship
comparable to the McGuffy Reader, and repre-
sents a social philosophy that screams for a
"Mene, Mene". About that time you cease to wor-
ry about whether John Hunter, the individual, is
injured by a column.
Or the R.O.T.C. starts a barracks. Somebody
here thinks that such a barracks is a lead-soldier
game, and says so. And 40 men who have given
up their freedom of action are very resentful, as
are the ROTC faculty members. But somebody
has to say it.
THAT'S WHY I think that maybe the Univers-
ity should look a little more tolerantly upon
our efforts for a better world, and, incidentally,
a better University. Maybe we ought to be called,
"The University's Loyal Opposition". As a strange
matter of fact we are loyal, just as we are loyal
to a great America while decrying its poll tax.
But if nobody wants us to exercise our critical
faculty, then we ought to be shut up altogether.
been called for, since it has been recognized
by authoritative sources outside the-county that
war workers must live in homes and have schools


I'd Rather
Be Right

I have been asked, by a friend, whether I am
completely objective on the question of India.
The answer is, no. If we were completely ob-
jective on the question of independence, we would
soon lose our way in this war. Put it down that
I am hopelessly biased in favor of freedom and
terribly prejudiced in its behalf.
Then, I was asked, what about my mail?
Would I say, frankly, how it shapes up on India?
I would. I will. Two months ago, about 90 per
cent of my mail, from all over the country, was
against Indian independence. Today it runs
about half-and-half.
These questions are good for the soul. Let me
invent a few more, and put them sternly to my-
self, and see what the answers are.
Grafton, you dog, what do you really want the
English to do? Be honest! Do you want them to
walk out of India tomorrow, and let the Japanese
take it while Hindus and Moslems claw at each
No. I suggest merely that the British abolish
the India Office, as good psychiatry, if nothing
else, to wipe out the memories connected with it.
I suggest that they put Indian affairs under the
Secretary of State for the Dominions. I suggest
that they then offer India a place on a joint
British-American-Chinese-Indian general staff.
I suggest that they invite all parties in India to
come together, in a conference, and write a
proposal for Indian freedom. Thus let India's
leaders- stew, put the onus on them, force them
to come to some agreement among themselves;
if irreconcilable Indian disunity really exists,
we shall know it, and our allies, the English,
will be in the clear. If it does not exist, we shall
then know that, too.
But Grafton, old sweet, don't you know that
Gandhi and Nehru are pro-Japanese?
I know nothing of the kind. I know that their
last statements, before they were silenced, called
for armed resistance to the invader. I refer you to
the New York Times of Aug. 9.
But look here, Grafton, shouldn't India's lead-
ers make the first move?.
How can a man make the first move when he
is in prison?
Right, old sock, but aren't you stirring up
trouble for an ally, England, when you raise the
question of Indian freedom at a time like this?
No more so than the London Times, which
has raised the question this week. It asks that
England take the initiative. So do all the mod-
erate leaders in India. So does the so-called loyal
press in India. -All ask for some British proposal,
anything; to show that England is not merely
sitting tight, as it sat tight while Malaya lay
down and died, and while Burmese went over
to the enemy. The question must be raised at
"a time like this" because this is the time in
which the Japanese threat to India is maturing,
and we want Indians to fight.
But, Grafton, don't you know that a former
isolationist, Senator Reynolds, is making capital
of the India question, and enjoys bringing it up
in the Senate?
Let him. One must stick to the main line, and
not worry about what happens in the ideological
suburbs. There is always funny business going
on on the periphery of events. It has nothing
to do with the issue.

WASHINGTON - Secretary Ic-
kes has been hammering at Donald
Nelson over delays in the construc-
tion of manganese plants in a
behind-the-scenes row not unlike
that which occurred over Jesse
Jones' long delayed synthetic rub-
ber plants.
As early as July, 1941, and again
in January, Ickes proposed to the
War Production Board the con-
struction of five and then twelve
manganese plants in the Far West,
to produce one of the most vital
requirements for airplane con-
struction. Before the war, man-
ganese production had been ham-
pered by a patent monopoly agree-
ment with Germany, for which
the Aluminum Company has now
been indicted.
However, the WPB has done al-
most nothing. Only one plant rec-
ommended by Ickes has been
started, and the other day Ickes
wrote Nelson a stiff letter offering
to have his Bureau of Mines do
the work for WPB.
Ickes also charged in his letter
that the WPB had delayed because
its $1-a-year advisers worked for
both the Government and big com-
panies which did not want man-
ganese plants competing with
them in the Far West after the
war is over.
Furthermore, Ickes named
names. He pointed out that Union
Carbide and Carbon, Anaconda, E.
J. Lavino Co., U.S. Steel and Beth-
lehem Steel, representing the ma-
jority of the manganese industry
of the United States, all had their
representatives on the WPB com-
mittee which dilly-dallied for
months in passing on manganese
plants in the West.
Post-War Competition
Specifically, Ickes mentioned A.
B. Kinzel of Union Carbide and
Carbon who is a WPB $1-man and
who has been strongly opposed to
manufacturing electrolytic man-
"It is not helpful to our win-
ning the war," Ickes wrote Donald
Nelson, "to have representatives
of the people who might be in-
jured in their post-war profits, sit-
ting as judges on the merits of
possible competitors. I am inform-
ed that Mr. Kinzel, who shares his
employment between Union Car-
bide and the War Production
Board on a split-week basis, was
called upon to act as consultant
on the subject despite the gener-
ally held belief that Union Car-
bide is the most determined op-
ponent of electrolytic manganese
in the country."
Secretary Ickes also reminded
Nelson that more than a year had
gone by since five of the twelve
manganese proposals were first
placed before the WPB. He also
remarked that these delays were
"not accidental" and demanded
action "regardless of the post-war
worries of the companies which
are now so powerful in the man-
ganese and related metals field."
Note: Apparently Secretary Ic-
kes forgot to mention it, but James
H. Critchett, another adviser of
Union Carbide, also serves on two
metallurgical committees of WPB.
Not A Singing War
When Secretary of War Stimson
attended the Washington opening
of "This Is The Army," he told

