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October 11, 1942 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-11

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SUNDAY, OCT. 11 1942


(Continued from Page 3)

the reading room where the boo]
are usually shelved.
Warner G. Rice,

Mks I

YOU are quite correct in taking Michigan stu-
dents to task for their failure to realize and
act upon the seriousness of the threat.to. their
freedom and well-being. That is, you are correct
-if you are addressing some, but not all, students.
There are a good many who, like other members
of the community, will not overcome their apathy
until there has been considerable loss, of life.
They are in the same position as those who seek
the side roads in order to escape the speed limit
imposed on main highways. They are among
those who contribute to inflation and to scarcities
of goods and manpower by competing for un-
essential commodities when they might be add-
ing to their bond and'stamp collections. Lives
will be sacrificed' unnecessarily because of their
Your oversight, I believe, was in your failure
to recognize that many of our students
are putting forth their fullest energies in
preparing for, and in rendering, war service.
These students should not be allowed to feel
that their efforts thus far have been in vain.
It is just these patriotic individuals who may
take you most seriously, who may develop
uncertainties, conflicts, and, In some cases
even breakdowns. Frustration and other
forms of mental incapacitation are quite as
serious as physical unfitness and we should
guard against it.
Let me be specific on this point. Last summer
when industry offered unprecedented employ-
ment opportunities for college students, 3,800 of
them registered at Michigan for the long summer
term. What was their intent if not to hasten the
date of their availability for national service?
Preliminary analyses of available data indicate
that ever since 1940 more and more men and
women have been majoring in the shortage fields
-medicine, engineering, nursing, chemistry,
physics, business administration, and the biologi-
cal sciences.
ANOTHER POINT. Since last May, more than
500 students have enlisted under the various
reserve programs of the military services. Com-
petition for places in advanced ROTC and
NROTC has increased. Student drop-outs for
active service enlistment seldom become matters
of record, but the number of these since Decem-
ber, 1941, has not been small.
Men have taken preinduction courses with
gratifying earnestness. Statistics soon to be re-
leased will show that a vast majority of the
participants in the physical hardening program
are strongly in favor of it and those who have
consistently put in the four and onethalf hours
a week have shown remarkable improvement.
As you say, certain individuals have worked
hard in connection with the Bomber Scholarship
Fund and other activities. Perhaps not all have
worked hard enough, but would it not be better
to encourage them by recognizing what they did
accomplish? And, there is another accomplish-
ment which it seems to me is of special signifi-
cance. Last spring, two students thoroughly in-
vestigated the use of aptitude and achievement
tests for identifying the fields in which students
"r_ V+lirc t t ,ir..tiThnia heM _ hi

