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October 06, 1942 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-06

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Student Senate'
Represents All
Men, Women
Campus Vote Determines
Nine Policy-Formers;
War Staff Is Created
The Student Senate is the only
student governing body on campus
that represents both men and women
and is chosen by unrestricted elec-
tion. ,
Streamlined last spring, the organ-
ization now consists of nine Sena-
tors who form the policies of the or-
ganization and an administrative
staff who carry out the policies. The
former Senate was made up of 30
The main aim of the Senate is to
accelerate the student war effort and
the Senate War Staff acts as coor-
dinator for campus war activity.
Made up of 44 members the board is
willing to aid any organization iake
a success of programs for the war
Specialized committees within the
War Staff will be formed so that ser-
vices will be more efficient. Any
freshmen or sophgmores interested
in the work this staff is doing are
invited to work. The Daily will an-
nounce meetings for the war staff
Jim Landers, president of the Sen-
ate, said, "Any individual, organiza-
tion or group may feel free to pre-
sent any justified complaint on any
phase of University life to the Sen-
ate and we will consider it."
Elected in April for one year terms,'
the Senators select administrative di-
rectors who in turn name commit-
tees to work on different projects:
the selling of defense stamps, labor
conditions on campus and the Sen-
ate's relations with other campus or-
Any freshman, sophomore, junior
or senior, providing he has an eli-
gibility card, may be a candidate for
office. Former activities of the Sen-
ate were the mid-winter, parley, the
sale of defense stamps, and the orig-
inating of student loan funds.
Senators are Jim Landers, presi-
dent; Elaine Spangler, secretary;
Lewis Saks, Bill Ager, Dick Orlikoff,
Glen Taylor, Bill Loughborough,
Herman Hudson and Sid Brower.

Nurses' Aides
To Be Trained
University women may train for
volunteer nurses' aides in a course
starting Oct. 19, it is announced by
Prof. Rhoda Reddig, director of the
University's School of Nursing. The
course is sponsored by the American
Red Cross and the Office of Civil-
ian Defense and will be given by the
School of ,Nursing.
A five-week instruction period will
include 80 hours of classroom and
clinical work. Coeds are to be trained
as volunteer assistants to graduate
nurses in hospitals, public health
nursing, first aid work and for the
emergency medical program of the
Office of Civilian Defense. At com-
pletion of their course, the coeds
can volunteer time at their conveni-
ence to assist in the University Hos-
University women desiring to take
the course mayregister at the office
of Miss Ethel McCormick. Mrs.
William Bates, graduate of the Uni-
versity of Michigan College of Liter-
ature, Science and the Arts and the
School of Nursing, will teach the
Perspectives Outlet
For Campus Writers
Safety-valve outlet for the bur-!
geoning talents of campus writers,
Perspectives, University literary mag-
azine, will continue publication dur-
ing the 1942-43 season.
Designed to furnish a medium for
all students whose talents warrant a
hearing, Perspectives was founded in
the early thirties.
Manuscripts are solicited and sub-
mitted through the English depart-
ment or on the contributor's initia-
tive, after which they are considered
as to relative merit by an editorial
board composed of several members
of the faculty and the student edi-
Any form of literary endeavor has
been acceptable in the past, criteria
being quality and sincerity rather
than preconceived notions of what is

New Dental Building

36 Social Fraternities Revamp
Programs To Meet War Needs


Facing the war situation with a
completely revamped program, Mich-
igan's 36 general social fraternities
anticipate very little trouble, finan-
cially speaking, during the hard
years that may lie ahead.
According to John Fauver, '43E,
president of the Interfraternity
Council, the great majority of so
called "weak" houses have left the
campus during the past teri years
and those that remain are curtailing
social activites, cooperating with oth-
er houses, and in other ways working
out a strong fraternity policy.
. IFC Records
IFC records also show that the ma-
jority of organized men on campus
belong to the various reserve officer
plans and will thus be able to com-
plete their college courses, living in
and supporting their houses.
"Freshmen interested in joining a
fraternity," Fauver declares, "should,
realize that the movie-fraternity of
the roaring 20's, with its attic full of
the real stuff and its coon skin
coated-members, is a bygone thing."
During the orientation period there
will be a registration booth in the
lobby of the' Union where interested
men will have an opportunity to regr-
ister for rushing. It is very impor-
tant that freshmen attend to this
matter, sincesno manwho has not
properly registered will be allowed
to pledge a fraternity.
Rushing Rules
The first and second weeks of
school will be devoted to rushing,
following which there will be a short
period of silence to enable rushees
to register for the house of their
choice. During the two weeks' time,
no man will be allowed more than
six dates with any one house, all
noon dates must end at 3:30 p. m.,
and all evening dates at 8:30 p. m.
Several new rushing rules have
been adopted this semester and all
rushees, as well as rushing chairmen,
are urged to familiarize themselves
with these regulations: no rushee

