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December 17, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-17

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c j c . of


The Production of The "Messiah"
Will be a Magnificent Affair-
Synopsis of the Work.
Thle two acknowledged nmaster-
pieces of sacred music are the
''Messiah'' and ''Passion Music.''
'The finest work of the twno great
swriters is this style is incorporated
in these wvonderful works. 'Thie per-
sonality of cact-.i composer is so
thoroutghly impressed iin his wuork,
that in t1e iniiualits' sitthe scom-
poser iwe may discuiver the reason
for tthe differeince ini the popularity
if these comnilositioiis. acs, swhii
iced a quiet, rctiredt, and unesvent-
fiil life, develoipeit a style, which tos
atppreciate ini all itoslepthi, requiires
a careful situy. As ' costielice,
hisi 'Passion NtMisic '' is tackiing in
those potpular chiaraicteristic's whtichi
I tansiet, the mni of affairs, acqunaint-
edi witth fiery tphase iof life, hsnii-
fusedtisto the music of the ''Men-
siati."' F ach swork staiids as the
expiressiois of a girand icoinceptiion;
th sai're iiiuim otait
I'ie teindeicieI s 01ftetwo works X
are diistiiiit. t Bachs portrasys thie
Ita iiuhe emihaizes thie mission oii
iii'Hi liie ssa''"and mking l romi-
nsent Ilis gloriiius-triuiiiphiiousertie
grave. Itle shss i'-teprophecieis
woiniderfiil secitioii 'oft t iiiraturio
uiito si si ci lds s is i i isihr, n liiig
tie Pastora'it Symphoiiiyteirecitai-
tive, ' \.sit siiidetnlii theriewass
witti the Xiigel'th choruii ss"(d ory
to Gd, (satnsitsolo, "Rejoict treat-
y, 'l ie bhis i Ioiic to evieirs listeiser
the iirue significianceifCliists.
WXhat tie IPss'ioni \tusis "is to
Good Friday, what the "Rtedemsp-
tioni'' or ''St. 'aid''arc to Easter,
the ''Mlessiati '' is to Chiristnias, the
musical settiiig of the sentiments
inspired by' the sacredt associatioiis
of the season.
't'he oratorio opeins wisthi aisicer-
tuire in the conicentionial H aedetianI
miansner. sari first is intrioducedl by
a recitative anid aria for tenior,
''Conmfort ye niy Peoplei.'' This is
followed by a vigosrous ctsiriis ''sd
ttie Glory of ttie Iorit.'"'['len comsel
a contralto solo andichtoriis, twso
bass silos, bioths of thiems cfa propthe-
tic nature, le'adiii" to the sections

describing thec Natisvits.ITlis hart I THE UNIVERSITY MI NSTREL S, flthescacti'e the suentr eti n
Cloes iththebeatifl slosforPracticing Hard for a Great Hit.-! h , c sre aesomsetinig-unique
alto and soprano, tic Shill (cc The Artists wiil Give their Fio-st in thic line of1college or'saizu-ations,
His Flock''' Concect ins January, secy fein stitutions suipporting suichI
Part seconsdi be"gins mill)s 55ltei5 'he hLsnieersi ly Minstrel ci's l a tri issue f ow icists fsrom the cot-
chorus ''Jelsoldt tie IisLam)of h t, ' iisotbtesllysirpsass those of ccc' -let pcess gise theliensstreltrttoupe
followed by tha t most pasthitic ssf oustears.dischiimemiters aie hoitld-tensale of he''iiian'eterinsent in
lamsensts "Hle XWa's t)tssusctl 'eleo nnigtlyrharasind fe EUivriyafrs
chortuses ''Lift lI' 1i sour tHea'iis''" l eerasastpiit cr5i--l sr
as1 AlW k tc ltscO-u ing themselces for- the hsest cutsr_ -la-ness WillNot'Lve.
and All e Lie Shep flaveClon tin tihat ihis eser biees gucen ---


