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December 17, 1903 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1903-12-17

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a~(W NCN &"4. FOQ+.:+ ......+3..41TI-I F> F " HL-IDlAYS
.1 UCNCETFRTE"The Niaara Falls Rote A Pre-Hloliday Overcoatrertecrrc vnn
711E SHOnR LINE-warte oretEvnn
ANN ARBOR to and Suit Sale4 Clothes bearing this famou
BUFFALO frd 5 mi i i
NEW YORK Every Overcoat and Suit (except black
AND BOSTON ; suits) marked down for The Greatest ~ MER ~ NEW YORK
wIh diret eoeetionssat (ica teefar t ; Sl vriaguaeanA uA br
Louis, KtonssCity. St. Paut tid fie AVno Make vour seletons early-First coiie :1dsar1utmmaeray
trinotrwttittstod thrsutthtttteis ieal on 4
write to W W CASE Aentit.Auno Abor Fist served. d aectmmderdy
_ - to-wear. Fabrics double
ew B 'l IS 1C T e t SPEICIA[. LIN[ -O[SUI CA S - 4 shrunk by special process in
I y ~ the BENJAMIN plant. Fit per-
AT ~-fct, because measured on a
REILYS BILLIARD PARLORS, markedl downi for this sale. t model of your figure. Styles
Fine Cears and Tobaccos + I
JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Sae Si.,S.- Iexccoisffneutm
tes oterieittstIgtatti>t / der -models.'t'ailoring superior,
lin)o ta be WuertI because in BENJAMIN sanitary
Turkish Cigarettes and Pipaes orromsbyslaie epet
everebroghtttt to eity. . .+q-:" "i-.o ---a;':.a3;4">"+ +"" - . nti cnrctr'unsani-
Fine Lunches in Connection. --o ncnrcos
Everything NeatatnidtCeiai. tary sweat-shops by slovenly,
308 S. Slate S. R. E JOLLY. I1ANOSTEZRIZR, Caterer, ~~24 rpdtastpieewres
.."...__.. .-- 4 O O T STAE ST. Cost no mrettraItp ordinary
The School for Dancingq$ edywad, Y ortonoey ak
*f 4 t tytti tttos aog. Yo'll
G RANeiE R' fid BNINCi. 1Estig Clotes
RA [R WOMANS LEAGUE CHRISTMAS mntandI Professor Scott soil Talsit, t r stroty.
Ground Floor on flaenrd Sreet TREE. of the Literary udeartment. ProI so
One Block west itt State Street hi ttiri teias eterainment, giver Trueblood is the chairmanu. -, CUTTING,0 EYE &CO.
Stores. 'Phone 2-46 by is GoilSa ts agae, for the we-1,
*" ' ' ~' ' useti ahi mruains in ton ining the MINN.-CALIFORNIA GAME. 919l at Wsinton St
O + rv~~r v r 5 iiia v t t. stwilthisisyear take a very Owig tit ahitch i inte oes ritho ii i,
nvls cor st n O iecenbter twenty innesota-Cat rnis turst Sar y' .Its
YOU CAN GET A tisrd lite Viednesday before Christ- Francisco oni New Yars DyIatmv i- _______
H o i s a D ' thee willtbesra Witnans c neledeu. The mast of hsi liPoneit 82
HLL uguhei issils tlsisvi c e in Barbou Itona teanm tiscareditht il \r. i
At T ttle's, 338 S. State t iniusiiss i iwases witsremaiti iams ttf Minnestta is asLi to(tir I
it sss5 i- ms-i t ~sins nt is the original pres ssie
r ie, I-t dass o c teedesing, etween satd has teegratheiti e iissstt is r
(' ri t stut! tvil at i i ll yiii siste- ccittthe signsestagreetitisior s t ]i ii - - ' ~
«*etisd si,' 5 tpt,es-s-ssrt i is re-
Leastrs,$3 per ii Ter f1211tie-seis{ sitits i csit - i iacsstmtaieds- byisasit (Cotinued frsinipige .) w -C ttrg
UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, Stats Steett l npii. t ists si ,rs tras eiiistra tic tiv~rsities otWiseonsin asitsavanlt
POrESSOR Soot, PsusIrot-AL 1 s ittitys rena - suitatite'to the at-c- l tters aron pteitttttt ti et ttu t (itl1r-i c-t
PALAC-. - PARISIANeTseils-itbte pust onistheteesots with regardito t heirt it :
PAAClistIA o uss at distiribuiosn. fTe sceso thtssinstitutitontssudr~itcr sit- (.h5
~ * ND1 a~ oiin sitlrgriy'its-pens, ocestrse sago. I o tresshlest- oisrssssrs(veis1 5-
At 1a i tithit-titin oithie rtynmesas Iooiiisstse s to ti-isitalt iti- r5 1
:LAUNDRY AiiA' CY si the nitst ceerfutltmtri-y diregarsing ansi inio tls - 5 s-av rrn r is. s rl s fr
Othier Ott itst twii tstssSt - itiie[s;,- a-sit e iei- jitssi netilts- isiblos ~i- itghti nlg t ri. 'fT e tisasist- tht i 5 I orit .2
Wokoo hertet tor i se siti-i-ie es, a mn tmtsts tas - irs it s i :, v
M. F. DOW [[, Ag. ____ mistothtiat mst is 'esrs thisn s ih-e it 5 - -
-- r- sunu PRELItMINARIES FOR DEBATE. tiue adtiproper srtnt heIiissLcv, ~ . - .- - -
G G E B1 ~ J l l F 'the I f rSels si ri-iiniiries ead- tdnt enters iituivrii y andncim -Aii y
mytoIh i\ss-susrni ch i ttu itdeliat e sef tto tie clorsrofsitthat patrtilrw l k p ce ti evn ggut he s ol,1b ie tis is vrls-itara Af4 A t. ldlT -
Jc f isu L w Soie yand he lph sdty ito aways siltk by themiti at -
CH-OICr CUT PLOWEt 5 & PLAN i- t-ttv-I-ittlt t -it ttAtitsnit-i'ur uhtil'uslsi5 -
chapinttusetistertitioSuistsuit tiile At Nitwitulbisslistsplilt its,5thtituss itli
fitiset se Uii. fae 2wscl edthirst hi atimli s asuousi g y thsletil ta sr
cot IL ts "Iihsimu hitthtust iegius t-me n ati oii' iiis t t
" ~ ' '~ I t-i -s hu~ tl tituus- ght adsidsIitioutltolitht- snil. -
v 5t.IPU I niton Kfht theiwil--hoseiARRiY X.FRDt.$50 i
Iiie lt ittro lifo debteisi Re-is itt-
itivesthitssue it(, ig h -1 ,'coret s , t uI tilt it i lsh ii o ldHitirt - - 5stotitt] o nd] sm it-niuty'iwtlti"i°AN LA B-A
Pickwick Bowling Alles, s-it sln i i ts tip> ro t tax.Liv he hv as uytllu s221C A.N'fAlB-tA°
li ts l i thta veti u s v ea m b y ic g a t 4Se .a e til l .o t s m , 0 A o S Z 0 e S t
Cuetdssa.Ip racker J ak h rI llasI- oe ot iits ~taOll mde and is tir a ies tox~is-t sidotyi'st. TfMSs 2,7,C
suc e J c no n w it s f thesurt stiyu rter s-o ast t wiu usiatiti
301l (atae tloo. Sl~ [V1 ithetdtbateiltustae iN -S li itH ..LAUND.j
Amerian & Ilurpean Hote psississa t t- sits-ittiso-rff tt L ie - s taeets deri uthoardhisri hit
Tiyor .pos rui ri s i chooi lresin ihes--i wit-ut tiuh npr situ bers-it.] p RS.an t i. X astiO , r w alI arsC ooae tCih
Cha-rl1N.' 4th y 11w ir ttiist n I bord. . his La bsetart-.Mt'-ts--- . 3tug's tA .BeltPonty5.,
prvt {Yms n n i WAG NEHALore l C oyrecheang sey sImbelrtinn Palr, Su2htN. Steet
rivateip Oin RooDOA NLL.OW'-
plt(os effo :ot lhdIua cpee td It cuty m brs a n e. G o meooling.u-F-resh.. one- s i -. 55 - - - do-wl-

