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October 06, 1942 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-06

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League Council



Out For
- 1 J#


War Needs Filled
By New Courses
Technological Openings Are Numerous
For Women Who Have Special Training
Women and more women are needed constantly to relieve men for com-
bat duty, and they are needed now! The University is diverting its every
energy to this purpose and there is an opportunity now for women to train
for assistance in nearly every field, so "ignorance of the law" is no excuse.
In the literary college, there are courses in war-related work. The
Army, Navy and many other agencies need women who can speak and
translate modern languages. The most serious shortages now are in Japa-
nese, Chinese, Malay and Russian. Additional training in journalism and
newspaper work provides the equip-v

ment needed by government informa-
tional specialists.
Women Needed In Science
In the physical sciences there are
Mqany openings. Women, trained in
astronomy are needed to make com-
putations, to care for instruments
and prepare material for publication.
There are openings for women in all
branches of chemistry.
Mathematics can prove most bene-
ficial as prerequisite to such fields as
chemistry, physics, engineering, as-
tronomy, advanced statistics, and also
to specialized government training
programs. There are also civil service
positions for those who have studied
geology, along the lines of mineral de-
posit and ground water study, map-
ping and investigation in economic
Scarcity Of Physicists
There are openings for women as
mineral technologists. Two-thirds of
the positions in physics should be
held by women. Only two per cent
Clinical psychologists and person-
nel workers are scarce. Training in
tests and measurements is recom-
mended. The Department of Psy-
chology offers excellent training
along these lines.
In the social science lines there is
a need for economists to serve along
the lines of accounting and work on
commodities. One-third of the civil
service jobs in these fields could be
filled by women. The Federal Gov-
ernment urgently needs personnel
trained in map making and knowl-
edge of foreign lands. The geography
department offers excellent oppor-
tunities along these lines.
Do Social Work
Social workers are needed for work
such as family welfare, child welfare,
medical social work, group work and
psychiatric social work. Employing
agencies are the Red Cross, govern-
ment and local agencies. By 1943,
7,000 additional workers will be need-
ed along these lines.
The American Red Cross is giving
many non-credit courses. The regis-
tration will be announced later, and
will be carried on through the office
of the social director of the League.
A standard, advanced and instruc-
tors courses will be offered. The
training is intended to instruct one
in the immediate, intelligent care of
the sick. Ten classes will be given at
two hours each. The instruction will
include lectures, demonstration and
Homemaking Course Offered
A homemaking course wll be given
in home nursing. The work will in-
clude instruction in personal and
family health, care of infants, home
and community hygiene, and care of
the sick in the home. There are 24
hours of classwork including lectures,
demonstration and practice.
Training in motor mechanics will
be given in a series of ten two hour
classes. Instruction in the mechanics
of an automobile and in making sim-
ple emergency repairs is offered.
Completion of this course and of first
aid is required for membership in the
Motor Corps.
The objectives of the nutrition
course offered are to present facts on
food needs and food preparation, and
to train volunteers to assist in com-
munity and emergency activities in
The canteen corps is open to stu-
dents who have had a course in nu-
trition. This includes five class meet-
ings of two hours each and ten hours
of practical work.
A course in braille is offered to pre-
pare students to transcribe, duplicate
and bind books in braille. At the com-
pletion of this course students are
eligible for the Braille Corps.
Lifesaving will be given at the
TTninn Pnnl

Rushing Rules
Will Be Strict
'Silence' Between Sorority
Women And Independents
Creates Problem For All
With the opening days of school,
rushing teas for transfers and upper-
classmen are well under way, and
with the prospect of many coffees,
luncheons, breakfasts, suppers, and
dinners to be held in the near future
"silence" with unaffiliated girls has
become a problem for sorority women
as well as independents.
Panhellenic rushing rules ban pre-
arranged meetings between all affili-
ated and unaffiliated women; that
is, there may be no coke dates
planned and no independent women
may be invited to sorority houses un-
less-under regular rushing rules. This
does not mean, however, that there is
to be no contact whatsoever between
these two groups, Virginia Morse, '43,
president of Panhellenic council, has
Sorority women who have good
friends who are not organized have
every right to stop and speak to them
on campus; there is no reason for a
mere brief smile or cool nod. How-
ever, in spite of this leniency, affili-
ated women as well as those who are
independent must adhere closely to
the Panhellenic rulings, for they are
subject to fine for breaking any of
The rules which must be followed
closely are listed by the Panhellenic
Executive Committee as follows:
No sorority women except mothers
and sisters who are not active may
be ih a dormitory. They may not
communicate with other girls.
Beginning with Monday of Orien-
tation week there must be no contact
between possible rushees and sorori-
ties except as stated in the rules.
No alumnae may communicate
with a rushee during the intensive
Only three calls may be made by a
'rushee by each sorority. A call shall
consist of telephone message or a
mailed invitation on the written
form. There shall be no calling in per-
son on any rushee.
No rushee is to be called for or
taken home by the sorority or anyone
connected to the sorority except in
the case of former engagements when
the rushee may be taken home but
not calledfor.
No rushing is allowed outside house
Fines for the breach of any Pan-
hellenic rules are as follows:
FINE A: For the individual girl
committing the violation, social pro-
bation for the first two weeks follow-
ing the rushing period, or, during in-
formal rushing, following the action
of the Executive Committee.
FINE B: For the individual girl
committing the violation, social pro-
bation for the first four weeks fol-
lowing the rushing period, or during
informal rushing, following the ac-
tion of the Executive Committee.
FINE C: For the whole house com-
mitting the violation, social probation
for the first two weeks following the
rushing period, or duing informal
rushing, following the action of the
Executive Committee.,
FINE D: For the individual girl
committing the violation, punishment
shall be left to the discretion of the
Panhellenic Executive Committee.
Takin' No Chances
TTCACal LUP- Allan T L nert

