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December 17, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…'Ije U.of tn. Wailp. VOL. 1.-No. 163. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN~, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1891 For the University Gymnasium. Liberty of the Press. Mr. White yesterday received .a The follgwing is clipised from last letter from Hon. Charles Hebard, night's Evening News: tony in Philadelphia, asking him to( The liberty of the press is soume- assist in raising $s,ooo from thse up- thin of which line American people per peninsula toward the erecti...…

December 17, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…THE'U.-OF M. DAILY. c l . of W. "If(. V Pabliahed Daily (Sundays excepted) during. the College ear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subcripion price $.50 per year, invariably iu adance Single cpiet 3 cents. On sale at Sheeceoutsd Post Office nestnd at 12 o'clock, noo. Sbcriptions may be left at te office of te DAILY, Opera Hue block, at Sheeban's, at Stofflt's, or with ay of the editor. Cotmunicatios should reach te office by Socockb ...…

December 17, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY BEFORE YOU LBAVB....____..__ -- + "BUSINESS IS BUSINESS." + ONE MORE SPECIAL SALE In order to move a large number of ULSTERS AND OVER- +yt T he Two 'Sams COATS during the few, unseasonable days that we are having, we will msake a groat cut on the same FROM Now UNTIL SATURDAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY N D SATURDAY ONLY, NICOT, IDecemnber 1.1).. Remember, till Saturday night, December 19. We want to sell 250 Overcoats and Ulsters by th...…

December 17, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE. THE PEOPLEI1 1w A NN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Warevaaass, - - - - - - - - Corner of Mlain and Liber, Streets, I wll Ope te Bll"byplacing a finle stock of Guitars, Banjos. etc. -A-- N )B L E PRICES THAT WILL. ASTONISH YOU.1IMAN;ANEGNTDSLYO Find Tmx~'sp o-ww S ZOmm SMKIGA LEATDSPA, 25SuhFourth Avenue, City. ISMOKING JACKETS 'ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABISIHED) 1851. Take ...…

December 17, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…d Vf ..r AIL ar A, lit /III A4M Vol- LII.- o. f;ta. UNJitEI1SITY OF MICHIGAN, AT'ILAY )IC'E1IiEI Ii17.I) ?. PR'IC'E, Tm-nin , C : N TS HOW LAWYERS SUCCEED. Mr. Donovan Gives His Ideas of the Su bject--Keep an Eye on the Fees, His First Point. idozenriiii mnore oC thI ~ t 'ismun, tteacliers, un(It orator, hlib crediitedl to5the aristcrayie ran ofi the Cnivercity o isf "Mi21 THE ADELPHT MEETS. r Excellent Oration-Talk on 'SeeC- cess."- Ad...…

December 17, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THIE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION netlcrip ilOpric n..i-i- pt,! ea:i - t tit'ii tit -iot- t'i-ctill t11 -i- is44 thn et fit r f ,.o o the lnatgin 'itr Al Im es ",,esfihi liuti-r THE U. of H. DAILY, Ann Ar-bor. Mich. EDITORS. k:.J.. t-ec_ no' ui. 'li, longlgum Ator. A. I ill so- li1 i. ' At-'ii 111 W.F. liit ; , i 1 9,A ssa t IIVi Iii iii tiiiio 1. Nat11iy W . t.Itzus l °!iii. i BUSINESS LOCALS. Stioryi'hoois and istol...…

December 17, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…c j c . of VMFPR HANDEL'S GREAT WORK. The Production of The "Messiah" Will be a Magnificent Affair- Synopsis of the Work. Thle two acknowledged nmaster- pieces of sacred music are the ''Messiah'' and ''Passion Music.'' 'The finest work of the twno great swriters is this style is incorporated in these wvonderful works. 'Thie per- sonality of cact-.i composer is so thoroutghly impressed iin his wuork, that in t1e iniiualits' sitthe scom- poser...…

December 17, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. UN IV ERS I TY HA L LSWEID NE SD AY, Choral Union Series. b econd Uoncert. G;lIANDI) t '(LIW10N 01 HIA.NDLI'S I 1(Ir1,.IMM lMSTrERPIECE, T H aJ6mWS-S-I. HI C H R L U I N 2 2 V I E ) M iss E liz a b eth D o o little, T o led o , S o p ra n o , Mrs. Marshall Pease, Detroit, Contralto, Mr. Charles A. Knorr, Chicago, Tenor, Mr. Geo. Ellsworth Holmes, Chicago, Bass, And a Fall Orchestra. Albert A. Stanley, A. M., Conductor. Ext...…