skNot everything, however, hasubeen on this
side of the ledger.' I believe you might have
been even more pointed in your exposiure of
shortcomings. I sincerely regret that the
Student War Board did not live up to the
high expectations held for it. I suspect the
explanation is that one or two individuals
were left'with the entire responsibility for its
At- the corner of State .Street and North Uni-
versity there is a beautiful booth erected for sell-
ing war bonds and stamps and available for
other wartime purposes. This booth was erected
upon the insistence of a group of students. Labor
was contributed by members of the Buildings
and Grounds department. One student showed
up to assist.. Materials costs were contributed by
patriotic citizens. At the present time, the booth
is nothing more than a roosting place for idle
campus cockerels. It is rumored, however, that
women students have seen their duty and are
about to step in where the men walked out.
There is evidence that some kinds of social and
recreational activities are going as usual. There
can be little time now for expensive and time-
consuming luxuries.
NOW in your editorial, you asked for sugges-
tions relative to activities students might un-
dertake. Perhaps I should remind you that one
of the first actions of the University War Board
was that of creating a War Information Commit-
tee under the chairmanship of Professor Thuma.
One of the duties with which this committee was
charged was that of cooperation with the Stu-
dent War Board and other campus groups. The
War Information Committee compiled a list of
possible student undertakings. Some of these
suggestions were turned over to the students;
others would have been, had the students pre-
sented an opportunity. What is your reaction to
1") Initiation of a student conservation pro-
gram to collect razor blades, tinfoil, tooth paste
tubes, and other shortage materials. Ten thou-
sand students working on even small items can
amass large quantities.
2) The stamp booth should be open for busi-
ness during the day and the evening. It could be
used also for collecting the scrap mentioned
above, for selling tickets to war-related events,
and for other purposes which imaginative stu-
dents may suggest.
3) In our judgment, social functions should
be continued. They provide a highly desirable
relief from serious study and from other forms
of war preparations; but we believe students
might well consider placing them on a wartime
4. The success of the aptitude and achieve-
ment testing program, mentioned above, will be
increased if student organizations will urge their
members and constituents, first, to take the tests,
and second, to exploit all available counseling
facilities on the campus in seeking advice in the
light of test results and manpower needs.
5. Each successive War Training announce-
ment has listed more courses as desirable for war
credit nature. Most of these have been well-
preparation, courses of both a credit and non-
attended, but it is more than likely that only a
fraction of the students who could profit there-
fr, hav,. +oan + hm Th Urniversit hoc, fhit

do much to seek the correction of both minor
and major conditions.
7. You mentioned several opportunities for
students to render significant wartime service
including farm labor,.assistance to the University
Hospital and to the American Red Cross. In
addition it might be noted that Ann Arbor has
opened nurseries for the children of mothers in
war industries. Help in these nurseries is badly
8. The University and every able-bodied male
student knows that virtually all such students
are going to serve the = country in the armed
forces. The University is determined to prepare
these students for service. The physical harden-
ing program was the first step in this direction.
The war training courses in radio, mathematics,
languages, English composition, and numerous
other. subjects.constitute another step. The third
step might well be that of giving students much
more definite information about the various
branches of the armed forces themselves. A -part
of the training of all men going into active serv-
ice is that of indoctrination in the usages, func-
tions, and traditions of the- branches in which
they are enlisted. Much of this can be done on
the campus by utilizing our own representatives
of the armed forces, and other faculty members
who have had military experience. Army, Navy,
and Marine Corps clubs might well be formed for
the purpose suggested by students who have en-
listed in the corresponding reserve programs.
9. British and American armies are making
every effort to continue the education of men on
active duty. The British Army has found that
weekly discussions in- relatively small groups led
by junior commissioned officers perform a valu-
able function in permitting men to discuss their
immediate problems and to consider war issues,
as well as proposals for desirable international
post-war relationships. There is evidence that
some of the American units are beginning to take
over this educational pattern. It is anticipated
that most reserve program students will become
second lieutenants or ensigns in the various mili-
tary branches. It is precisely these men who
will be called upon to lead educational discus-
sions. Students now in school may well gain
valuable experience by taking courses in speech,
by conducting discussions in the proposed Army,
Navy, and Marine Corps clubs, as well as in resi-
dence halls, fraternity houses, and elsewhere.
IN CONCLUSION may I say that from my
observation the University War Board has had
the interests of the students and of the country
foremost in all of its deliberations, and that it
will continue to do so. You will find the Board,
as well as individual members of it, and of the
War Information Committee, ready to assist you
in any effort you may wish to undertake in the
present crisis.