Twenty Finish
Engine Course
Graduates Of Photogrammetry,
Surveying And Mapping Class
Receive Positions Immediately
Second Technical
Class Has Begun
The nineteen women and one man
who received certificates Thursday,
Oct. 1, denoting completion of a 13-
week course in surveying, topographic
mapping and photogrammetry have
already been placed in jobs through-
out the country or will be called with-
in a few days.
Requests for the services of the
graduates have been plentiful and the
recent graduates have for :the most
part been placed in the $2000 wage
bracket. Demand for women in this
field is so great that requirements for
entrance into the course have been
lessened in that mathematical train-
ing is now un-necessary as a pre-
requisite. Although- three and one-
half years of college is required, wo-
men who have had some training in
engineering will be accepted without
the full number of years.
Grad Positions Named'
The names of the graduates and
the locations of their present jobs are
as follows:
Julienne Silver Bowman (MVirs.) '40,
uncertain; -Pearl- Elizabeth Brown,
'42, U.S. Engineer's Office in Tulsa,
Ariz.; Mildred Butler, '35,U.S. Engi-
neer's Office in Portland, Ore.; Irene
Carlson, Engineer's Office. in Flag-
staff,. Ariz.; lMaripi Chown, '42, is
temporarily in the Willow Run Plant.
The List Continues ,
Helen Cunningham, U.S. Engineer's
Office, Atlanta, Ga.; Margaret Dodge,
'42, Engineer's 'Office, in Fagstaff,
Ariz.; Carolyn Hawks, Shoecraft
Drury McNamee, Michigan; S. Elaine
Henderson,- Fiske'. University, ,,ash-
ville, Tenn.; Elizabeth *turst, U.S.
Geological Survey Group in Indian-
apolis, Ind.
Virginia Keilholtz, '41, Engineer's
Office in Flagstaff, Ariz.; Margery
Kephart, '42, Engineer's Office, Phil-
adelphia, Pa.; Mary King, U.S. Engi-
neer's Office in Atlanta, Ga.; Phyllis
Oetjen, '42, U.S. Engineer's Office in
Flagstaff, Ariz.; and Beth O'Roke,'41,
U.S. Engineer's Office in Flagstaff,
Civil Service Rating Given
M. Edith Reiff, '31 Mississippi
River Commission in the soil engi-
neering department; Neil Schultz,
Coast and Gladetic Survey in Wash-
ington; Margaret Steere, '37, U.S. En-
gineer's Office, Portland, Ore.; Par-
thena Vickers, uncertain; and Lillian
Woolley, U.S. Engineer's Office in
Washington, D.C.
Another 13-week class has already
started and it has been estimated by
Prof. R. Morrison that there will eas-
ily be three jobs open for every grad-
uate. They are given a civil service
rating of an engineering aide in top-
ographic mapping and photogram-
Opening Coke
Bars Popular
Freshmen And Transfers Fill
Union Ballroom At First Mixer
From the whirl of orientation Week
emerged the most successful Coke
Bars in the history of the Union, held
from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. last Thursday
and Friday and previewing a year
full of activity for the Union staff,

hostesses, and student body in gen-
Transfers and freshmen, with their
orientation groups or singly, thronged
to these mixers, where they danced
to the latest recordings of .popular
bands. Thursday at 2:15 p. m. a
crowd was waiting at the Union ball-
room doors for the opening, and at
5 p. m. when closing time came, a
still greater group was turned away.
Because of the great attendance the
small ballroom was also opened so
that a larger number of students
might be accommodated.
Reflecting Coke Bars of last year,
the music was played over a public
address system, and ginger ale and
cookies were served as refreshment.
Another practice which has been
the custom in the past was that of
inviting we11 knnwn women on cam-