December 17, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 60) • Page Image 5

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHIITG SALE~ A-- ALL ~ALL SU ITS AT F F. One-Half off on Ties, F THE TWO SAMS. All 4-in-Hand Ties, All Ascott's Hand Ties, ? All Puff Hand Ties, All Chantillas Hand Ties, ALL SI NGlLE, F\ NTS AT ;Jl' For Two Days Only. COM'E-SA.TtJ]R AY AID pNON pAY, Pec. 17-19s See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS, KENNEDY & Rf IAE,'i 1111 N Your lindertiti"eal" and shirts, Al TIII:' 7,11-0 Ann Arbor Savings ]Bank PATR...…

December 17, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 60) • Page Image 6

…THELi.. OFV- DAT«Y C H R IST M A S. O N LY $14.00.H AS[ont or e th tb s011ritr 1 x li, D E. YT $ 1 7 ((OOWiSY Every One Worth $2.50 to $4.00. MOORE &WETMORE, 800K STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET iE11L IDA7 -OQIDS. ,1It_1 lIt 01115 15EV 5 \I)A.\l i t (0 1 1 \N 1 ; 'Ih °' (., FTC. ' S I INS iE '111 1 >L (I i i'a- 1" S I,]iiiFioui (OII u110 ib'. Our S&ock wll e -ound Complete and our Prices as Lowx as the Lowest. -1N -- (1 5 l)1861--- 892. Call on...…

December 17, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…tIj U1. of , . n IQit. VoT.. V. No. 6 3. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 17. 18mi. Piuc'E TjiiE o (iNIs. MUFIAT HALSTEAD THE GLEE AND BANJO CLUES BASEBALL CANDIDATES NOTIfLT Lectures in the S. L. A. Course on Give Their Annual Concert in De- Meet and Talk Over Plans. -More N GOOD STUUDENT "The Relation of Journalism to Public Life." tlt'llat"' Ials11)10' 1011 1111 he ofl .Trlo 01 lilt. ilblOi"Lie-i11(1e '.5.1A.(f''1100e Sa1' ...…

December 17, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…TiHE U. OIL 11. DAILY'. PublishedIailly (Sundays excepte)drn theCollege year-, by THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, O1551(5.l'imes lbuildinlg \. Main'5t:.,nopponsite Susrpin rie $250per Iyear, inr -nia bly ill advncens. ingi ssojliCSslicer. .rrscr inn- may bIn-lsf1 nt tie otlieesOfth )lY nt Stlletl, at Slate st. newn:stand, nub ny of the ditors or authorized s-nlirios Comnctosshold readIthenonibe by o'clbloc . .lf they are toIappear thene...…

December 17, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ALGHIGAN GENT Time Table (Revised) -Nov. 18, 1894. EAST. WEST. j A. M ail and Ex----- 3 0 mall ------------- 8 43 N. Y. Special---- 5 1.5 ( N. Y. specia1____ "r 30 IT astern Ex------ 10 25 N. S. Limited._ 3 25 A. M. i Pacifie Ex--- __ 15 Atlatltic Ea ----- t 47 1,. M 1). N. Express---- 5 40 Western Es----- 2 12 ],-.x press I t -__0.5 Chr \t. Ex---_ .1025 t G It. Ex---------- 5 57 1 ( . \V. M-G(a2 ES, 11. W. HAYES G. 1' & ...…

December 17, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…THlE U. OF M. 1l)AILY. Se han, F. 0. STEBBINS,I Photographer LIJWYMN 14 72 CIBE 1UWVA SouthAlin t., Aim11Arbor. 1 .telling coupon hoo~irk fgod . g ______ -for $,> for $ ?. 50. $2 NEii 00[P1 ~4ET8 SATISFACTION CIVARANTEEDOD ~ii l tt..W i( 1(roupt W~tok. '2 . t l ,I t I EE . DROP IN AND LOOK AT SchaIIer's Dookstore Formerly with George Wahr, l19 E. Washington st. Headqnarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Statione...…