shall be allowed to have more than
one date with any one house during
the first four days of rushing; there
shall be no rushing on October 10
and no rushing after 5 p. m. on Octo-
ber 11; there shall be no rushing in
the dorms; and those rushees who
have completed one year in the Uni-
versity shall be allowed to live in the
fraternity they pledge immediately
upon pledging, providing there are
no other room contracts involved.
The IFC, often called the "Grand
Jury of Fraternity affairs," is the co-
ordinating body for all fraternities
on campus and passes on all frater-
nity petitions, infractions of Uni-
versity and Council rules, and house
The various houses, operating
through this council, sponsor certain
activities every year, chief of which
are the IFC Sing, "Greek" Week, a
Christmas party for poor children
and an Interfraternity Ball. This
year the Council has also sponsored
war activities such as a Blood Bank
for the Red Cross, a paper collection
drive, and the displaying of flags
from every house.
Campus To Get
Gargoyle-the University of Mich-
igan's magazine of campus life-will
be completely streamlined and dif-
ferent in the devious ways of humor
when it begins its regular publica-
tion this fall.
Gargoyle editor Olga Gruhzit, '43,
promises a "funny magazine so re-
conditioned that you won't recognize
any resemblance to past Gargs."
This year the humor magazine will
continue tradition by offering a ser-
ies of monthly contests in the fields
of the short story, cartoon and photo.
Besides that, Garg will concentrate
on new feature sections designed to
tickle your floating rib,, photo sec-
tions which emphasize the ultra in
snapping a camera, and amusing
sidelights of the University campus
"off guard."
Tryouts are, invited over to the.
Student Publications Building at
their convenience to confer with the

New Directory
Lists Students'
.tSVital Statistics
Students wandering around in the
bewildering maze of registration red
tape can find one consolation for
their card-filling activities. When the
first card is signed it starts the ball
rolling for the campus' best social
booster, the Student Directory.
"Who can I call for a date tonight?
Where does that fellow next to me
that gets all A's on his themes live?
I wonder if he's really a senior?
How'll I get addresses for my Christ-
mas cards?" The answers to all of
these and many more questions will
be found in the most-used student
handbook when it comes out next
month edited by Ben Douglas, '43.
For the Directory lists each student,
graduate or undergraduate, and each
faculty member, with telephone num-
ber, class and home address for each
student and both office and home
phone number for each professor.
In addition the phone numbers of
all campus buildings will be listed,
including dormitories, fraternity and
sorority houses and cooperatives.
Still another feature is a section giv-
ing officers and directors of the ma-
jor campus extra-curricular activi-
Military Use Of Radio
Is New Speech Course
Radio as a military weapon and
as a public relations medium will
be the subject of a new course,
Speech 157, to be offered for the
first time this fall.
Bearing two hours credit, the
first semester course is entitled
Wartime Radio Programs and will
be taught by Prof. Waldo Abbott
of the speech department,
The course has been planned
through coperation with both the
British Broadcasting System's in-
formation and consultation with
American censors and Army and
Navy public relations officers.

The addition of the Kellogg Institute has added to the facilities
of Michigan's already famous Dental School, but overcrowded condi-
tions have forced the University to close admissions until 19.44.
Arm Forms Quartermaster Corps

Offering for the first time to stu-
dents of military science at the Uni-
versity a chance to prepare for serv-
ice in the business branch of the
Afmy, the ROTC recently founded a
campus unit of the Quartermaster
Its functions include procurement,
storage and issue of food, clothing
and equipment. The combined pro-
gram of military and academic train-
ing leading to a commission and a

degree, as offered at the University,
is designed to provide officer candi-
dates with combat and leadership
training together with the technical
and administrative skills required in
this branch of the service.
For admission to the Quartermas-
ter Corps, training, completion of the
basic ROTC training is required. Ca-
dets of the Quartermaster Corps
must be enrolled as regular students
in the University, normally with at
least a junior standing.

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