author Irving Berlin that he re-
membered him at Camp Upton,
N.Y., where Stimson was a colonel
of field artillery and Berlin was
the buck private who staged "Yip,
Yip, Yaphank." Stimson liked both
the 1918 and 1942 shows immense-
Berlin, who has written more
popular music hits than anyone in.
America, tells his army friends
that this is not a singing war.
"In the last war," he says, "we
had a great push in France that
people knew about. But now the
fighting is scattered and they can't
get so excited.
"But even in the last war, says
Berlin, "there was only one really
great song. That was George Co-
han's 'Over There.' That was a
song which only George Cohan
could write, and at the time he
never realized that he had produc-
ed a masterpiece.
"A lot of the other songs in the
last war were love songs. Take
'Tipperary,' for instance. Senti-
ment is natural in war time - men
going away, women left behind.
But real war songs are born only
with deep national emotion, and
we haven't struck it yet."
Rubber Czar Jeffers
Rubber Czar Jeffers has jumped
into his new job with a vigor and
enthusiasm which has made red-
tane calloused Washington sit up

FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1942
VOL. LII No. 5
All notices for the Daily. Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica,
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the University
Council: The October 12 meeting of
the University Council has been can-
Forestry Assembly: Mr. Stanley
Wilson, Associate Regional Forester,
United States Forest Service, Mil-
waukee, Wisconsin, will show a col-
ored motion picture with sound on
"The Development of Forestry in- the
United States" in Room 2054, Natural
Science Building, at 10:00 a.m. today.
Students of the School of Forestry
and Conservation are expected to at-
tend, and any others interested are
cordially invited.
For underheated or overheated
rooms, call the Buildings and
Grounds Department, Extension 317.
Do not in any case open the windows.
Help in the war effort by conserving
E. C. Pardon
All students registered with the
Student Employment Bureau are re-
quested to bring their records up to
date by adding their Fall Term
schedules, and also any changes of
Student Employment Bureau,
Room 2, University Hall
Registration for jobs will be held
Monday, October 12, in Room 205
Mason Hall at 4:10 p. m. by the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information. This reg-
istration comes earlier this year than
usual because the demand from em-
ployers for personnel is greater, and
we are asked to furnish candidates
now. Only one registration will be
held, and everyone who wants em-
ployment at the end of the February,
June, or August term is urged to ap-
ply now.
This enrollment applies to teachers
and to all interested in business and
other professional positions, and is
open to seniors, graduate students
and staff members interested in full-
time work. There is no charge for
registration. It should be noted that
everyone who is a candidate for a
Teacher's Certificate is required by
the School of Education to be regis-
tered in the Bureau before the certifi-
cate can be granted.
University Bureau of Appointments
& Occupational Information
Library Service for the Fall Term:
The schedules printed below show
some changes from those which have
been in force in recent years. Mem-
bers of the staff and the student
body are asked to -note the hourso4
the libraries in which they are par-
ticularly interested.
Angell Hall Study Hall:
7:45 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:30; 7:00-
10:00.-Monday through Thursday.
7:45 a.m.-12:00; 100-5:30.- Fri-
7:45 a.m.-12:00.-Saturday.
Architecture Library:
8:30 a.m.-12:00; 1:30-5:00; 7:00-
10:00.-Monday through Thursday.
8:30 a.m.-12:00; 1:30-5:00.-Friday.
8:30 a.m.-12:00.-Saturday.
Business Administration Library:
8:00 a.m.-10:00.Monday through
2:00 p.m.-6:00; 7:00-10:00.-Sun-
Chemistry Library:
8:00 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:00; 7:00-
10:00.-Monday through Thursday.
8:00 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:00.-Friday.
8:00 a.m.-12:00.-Saturday.
East Engineering Library:
8:00 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:00; 7:00-
10:00.-Monday through Thursday.
8:00 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:00-Friday.