December 17, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…~IC '.Of , t . 1a l n. VOL. VI. No. 6. 1UNIVERSITY OF* MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1895. IPoust PAGES-3 CENTS. INT ER-SOCIETY I1EBATE I SVR ET FRIANKIP. SADLER 1C11OSEN And a Credit to Its Editors, Is the' E G ITA TO E HLD ONIGT I THEOraleTO DELIVER AN ADDRESS IN ON UTRT EHL ONGTI H 'i 4iral. 1)1llLte t rsdn nelfo LAW LECTURE ROOM. CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOL, I Is enough for one person to _____ plyona4netm. 4n The Question; "Is a Gradua...…

December 17, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…TIDE U. 01F M. DAILY of miho enlet frominthe siewly insade M f O ff'a* tu. uisonsot the lOratorical Ass)Jaioiit Pbis hed Dily (Sunayiexceted) duri in lidthat iithel(' i~tl'lsitlit' all the (ale;t.ya, t.i THE UNIVERSITY alF MICHIGAN. OFIFECE: Tims b uilding N. -lain st., opposite psot office. EDITORS. J. A. LIBRoy, '96i, )ltumin-- Editor. . u. GRYIU.L,sta.l. .J. Ft. T'It sts, 's7, A,=istict. SE. Ifs i~i','t.At lt iic Editor. It, Ci. FWss.DS~'...…

December 17, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICIGN ENTZ(L ever Known Before. Time Table (Revised) May 1l,194. EAST. ET uc l .Is.. 5-, i llsttist VMnaIs e c. I 6h a eerin t)(or nteso P.-u-. bsies t thi i ge ofitclle yeat or. lui u li-la e s-lu-.-mi ~- 0 Mail and Ex--- 50 lMill----- A----845 uriltirestocks(nith~ingtsrel ilbole e trdcdpi( rti1e, 8, N. ___1 12 p Nh. I0 N. VSp iiiet ii 2 Nothing Will Be Charged Dnring this ae Eastern E-Va1lNe..imte A., Pacific EL-i ---li...…

December 17, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…TOTE U. OF M. DAILY. For a Stylish FULL DRESS OR TUXEDO CALL ON JOS. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, Strictly high grade work at moderate1prces. 10, E. Washington St. - y Young . rein/- - Men tdistibut r.+++.+.+ . sSioradesrtse wrdoeutil the bcoarries ndpro Young Ladies epoyd sxh i be orirls appl thy metbe well resom- 1 meed..N1'rite rptlolars, ACME CYCLE COIPANY, j F ELKIIART, IND. A. . SPALDING & BROS 'ry Football Supplies a Specialt...…

December 17, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…1 VOL. VII. No. 61. ANN ARBOR, MCHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. O0 (DLIL D , O EXCELLENT RENDITION Regets' Monthy Meeting Senior Class Committees. Nothng uel beondthereglar PreielrrtS. W. Smith has appontedl 1I.e ljg [j0 fha lsGet ratrob routine busiess was one at the he--the torllowiiig ;Seniior cosonitees: the Choral Union. elts' mieeting yeteriday. An ,Ilioun1 .I Rcetion -s.H. ft. umphre, riiir- AND MPO TEe cal to ...…

December 17, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 211 ~fI'1 ~Communication. ,, ~ 'o t7 + + Editor L'.of i-M. Daily: - 'Ilie(tooad tlov'erniment Ch'lb of Ilie Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during 1 iv erxito of Mieii'oii is et1totolo' the Collegebvear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. w.orthy' of moroeatteiitioniil ow hepolt kleFit -Timesbuildfing, 795S.Maln St. be- oft the todeiit body thow nit 1is1010 11' txeee Liberty and OWilliam Sts. cordd, Iiit i to'...…

December 17, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIHIGAN DAILY. % WADHAVS, RYAN & R EUL E, ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for Men ANND YPSILAN17TI CELEB1]IRATEPD SWEATErRS Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Aibor. Call and examine before buying. 28 sod 30 South Main st.. ,moo MJGHIGAN GNTu lim e Table (Rlevised) tSet. 7,lb6 Mlall and Ex----- 34; N. Y. Special---- 7 35 N,1.Y. Opeciai---. 4 18 Mail . 1-------843 tasters Ex-l--1 ...…