University Lecture: Dr. Esson M.,
Gale, Acting James Orin Murfin Pro-
fessor of Political Science, former of-1
ficer of the Chinese Salt Revenue
Administration, will lecture on the
subject, "Nationalistic China Today:
Personal Impressions" (illustrated),
under the,auspices of the Department
of Political Science, on Wednesday,
October 21, at'4:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Siegfried
Giedion of Zurich, Switzerland, Nor-
ton Lecturer at Harvard University,
will lecture on the subject, "The
American Spirit of Invention," under
the auspices of the College of Archi-
tecture and Design, on Friday, Octo-
ber 16, at 4:15 p. m. in the Lecture
Room of the Architecture Building.
The public is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Those with Commissions, USNR;
Those in Class V-1, V-5, V-7, USNR:
Commencing on Wednesday, Octo-
ber 14, at 4:15 p.m., there will be a
series of lectures and instruction
drills in Naval Science at the Naval
R.O.T.C. Headquarters (North Hall)
for the benefit of students now en-
rolled in the USNR with commis-
sions, those in Classes V-1, V-5, and
V-7. Attendance at these lectures
and instruction drills is entirely vol-
untary but should be of value to
those interested.
R. E. Cassidy, Captain, U. S. Navy,
Professor of Naval Science and
Biological Chemistry Seminar
will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
October 13, in Room 319, West Med-
ical Building. "The Biological Oc-
currence and Possible Significance
of some 'Trace' Elements. Vanadium
and Cobalt," will be discussed. All
interested are invited.
Cryptanalysis Seminar: Prelim-
inary meeting Tuesday, October 13,
at 3:30 p. m., in 3201 A. H.
[Dominie Says
DURING WAR, religion is drama-
tized and leadership is difficult.
There is danger, risk and death.
Man's relation to his own origin and
destiny ceases to be a theme for the
monk, the aged, the philosopher.
Everyone is turning in his mind the
tenents of his faith or is groping for
a meaningful religion.
There are some gains. Certain
groups are now more considerate and
charitable. In a period of cruelty,
when a deception such as camouflage
as well as rigid honor of training or
inspection is institutionalized and
whole populations are massed for a
test of power, large religion units be-
come considerate. Jew, Mohammedan,
Christian and disbeliever can find
some type of common ground today.
EVERY FAITH in its organized ca-
pacity finds it necessary to re-
state belief and weigh former values
against new and complex movements.
Thus on one hand, religious leaders
while on the other hand, new ideas
have their theological gardens pruned,
about God, society, man, and the ap-
parent nature of existence are being
planted. Metaphysics is having fresh
consideration. History and science
are challenged.
Fear drives a vast multitude to-
ward those types of religion which
over-simplify truth. Salvation by slo-
gan is doubly futile today, but the
hearers are many. The older estab-
lished patterns are serving vast con-
gregations. Industrial workers and
their families, men far from home,
officers in hard posts and children

deprived of normal guides merit the
finest religious leaders which are
available. It was a clergy committee
which finally brought management
and labor, defense and recreation,
social work and religion, education
and housing agents together in the
Willow Run area. A Community
Council on Security has been created
through the leadership of the Michi-
gan Child Guidance Institute. This
service has the support not only of
social agencies and courts but also
of a score of ecclesiastic bodies, Cath-
olic, Baptist, Jewish, and others.
These agents can now articulate re-
ligious work with social and educa-
tional programs in the localities con-
cerned; a vast gain in community
THE MINISTER, priest or rabbi has
the continuing task of teaching
God's will as man's goal. In every war
great preachers and devoted pastors,
quick to appraise the heroism and
the pathos of the war, have been
. ir r ntr.c Tfnna

