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October 06, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-06

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TUESDAY, OCT. 6, 1642'.

P'AO3 ~ir TUIISDAY, OCT. 8, 194~3'



World's Championship



Training Table Helps Michigan
Gridders Stay In Fighting Trim'

Rookie Kurowski Paces
Red Birds To 4-2 Win.
Johnny Beazley Hurls Sparkling Game To Vanquish
Yanks Despite Numerous Cardinal Errors



Feeding fifty fighting football
players is no small job. To keep the
Maize and Blue gridders in top physi-
cal shape, plenty of grub flows into
the Michigan Union dining room ev-
ery evening where the hungry Wol-
verine stars eat after a tough three-
hour practice.
However, contrary to the popular
belief that football players have a
bottomless stomach, the Michigan
team does not have any exceptionally
large eaters. If one man stands out
above the rest, it is big Bill Baldwin,
210-pound tackle for the Varsity. Bill
puts the other fellows to shame by
the way he digs in when chow is put
in front of him. The rest have an
appetite which is natural of a man
that has-just worked hard.
The training table for Big Ten
football teams was installed four
years ago because it was believed that
by this method the coaches would
have better control over the players'
diet. Since certain foods are harmful
to the gridders' physical condition,
strict supervision of their daily diet
is kept.
Through the cooperation of the
Union dietitians and Coach Fritz,
Crisler and his aides, Michigan play-
ers are assured of top rate food at all
times. Foods which are prohibited at
the training table are all varieties of
fried foods and any pastries or rich
The typical menu for Crisler's
charges includes a first course of ei-

I ther fruit juice or soup. This is fol-
lowed by a large serving of meat,
potatoes, two varieties of vegetables,
a salad, plenty of rolls and butter
plus a pint of milk. Dessert usually
is ice cream or some type of pudding.
Meat is the large item on the menu.
Any rationing program which will re-
duce the supply of meat will certainly
hit the Michigan football team hard.
Steaks are most popular with the
gridders and, these include porter-
house, T-bone, and tenderloin which
come in 22 ounce cuts. At this rate,
the Maize and Blue football players
eat 154 ounces of meat while the pro-
posed ration of meat would allow only
Other meats which go into the pre-
scribed diet are ham, leg of lamb,
a half of broiled chicken and occa-
sionally turkey. Beef is the biggest
meat item with the Michigan grub-
At one sitting the team puts away
20 gallons of fruit juice, 70 nounds of
meat, over fifty pints of milk and sev-
eral bushels of vegetables and pota-
toes. Some of the players have fav-
orite foods which they really go after.
Paul White, Michigan's tough half-
back, drinks pint after pint of butter-
milk. Buttermilk is also popular with
several of the coaches. Ice cream is
a great favorite with some players
putting away as many as eight help-
ings at one meal.

(Continued from Page 1)

ing less than superb, opened the ninth
with a sharp single to right-center
and was sacrificed to second.
Charley (Red) Ruffing, the old
Yankee wheelhorse who pitched hit-
less ball for 7 2/3 innings in the
opener at St. Louis, striking out Kur-
owski three straight times and get-

_ r-------------


ting credit for New York's only tri-
umph of the series, then went to work
carefully on the tow-headed rookie
third baseman from Reading, Pa.
Kurowski Homers
He got the count to one and one
and served up a half-speed pitch that
must have hung exactly where Kur-
owski wanted it, because he took a
lusty swing and the ball made one
big arc into the lower stands.
It was a knockout and everyone
knew it, although the Yanks got two
men on base with none out in their
final chance. The Cardinals re-
sponded to this threat with typical
stamina. Joe Gordon opened with a
single and second baseman Jimmy
Brown fumbled' an easy roller by Bill
Dickey.However, Gordon was picked
off second on a beautiful throw by
Cooper. Brown redeemed himself by
running onto the grass to scoop up a
blooper. by Gerry Priddy, and- then