December 17, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 000 aaa aaaa~YaaYI'~~1iy G R EA T H A T SA LE I H L E ' i UD 50 tle THIS WEEK ONLY. JEW EL.RY Uses glass plates and ta 0 x nhs $500 Youmans Hat, now - - - - $3.8 good pictures, 3/O/5m $4.00 Roelofs Hat, now - - - - - -$358 STORE 0VIVE $5.0 & $7 50. $30 oeofs Fats, nowv - - - - - - $250 46 5S ain Street. A newscheme for crry5ing :! 200 Stiff Hats,nfow------- -------- ------ -------$150 1.0s0lae ihmtpae- $0 edr ...…

December 17, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…VOL VIIIL No. 65. ANN ARBOR MILCHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1897. PRtICE-3 CENT. AWW RM DEAT May Meet in Detroit. Great Educator Dead. W IL D - ~It s ioreIlthan problable that the Prof. . S. Perry, whii for 27 yaiis Hasreeivd fol ineofNovlteswon by the Alpha NU Society diulrack and field meet lsrnwe'! i s been superiiieident of the Ainn Wintr inNovetiesLastChicago and Mlihigan will ie held Abr Public schools, died Thurxsday for Fall and Winter...…

December 17, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

… rHE UNIVL+:I 61TYI.-DY MICHIGAN DAIRY a 2 THE UNLVERbITYUOF MICHIGAN DAILY. kt4+ &+4aU t Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Oprre Times builing, 329 S Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Ste. iHANAAING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 'tO L. I9SINESS ILANAGER 0. II. LANS, '00 L. EDITORIS Hi. B. StoLsLtsiN, '9S L., Athletics. E. L. OEStosen, 'It)L. G. D. HtnvcT. '00. BcTLER it Bm.'00. TI. it. Wo...…

December 17, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MI1CHI1GAN DAILY> 3 It Attra.cts Atten~tion $4.00 Sweaters.... ............... $3.45 Sw eaters: $3.50 Sweaters ...................$2 85. $2.00 Sweaters........ ..$1.39 Ifw'See our window for Bargains A Special on $1. 00 Gloves for ............"" "" "69c. tV-See oor windoe for Brains. MAIN STREET, S. M 'MAIN STREET, S. IF. J. SORLEEDE. 34 .SAESRE HRISTMAS! ofFULLER & BERANEK~ See th1Whtle f34 .SAESRE1 Take home one of 'w TAILO...…

December 17, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UIVERSITY OF The Store Smoking Shoe Jackets! SReady for You. MlIIGAN )A ILY. W. J. Boou., Pres W. Auteono 1st Vice-p Best effects for season '97-Black, Joi. iWL As ahe Blue, Brown, Drab, Grey and 8tae Svins fAncies - perfectly tailored- Sae- ails- Bad,~k $5 to $20. Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. GOOD SP EBE D ,S. C'or. Main and Heron Stre. I1I1T MAINe STREtET. Capitai,$505,500. Surplus, $30,00. Transact a general baeking bus...…

December 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…J, i { , i '' r l VOL. IX, No. 70. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1898. THREE CENTS. W~ll Ji) ATHLETIC FINANC Statement oif Expenditures T T H FINE WINTER SUITINGS H E \f E T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T A STOCK A I IN THE CITY. 0 0 R 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. Nv x ][B ceipts Since April5 The tinancial statement Athletic Asseciation has jo finised by the Financial 8E Leonard ID. Verdier. The r sbonitted contains detailei meats of the e...…

December 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSI'TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ,(ym CUNNINGHAM ON ALL-AMERICAN.W CabSS dDRi &5alay' 'nisd) dring hie faculty, andl especially in Stagg, ap- ~ TEUIESTOFMCIA. "I wish toi adld, thait]i filling pavesig THE NIVESIT OF ICHIAN. tians, I consider the cndidillte's dll- (liv: cehI PlsiaC-, HInning Ituea. roudl sill and judgemient,his ethics, l mN OD E Em W E A r Blth linon"147'iandlhis ante-('elie nts It i lnt myl 1'.NatAGN,'0JiLT. ntiol eleven...…

December 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 14111 D I\JD 'HE NEW TAILOR, ~9 110 F. Washington St. Students' Laundry Association TYII TIAV1,EBuY OU SEEN We i'ej~ecilltsl MH I 611 6 1 N [ N DLo I 101 ..l iiiet iid ylekp resdadiilplr Iii )s wLcbS otco l "h etihe ga la lndr o teM. Th e ar. 1AN.2,AST INGS? on mchineJIA1 ST'cfni)sh int11111 s Toe kin lgien. Allr. rmty 14.55 (6E uoi e SaePoe4.0 ~ M R I n.aty. &n afly don ea. aW prt h ie alrI ,taei h iy n 18 ...…