New Graduate Students: All stu-
dents registering this semester fori
the first time in the Graduate School
should report at the Lecture Hall in
the Rackham Building for the four-
part Graduate Record Examination1
on Tuesday, October 13, at 7:00 p.m.
and also on Wednesday, October 14,
at 7:00 p.m. Credit will be withheld
from students failing to take all parts
of the examination unless an excuse;
has been issued by the Dean's office.
Be on time. No student can be ad-,
mitted after the examination has
begun. Pencil, not ink, is to be used
m writing the examination.
Navy Flight Training in Ann Arbor1
sponsored by the Civilian Pilot Train-
ing Program. 16-week program is of-
fered during the Fall Term for V-1
or V-5 Navy enlistments while at-
tending University. 72 hours of eve-
ning ground school in University
classrooms. Flight training includes
35-40 hours at Ann Arbor Airport
between classes at University. No
enrollment fee. Applications are still
being accepted for a quota of 20 Uni-
versity boys. There are four open-
ings. Classes to begin as soon as quo-
ta is filled. Tentative date for start
of program has been set for October
19. For further information, call, at
Room B-47 East Engineering or tele-
phone 4121, Extension 2113. Get your
application in now before it is too
late for this program.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, Fores-
try, Music, and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by November 5. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with
Room 4 U. H. where it will be trans-
mitted. Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
German 157 (Advanced Compost-
tion and Conversation) will meet
during the Fall Term on Wednes-
days, 8:00-9:00 a.m. and 1:00-2:00
p.m. in room 303 U.H.
W. A. Reichart
Classes in Red Cross Motor Me-
chanics are starting the week, of Oc-
tober 12 in the Ann Arbor High
School. Students should report at
the hours.for which they registered.
A new section (Tuesdays 7:00-
9:00 p. m.) has been opened in Red
Cross Motor Mechanics. All students
interested must register in the So-
cial Director's office in the Michi-
gan League before 5:00 p.m. on Oc-
tober 13.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Student work from the
Parsons School of Design, New York
City, in interior decoration, costume
design, advertising and industrial de-
sign, shown in the ground floor
cases, Architecture Building. Open
daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5, through
October 14. The public is invited.
Events Today
Varsity Men's Glee Club: Tryouts
for membership in the Glee Club will
be continued today at 4:30 p.m.,
in the Glee Club rooms, third
floor, Michigan Union. Selections
have not yet been made for this
year's Club; therefore all old and
prospective members are expected to
be present. Singers from all schools
of the University are urged to try out.
The Michigan Outing Club will
conduct a breakfast hike today. All
who are interested should meet at
the Women's Athletic Building at

6:30 a.m. If there is rain,dthe hike
will be cancelled. All students are
welcome. If there are any questions,
contact Dorothy Lundstrom (2-4471)
or Dan Saulson (9818).
International Center, Sunday Eve-
ning Program: Mr. Matt Mann, head
swimming coach of the University,
will speak on "The Physical Harden-
ing Program," iflustrated by moving
pictures in colbr of last summer's
program at 8 o'clock tonight.
The Inter-Cooperative Council will
meet this afternoon in the Michigan
Union. The public is invited. Time
and place will be posted on the Union
bulletin board.
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold its weekly meeting tonight
at 5:30. Dr. Mary Markley, Secre-
tary of the Board of Education of
the United' Lutheran Church, will be
the speaker, for the evening.
Coming Events
The English Journal Club will meet
on Tuesday, October 13, at 7:45 p.m.
in the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Professor Here-
ward T. Price will deliver the annual

