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October 09, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-09

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House Passes
Huge War Bill;
Senate Rejects
Securities Tax
Six-Billion-Dollar Measure
Boosts U.S. War Costs;
Goes To Finance Naval
Air Expansion Program
Tax On Securities
Jolted By Senate
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.-A $6,236,-
956,621 appropriation measure, boost-
ing this nation's cost-of-war bill to
$220,000,000,000, was passed swiftly
by the House today to finance a
naval aviation expansion program
and a variety of other war-born pro-
The new appropriations encount-
ered no opposition on the floor, win-
ning final approval by a voice vote.
Members of the House AppropriatioiA
Committee informed the House that
the United States soon would be
spending at the rate of $6,000,000,000
monthly for arms.
Nearly 90 per cent of the new
omnibus deficiency bill was ear-
marked for the Navy, with $2,862,-
000,000-the measure's largest single
allocation-set apart for 14,611 naval
planes to give Uncle Sam's growing
fleet of aircraft carriers its sting.
In addition to the direct appropria-
tions to a dozendifferent govern-
ment agencies, the measure formally
granted the Navy Department auth-
ority to enter into contract obliga-
tions for the previously- authorized
1,900,000-ton fleet expansion esti-
mated to cost $9,510.000,000.
On top of $5,595,388,308 for the
Navy, the measure bundled up $500,-
000,000 for war housing, $3,800,000
for the Office of War Information,
$19,000,000 for a guayule rubber pro-
ject, $25,000,000 for the Office of De-
fense Transportation, and $10,303,680
for the War Manpower Commission.
Wartime Bill
Voted Down
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.-The Sen-
ate, voting 52 to 34, refused to tax the
income from future issues of state
and municipal securities today after
an extended debate which stressed
assertions that such an impost would
violate state rights and produce in-
significant revenues.
In making its decision, the Senate
for the first time in its consideration
of the new war-time tax bill disre-
garded the recommendation of its
Finance Committee.
- The vote, however, brought it to the
point of discussing one of the ils
major controversies, the commttee's
proposal for a five per cent victory
tax on all individual incomes in ex-
cess of $624, with Additional credits

for insurance premiums, debt pay-
ments and other fixed obligations.
The tax would be levied in addition
to the usual normal tax and surtax.
A decision' on this issue went over
until tomorrow, with members of the
Finance Committee predicting that
the Senate would approve.
Gen. Cramer
Speaks Before
Preservation of the rule of law
must be maintained, Maj.-Gen. M.
C. Cramer, Judge Advocate General,
told the 64.officers of the Judge-Ad-
vocate General's School yesterday a.
he pointed out the military's duty to
constitutionally defend the nation.
General Cramer reviewed the his-
tory of the Judge-Advocates' func-
tions from one of the first cases in

Prep aring





r C

Scrap Starts

To Roll

The '30' Is Explained Below ...
*. * * *

The Michigan Daily's two-ton
press car has gone to war.
Dean Rea never knew about it-
maybe-but we've been chasing
stories in that big old 1929 Stutz
since July.
But yesterday it went to war as
the- biggest, heaviest, gaudiest sin-
gle contribution to the Washtenaw
County scrap salvage drive.
Managing Editor Homer D.
Swander, one-sixth owner of the
over-size jalopy, officially turned
the title over to Mr. George H. Gab-
ler, scrap drive chairman. With it

went six 7 x 20 tires, each big
enough for an airplane, we figure.
It's been in a backyard over on
Benjamin street ever since the time
we started down to check the police
station one night last August.
Something snapped then. Hale
Champion insisted that it was the
carburetor, but there was also some
talk about "rods" or something.
We even had to push it 100 feet
to get the picture above. Left to
right: Mr. Gabler, Harry Levine,
Swander, Champion, Ed Perlberg
and Mike Dann. The other one-
sixth was Allen Axelrod who would

not cut his 11 o'clock to have his
picture taken.
And in case you can't decipher
that painting on the side of the car,
it says Scrap The Axis.
And in case you don't know, that
"30" is a reporter's sign for the end
of a story.
The government needs 5,999,-
999 more cars like our Stutz to
keep the steel mills going.
Can we hear from you soon?
Our telephone number is 2-
3241. If you see an old jalopy
rusting in a field, call and tell us
about it. We'll see that it does its
part in scrapping the Axis!