December 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 111 WET nn~r o6 S. MAIN ST., andIf A l/ I li flu 342 S. STATE St., Cor. Wijliamn St., JVSvW.rj FL-, H nP i"l ^CARRIES 'A IgOR UNIVERSIT'Y JEXI BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Fin esBlaspckaltyso NateBoos ad Sudets'Supplies, of alkns lc Sis Al FNDS l ' 7 ieSO iPl Sll Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, Al Workaushitp. OF .. ". .. . AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 214 East Washington St., ner, 5th Ave. ...…

December 17, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…FIRST YEAR. NN ARBOR~ MIII.CLES)Y DCME 1 91.N.O YER N A BR I C11'L, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 1901. No1.18 181'1181 68 wort lnla.lolu111.'prof1.(II11I811111111 11111h1 law(1111 Th s w r a l y r t~ t ii d f it d sl ed 918 Lor n at 1ichig n il an " W o H as Foll wed1111111oop i -the l' iii'11.11 Statlie s' i~hii an' 881'SCie S io11111'i1 liThel 'iil' iii 81111 an'hISrb hoH l' M c - 1 i'i'118111111.er11 TeamsAl'l'iForlii8Twenty111 leYears.'1818. 118 I...…

December 17, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…THlE AICIIJ(iAN DAILY-NEWS LEADING MERCHANT ' ORFALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trous eri ngs in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD 69< i08 E. WashingtonSt He n(5 iilier ]kiss s lteiii llvet~inaix D hii 551 11111 ltl Illf, a hem in.forIs The Ui, of Al. DAILv, 12th Year hel"o i s xit hias lii~ealseiix at.ii ...…

December 17, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…THE M1CU1IGANCDAILY-NEWS AH, BUT THEY ,ARE DANDIES! Our new assortment of Bath Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking Jackets..; All that yotu could desire of our stock is complete in these lines and it will be to your advantage to look them through hiefore buying your holi- 4. day presents. 200-.202 S. Main Street. WADHflMS, KYAN & KIIUL[L IJOHN J- SOHANZCHS.__TA TO L~tazs tSi TAILORS OA.DITSEXCEL5IOR LA'J"ORy ES ND fjzDRkY WORK A SPECIA\LTY; HA1N...…

December 17, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS +.+*+4.++H++++++14_ I I+ro + .+++++ ++++++++ SHUDNUTS PERFUMES, We have just added a full line of these fine perfumes and toilet articles. "Toilet Hints" is a book that tells all about them and their use. Ask for one. CAKN'PABRMACY 324_50. STATE STO PiGkw!GK Billida~Ird Prors adBowling 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!! '10 it ni the -it O I rin g: SERV'-iICE, EQ171ii IFNT1and1ROADBIED. wh V OLED+O T-...…

December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…_____UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SE1o)ND YEAR. ANN AlfbB(I1,N lI( I1 WFIDNI D Y.N !t N 1-kl1E ITV Pi N. W) AGREEMENT IS REACHED jf~l N 1l F - ,1 tM,- V P r ER A FOOTSALL E o- EVJM ih aS-ON ns1-igti By the Board o Col I " wl tub ll 1l , on p( S T [e'"o1rd 911i l on the Lonn-Staii, i g li 1ttit, [-,r ~~.i i Hs l ' t l, Band W~il GO it hitrll, "i ,.tieHt4t on K l[i "Ait itti ~ I r e t' ii ti Iti li titt l . i t - - 3upervi51 t1 j i'i- ill tiltt itI1 ...…

December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…11 V4 XN; D trous rs DAIC- EW S S The. ' 1TY «1 L4';E1- f 11thol ti er ( 11r7ll l 1. l. S it 1 l lt Il t e :t'. 11tl 1 AT G.H.WILD" cog 108 E. Washington St J'ilMAN lIlNO 111)1 [1), BUSsNE~S I'nANAGFkI, 13ISO COE 'T1)N, ().I 11.3. UrtK. lf,(Wo Ula. (i134IRAL NEFWS 1 111/01 11 R.e13 r ,_ s i i i i 1'mi Uhf '.1, 111 r~l~ lf .X1 A i l(-Y 111d II 'l o f the 111 3 1 , sirr t , ,3 A nit11by 11KARL EDWIN HARRIMAN. 11 $1I20net AlT jWAHTS BIMK...…

