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October 06, 1942 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-06

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Publie Th Hear Rackham Builing, Clements Library
Britisher Talk .
Germany Will Be Subject
Of VisitingProfessorJ
Dr. Reinhold Schairer, a British
visiting professor at New York Uni-
versity, will speak on "Germany Be- :y
fore the Peace and After" at 4:415
p.m. Thursday, Oct. 8, in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. Brought here.
under the auspices of the University . .. ;.. ,r.r.N.::::.Y'. { : __
Committee on International Studies
and Adiministration, Dr. Schairer's
lecture will be open to the public r.
without charge. ..
During the last World War, Dr..
Schairer organized a close coopera'-
.tion between Russia, Britain, the:
United States and Germany for the; -.
best of the prisoners of war at the,
German Legation in Kopenhagen.
In 1920, the German Republic ap-
pointed him as head of a newly-
created Central Bureau of all Ger-
man Universities to democratize
those institutions and bring the best
from the poor classes to the univer-
sities. He developed a number of'
cooperative institutions which helped
many thousands of 'highly-gifted I
students and a Students Loan Bank
that was used by 23,500 students.'
When Hitler came to power, Dr. ricttied above are the Horace H Rack1ainc..:g Graduate
Schairer immediately left Germany Studies, said to be the most beautiful collcg, lbuilding in the country,
and went into voluntary exile in Eng- and the Samuel M. Clements Library of American History.
land inalterably opposed to Naziism.......
He is convinced that the most im-
portant task after the war will be to
reeducate German youth and toCampusCooperatives
bring, through a new educational
policy in all the countries of Europe,
Provi de Economic Living Cost
the spirit of unity, peace and coop-
eration to this war center of the
world. Economic living and concrete ex- imately five to seven hours of work
perience in- democracy--this is the I per week are required of each mem-
-----------~--------- combination which the eleven cam- ber. Cooking, dishwashing, house
pus cooperative houses offer their cleaning and tending the furnace are
mendfers. among the jobs done by the students.
Founded in the midst of America's Specially elected members keep the

Special War Courses To
To 1942=43 LitCollege C
Important new courses-inspired War Labor Board will also be con- a
by the nation's wartime needs-have sidered.;t
been added to those available to stu- The School of Architecture is mak- c
dents of the College of Literature, ing available a two-hour course in
civilian camouflage for juniors.
Science and the Arts. These courses
d Reading, writing and conversation-
do not appear in the original cata- al practice in the spoken Chinese lan- S
logue of courses for the fall term. guage are covered by new elementary S
The Department of Political Sci- and intermediate courses offered by i
ence offers a Training Program in the Department of Oriental Lan- Oi
International Studies, a program. of guages. An additional course in Chi-
nese literature, a survey of prose and --
eleven courses designed to train per-I poetry from ancient to modern times,
sons preparing for service abroad in is available to students who do not
liberated territories after the war. necessarily have a speaking knowl-
Problems of War and Peace, an in- edge of Chinese.
terdepartmental course for juniors The Department of Oriental Lan-e
and seniors, will emphasize studies of guages also offers a beginning and
the war and its aims, peace plans and intermediate course in Thai, stressing
post-war reconstruction. reading, composition and conversa-
Air Navigation Course tion.
Covering the same material dealt The Department of Speech has
with in the first six weeks of training made three additions to its wartime
in the Army's Navigation Schools,. In- curriculum. Speech Training for Mil-
troduction to Air Navigation will be itary Service is given for prospective
offered by the mathematics depart- military officers to train them in
ment. The course will concern the public speaking and proper use of {
graphidal and numerical solution of the voice in military drill.
geometric problems of air navigation. To Analyze Broadcasts
The role of government in adjust- An analysis of the place of forum
ing labor-management disputes in the discussion in wartime as suggested by
war emergency will be the subject the Office of Civilian Defense com-
of Government Control of Industrial prises the subject matter of a second
Disputes, offered by the Department course in the speech department.
of Economics. The function of the Wartime Radio Programs will an-

