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December 17, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-17

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211 ~fI'1 ~Communication.
,, ~ 'o t7 + + Editor L'.of i-M. Daily:
- 'Ilie(tooad tlov'erniment Ch'lb of Ilie
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during 1 iv erxito of Mieii'oii is et1totolo'
the Collegebvear, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. w.orthy' of moroeatteiitioniil ow hepolt
kleFit -Timesbuildfing, 795S.Maln St. be- oft the todeiit body thow nit 1is1010 11'
txeee Liberty and OWilliam Sts. cordd, Iiit i to'blohoiedti .
J. F.Teoox 0..9s p eed r 1iitereat Nwill b 11e iilfosxiel
BUSI1NESS MA NAtGER wI lxi tlte regluli' nIi eel-s lIx ir
EDIOxRSt xof loil111itsr outlinted. i t-i o o.ili-
E. L. G 'i,%i ' ' '98L aF.S SMO S'to. in i "Io Snl- h irn'iac5 a
BB I. "urtrAy,'(). ii. iB. SKIAiileNi, 'tO L. tl~ 'a xiiy li'ief(illx 'ii
Fli. .Loonis, 10 110H.Colt-IN'iii. l. flicliowa l e(1 u"verlielil nt lie lto 11)1
G. . to da y, . '.Athletic Editor. j,14 letsfrte ltr tll~irJ
ASSOCIATO JEDITORS ol e xfrIli uii(111x
F.A.W Fax'' 'to'8 i .e lee iil, '7. ti 1n leoof, i nd lii' i sc 01 i o' careti
F.A rii,'8E oieD de W Vl(s tls(ft( < ''s h . P. Morrill 'to. IButlee L aimli1104.
A. :11. Owl'i''19 c lt)iI to('ain '.: (.1111l 4',11,01ili'a 'o
A. M. S iuiii''i'x( iiGillLull,'ijr.,li99 iDI,
Thexeb''i 0101 pxel o xl I) t 'xe to he of iett o 'iAii xlii'iingiholii * 1
fo'texit'e veil'Nlxixli r xiii'< ciiif I cl i ' a i iii: l ii1' t lii
ties. aid oher ixtel' x tiidxi li ".ti 1ivlili i c lxi oiiiig lixu 1'lrn fteI 1ii i
Te ss:i tle ioiipi'iceofthii Dlily idii' I'i
fol e lee 1 0'eii lth e#cililcilixeilry xe'ii ' 111111 Illile ti Il' .11110.ofitihi
be.r ooteacday.xoticestoi mtica- iiii
tabexeisti be wdeoifatibe l 'i( llii 'be- ii
fr ic.,''' 'aile'te edNtiiidto lti Nrilsec i iryadI i11 tiflii'blli'x whA'i
p.in.s o itt dypriiu t10a0o0Nhcl
terea aor i' e'iiltili" pioiiitly a is lxG xi'ltte
officeinyifailureiiof caristoieiil rpape .H

! '°
F u,
., 3 i
, 1)
- ,
x. ,.,,
_ ! ^
~ n '
_. l y

woins the jury of shoe buy ers anti its-
ore by a heavy majority. Footwear
should be top quality. The feet can't
stand aniythinugelse. Prices should be-
low, wo as to keep thie shoe tax within,
bounds. You won't feel our oboe
prices, beit they wiii make you feet'
pleased. There are 110 coin growcrs
like bati shoes, Come 10o11s and get
something lthatP0youianxx reyouirself,
insteaid of Ilie ^shotoxri ng your foot.
L. GRUN~lERI, nn~~rr


Lorvry foil, exery shiapel, rich,
pretty effects. Everythling thiit
coiies iiider the head1 of Neck-
xxetri ianiibe Ifoundti leue
Canes and.
Taffeta, aiiii IriatiSterling
Silvr Triiimexd. Natural
xwoiid sticks. Ini sets or oepar-
ately. Ideal Chriotmas preo-


Flue Mocha. Reindeer (huned
lind unlinued), Dog'skiiianti
nine Kid, $1.00, $1.00aind $2.00..
Chewaper gradees it yiitiwant

ih i t x e'iiiifi' ' ilil lo l ll'
toi b i' oxi ll 'eixi1. It ixto t il l le
drmt 11111' iill ,-,o xo ioriii i uuuuuiiiv
'lleu'ulted ceiu'oii'xi'oill ill'(Ici-
i'liiii'il to be di ,aiii'iioiiihieirii
sult. lI'iii'i'esen i l 11 pwevrise
the host'iiiihi'ti 11i'iheiiiiixtoli'a'x. fil
'l'Oit Iig 1'' liiiiith i < il'S ix 11ii'ei'xi'h'
t'oxdil l-ixof hurh' lix re s n ac ft11 ,just ox toir'o

vetiol 'li Seii''llileo ii'ill eld
(,ilj n to withi' h ose li' o l''xxuul i olef
t iv i xlerici'g't'uh itl L flu' lL'. 'i'l
Earill i l lii' iiiiiei'i pubiiic' s'oiifil( iii''
\ ill he held toie x'i'iied 'i'iillp
orap' li1i'lx Ihc 1i', ' o thex file l'. fl


H andkercl'iefs
I nit i-all lineni, 25t.IFaincy
Blorderedi Japoluettes, 25e
Plalin Irish Linen, awithi hems
of different width, h5c to b50e.
White Silk, Initial, 75c eaclh.
Richly Brocaded Silk Muillerx
'1.500 1o$2.00.