December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…THE MICflIGANDALLY-NEWS5 N1 i I Wagner 0Pen IEvenings D A I~THE RIGHT TINGS AND ENOUGH OF THEM S asCa uts, Overcoats, Hatsp, and all the newest Men's FurnishingIj @ yG C o . mitliiNw i li I i ]).i4t 11 in f~l it. it' n tt~ t f... I ii ii 1 t 121-123 Main streetWADHAMS RYAN & RE VIE. ni' of joy ' great at j the a:nn O Catcuius. BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. Lk ike t,.:the cremation ofat ; a M'Y *. igartt. But 1'h ti ii t l t o ii -i' ltoi ...…

December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…THh MICHIGAN I)AILY-NEWS What It Means Simply this: That here you can find the newest facts; the correct styles in colorings and effects becoming for any man. Same as in the large Haberdashery establish- ments in larger cities. The only difference is the price. COME IN AND SEE US. C L'TrrI'cG, RF.;YEL i CDM 30°,.Vy G. J. BUSS, Manager 109 and 111 East Washington Street GiLOVES CLEANED I RENTSCIILUR. NITI'I'( RAMING ".M MRI. AT iIIoTOGRIAPHIEII...…

December 17, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VoL, XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903. No. 66 CHICAGO LETTER. FOOTBALL BANQUET. Gle .Club Concert-Mandell Hall to The Team Royally Entertained-Baird lf .Opened-Eckersall Returned Talks on Eastern Game Question. to. College. FOOTBALL BANQUET. Chicago, Dec. 15, 1903. Last evening at nine o'clock the The Annual home concert of the mu- members of the football team, the ath- sica clubs given in Mandell Hall l...…

December 17, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. THE Ii MICHIGAN DAILY Professor Stagg is now able to sit rafyC[NS [ACI up and will soon be allwed to leave sntredas scrond class siter at the Ann tle house. Cailsied daily (Monday socepted duelngte Tbe indoor track is. te ew Ci i I ~LmtdUiin college yerat117I Wsh ingon street, Go gymnasium will be redy o use PI l tLAt' CtttS'ltlCltTIS Anflflnflj m ent.. ~(b aseec~o L r, ide entrance Phone &2-rafter the oidays antI track sor...…

December 17, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. a~(W NCN &"4. FOQ+.:+ ......+3..41TI-I F> F " HL-IDlAYS .1 UCNCETFRTE"The Niaara Falls Rote A Pre-Hloliday Overcoatrertecrrc vnn 711E SHOnR LINE-warte oretEvnn ANN ARBOR to and Suit Sale4 Clothes bearing this famou CHICAGOmat BUFFALO frd 5 mi i i NEW YORK Every Overcoat and Suit (except black AND BOSTON ; suits) marked down for The Greatest ~ MER ~ NEW YORK wIh diret eoeetionssat (ica teefar t ; Sl vriaguaeanA uA br Louis, ...…

December 17, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PU an ShCIGARLTTLS + GQrot~vn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. { "MOUL SOKE AKLS LCYP1TIAN SMOKLRS Fofor5 ens Saethe uCn.RriCo lilmitIi'From IOUII - 411. E. 57th St., Chicago. Caps. cud Go u 8made t0orno OPV" der and routed. UL) ~ ~ .Pennants for alt colieges and qgl 11 lN ,i frto.teo utie c'rroed Clapcss Gs,-Cbaand leam. * - q. 'a, Send for Cata logues. 11101 ~MONEY LOANED ON + Watches, DiansocIfh I Class...…

December 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…TeMichigan Dil V01,, XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1904. No. 11tn PRIMARY REFORM. YOST FOR NEXT FIVE YEARS! JUNIORS VICTORIOUS. a5 Talk LaFollette Gives Impro- ' - Opening Basketball (lame Goe t tTakafter Thursday Night's Manager Baird Announces at Football Banquet that ost Will Juniors--Final Score 8 to 3. LectureHow Direct Nonil- Coach Michigan Teams for Five Years More -- nations Won a Victory in Wisconsin. Banquet Was a Hugh...…