n stray" ''nows folliw.i ' 'the great by a litke org'aniiz'ationi in this colin-i indiinews reachecs is re'garding;s the
asia "Itby doiithe Naitios Rage" suits. Tietprigr'mil e oniticiiifi :Mr.liHariess, the silt
occurs ini this 'ptar t iiiIwhich s ssicescilloseisi 5sti iiI ayii erli iwholiiimadei siuch -iliitiiiiai i
wills thc tr iipha t " ilal l i -c;nissisn's- iii eriucrSir on'si-ne cii iisi os ilitic I i
Chocus." fncy rilsti tc soitptirinesie saso. isisfostisne oii
Th lt thisrdt pasrt itsroinics ithc sill cosisisiof spein altiies, aison's- thei' i'55i'i iiisiesiicie tles ss histlit
wsondelrfulsaris-''I'K''w'Tha tMy ihsichi sill b l b Sw s~singing 1 I I c's's'te entics' 1 I ssssrssty sNeivs nos
Redeemteitr I iietiii liii Trumpet ii 5 ii' is issingig; ysomial sirtt ts i cnsu thti irnssss is
Sthasli Soundis,' suithe ltwiiiiremariik- liihe shletse' assischudeth's n liii sis si s e i osssly-ill ih il ls itissiai'y 'Tuber-
stle choruses IWisthyis the in ''uits ee uoisadi o xpce ol
andthe "tie n." Thiese I1st 1 h esissss-'' hasvli-s-cles smore thusn-a furtnigiht.
Es'ery-tthing that --iia hi'bre sson ci tisen agtidisash withsCoini s uuxc lsnt I. s lttr receiv-cd tthis
oif ini the wsay fconsstr'apunstal it t-si Univtisity Isasnit sill furnsh st isisiss''morni isiro tic. It. Q ..Gaylord-i
inis 5iitroduicedin ithiss wsrissI the ansiis 11It. I. hisspson sdret inrn csisistildt h o f Mrs. I tas-ess.
pierformiansce of wih ts Xiis Xi isisrbor iingthe sissiis-ipt o s porai iiiTihe'lette"r-ieiads hs' fo issws: ''It'l-
is distinictls' us 's's-t e'vien tich Phli IIowec i-Isio Is-s care oith s liais i 1. I 5irnsssetullsnecthouse Novi
chirssiisdoses isagisissciiitsWori in this swhoise a'firl s uskig itsh s' hiiss iVa n ths I is s sis s lihs asylsum
prodtccio n d theii s stolos iwils le in st uta 5pl uiisihv i to n erethis'sillit i thsitssmindrsoe ; id D c
ex''sesisli c ompetent' hands. lThel Iti sI ht'siii i'is h tte srei m-si iiiiss.
sils' Dles' i seil libe'a'5 u's situ sisnt Ii s" lii clsh' sisThie tlise Csis-iWants a Song.
a i ii nsushsill stein,'a- lIrsge'' lss't tutestuss c i s vey eabos teit Xhis/pr izeoftil l larss s's sferetd
tise tush i's dihiiihth's's sooniito co i os stume 0 1 e vryeg n- bh51te5leeCiii m nag me t iin
.ti is ic isi-ht sit ushis il hisfoc r iiiiiits u e a nsils'' in sril
I si'sas'hsss'' peirforman' ce 'i of I this itit heri th ry fri gnOrh ' hs stu it siss csr
"P a issioniiXi ni talent.sith 'i t tsst i-je t, uumodsify, ssr ati-

