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October 06, 1942 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-06

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TTJESDAY, OCTi. 6, 1942

Brawn Added To Brains:
Physical Hardening Is Required
Of Men Enrolled In University

Burton Tower -Whence T he Bells Toll

War Extra Demonstrates Dedication'
Of Daily To Service Of Student Body

Every man on campus' is the new
slogan of the Physical Education
Dept. with the recent adoption of a
new ruling requiring all male stu-
dents to enroll in PEM as a prerequi-
site for graduation.
Thus the physical conditioning
program which last summer had an
enrollment of 1800 men registered
under the Selective Service Act of
1940 has been expanded to include an
expected male enrollment of nearly
Like last semester's program, at-
tendance will be required three times
a week for periods of one and one
half hours with no exemptions but
those students out for varsity and
freshman sports. All freshmen must
register for PEM before going out for
any sport.
That the results of this summer's
work in PEM were satisfactory are
shown in statistics compiled from
comparisons of tests given at the be-
ginning and the end of the course.
For example, the average improve-
ment in the number of pushups was
32%, in chinnings 38%, and time on
the 440 yd. run, 26%. There were even
small improvements in the time for
the 60 yd. dash (7.1%), in the verti-
cal jump (6.3%), and in the strength
of grip, (3%).
Comparative Times
One of the most striking examples
of what PEM did this summer is
shown inthe comparative times of a
group of 50 who were tested in the
mile at the beginning of the term and
those of all PEM students for the mile
plus the tough obstacle course at the
end of the term. Incredible as it
seems, the latter group cut an aver-
age of one minute and 30 seconds
from the average time of the first
group, despite the added obstacle.
Further research showed that those

students rated as slender at the be-
ginning of the term gained an aver-
age of 21/2 pounds during the term
and that those in the heavy group
lost 51/2 pounds.
The results on the tests indicated
that on the whole the University
compared favorably with other uni-
versities in the country and that the
objective of the program, toughening
men for the hard Army life, was
achieved. If any graduate of the PEM
course just concluded were to go into
the Army now he would find himself
far ahead of the average man enter-
ing the Army. The importance of this
is easily seen if one considers that
these college graduates are the best
officer material in the Army and con-
sequently must be physically strong
enough to lead their men in the field.
Similar Program
A program similar to that of this
summer is being drafted for the com-
ing semester by a committee com-
posed of Coach Ray Courtright, A. A.
James, and Earl Riskey and headed
by Coach Ken Doherty. Again all
students enrolled will have to pass a
swimming examination and take all-
around tests both at the beginning
and end of the course. As these .tests
are merely to be used as a measure of
general improvement, they are in no
way related to the 'finals' of other
Sports suitable to the weather and
facilities will make up the bulk of
the program.
To handle this huge influx of stu-
dents, many more than the Sports
Building has ever had before, there
will be a staff of 25 men including
several varsity coaches running the
course with Fritz Crisler at the head
as Director of the Department of
Physical Education. Responsible for
the conduct of the program is Dr.
Elmer Mitchell.

Residence Halls Filled
Capacity This Year
Upperclassmen Giving Up Rooms To Freshmen;
25 Separate Dorms Located On Campus
With facilities for housing more than 3,000 students, the University
system of residence halls is considered the largest' in the world in which
the house plan is in operation. However, the influx of war workers and a
good-sized freshman class, together with the ever increasing popularity of
life in the residence halls, have combined to fill the houses to capacity. The
University began refusing applica- 1

In the early hours of Dec. 1941, the,
night editor of The Daily told his
head writer to put the words "War
Crisis Nears" in theead headline for
the next day's paper.
"Make the head colorful," red-
headed Bill Baker told his head-
writer. "We've got to get our read-
ers' attention tomorrow."
The head-writers and sophomore
tryouts all joked about it-the head
that appeared on Sunday morning,
Dec. 7, 1941. Even night editor Bill
Baker admitted that "maybe the
head was a little too strong."
But at 2:15 p. m. Sunday radio
listeners started to tune in on their
favorite after-dinner radio programs.
Some wanted to get the Sunday sym-
phony, others the ball game. Instead
they heard how Japanese planes
made a sudden raid on Pearl Harbor
and at that minute were dumping
big bombs at random over a wide
debris-studded area. The U. S. Army
and Navy officials in charge there
were taken off-guard by something
that only Orson Welles could make
sound convincing.
Editors of The Daily went into ac-
tion. In a half-hour they had phoned
all the available help they could get
and had made arrangements with
the shop to print an extra.
Editorial director Alvin Dann took
'overthe tremendous job of eliminat-
inating the confusion in the building
and getting down to the grim bus-
iness of telling the public in hard,
cold newspaper terms just how war
was going to disrupt the lives of mil-
lions before another day was over.
City editor David Lachenbruch was
out of town. Managing editor Emile
Gele was at a movie and had to be
Will Sapp and Bill Baker, both
junior night editors, volunteered "to
put out the paper." People, seeing
the lights suddenly go on in the Stu-
dent Publications Building, jammed
in to see what was happening and
milled around the pounding. teletype
Phones screamed, people shouted
at each other, professors filed slowly
into -the building to give any infor-
mation they could to help get out the
war extra.
The business staff members took
over three phones and asked for all
the advertising they could get. Stor-
ies were assigned. Two juniors were
told to take over the job of assem-
bling the startling wire news coming
over the teletypes.
From 3 p. m. until after 5 a. m. the
next morning The Daily offices were
swarming with reporters working as
fast as they could to serve theinrread-
ers. Out of excited confusionicame a
silent, trained efficiency as reporters
wrote "30" on their copy and handed
it to the two hard-working editors
responsible for getting the paper out.
Two reporters went into Detroit to
get pictures which were supposed to
come in on an airplane from Chicago.
They met the plane but the pictures
weren't on it.
About 6 p. m. Sundayan unknown
person who sounded like a a Japan-
ese called up and gloated about the
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
"Ha-ha," this person shouted fren-
ziedly into the ear of a surprised re-
porter, "the Japanese have attacked
the United States. What is the
United States going to-do now?"
When the reporter told what he
had heard over the phone, everybody
stopped to wonder for a minute but
then they put it down on the books
as the joke of a prankster and went
back to work.
The paper was slapped together