Brown threw out pinchhitter George
Selkirk for the final out as the crowd
rose into a demonstration that hardly
could have been louder or more ap-
preciative if it had been at Sports-
man's Park in St. Louis.
The defeat was the Yanks' first in
nine World Series since 1926 and also
the first time that any one pitcher
had beaten them twice in a series
since Jess Haines and old Grover
Cleveland Alexander each accom-
plished that assignment in '26.
Rizzuto Tees Off
Beazley, cool and calm as an ice-
berg, was tagged for a home run by
little Phil Rizzuto the first time he
took his bat off his shoulder in lead-
ing off for New York in the first in-
ning. But it didn't faze the sensa-
tional young right-hander, who won
21 games in the National League this
season, and he did not get rattled
either when the Yanksmade explo-
sive gestures in the fourth and fifth
Enos (Country) Slaughter, playing
his first and last World Series before
entering the Army, had tied the score
with a homer into the right-field
stands to open tlh.e fourth and the
Yanks battled back for a run in their
half of the same inning.
Red Rolfe led off with a drag bunt
down the first base line, beat it out
for a single and raced-on to second
as Beazley made a wild throw after
fielding the ball. Rolfe advanced to
third on a long fly by Roy Cullenbine
Continued On Page 7, Col. 6
* * *
Nice Going, Cards!
St. Louis (N. L.) AB R H 0 A E
Brown, 2B ........3 0 2 3 3 2
T. Moore, CF.......3 1 1 3 0 0
Slaughter, RF .....4 1 2 2 0 0
Musial,LF........4 0 0 2 0 0
W. Cooper, C ......4 1 2 2 1 0
Hopp, 1B .........3 0 0 9 2 1
Kurowski, 3B .....4 1 1 1 1 0
Marion, SS .......40 0 3 5 0
Beazley,P ........4 0 1 2 0 1
TOTALS .........33 4 9 27 12 4
New York (A.L.) AB R H O A E
Rizzuto, SS .......4 1 2 7 1 0
Rolfe, 3B.........4 1 110 0
Cullenbine, RF ....4 0 0 3 0 0
DiMaggio, CF .....4 0 1 3 0 0
Keller, LF ........4.0 1 1 0 0
Gordon, 2B .......4 0 1 3 3 0
Dickey, C .........4 0 0 4 0 0
Stainback, Z ......0 0 0 0 0 0
Priddy, 1B........3 0 0 5 1 1
Ruffing, P ........3 0 1 0 1 0
Selkirk, ZZ .......1 0 0 0 0.0
TOTALS ........35 2 7 27 6 1
Z-Ran for Dickey in 9th.
ZZ-Batted for Ruffing in 9th.
St. Louis (N. L.) ... .000 101 002-4
New York (A. L.) ... .100 100 000-2
Runs batted in-Rizzuto, Slaugh-
ter, DiMaggio, W. Cooper, Kurowski,
2. Home runs-Rizzuto, Slaughter,
Kurowski. Sacrifices-Hopp, Terry
Moore. Double plays-Gordon, Riz-
zuto and Priddy; Hopp, Marion and
Brown. Left on bases-New York 7;
St. Louis 5. Earned runs-New York
2; St. Louis 4. Bases on Balls-Ruf-
fing 1 (Brown); Beazley 1 (Priddy).
Strike outs-Ruffing 3 (T. Moore,
Beazley 2) ; Beazley 2 (Gordon, Ruf-
fing). Umpires-Magerkurth (N.L.)
Plate;. Summers. (A.L.). iB;. Barr
(N.L.) 2B; Hubbard (A.L.) 3B. Time
1:58. Attendance-69,052 (Paid). ..
All eligible sopsombres and sec-
ond-semester freshmen desiring to
become a member of the Sports
Staff are invited to report at the
Sports Desk of the Daily Wednes-
day afternoon at 3:30 p. m. There
is a large possibility that men on
the staff will be forced to leave
school due to the draft, and wo-
men are cordially invited to be-
come members.
Bud Hendel, Sports Editor

