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December 17, 1905 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1905-12-17

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The largest stock in
the City of exclusive
I styles in Woolens for
Gentlemen wear. OfI
highclass farics and
special style for stu-
G. H. Wild Co.
311 S. State at
A Mihigan Calendar .0
A Christy Clendar _.$2.0
A 01o01lir Novel - - - 1.01
isoo r Christy Drawings... 4.00
Poems Limp Leather ound.
$1.00 to 3.50
Beautiflly Illstrted Speial
Ettions of Classi and Pop-
uilar Works_-- $1.50 to 5.00
Fiie Stationer y is Beautiful
oes__- -- - _ 5i to $3.50
1 1 al-sh
Sheehan & Co.
Students' Bookstore
Money Loaned
On Watches, Diamonds or other
peronal property.
Watches and Jesery repaired.
Bargains in Watchen & Diamonds
omien at resience 331 E. Lierty St
Ann Arbor.
Hoeus:a8t 11:035a ., toIs3:30 and 7 to
9 p. m

THE MICHIGAN DAILY. x t i p m ll 11It'111 r 1C' °:111Cae. Ll~(tl
edly, iftat i- lhe cse.. krill caltl be
Etered-ta-. seond class--. xis tstheOnn viti-ti for lit -r'(110tihr ii'CCSeiti for
Arber txstiiiixse. rav atter. I[cerini tritwest te
Publisheod daity lMondays rexctpted)dt aigto3 Htaitiittund it-iltipIhim ;idiwiatlist
teolonlege teat, at 117 tlast Wasitona re trtt(tl s ~iilataistttt
street. aell paoner 892. Itnoe pbne 7,tu frtem5. plist h
?Nn tiilto-.N.,i. (;.firces -utliiu-. edl-cro sit.-a..tll its.is uit-
tie.-. hat the is gs r-ite-i.a rititite of a
- -tutu eleveitis (t-rai mtt eri~. Itistu
ttli-..~s .........lredil stas i al iels
sponds tl e pxxtlsasand1111tite slijat-
Sit it tie tiate. t 111..

R. Ahmre
Nl. C)s} rne.

G. 1'. hits

G.A. 1hara1Ss NW. ltiilioi
SNI" e leia31i1-. G. A.-Nlaleitlmt
1R. NI. NWiil-wirtlt C. J. Ligitias
Irance; -.-.1.Clarks Janeis Rted
Ialorn o-5. s1. ea..ttlial
RATES:t-$2.50 pe roar, or $.so it paid is
Address WALTER R. HANS' Business
Manager, 236 S. 1thinSn.. Phone n49 L.
St lI_1. I)1;C1;1I 111010 17-. 1;;.
l(isiutodayi-G. G. .\i CCI011 .1
it-iC. ty N---.leyaa Cixil lectrettit bli
l ,lea-.-o-I 1151 axel triggs, of _5exi
j-erseyN. 1.chuxrelh,7 :30 1P. III,
Deits. liiisilr Symphoniiyaorceis-
lihtist issuexe.ttbli aiito the
C ie f publlic lift. 'longxaiee Stallits-
bei the ii foremi-.t journattlist-. af tli--.;reat
unxxielir\s it t--nd -moultdlthe-sltuden1t
t h n l i -. \x i l o n e --h a l l e xsit i to u t
stt tantd indtiteiburn itg elitoralsa
liethsa l(. N longer -.ial ev xdirect-
onrmay mnins iowtole-etittiitsat
-ll CNcIat xii xiix ait i ak to the
xxx l-ior ioari.it-i l a ve ileDi iy t
sailav til1his niabor al sientiotlyi
- .k il rad tactklisst-ti oloi-l
balliis not iite ltllecual iltrefor-h
tix Goig-to to play ixikl lfo
DrilliiiSo1t1r1 tillweli-vexx eeniatle t
\ it is i-. xx fota llit f ateix.. lxieas.
Ithp rilsasertlion uerthcite
cau e.I tix \\xi -,aI" toot tilts ititix-tlit l itati.
Ctilt 1111 n io tne ithisaxfufotali-asll
xxxxtxtxl xx -.tll i ai xattusemen xli iiat e
ofaradeitsti ori- t ixta cui re-. Ns xliut1at
-Aprly I rit itmes tbatilttr ter