For Present,


Junior Girls Will Sell War Bonds, Stamps;
Sophomore Service Project Will Provide


Help For



There will be no JGP this year for the first time since 1902. And there
will be no Soph Cabaret for the first time since before the League opened
in 1929.
These are only the beginning of the changes to be made in League ac-
tivities. "All Out for War!" was the slogan of the League Council as they
held their first meeting of the present semester Thursday afternoon.
The Council was in session from 3:30 until 5 p.m. discussing plans for
Michigan women in the war effort. Scholarship, training, "and service will

Bloomer Qirls Out For Duration;
There Will Be No More Of This!

First Action Omits
Soph Cabaret, JGP

Frills and frolics have taken their place among the' remembrances'
of the past, and included in this category is JGP, the most noteworthy
project of the junior class. Pictures of girls dancing in ruffled skirts.
will have to be postponed indefinitely, as far as the Michigan League
is concerned.
Excess energy, that has been used up on projects such as this in
more peaceful times, will now be devoted to constructive work not con-
°structive play. Michigan women have a job to do,' and the best way.
to do it is to devote every spare moment to the defense courses'and
projects. that are now being sponsored by the League, rather than the
individual class projects previously sponsored by this organization.'
Sophomore Cabaret is a similar affair which will 'be eliminated dur-
ing the present emergency. Sophomores, as well as seniors, juniors, and.
freshmen, will find class unity in projects which are more directly.
related to war activity in a program that will stress scholarship, training-
and service.
[_4reeWs\AAnt C S.
Now that you've all passed your physical exams and have been classified
in- IA by the University Health Service, and now that you've come through
registration with six eight o'clocks and three Saturday classes, let's relax,
chillun! And here's how.
* * * *
First take out that little yellow and blue pamphlet which was given to
you during your recent tour of the League. Remember? When our tall, slim
president, Nancy Filstrup, presented you with the WAA facts and fancies.
Second step in this relaxing process, is to READ this booklet. We guarantee,
it's worth your while, and reading time is exactly-7 minutes, 22 seconds.
Then pick out your favorite sport or even one you've never tried, but at
which your stiffest competitor has always been adept. Lastly, run to the
telephone, call the club manager in charge of that sport, and tell her you're
interested. Then, relax! She'll carry on from there. O.K.?
Be sure that you pick that sport from the first list, the one labeled "First
Outdoor Season." The following sports are listed and their programs

Honor Groups
Plan Activities
Qualifications For Admittance
To Campus Societies Stated ?
More than 100 societies and -extra-
curricular activities in which students
may participate, are offered by the1
University. Although-the greater
number of them are. not open to firstf
semester freshmen, they offer a wide
field of interest-and those who cannotI
enter them in the fall may do so lateri
on by completing the required num-
her of years or other prerequisites.'
Start out ' on the right foot, you
who are tagged freshman, for, asear-t
ly as your first day on campus, Wyv-
ern, local junior honor society, will beI
watching your progress. Both shol.-
arship and extra-curricular activities
count on this score card. Tapping oc-
curs both in the fall and the spring,
with members donning brown skirts,i
yellow sweaters, and the afore-men-
tioned oversized yellow hair ribbons.1
initiation is held twice a year in thei
League Chapel, followed by a dinner
with Dean Byrl Bacher, sponsor of
the group, as hostess.
Purpose of the group is to encour-
age a closer relationship between theI
junior and freshmen women, particu-i
larly the winners of the Michigan
Alumni Scholarship Awards with
whom they correspond during the
summer. A "get-acquainted" tea is
given for this purpose early in the
fall. Cooperation between Wyvern
and Sphinx, men's honor society, re-
sults in an all-campus dance later in
the year. A gold pin in the shape of
a dragon identifies the members.
The League Installation Banquet is
the great occasion for would-be mem-
bers of Mortarboard, national organ-
ization for senior women who have
maintained a high scholastic average
in connection with outside activities,
as this is the -time cap and gown be-
decked members choose their succes-
sors from the junior class. The fol-
lowing day these fortunate successors
will attend classes with a reasonable
facsimile of a mortarboard atop their
curls, and a small gold and black pin
in the shape of a mortarboard grac-
ing their sweaters.
Two social functions are annually
sponsored by this organization.
"Smarty Party" is the apt name ap-
plied to the event when "Board"
members entertain the outstanding
sophomores who have obtained a 3.5
average. "Pay Off", an annual dance,
is sponsored for the purpose of giving
campus women an opportunity to re-
pay their favorite friends, who have
been providing entertainment the rest
of the year.
Members ofhSenior Society are the
little girls with the Peter Pan collars
and the huge blue bows. Everything
counts toward membership here:
scholarship, activities, service. Instal-
lation Banquet is the occasion for
succeeding members to be chosen
from the junior class, while present
members don caps and gowns topped
by the identification collars and bows.
The pin is gold and black with gold
initials S.S. intertwined. Selling car-
nations and renting collars are but
two of the activities backed by the
drive of Senior Society members.
Only independent women on campus
are eligible.