Be Added Michigan Union Facilities
All-out facilities of Micnigan's two
" and one-half million dollar Union
Cu lWD m will be devoted. for one. week..to enter,-,n rsmnadtase tdns
The vast recreational facilities of
the Union will be open to all-the
nlyze domestic radio propaganda swimming pool, the billiard and ping-
hrough news, dramatic and army pong rooms, the bowling alleys, the
Pendleton library, and the dining.
amp broadcasts and will study war- rooms and tapdroom.
me censorship methods.
The Spanish Department offers a
1,00 Instruments.
urvey of Colonial and 19th Century About 1,500 examples of every type
ipanish-American Literature, cover- of musical instrument, both ancient
ng the prose writings of colonial, rev- and modern, primitive and European
lutionary and- early national periods are on display on the second-floor
n Latin America. foyer of Hill Auditorium.
Rom ookingI


First Floor Booths

Second Floor Table Service

in attractive Will amsburg


615 East William. . . 4 Doors from State St.

worst 'depression, the cooperative
movement at the University started
with -,just one house-the present
Michigan House. Opened in 1932, this
house provided room and board at
economic rates for students severely
hit by the hard times.
'From this meager beginning, the
movement has grown continuously
until now there are eleven houses-
eight for men and three for women.
The men's, houses include Congress,
Robert Owen, Guild, Abe Lincoln,
Rochdale, Gabriel Richard, Michigan
and , Stalker. The girls' houses are
Alice Palmer, Muriel Lester and
Katherine Pickerill.
Cooperatives are nationally known
for their exemplification of democra-
cy in action-and the co-ops on the
Michigan campus are no exception.
Following the democratic principles
set by the first cooperative-that of
the weavers of Rochdale, England-
the campus co-ops consider their
complete racial, religious and politi-
cal tolerance as one of their principal
tenets. Membership in all the houses
is open to students of all races, col-
ors and creeds.
The thoroughgoing democracy of
the cooperatives is also marked by
their internal governmental set-up,
each member having one vote in all
elections and issues that arise. Week-
ly house meetings, at which house
problems are thrashed out and de-
cided upon, characterize all the cam-
pus cooperatives.
All the work in the houses-as well
as the governing functions-is done
by the members themselves. Approx-


house accounts, take care of the fin-
ances and do the secretarial work.
By virtue of the fact that all the
work is done by the members of the
house and also by means of efficient
purchasing methods, the co-ops have
managed to keep the rates for room
and board down to about two to six
dollars a week and for board alone
to approximately one and a half to
three dollars.
The central body representing all
eleven co-ops is the Intercooperative
Council. Each house sends two dele-
gates to the ICC, and these delegates
formulate general policy for the co-
operatives and decide on projects to
be undertaken by all the houses col-
lectively. The individual members of
the houses each have a vote in elect-
ing the president of the ICC. The
president for this summer is Harold
Ehlers, '42E.
All students who wish to make in-
quiries about living or boarding at
any of the co-ops next semester
should contact Gerald Davidson
Robert Owen House, 922 S. State.
War Found
ROTC Ready
For Crises
When war broke out Dec. 7, the
University could already boast a well
trained ROTC unit that had definite
plans for accelerating training to
meet the emergency.
The small provisional iifle com-
pany, formed last fall to provide
practical outdoor training to those
cadets who desired it, was expanded
and more extensive training offered.
Every Saturday afternoon rough clad
cadets could be seen moving stealthily
about the Arboretum in practice war
Not content with offering field
training to a small group of cadets,
the military science department staff
planned a ,large scale maneuver last
spring in which the entire ROTC unit
participated. The cadets spent an af-
ternoon simulating regimental battle
With the opening of the summer
term, training plans really went into
operation. Quartermaster Corps
training was added to an already
broad schedule of courses, which in-
cludes Infantry, Engineering Ord-
nance and Signal Corps training. The
Quartermaster Corps increases the
advanced corps quota by 50 cadets.
During the summer, training was
made more intensive through the
doubling of the drill periods. Now
cadets basic and advanced, meet for
two hours to practice the manual of
arms and the elements of foot drill.
Blade Society Enlarged
Another innovation brought about
during the summer term was the wid-
ening of the membership of Scabbard
and Blade to include the entire ad-
vanced corps. Acting mostly in a so-
cial capacity the Scabbard and Blade
meets twice a month and promises to
develop into one of the most active
organizations on campus. At the
Northwestern game Scabbard and
Blade members will cooperate with
the NROTC in providing entertain-
ment between the halves. Blade mem-
bers may also be seen conducting re-
treat ceremonies at the campus flag
post on Thursday nights.
Martial music for the fast growing

Drop in and try our food!

p i
.38 Maynard


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THIS YEAR YOU Will find, as many
years of Michigan students have found be-
fore you, that the Arcade Jewelry Shop is



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