11, the 11inist ofl hatt-fo.a geate
tax-v iela NiMemortixia biling 1 and11 a
NlilhixeaxUtniontteixlub ihiu-a. th prje-
by 1ayone who tas a1 tt-art till the - x
tceits oillheliii- xxii- y.i- Ih11 w11 have
musical attract -ion f the-higet ordxxeli
suchi axi x poe t, iing;tt iait dl ate-. xietil
ti*ai ;atat frth i gheit st formx of
musi x is deserving of t exiot lx uha
c liin litthe alithstra are woxin It-- xli-
Ioit i liiiwh ihtheyxintendi ito..prodsaict
will xbe xalxxiii ladition11 tox the tax rti
of sitig r~ws, spe il in it-il
tt I IR I -.11I\ ItS T
MOM \-M111(1 J. R 11IIONI
Theiunivesityof in sotaii s plan-
nlii 1" aita f o ta ll i in h i d l
clare tiheti1g1amtool ougi an 511- o
forcethe pesen rule uxxf he "ig h
iii iiirathitr-.ta tm er wt h
peetirlts. o the game.TO accom
piilsh iith is, impte ial- -liici I sh uld1 h
tioentle um irt-ill acaollege -cotelt-s
lIii lta ilt a ucom en ethiat this ;pcial
ence betcalledto onide ths llana -
I xxi an xipoe p atieltsefor ilat xion
Th lii innesta -.ultyh-. veitt les rle
wa lx x nxalt- ftota ;paeulatin11)0(1 licktixi
ftil e I xix-. tx al Nisa tsixigame
xxer fe(frm nyciticistaProf xssor
xlis, faclxt ie t f t i le tistat
fiaxUive xrsio iscoIfnlinhse
lqutedixCap t bailet. it a a .Mselzlx
\iaiaxxaxw ih rwxxx is psiin

The a xtuaof ptitlicali Itxiliali-t-x as
itmaittg itself fitit he nliii-itt it" At
te itetiig o h 0 a"teole
xlaii the quiest xl of a I I fort\'\ ah
tlttltts Cartera rrsn s ru-io
len ead. ANtallii eIii ni tt a- dxxi xp ;o
na ethe s, tniltor - ii . I ls oxx-
I a n tilt-ldownixx lx -ilatgex x xix a
In orert-o xx.-xexxtxxtxxlaxcthe iistiieants
the- NAlai~it-ax Ctntiralilliiun131a1seciali
Thurxix tiecember . Thtrini- l
carr xxsixicoaih",xsiotestsri adsarlor
ta n ill tlt xl-xxiAnttiArboritt1:30
xxti p.n thait.allxcnetioni xiisat be
oiati . il i. Tisax in twaia.ll}oat
axao. Nile-. and NIibixiaitiCit. xx lxixeit
-iut, a Niles-. fori lutnch. Thistri
N\il als tmle Sure conneci s tions iithli
Nrmg il. north13and aut fomltcNl
itlats iatci nts abovexxx.x xxiinfatmed. ..
fastatix tkeli of i tit teen - gaxsl -
xliclligs -ofthe lxiii nta inxChiagox
tita xfor lxier iii- tia-it tt e
ttilail 11111rilear thusa terfila nc
taxis1111 xxTootst Cabi"reeli h
Nit a llsubttt fakexilNI Itctu uiie t Thei i
aeslt was-. ai freefoalaal ight axin luhielx
Hx i cer goxxxx I tt-enist ofxauxte xie l.
%a, lttxitreliiunprovoitd.n Sesrals51a
sell\% li l c Nil f footbaxll-. u S. n ad Ii titI
l lsusoitill.it footbal Ii to l le
on sk te t i i l ri by ea-i s 151111 i-
scti l lax- h a liiiai t.Pa l.Sh r
skate.,saillxe Nai to piserit pnig
grollndixCCpt thasstitiatkligtile51111l
\111 te at ll x i t ili s fi c it titton li)
lit a l i~as-. itit xiuccs frmx h
axis xxxiNver ua u -.. Thei-ii threei
N$20,000tii atdi$43,W0xu
NI. nd Mxi irs. ICsai-nc aunt xiiidahut-
lute partisafar Chri-.tmasxand iNi-i