'be stressed in their program, accord-
ing to Charlotte Thompson, '43, pres-
ident of the council.
First definite action of the Council
was -to organize a Sophomore Service
to replace. the annual Soph Cabaret.
The plan 'provides for' sophomore
girls to participate in volunteer work
at the University. Hospital to help
make - up for the shortage of nurses.
EXplains D tIes
Miss]Rhoda Reddig, head of the
school-of nursing, expIained that this.
would' include. carryhig trays to pa-
tients, 'fe,edipg patien'ts,e laying out
surgioal equipment,' and generally
aidin g the regular nurses. P'etitioning
will take place to chodse 'the sopho-
more :women who will head the var-
lous committees of the project.
In connection with:'this' the Coun-
cil expects a -big enrollment of junior
and senior women in the Nurses Aid
Course,,, Iti*-being romioted because
of the serious shortage of hospital
help, and will be offered for two hours
JGP Omitted
Junior Girls' Play, a tradition at
Michigan ever since the first produc-
tion in 1902, 'will be omitted during
the present crisis. The sale of war
bonds and stamps will be the regular
duty of the junior women for the en-
tire year, as well as a class service
project that they will plan later.
Another of the recent changes in
the League is the substitution of the
name War Activities Committee for
the Defense Committee which was set
up this spring.
Because of the energy and expense
of production, Theatre Arts commit-
tee will no longer produce children's
plays but will merely cooperate with
the speech department in play pro-
duction. Their work as a League com-
mittee will be confined to selling
tickets, contacting public schools, and
Shortages To Be Filled
"It is the intention of the League
to make every girl feel her responsi-
bility, in the war, said, Miss Thoip-
son. "Later. on the Council will work
out projects to fill shortages wherever
they are found."
Miss Ethel McCormick, social di-
rector of the League, is now acting in
the capacity of adviser to women on
the war training program. She has
been largely responsible for the wo-
men's war training program and is
ready with encouragement for Michi-
gan women for the job that is in
store for them.
New Sport Club
Plans Lacrosse
For First Meet
C'est lacrosse for this fall season,
and all women are invited to attend
the first meeting of the newest WAA
club, the lacrosse club, at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow at the Women's Athletic
Building, according to Iarcia Sharpe,
'45, chairman of the organization.
First semester freshman women are
especially urged to come out, because
WAA sports clubs are the only cam-
pus activities for which they are
eligible. No experience is required of
those joining, for complete instruc-
tion in the technique of the sport will
be given at the meetings which will
be held once a week.
Plans for the first meeting include
a brief discussion of the rules of the
game, and then some actual practice
out on the field. All equipment is fur-
nished by the WAA and the rules rne-


briefly given: archery, dancing, field hockey, golf, hobby
lobby, outdoor sports, riding, swimming, tennis, volleyball,
and lacrosse. So don't be a whack, instead take a crack
at one or more of these activities.
Meetings, tournaments, feasts, and trips are plan-
ned, and the dates of the first meetings of all the clubs
are given in your booklet. For any other information, you
can always call the W.A.B.


* *

Here's the 64 dollar question. Take it, if you please.
"Do you want to be the proud wearer of 'a yellow and blue
scarf with an M insignia on it." If the answer is "yes,"
then get into WAA activities, join the clubs, take part in
the tournaments, but remember you must be eligible aca-
demically speaking in order to receive the award.
* * * *

If you don't know how the war has affected sports equipment, here's
one for the books. Doris Kimball wonders what's going to happen to her
rifle group. No, we don't expect them to shoot the Japs, but sadly enough,
we wonder how they're going to shoot the bullseye. It seems that shooting

the Japs is much more important right now, so we'll prob-
ably have to get along without those precious bullets for
the duration. Here's a little encouragement, however. Doris
says we may be able to use an electric eye contraption in
place of the bullets.
Let's hope so, anyhow. If that plan does work out, the
Rifle club will have a dilly of a program, including practice
periods twice a week and scheduled tournaments. Watch
this column for further details. After all, we never know
when we'll have to be "Mrs. Miniver's."
* * * *
WAA was pleased to see the large attendance at the
Style Show and Sports Demonstration last Wednesday, and
we hope you who were present enjoyed the exhibition and
learned something of our activities. We heard from certain

( :r


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