.. - ___-+___y-I---_yyy.V..VV.V.M"VV'YY'V'V.V'M "V 'V V'"V "vV V"V "4 V¢'V Si 'Q .V.'


B trrio-i Diamon sds hiv ee!)-en worncsifor yeairs by diffareut in tabars of the diplosuitic corps froimithi SoutihiAmouiricsan Counutries.
These magntificent stoties have beau the admtiratioun and wonder of society wherever they were sliowvn.
Barfios Diamuonds hasve ill thisfire, life stud lustre of gennine stones and ini appearanice positively cususot, be dlistintguishecd frstos
thesi. It is a wantoa svaste of m )iey to inivest $75.00 to $tgo ini a real diamotid that maiy he lost front its settisug ,thy msosment. You
-can wear the identical piece in appearanice set with a Barrios diamond


AT 1-20


± These goods represnautill of thte latest so itt p >palsr styles ail d sigiss. They hive the distinctivef-attires, of jeivelry wvorthi
4 many tinmes their cost stud frouhsieili theay canniot he distinguished oven by the m )st critical.
We abs Mutely go irs istee these gustds to be? so represeutel a id will replateeasoy- stone that loses its ori ; sal brilliaticy oithuouit
± one cant of expenise to thie parchisr. 7111 --y retsrif i l with s-it q tetti ):i ii 2152 of visistislfss sss .
The B irrios Distin sud is be~yonud dotti~ the iiest, to ost p rrfe;st isiitati,)tiever sdiscovered anldsit ty beswoir nt andbvere Wtith ter-
fect confidence, All the beauty of a genuineia diamond at a fractioni of its cost,
20South 1ain Street.
- -4tot '14 21E'%D'y.y 'a d^' it 4 , 5 *i94^5c. 4 J ow*4.4-1 t- t40+H .s -tbio

I- 4


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