Fake Liberty
Of Denmark
On Way Out
Reports Say Compulsory
Nazification Of Puppet
Government Is Planned
Nine Norwegians
Executed By Axis
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Oct. 8.- Evidence was
accumulating tonight that Germany
is about to make Denmark a com-
pletely subjugated state.
German-occupied for two years and
a half, yet nominally self-governed
and maintained as a show-piece of
Nazi influence at its "best", Denmark'
was believed marked down now for
forced nazification for these pur-
1.-Suppression of rising rebellion
against so-called German benevo-
2.-Tight defense against Allied in-
3.-Crystallization of a "Germanic
federation" project which is to be
used for Nazi home propaganda this
It was reported that the Germans
will insist that Denmark also declare
war against Russia, re-arm and hand
over to the Germans control of what
Danish ships remain in Danish wat-
Across the Skagerrak in Norway,
the Germans executed nine more pa-
triots, making a three-day total of
34. The Oslo radio said the death sen-;
tence of a tenth person was com-j
muted to 15 years at hardlabor. The
reason for the latest executions was
not given.
The Germans arrested 70 other
Norwegians, mostly youths, in the
Turn To Page 2 Col. 3
British Reply
To Nazi Threats
Reprisals Due For Chains
Of DieppePrisoners
LONDON, Oct. 8.- ()- The Brit-
ish threatened today to shackle a
Nazie for every British prisoner the
Germans put in chains ostensibly in
retaliation for alleged, but denied and
unproved, maltreatment of Nazis tak-
en at Dieppe last Aug. 19 and on the
channel isle of Sark last Saturday
The Germans announced- they had
manacled their Dieppe prisoners-
mostly Canadians-as scheduled at
noon and the British War Office, not-
ing that Berlin ignored a suggestion
to have the neutraft Swiss make an
impartial investigation, declared an
equal number of Nazi prisoners would
be treated in like manner beginning
at noon Saturday-unless the Ger-
mans released the chained British
Carrier Force
Hits Jap Ships
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. -(P)- An
aircraft carrier task force, striking
violently into the heart of Japan's
defense area in the North Solomon
Islands, has damaged an enemy hea-

vy cruiser and four other ships, de-
stroyed eight aircraft and blasted an
airfield, the Navy announced tonight.
The operation, conducted in un-
favorable weather, apparently caught
the Japanese completely by surprise
at one of their most vulnerable points.
It was carried through without the
loss of a man or plane and without
damage to any ship.
A Navy communique, reporting the
action, said that the ships attacked
were in the Shortland Island area,
just south of the Island of Bougain-
ville, which is the main Japanese base
in the Solomons. The airfield at-
tacked was Kieta, on the northern
coast of Bougainville, 45 miles north

Berlin Radio Sets
Stage For Retreat
Soviet Communique Reports Victories
Against German Tanks, Infantry
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Oct. 8.-The German propaganda machine laid a founda-
tion tonight for a possible retreat from Stalingrad, where the Red Army's
staunch defenses have consumed Nazi troops and machines by the thousands
for 45 days of flaming siege.
"The fight for Stalingrad has changed," said a broadcast by DNB, the
official news agency, quoting "military quarters."
"The strategic objective at Stalingrad already has been achieved," DNB
continued. "It is no longer necessary to send German infantry and assault
Sengineers into the battle. The finish-
ing touches will now be entrusted to
heavy artillery units and Stukas (dive
Brought Back A Russian counter-offensive has
been pressing heavily against the
German left flank from the north on
the Steppes between the Volga and
Don, and was even before Hitler's
speech of eight days ago when the
NEW YORK, Oct. 8.- - )-Waxey German Chancellor boasted unequiv-
Gordon, big-shot of Broadway when ocally that Stalingrad would be cap-
beer and whisky flowed from speak- tured-"you may rest assured."
The very fact that "military quar-
easies, turned up on the great white ters" in Berlin were quoted as indi-
way two years ago after serving seven cating that the siege of Stalingrad
years of a 10-year hitch in Leaven- might be lifted was a faint indication
worth-and said he was a new man, that the military had taken over the
situation, despite Hitler's latest prom-
no more racketeering. Ise.
But the government thinks he must
have been kidding. e
Today Gordon (real name IrvingSeatter