8:00 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:00.-Sat-
Economics Library:
7:45 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:30; 7:00-
10:00.-Monday through Thursday.
7:45 a.m.-12:00; 1:00.5:30-Friday.
7:45' a.m.12:00.-Saturday.
Education Library :
8:00 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:00.--Mon-
day through Friday.
8:00 a.m.-12:00.-Saturday.
Graduate Reading Rooms:
9:00 a.m.-12:00; 1:30-5:30.-Mon-
day through. Friday.r
9:00 ajn.-12:00.-Saturday.
Library Extension Service:
8:00 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:30.-Mon-
day through Friday.
8:00 a.m.-12:00.-Saturday.
Map Room:
2:00 p.m.-4:30.-Monday through
10:00 a.m.-12:00.-Saturday,
Museums Library:
1:30 p.m.-4:30.-Monday through
9:00, a.m.-12:00.-Saturday.
Music Library:
9:30 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:30.-Mon-
day through Friday.


10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.-Friday and
Science Library:
8:00 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:00; 7:00-
10:00.-Monday through Thursday.
8:00 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:00-Friday.
8:00 a.m.-12:00.-Saturday.
Study Hall:
7:.45 a.m.-12:00; 1:00-5:30; 7:00-
10:00. Monday through Saturday.
Sunday Library Service: On all
Sundays from October to Jne, ex-
cept during holiday periods, the Main
Reading Room and the Periodical
Room of the General Library are
kept open from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Books from other parts of the
building which are needed for Sun-
day use will be made available in the
Main Reading Room if request is
made on Saturday of an assistant in
the reading room where the books
are usually shelved.
Warner G. Rice,
First Aid Instructors: Will all au-
thorized First Aid Instructors who
have qualified in some other state or
county please communicate with the
Red Cross Headquarters in North
Hall, telephone 2-5546.
Applications for the Hillel Hostess
Scholarship will be accepted at the
Foundation through Friday noon.
Blanks may be obtained at the Foun-
dation and further information may
be had by calling 3779.
Notice Concerning Telephone Serv-
ice in the Residence Halls:
The switchboards in the following
buildings close at 10:30 p.m.:
Stockwell Hall; Mosher-Jordan
Halls; Betsy Barbour House; Helen
Newberry Residence; East Quadran-
gle; West Quadrangle; Victor C.
Vaughan House.
Karl Litzenberg
Academic Notices
School of Education Students--
Changes of Elections: All changes
of elections of students enrolled in
the School must be reported at the
Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer-
sity Hall. After October 10 such
changes may be made only after
payment of a fee of one dollar.
Membership in a class does not
cease or begin until all changes have
been thus officially registered. Ar-
rangements made with the instruc-
tors only are not official changes.
February 1943 Seniors, School of
Education, must file with the Re-
corder of the School of Education,
1437 U.E.S., no later than October
24, a statement of approval for ma-
jor and minors signed by the adviser.
Blanks for the purpose may be se-
cured in the School ofEducation of-
fice or in Room 4 U.H.
New Graduate Students: All stu-
dents registering this semester for
the first time in the Graduate School
should report at the Lecture Hall in
the Rackham Building for the four-
part Graduate Record Examination
on Tuesday, October 13, at 7:00 p.n..
and also on Wednesday, October 14,
at 7:00 p.m. Credit will be withheld
from students failing to take all parts
of the examination unless an excuse
has been issued by the Dean's office.
Be on time. No student can be ad-
mitted after the examination has
begun. Pencil, not ink, is to be used
in writing the examination.
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in German and French
for the doctorate will be held today
at 4:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building. Dictionaries
may be used.
Frederick W. Peterson
Mathematics 20, Air Navigation,
taught by Professor Carver, will
meet in three sections. One section
is MTuThF at 1:00 p.m., the second
section is MTuThF at 2:00 p.m., and

the third section will meet evenings
at 7 o'clock. All sections meet in
3003 A.H.
German 211 (Gothic) will meet for
first lecture and arrangement of
hours in 303 South Wing, today, 7:00-
9:00 p.m.
N. L. Willey
Algebra Seminar will meet today
at 4:15 p.m. in 3201 A.H.
C. 3. Nesbitt
German 157 (Advanced Composi-
tion and Conversation) will meet
during the'Fall Term on Wednes-
days, 8:00-9:00 a.m. and 1:00-2:00
p.m. in room 303 U.H.
W. A. Reichart
Business Ad. 123 (Tabulating Ma-
chine Practice) will meet today at
3:00 p -m. in Room 106 Rackham
Geology 11: There will be a field
trip Saturday morning, Oct. 10, at
8:00 a.m. This supersedes the an-
nouncement at the Wednesday lec-

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