hurriedly. Stories perhaps weren't as
well-written as they might have
been. There were no good action pic-
tures of the Pearl Harbor attack. But
the paper went to press shortly after
4 a. m. Monday and every single copy
of it was sold at once.
To the Daily men who collaborated
in getting the war news to the read-


ers,.the long hours of work writing,
editing, cutting stories, proof-read-
ing and copy-reading were an exam-
ple of the newspaperman's vision-
"hot news." But after their job was
over, they took off time like every-
body else in the country to talk over
what had happened, to speculate and
wonder what was going to come of
it all.

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tions in the middle of July.
Attempting to provide rooms for
as great a number of freshmen as
possible, the University has asked
many upperclassmen to relinquish
their rooms and private homes have
been sought to lessen the severe
shortage. Some of the larger rooms
have been furnished so as to hold
three or four students and many of
the single rooms have been made
into doubles. But in spite of these
attempts, some freshmen will not be
able to live in a residence hall.
House Plan Is Success
During the last three and one-
half years the Michigan House Plan
has been developed and, judging by
the number of applications the Uni-
versity has had to turn down this
year, has proved very successful.
Prof. Karl Litzenberg is director of
the residence halls and Francis C.
Shiel is the business manager. Uni-
versity dietitians prepare over 9,000
meals daily under the general guid-
ance of Miss Kathleen Hamm.
Worth of the residence hall system
has been proven by statistics which
show that the scholastic average of
freshmen living in the residence
halls is considerably better than that
of those living outside.
West Quad Is Largest Dorm
All in all, 25 men's and women's
residence halls come under the jur-
isdiction of the University. The West
Quadrangle is by far the largest
residence hall on campus. It has
room for 950 men students and is
divided into eight separate units in-
cluding Allen-Rumsey, Winchell,
Wenley, Michigan, Williams, Adams,
Lloyd, and Chicago houses. The
West Quad is ideally located behind
the Union and is governed by a
council made up of representatives
of the eight houses.
On the other side of the campus
and more' accessible to the engineer-
ing school, is the other large dormi-
tory for men, the East Quadrangle.
Divided into Tyler, Hinsdale, Greene
and Prescott houses, the East Quad-
rangle has room for 400 students. It
is the newest residence hall, being
opened for occupancy in the fall of
Girls' Residence Halls
Stockwell Hall is the most recently
built residence hall for women. It
was opened in February, 1940, and
houses 388 women in its two five-
story wings. Just north of Stock-
well is Mosher-Jordan, one of the
largest women's residence halls in
the country. Built in 1934, it is
divided into two separate sections,
the Jordan wing being open only to
freshman women while Mosher is
resepved for upperclassmen.
Helen Newberry and Betsy Bar-
bour are two smaller residence halls
for women, each holding about 80
girls. Meals are served and the ma-
jority of the residents are freshmen.
Fletcher Hall is one of the smaller j

men's residence halls, no meals being
served. Adelia Cheever House is a
girl's cooperative. The medical stu-
dents have a large residence hall of
their own, Victor Vaughan, that pro-
vides a congenial atmosphere for stu-
dents interested in the same pro-
fession. University and Alumnae
Houses are small dormitories which
are run exclusively for graduate stu-
Couzens Hall is reserved for the
use of those enrolled in the nursing
school, but it does not come under
the jurisdiction of the Board of Gov-
ernors of Residence Halls. The Law-
yers Club is also run separately and
is for the use of the law students.
However, a large part of it is now
being used by the Judge-Advocate
General School. Martha Cook is a
privately endowed dormitory for up-
perclass women.
Varied Social Program
The house government through
chairmen generally supervises the
numerous activities that are carried
on within and between the dormi-
tories. Sports, camera clubs, musi-
cal groups, publicity and social
events all are included on a varied
social calendar that is planned to
give the resident valuable recrea-
tional interests. Open houses after
football games, teas, formals, faculty
and exchange dinners, language ta-
bles, musicales and . current events
discussions round out the school




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