'U' Gives 130 Tons

...Nice Going!j

v -

The Scotch in Edward C. Pardon,
the University of Michigan's super-
intendent of Buildings and
Grounds, added to his desire to
crush the Axis has given Uncle Sam
the terrifice total of 130 tons of
scrap in the last three months.
Since last December, Superinten-
dent Pardon and his men have been
turning in copper, zinc and tin as
fast as they could collect it. But it
took them about nine months to
really warm up.
During the last three months, the
University's Building and Grounds
Department has almost shattered a
mark established last year when it
collected 77 tons of scrap iron
alone. Sixteen more tons will do the
In the fiscal year ending last

July 1st, the University salvaged
and sold as scrap 77 tons of steel
and iron, one ton of copper and
more than 156 tons of paper.
To make things more complete,
the University's official caretaker
-the Yehudi you always hear
about but never see-sorted out of
the University dump and sold
about 100 tons of paper, corrugated
board and rags brought from the
hospital and dorms.
Besides that, the B and G re-
covered between 55 and 75 tons of
old tin cans from the dump. These
were not so useful for their tin
(which was mostly burned off) but
for the steel under the tin.
All this up to July 1. Now wait

till you hear what happened after
62 tons of scrap iron.
... Almost two and one-half tons
of copper, zinc and tin.
... Two to three tons of rags and
paper salvaged weekly at the dump.
. . . The old campus chimes,
weighing two and one-half tons.
Translated into vital war mater-
ials, the scrap iron from the cam-
pus alone last year might already
have turned. into 600 500-pound
bombs and a naval mine.
And after July, the scrap might
resemble something like 15 four-
inch naval guns and a mine.
Congratulations from The Daily!

Wexler) was right back behind Uncle
Sam's eight ball accused in a Federal
indictment of trying to cash in on the
wartime sugar shortage.
Specifically, he and a pal, Simon
Hirshberg, were charged with con-
spiracy to violate an Office. of Price
Administration regulation governing
the sale of sugar. The government
said they used a soft drink firm-
Vita Cola-as a "blind" for a black
market in sugar.
"The old-time bootleggers are sad-
ly mistaken if they think that the ra-
tioning laws afford a new happy
hunting grounds for profitable
crime," said U.S. Attorney Mathias
Correa. "They will find that aiding
the enemy is neither popular nor
Veteran Legalist
Plays One From
Close To His Vest
Circuit Court Judge George W.
Sample yesterday played his legal
cards from close to his vest to stay
within the limits of state laws and at
the same time to mete out as severe
a penalty as possible to E. Jay Snay,
21, who pleaded guilty to a charge of
beating and kicking his 14-month-old
stepson, Robert.
One Michigan statute states that
upon pronouncing a sentence a judge
must give both the maximum and
minimum term a prisoner must serve
in a state institution. Another law
holds that child beating can be pun-
ishable with a maximum of only four
years imprisonment.
Confronted with these statutes,'
Judge Sample sentenced Snay to from
47 to 48 months in the Southern
Michigan prison at Jackson, explain-
ing that the legal maximum was "not
stern enough to compensate for the
horror of your felony.".