Noble's Star Clothing House.'

Tversty11111' at ' iiii'iii li ii a Iaileident- iii Is'ix. ii Nx.t1
ed flue neid'x of 'a lirger is xellily ""10011) (1) VltN IINl''
J Iii 1110 . ie O AEDR Those Nobb $1. 50 Shirts are now 98 Cents. Don't fail.
XX'ig Wilellthiiri' . b noiiea to look over the patterns.
danger ill pal'u'liig ii1 11 10 liii Io he F iii10lyj tDec.Ia Lhriilwox x'Ox'iioii
1111i''il '' li i'11111b'egilili '11 insi'lalll'paletll). IH A J.S T
be Veryp uiol111ch ' u' omfdort11to xsay 110HLI [IDYR' tiESON 0111(1 CE-N..I
nothingo alir'elaci'll1110 i'itiihili IPRAT.LINtES. 1-4 Off on any Hat in the Store. Popular Brands In
in i n more room.x'liilll li 1 11 ihoral iAge t f Ohio 1'l'itr'lL Iini t ' rceluded..
authorizeditillsx'l 'xl' r 'iontickleltsforI
Ilp ilNii N ia li le'lllyi'tol"n0 A bo'1 f'src foe lix' rouiniltrill. 'fii'
il'i'litl'os'li'i i«iihh ii olii iti .11 rVV 1 h t ' xx illreii hI'r011111the ' 4. 25iadxa1iIiiDERBN&CO
-xihole stilte frl ~iii o I ige,--s ip yh l s Ni o a.I.,giieilreloul i" u' nt '1 Tan.
1101lco~iod0Os (ai b ,f-4,Js,.THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT
ferdt Ie ailu'gi estsd h-.lt. or11(' A4'isudntiaei It t (;Il In
pred.n lii'e u x. .'te l de beli iuti lzed ; loot: it wdrwfn.tx'le 1110 1 iIisi 111 ____i
fori 11 x'i'lllix galleup' . ° uiolixes1 i '0t 11 ' ( ' e a i il 'ii edallh hi
lio lullnd \101 1( C: l.t Atre.lI n1 IY
Christmas Tea Party. 010i1' lis , 'bare11 ofi 'iexe hiiloia'traei.
____,XI(1Ih. & XX II trll' Charles A. Dana------------.--------------------_- Jan.21
'fhr ('hhr"ixtiihlltell ipart-oiihlileXXII Ii(;'s.XI iiist. Ex-President Harrison--------------------------_ __ __ __ __ _Feb. 1
ihitisLeall'gul oxill lii''givini I iiiiroi'hl I liio( I 1111-vie'i' iBuxhtton."- Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicag.o Alunoi Numbeir)-------Feb. 12
el'hhig in -till' ~on'll'i'x Ilthiil'.i lt 11u'~.O011i111hels, practila1xrise 0- Inmperial QattM--------------]Iarch .12
0:1111. .A lliogr7i'i l hhlxs1been prleared 11 roloo vh 01 i 11'lisOratorical Cnet--------------March 19"
clifiiig of t. Nurxery 'tthi'ii10r1 Dnns 111 .Il ht uluillOlll '1Lucius Perry 1Hills- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---April 2
ill llhhhonn,Ol id. sl"-ltlsbiss x I1'I "l'luil l ii""IJohn Kendrick Bns-------------April 13.
ihhitl. the o-wistxle'r 'tu'oiio Yphilan11111 uhil . 11100'ot. l hlhll'ttik ''ii 0111u1GENERAE..ADMIItOtN TICOKETS :x 3.0(1
Etelreshuue'ats wilibe re.It wlli 1 '0 st ile oi'ulomis. Poul in RESERVED PSEAT TICKET'S 0.:11
ioil 0'h0''( xii ii 111:1101C]I!I. AMIS SION .i
bue 1 er ' i'ip' ihhlhiilt'lh n ieesi ng 1111 ' No t\i Co. '11 'lDearborn xl.. (Chil- ''x
ohfol'.11and1'1111thI Il' uuuuhuu''xol thi '' tI1l arrisoin Numibe rr 11.5(
One 3.eir~lnlesuie bth. ainzeeOralral tCrentt .°z5
_________________,h1ii'ihul l-11I txi -1very' ueasxonablle} TICKETS NOWV ON SALE-Reserved ieliete o ie oT hursday ;Oct. 01h1 iat'alme'e
'Ix'(.X'elitl'u' Sux'hl' p 0ill hol i(;u 1 ; ii'e. a; I'hi'e'r ot. Ideec sore, Slate street, uand XW'lir's hook storee,OMain street
horne ilhligls ritlg thill' fi hilhl Subociibe foirIlue Daily'. I .JAMES H. PRUITT, (Corresponding Secret.ary'.

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