Book Bargains
$1,50 Copywrighnt Editions
50 Cents
I'A 0111 of liteild IJtitrit Still.
Iii he iio ci ae rtil-tlieb i ,
IxTil ll u t uix it- t lxxut h.. x Ixtit.is3-.
irt is iii 1-(zOtil1u3.t.02nC'iitntiiiii
Many ts, Oh1 er tes dEquiya
TAine BoksVtorefls never Un-v
I \ T I E \EN t
A R. 11,0Ow
Youiii-auuget oer aluuutdrri
styls.iTheyre 5.-tmitisn l
scnveralbhegtandfo ie
tothe tush. tTnetmatterials
beitg srakuefo~itr ctltiuit
is Othe Cliupeouraueussx tmake
thes-olar. trauuticillyt non-

Announcement of the
Students' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
JeromefK. Jerome
Chas-. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1
Jacob A. Riisb - - Jan-. 16
F. Hopkinson Smitin- ----
Lorado Taft - - - Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12
Pres. Alderman- - - rlar. --
SOUSA'S BAND - - Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers - May 2
Oratorical Contest - -----
Open Number - - -----
Tickets for the Erntire Course - $2.0
May be nbiained at S. L. A. Office or loom Siudent Sellers
Seats reservedSO Cenmts Extra-aEt S. L A. Box
Office,, Main Corridor, University Hll, beginning October 30
SINrGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. phonse 552
Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec

L Are thitngs permanent atnd tseftul. Waterman's "Ideal"
Fountaitn Pens are standard gifts-.atnd always appreciate.-
As to our stock of Moore's "Nont-.Leakable Pens-otis stock is
nearly exhausted; jusot because its good poitnts bave beetn appre-
elated at otnce on inispection. CIFor' youtr broter-a Gillette
Razor or a faultless Cravat-. Here are Keiser Cravats fronm 50
centts to $1.50-. They are thte best-. Here are Pocketbooks,
Watcb FobsStvagger So-eater Vests and Sweaters-. If yotu
want Bantners atnd Souvetnirs, such as Sotuvenoir Spootns and Pitts,
we bate tbenm also-.
At the Co-Op.

1 5c cci; 210,r 25c
Latiiettmakers.oftCollrt & irits
inu the iwortd
Well Lathered
is half shaved. No sman can
be wvell lathered withoult the
rich, thick lather of
WV. J. tsJ nox. 5. Sheehan
tVtin. Arnold tie. V Cl. Vaughasn
tas. ii. Wadse tE.S-. Mills
N. J. Kestr talus Hisurer
JItch ii rat-. If. -. Carli i t
Da /F Zmmran; Christian Ntitunt
$1.00 to $1.50
F-nnlly Osna..arte.tad
Oar Dollar Closarne the bustttade
far thenumoney. tils watsch tipuuirx-.
a aspeiaulty-.
J. L. Chapman, 206 5. Main St.
Capital, goos0,00, urolun and Profits, $60,000
Doss a G~eneral Bankinug Businuess and Par
3 per cent interest uon Time anid Savings
Deposits. Safety D/epositt Boses to rest
at 1200 and upwards
R. KzmpF,- Pros. W. C-. STEVNSa, Vice-Pros.
F. H-. Batons-. Clashk-. IA. WIAs Asst
"Mh NAgmara .Falls 00000
Chicago Buffalo Boston New York
ThroughoTaios Eat-8.18am., 2t40 p.is..
4.55 p. mto .3SM0 p. .11.05 p. to.
Loctals East--6.05 a. m.,*11.10 a.tm., *4.05 psi-..
*8.361 p. m
ThroughinsnWst-l.7a sm~ 1.5sia..,
9.18 a. im., .33 p. m. 1totsp. om.
Lncals Went-SO so. ,'8.18 a- . a, *1.40 p.
m-., *6t0p, ..
Connections at Chicasgo tar StLouis.
tKassas City and the West-.
W. W. CASE, Agent, Ano Arhor

Douglas Shoes WAHD,=T1- Shoman.218 So. Main St.
Gym Shoes ~ ''

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