It can no longer be said that Michi-
ranen't ag to each applicant as well. Working hard
gan men and women aren't eager to far into the night, those in charge try
be 'friendly; the files of the Acquain- to fit the men and women in every
Lance Burearushow welluonver 9U0respect. The personal opinions of
names as proof of the number ofthssgnguptdesaloofr
freshmen, transfers, and upperclass- those signing-up studen.ts als.o go far
mep who signed up the first week at n determining each personality.
the desks in the Union. League, and Upon being asked what sort of a
West ,Quadrangle. date he likes, the average Michigan
Those in charge of this date bureau man will say, "Well, you l now, justa
have been careful to see that every nice girl-but not too nice. Innocent,
person is properly classified, so that but not too much so. Just sort of-
he or she will find someone with sim- you know what I mean, don't you?"
ilar likes and dislikes, as well as a And the girls will say, "Well, '* like
congenial personality. In order to do a tall man, with a nice personality,
this, blanks are filled out with height, and good looking, if possible.-You1
age, color of hair and eyes, and know." In other words, they want theI
church prefi±ence listed. Moreover, nearest thing to Cary Grant or Ty-
the officials like to know whether or rone Power that the Bureau can find.
not a girl or fellow likes to dance or In spite of the vague answers and
drink, and if he or she has any requests, the Acquaintance Bureau is
"strings" with anyone on campus or bound to fix up good dates for its cli-
at home. ents, for they report a surprising
This material is all organized by majority of beautiful girls and good-
the committee, who pair off people looking fellows. In fact, more than
with similar church preferences and one card of a charming brunette or
suitable heights, taking into consid- blond has been stolen from the files
eration the size of the home town of in the Union and Quadrangle.
Changes Made
By Assembly
House Presidents Represent
Dorms I.n Mard ,eetings
Assembly has made several changes
in representation for the coming
year, Betty Newman. '43, president,
announced today.
Instead of electing one girl from
each dormitory, the house presidents
will be asited to represent their con-
stituents at each meeting of the As-.
sembly Board.
Reprsentation Cutj
Beta Kappa Rho, the organization
for unaffiliated women students who
live out of town, will have one repre-
sentative instead of to. The same
will be true of Ann Arbor Indepen-
dents, which is a group for girls who
live in n Arbor, bt who o not
live in dormitories, league h7ouses or
On the other hand, leagu,e house'
girls will not only be represented in
the Assembly Board by "theiy presi-
dent and secretary-treasur,er,hut by
three class representatiyes, a junior,
a sopppingre and a secod-seiester
Asppby excutive board rpeper-
ship will be ippreaed to ipclde he
chairman of the s0.14 g co p ttee,
a group which is opccuie in circpt-
Ing aopit tie campus to 8biain i 4or-
mation helpful to th 4ssegbly pads
in formlating prqgras and inter-
viwing fr A srnly 44 gpet 4p
Uw PJei Equzps ,
AccordiPg tQ MIViss Newrta the new
pla wil ake representatip RMore
direct an eual.~ Doritory p esi-
dents will bp give nmore prestige with
their new d4t es as well as l eRing
their own influenc to pgny activities
formuAlted I te rpuig body. Y
The first meeting of the Asrribly
Board will be cId at 5 p. m. Tuesday
in 'the Council Roomn in lthe League.
Notic~ wil e givep in the DQB.
aichigar) Womn n
AneChar- sWy . C lle
To Aid Wr Co4e
Micbign wo enq are answering the
challenge to participate in the war
effort, if one orientation group is ay
At the informal reception held in
the League Thursday night during
orientation, a group of eleven women
filed into Miss Ethel McCormick's
office to meet the adviser to women
in the war training program.
Three freshmen and three trans-
fers in. the grpup came to Michigan
to enroll in pharmacy school. Four
freshmen and one transfer in the
group plan to be mechanical, aero-
nautical, and chemical engineers.
Miss McCOrmick greeted the group
and encouraged them to continue
with their plans. She explained the
need of women to fill men's jobs and
pointed to this group as an example
of the new attitude of university wo-
men in takifig advantage of college
opportunities for training.
Fashion World
Adopts Famed
Concert Singer
Gladys Swarthout is Votedr
In 'Ten Best-Dressed' League;c
Displays Talent In Four Fields
Miss Gladys Swarthout will bet
heard for the second time in Ann,
Arbor when she is presented in the
second concert of the Choral Union
Series on October 29, at which timeE
she will display the charm and beauty
of her soprano voice which has won
her reknown in four fields of enter-
tainment; opera, concert, radio, and
In connection with the fame she
has received trough her singing, Miss
Swarthout has been accounted one
,of the ten best-dressed women of the'
wcrld. Regardless of this fact, three
suitcases are aimple to carry her trav-
,eling wardrobe. With the exception
of one "super-glamor" gown of gold
lam6, the entire wardrobe consists of
wool, in weights varying from the
thinnest crepe to wool cashmere;
similar to the wardrobes of campus
co-eds throughout the country.
Cocert "Uuiformp" Included
Included in the three suitcases is
the coicert "uform". This mode is
repeated five times in her wardrobe;
in blue wool crepe, white wool, flame
red, wine red and gold lame. It is the
sort of dress that Portia or Juliet
might have worn, with a medieval
sweep of lie and drapery.