December 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…T HS MICHIGAN DAILY .....~.. THE MICHMGAN DAILY. TiO ETiiiv i IW E WOULD HAVE EtFedasseond-i7001 1 I a th Am (ontnud frol~n pagone.0) The Student' Souventir YOU TO NO 11 17171' 1a tt 1 177117717 77 ' l r mt. a l (0 1<)0=,'1 1, Vtllrolll~lSltF.- That we are doing business at MaaigEioJ TNE AE. S llcl kl ''I,1. +Il<lI Art Calendar. OUR NEW STORE I1 ~ '1'Iiz~~t;l ,k 311 South State Street "I ''Ilt l'c h t f (c crtc' of [vents 1)17c1111 7 1177 7777...…

December 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…" THU MICHIGAN DAILY [ iy- .... a [ "(", 4 MI~e[ On aeeiiunt of the late se ason Youn;;et O1-11 PR)FIT IWI 3m, -on all OX PttCsAT5S. This includes Hari, Sehaltner Mariik italie, lotsg, loose, stylish garments. All1$24.00 ar~d $25.00 OVERCOATS rzo' $20.00 All $20.00 avid $22.00 OVERCOATS ro $17.00 All $18.00 OVERCOATS flow~s $15.00 All $15.00 OVERCOATS ncow $12.00 All $12.00 OVERCOATS rzow $10.00 DON'T WAIT!I COME NO#!'' LUTZ, the Clothier, 217...…

December 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…THE MIC;HII(iAP DAILY yw7wwwv T7lq RANTOI ,f If s f 3ALL f f RAPHER. j+ If Study with a Good Light There is no better tight thano 3i THE WELSBACH- READING LAMP ALL STYLES AT ALI.PRICES. .. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. Used IbySit Leading Colleges Foot BalPants e-- ay-fon. f p r tipts tnd tktes padtied wt rt. tl fioe cturlet hair. and thighs A. GI. SPALDING & BROS, Inc. TRAINS EVERY HOUR New Yotrk Chicago Denier To ALBION, MARSHALL, BATTLE ORE Sp...…

December 17, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…4 The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, D 11Cl ilI II 1,79105 VOL. XVI. No. 67. AMII ERS' T WAND GAME' Massachusetts College Plans a Western Trip and Is Anxious to Play at Ann Arbo licigan witll play the1 Amhet base-1 bal1teamat Ate Arbor ot la 122.1pr iting the negotton1s1now pendng ar satiisfactot ill 1011cldd. N11,1tlh ford1. Jr. of Ntmhrt, as i Am Aort yesteray1to 11fe1 ith Chaie 111ird11 tc(director 110s111 Chicgo andiiMr. lila...…

December 17, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Co. ,6Leading IMERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive I styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. OfI highclass farics and special style for stu- dents. G. H. Wild Co. 311 S. State at Gifts For Cristmas A Mihigan Calendar .0 A Christy Clendar _.$2.0 A 01o01lir Novel - - - 1.01 isoo r Christy Drawings... 4.00 Poems Limp Leather ound. $1.00 to 3.50 Beautiflly Illstrted Speial Ettions of Classi and Pop- uilar...…

December 17, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…TUE MICHIGAN 1DAILY for Art anld Skill in Iailoring Call on. SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HVRONY STREET MONEY [OAN[I) andalliiih ass Chat' e W. J. LOVRIM 1041 1tt Ave psit t ott ous Ttwo doors ouotht o e . 1.A. OFF I (OURS: x:30to1:3: 1t BursiessStrictly Confidentia Vacation Opportuinity Students of the U. of M.- ladies or gentlemen--who desire pleasant employmeot at their homes for part or ...…

December 17, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…2 TI1It MICHIGAN DAILY . ..._.. v,, YOU CAN BE TlE JUDGE Boico 'ots Uno 5 iit'ii'si'niof00o01 lau 00(ndr ork instead of taking our D RES RT SOREword for it o, this simople procedure: Let D[[h[SARTSTO[ s know by alhogt dropping uts a postal, ..;., sending ns a nessenger, or phoning us, and hove thow framo'd that you want a saiiile lot wasnhed. starch--21 with tCho iouldigs s ed and ironedl and ret)))neil to your door. i/ ___ OnyteBa rnhOa3K...…

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