Invading Army
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Oct. 9 (Friday).-(JP)-
German tanks and infantry broke
into two streets in a factory suburb
of Stalingrad yesterday while the
Red Army attacking the Nazi flank
above the city held newly-won posi-
tions by beating off several small
A midnight Soviet communique
said 16 of the 50 German tanks
hurled against the Red lines in the
battered northwestern outskirts of
Stalingrad were destroyed and four
battalions (about 2,000 men) of in-
fantry were wiped out.
"Only in one place the enemy suc-
ceeded in occupying two streets of a
populated place," the communique
said of this fight.
Field dispatches said one quarter
of the workers' settlement now was in
ruins from German bombs, shells and
mortar fire, but said the Red Army
thus far has held the Germans back
from the Volga River banks and the
heart of Stalingrad in a siege now
entering its 46th day.
The Soviet dispatches said that
Russian tanks had torn gaps in the
German left flank above the city,
forcing the Nazi command to divert
elite Prussian troops to meet the
The late communique did not
credit the Red Army, however, with
any further advances in the north-
west, saying merely that "our troops
exchanged fire with the enemy and
in some sectors repulsed attacks
launched by small groups of Hitler-
Soviet artillery and mortar gunners
of one unit were said to have anni-
hilated one company of German in-
fantry northwest of Stalingrad, and
also to have destroyed two guns, eight
machineguns, and ammunition dump
and 11 blockhouses.

But Here Is Lots More Scrap!

The above article shows that the
University has done a conscientious
job of collecting scrap. Yet we be-
lieve that a more thorough and
imaginative effort can be made.
Yesterday eight Daily reporters
spent less than an hour apiece
searching for metal objects on the
campus which could and should be
converted to war uses. Perhaps it
will prove impractical to convert a
few of the suggested items, but the
majority can well be turned into
planes, tanks, guns and ships.
Here is what the reporters found:
t-large iron stairways on both
sides of the now unused auditor-
ium in University Hall. They are of
solid iron or steel and are flanked
by two iron balconies which are no
longer of any use.
Great amounts of wires, pipes,
cans, metal sheets, two long lengths
of railroad tracks and other ac-

gate and frame between Barbour
and Waterman gymnasiums on the
southern side.
Innumerable fences and railings:
two at South Ferry Field (one a
wire and the other a solid sheet
metal); one around the grounds at
the Martha Cook dorm; a hidden
pipe rail at the basement entrance
of the Pharmacology Building; a
wire fence strung in the bushes
near Helen Newberry; large wire
backstops around the little-used
tennis courts at Betsy Barbour;
fences at each end of the lawyers'
play field; iron railing on the Ob-
servatory steps; cable fences
around the staff parking lot at the
hospital; etc.
A big coal car which has been
standing on tracks near the Uni-
versity power plant for at least
three years. It is full of tin cans and
other refuse and should be con-
verted to war uses.
Three pipes approximately fif-

serves no useful purpose on the top
of Adelia Cheever House.
Several metal flagpoles scattered
around the campus which could be
done away with entirely or be re-
placed by wooden ones.
Rubber and metal doormats in
several University buildings, includ-
ing the Publications Building. We
will take care of ours immediately
and hope that everyone else does
And one reporter came back with
a suggestion about which he was
none too sure-that some of the
interesting but seemingly unneces-
sary exhibits in the various engin-
eering buildings could perhaps be
converted to war uses. If so, we be-
lieve it should be done immediate-
Hundreds of metal signs which

Schairer Stresses Problems
Of Post -War Reconstruction

Emphasizing that victory over Hit-
lerism is essential Dr. Reinhold
Schairer, (British) visiting professor,
said yesterday that military victory is
only half the battle, and the ten years
after the armistice are the most cru-
cial ones for the democracies to gain
world leadership.
(Under the sponsorship of the
United States Committee on Interna-
tional Studies and Administration,
and financed by a Rockefeller schol-
arship, Dr. Schairer has traveled
throughout the country in a series of
extensive lecture tours. He is now
conducting a seminar on Post-War

world unity and should learn the
three R's of peacemaking-Relief,
Reconstruction and Rehabilitation-
before they can make any progress in
world liberation.
He predicted that the promotion of
coming world unity inside every edu-
cational system will come about only
by the feeling of responsibility of
the strong nations for the weaker
ones. He maintained that "without
educational reconstruction, without
establishment of freedom, tolerance
and equality in highly effective school
systems the world round, the Decade
of Destiny will be lost for our side

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