In the tray of one suitcase reposes
a collection of accessories. A gold
sash twelve feet long, for instance,
can become a turban, a necklet, a
girdle of a piece of impromptu braid.
In that tray, she will look for a pair
cf gold mitts, a gold-threaded cap, or
a huge topaz, hanging from a gold
chain so fine that it is almost invis-
ible. This jewel is the gift of her hus-
band. Frank Chapman, concert and
operatic baritone.
Gives Lgple For igood Taste
"Don't worry too much about the
styles but wear what is most flatter-
ing to you," is the advice of Gladys
Swarthout, "best-dressed diva of the
opera stage, "If you are dressed in
simple and becoming clothes, you are
always dressed in good taste."
Miss Swarthout finds real pleasure
in singing for children. "Children,"
she says, "have no inhibitions. They
like you or they do not, and you know
it immediately." Her first appearance
as Carmen at the Metropolitan was
at a children's matinee presented by
the Metropolitan Opera Guild. Chil-
dren from everywhere, Manhattan,
Westchester, Connecticut, and New
Jersey made up the audience; many
of whom had never seen or heard an
opera before. They began listening
attentively-and ended up cheering.
Sings For Children
"I get one of my greatest "kicks"
out of singing for young people," Miss
Swarthout said afterward. "Musical
education in America has reached the
point where you no longer need to
sing down to children. I never re-
arrange a program because there are
children in the audience. I find they
can appreciate the better type of mu-
One addition to the program of
Miss Swarthout is a group of five
French dialect songs, called "Songs
of the Auvergne", by Jean Joseph
Canteloube, pupil of D'Indy. A tale
of ingenuity and hard work lies be-
hind the preparastion of these songs
for the concert stage. She had heard
recordings of these songs and was
determined to sing them at the Music
Festival in Worcester, Mass. She sent
to France for the orchestral score and
parts-and then waited-until two
weeks before the Festival date.
Accomplishes Impossible
It was possible to abandon the idea
and substitute something else, but
that isn't the rule Miss Swarthout
works by. She was determined to ac-
complish the impossible. So she called
in Paul Sterritt, they played the rec-
ords and copied the five songs. And
Mr. Sterritt orchestrated the five in
a week, parts and all.
The performance in Worcester was
an immense success. Subsequently,
she sang the songs with twelve other
symphony orchestras.
"Our biggest trouble is the stigmat
on the word 'religion'," says Mary
Ames, '45, secretary of the Student
Religious Association, in her com-
ments on the second annual coedu-
cational Freshman Rendezvous held,
the week-end of September 26 in;
"Each year, students come to Ren-
dezvous with the idea that stiff, dry
theology will be preached to them,
and leave, saturated with a lot of new1
ideas and the discovery that religion,
is an interesting and vital basis of
everyday life," she continued, "For
me, it provided a wonderful beginning
for college and was a coordinating in-
fluence on all the new subjects I
took during my freshman year." ]
58 Attend This Year
This year 58 freshman men and
women attended the Rendezvous as
compared to 30H last year. Most of
them came directly from the railroad
station to register at Lane Hall for
the week-end trip to Waldenwoods.
Upon reaching their retreat, they
had dinner and heard the key ad-
dress, given by William Muehl, '43L,
past president of S. R. A. and veteran
of three Rendezvous. Discussions
were also held around campfires.
Sunday, the Rev. H. L. Pickerill,
Director of Student Work, Church of
Christ, spoke on "Individuality and
Campus Life." The newcomers were
also introduced to two non-Christian
religions, Confucianism, by Paul Lim-
Yuen, '43, and Mohammedanism by
Fakhri Maluf, Grad. A number of
dround table discussions were held un-
der the guidance of three well-known
University professors as well as home
of the leaders of S. R. A.
Outings Held
All this was- interspersed with ten-
nis, swimming, baseball and hiking
around the late, and the outing end-
ed with the students' return Monday.
Freshman Rendezvous began five
years ago with the establishment of
Lane Mall and the Student Religious
Association. At first only men were
included, but just a year ago, in spite
of strong opposition, women students
were also irvited. It was organized
with the idea of helping new students
become better oriented in the middle
of a new world of ideas as well as
giving them a chance to express
New Students Gain Inspiration
At SRA Freshman Rendezvous
themselves -freely in a cosmopolitan
Theological discussions are avoided
as much as possible, the idea being to
let students see how religion and
morals in general have affected his-
tory and social conduct.
Though the freshmen who have at-
tended Rendezvous this year have
been mostly members of some sect,
Miss Ames feels that the student who
has no religious preference should
play a larger part. "Our institution is
non-sectarian," she stated, "We want
people who like to think and play
with ideas. That's all that's needed."
For the busy weeks ahead. -
keep your hair neat and trim
with a shampoo and wave
every week.
1114 South University
For Those
"Dbress Parades"
and there are so many of them
at Michigan . . . dancing at the
Union, League, or his fraternity.
Then there are those Sunday after-
noon dinners and dates, and so
many affairs where dress clothes
are "the thing."
For your every day campus life,
dresses and skirts are the order
of the day. You'll want to see
them at
345 Maynard Street .. .
Subscribe to "The Michigan Daily today
Tie to Conies and .iacquelines
#±rround-the-cloC smartnessl
Graceful "date" pumps, sorority
-"rush" styles, spectators, asuals,
Editorially Speaking..,
See the Women's Editorial
in this issue, and follow the
nen's Page daily to get the
man's point of view.
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