Service announces the following sec-
I. For doctors and dentists; Mon-
day, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:30
II. For women, both students and
wives of students; Monday, Wednes-
day and Friday, at 3:00 p.m.
III. A section of those wishing to
improve their pronunciation at hours
to be arranged to suit the conveni-
ence of students.
As these sections are already or-
ganized and at work, anyone wishing
to take advantage of this service
should enroll at once at the Center.
All women students who are inter-
ested in taking the Red Cross Nurse's
Aide Course are asked to report to
Red Cross Headquarters, North Hall,
on Monday, October 12, at 4:00 p.m.
This request includes those students
who have free afternoons and who
cannot take the training at the hours
stated in the War Training Catalogue.
Choral Group: Tryouts will be
held at 7:15 p.m. Monday at Lane
Hall for the Choral Group which is
being formed by the Student Reli-
gious Association to sing motets,
chorales,.and madrigals.
Fellowship of Reconciliation will
conduct a model "hearing" for two
pacifist objectors to war service on
Monday at 7:15 p.m. in Lane Hall.
The public is invited and may par-
ticipate in questioning.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church--
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 10:00
a.m. High School Class; 11:00 a.m.
Junior Church (all departments
meeting at church); 11:00.a.m. Morn-
ing Prayer and Sermon by the Rev.
Henry Lewis, D.D.; 5:00-7:00 p.m.
H-Square Club Party, Page Hall; 6:45
p.m. Discussion group for University
freshmen, led by Mr. Clarence Slo+
cum, Harris Hall; 7:30 p.m. Student
Meeting, Harris Hall. Speaker; The
Rev. Seward H. Bean, Rector, St. An-
drew's Church, Detroit. Subject:
"What Makes a Christian Different?"
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student Class at
9:30 a.m., Mildred Sweet, leader.
Morning Worship Service at 10:40
a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach
on "Keeping Up to Date." Wesleyan
Guild Meeting at 6:00 p.m. The Rev.
Howard Busching of Farmington will
speak on "The Growing Church."
Supper and Fellowship hour 'follow-
ing the meeting.
First Baptist Church:
10:00 a.m.:
The Under-graduate Class, led by
Mrs. Geil Orcutt, will study the
New Testament in the Guild
The Graduate Class will meet in
the balcony of the church to dis-
cuss, "What Can We Believe?"
There are other classes for all ages.
11:00 a.m.:
Sermon-"Pride in the Gospel," by
Rev. C. H. Loucks.
7:00-The Roger Williams Guild
will meet in the Guild House, 502
East Huron. Rev. Owen Geer,
Pastor of the Mt. Olivet Method-
ist Church of Dearborn, will
speak on "The Church's Role In
Social Change."
First Presbyterian Church:
Morning Worship -10:45. "God
Makes Exceptions,"-subject of
the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guild-6:00
p.m. Supper and fellowship hour
in Social Hall. Student discus-
sion led by Earle Harris on "How
Shall We Interpret Our Reli-
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Are Sin, Disease, and
Death Real?"
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.

Freepubic eadng oomat 106
E. Washington St., open every day
except Sundays and holidays, 11:30-
a.m.-5:00 p.m., Saturdays until 9:00
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
Morning Worship 10:45 o'clock.
Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister.
6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday
Evening Hour. Mr. Robert Wal-
drop of the Psychology Clinic
will speak on "Campus Pressures
and Religious Living." A social
hour and tea will follow the dis-
Unitarian Church:
Sunday,. 11:00 a.m. Rev. Edward
H. Redman of Virginia, Minnesota,
will speak on "Building for the Fu-
8:00 p.m. Student meeting, review
of "Education for Death," book by
Gregor Ziemer, formerly of the Amer-
ican Colony School in Berlin.
" First Congregational Church:
Sunday worship at 10:45 a.m. Dr.
L. A. Parr will preach, his subject
being "Vital Things." At 7:00 p.m;
the Student Fellowship meet in the
Assembly Room. Dr. R. H. Hollister
will speak on "Spiritual Values in
War Time." Social hour and refresh-
Unity: Dr. Erwin E. Gregg of De-
troit will be the guest speaker at the
Unity Reading Rooms, 310 S. State
St. Suite 31 .at 7:3n n'lnk Monday

Most sincerely yours,
University War Board
fr. Tibbitts

Thanks, 2-M

And most sincere thanks to you, Mr. Tibbitts,
for your very constructive letter. But I must
disagree with you on one point. In all the com-
ments I have received about Wednesday's edi-
torial, I have not once been given reason to be-
lieve that anyone who is doing all he can has
been made to feel that his "efforts have been
in vain." Rather,. I found that these people
were glad to see a call to others to join their
ranks. As for encouraging them by "recogniz-
ing what they did accomplish," we're going to
continue- doing so whenever possible as in the
editorials commending IFC--Pan-Hellenic and
the Social Studies 93 course.
Morton Mintz

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