Oct. 5.--UP)-Well, it's all over,
chums. And if you don't believe it
either, just think how Joe McCarthy
A guy named Kurowski, out of
Reading, Pa., busted it up with a
homer. Wanna know why? It seems
Whitey can't sleep on trains, and he
didn't want to have to take that long
ride back to St. Loo tonight in case
the Yanks carried the series into the
sixth game. So, to give his railroad
insomnia a break, he hit the jackpot
off Red Ruffing.
Kurowski is the same socker who
hit the homer to beat the Dodgers
2-1 on Sept. 12 and put the Cards
in a tie for first place in the Na-
tional League race. That's a nasty
habit the kid has.
The Cards' dressing room after the
game was a nice quiet place for a guy
with a nervous breakdown. They were
running around and hollering so
much you'd think they just won the
World Series. Come to think of it,
that's just what they did.
The Yanks' club-room was like the
upstairs office in the First National
Bank, with the president wondering
whether he ought to loan Luke Glutz
a fast fifty.
Before the game, Beazley was
about as nervous as the inside of
your icebox. He sat on the dugout
steps whistling accompaniments to
the band in center field. Needless
to say, his whistle repertoire in-
cluded neither "The Yanks Are
Coming" or "Who's Afraid of the
Big Bad Wolf?"
The first two times the Cards took
their bats off their shoulder in the
first inning, the net result was a
strikeout and a double play. This is
how it was: Brown walked on four
pitches. Moore had two strikes called
on him, then fanned. Slaughter's first
swing ended up in the twin killing.
You can't say that was getting "the
mostest of the bestest."
On the other hand, the first swing
Rizzuto took for the Yanks, he belted
a homer. This represented one fourth
of the Scooter's four-bagger produc-
tion for the entire regular season.

The annual Trueblood Golf Tour-
nament, emblematic of all-campus
honors, will get under way this com-
ing week. This tourney, which is
named in honor of Golf Coach Emer-
itus Thomas C. Trueblood, is open to
all scholastically eligible undergrad-
uates except those who have won a
varsity letter in golf.
All those students interested should
sign up in person or by phone (9191)
at the University course by Friday of
this week -in order that the first
round may start over the week-end.
In the past there has been a qualify-
ing round of which the lowest 16 were
paired off and bracketed, but this
year there will be no qualifying
round, insteadthe players will be
seeded insofar as possible and match
play will start immediately.
Coach Ray Courtright, however,
advises that no erstwhile linksman
sign up who does not shoot consis-
tently in the low 80's, for in former
years the winning score has always
been in the 70's.
It is hoped that there will be aj
large turnout for the event. Not only
is it one of tradition and importance,
but also many potential varsity golf-
ers have been discovered in this way.

Golf Tourney Begins This Week

Men who considered themselves dub-
bers have played good enough to war-
rant invitations, and even berths on
the varsity squad. Both Coach Court.
right and Professor Trueblood would
like to see last year's freshman num-
eral winners, and also linksmen of the
present freshman class, try for the
all-campus title.
Class of '46
The Barber Shop of Michigan
Men extends a hearty greeting
to all of you. We hope that
you will drop in for the haircuts
that make Michigan Men stand.
out smartly. For a real "Per-
sonality Haircut", one that is
exactly tailored to your indi-
vidulself,,or for the famous
"Crew Cut", for scalp treat-
ments and facials you'll want
to try ...
Daseola Barbers
'Between State & Mich. Theaters.

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Goebel Brewing Company, Detroit, Michigan .

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_ _

We'd bet our last dollar that Drew Pearson, Samuel Graf ton,
and James Fitzpatrick are angling for top honors on Hitler's
list of Americans-to-be-executed.
Well, Hitler should be hopping mad at this year's Mich-
igan Daily - we've signed up all three of them.
Der Fuehrer knows that Drew Pearson gives us a steady
diet of inside, exclusive Washington news.
He breaks into a cold sweat whenever he sees a Grafton
column, slugging it out day after day with the men and ideas
that are this nation's enemies.
And he's afraid of his own shadow every time he sees
one of Fitzpatrick's fighting cartoons.
The Daily's 2:15 A.M. deadline
brings you the latest Associated Press
war news in this area!


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A plus comfort feature is the new SYNCHROTONE COLLAR

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