'he ('hissl['])lolls uwill itakc hart
ini the Grandisl Iiratorcsio-'Fssia sit
the Col~uniihianus I- phiissiiI Chis-ais,
dtuiring tile thisrci wneek ii isune.
Stiecial arrangiemens sts fis trisinsissi-
ic anishohstieI as soiu-issdaioiinill
be- sssade. X_1sliisthdis usushu sf secr
sons isi-sntakse shavatagei ofithese
tprovsiosl bSIy aplyt iii',atii0111's'to
Prof. I.D.hine t Pof 1. s
ITrissks, 1I si'sdoil ss susi "ses sit
Ilhe J. T I Jtcb'sCo.
rNss'Caribosnicti ure s eif uland hisiF
siein detliit ii suhsisoidYIchs i i h-
s-is. See t he i i.G -t
Ieaitul litreii s-siNei h, u it'h
I, T IJaibs Co
I XAsis'sheIsslBathlust us isis-h fuo' io
ceintslittst'e 's'sstlis1' -iilsi'susp.
Slistn e s-is ofiaiJ.i;
dish & Ciis,Ste stt
(nhiIsouf sNec' ksnear ssale 't liii
Ta' S-tis lie'sii's ltomorriowssf1orthisee
ds-5 oi1h5
AX.vsely ide'ss ialelsuits'ofii li s i's --hil
ha thhear tedsI sills lintsi--tir."stat isis
isy bol' s ihut ani ld watesr.
EnquilihrehI 4So.thisvisis-st.'s 7-a

'rhesfiust suits stuisIIUs-ucut k lIse isis)nus tilr llof te Iefforts
''mis i' sia s so n s ssiblc iii ii iitha way libe hinde it n.ii
tuoo babsstsssh lysuring the lattterhssart sisius is-aios sshuouslul tic ash
drecssedt 1 . is-ehi isssoss 6us
if laur rass corrspondence s i sIhsissosIstreeto to .F
hs be hatt d s issithumissutruo u smis--s -ss - PakasrdIstircut.
gees in i ctis i andis h i-s * - ---
sit seit nitely setstl uswhisritthus is-ss- 5'otieiia-ilPI s p n ects for 18en3.
entetainmen st still 1st gis's , us sst
hiss Is suh i n l1'. if' ,I.'sgamesi l'st
s-hiablshuts Ys-i 1lists i, r somei 'thuns gvis n g. s's aI sulsriisi-htsIs a is
sis hbi g t own. u1Il i llh thi st's llseisI lllrut h is- s-s tlt ssl snext years
is' iii ito a i I s-hiasuit 's-il) 5"ms 5,115
tIrussiuc s asitmti fat teur~' ing-If) - 5e. ie'thathu inhh'euoni'ibuis
siuscessfl i-t-ssin. IIii'sav iis-i tis hutsdiy sussinsis-intistl tl
Aran em ns reben m det is is-u 1 ith isius-h 'shu assu toush avIs s les hI ils
Xsruss-ssesss ueh bus' ii li tiss Gtuss'-si- thusSiansis i suistcenttos
yearsiflista umosre sxtcnsisetr'ip thn put osi t esils'i onsi h ll sill wiilthis-sse of
Ithu i-site'iis s-il ssge' sslnd ini isis-If thati
is Iis-ast the progu n thes-i l ii' i st T Ii su I II sisushs wit'susl shills oficlts t
Isis l cinus the usin-strel' hiss y.M r i"s l i ii of 'Inii l's c-i ~rIii husi stbusi
r pr'ices, tha theysma contriute (lie
I suite's uexpe1ite555ce -i han id i sg; te1rminsush'stoi scollesgie athslutiss as-s-
usrgaizast ioni n us pst's earuss, nIstali'ue 's cdsuiii to us- trisi-s ldu (ingte
us it iss illn s-siorderiings u-'sit from thiei
espi allyss h s s c es a t 'c sea I I s- iiv ' iii' isi Ns-illhavsie thes-us'fare-i
sessrsist thu consussiosusthat-is hsusXtuIshsshisisarjrmkn hro t etoit 'isid ret'urn'
ref undeds itolitliim.ii The ufsis i ssloys
stwill eqis ua, i t e iclihisipreviouss- asigoodls-lor-tislutte s -and li'ar-
itrcorid.- Aoumuglimpses thitiare oc suites- s goodssus s'urkissslshii aitt uh s
any is-y rms i ii'he state. t sutsehhs s-s-
casitonallIy seenus sf this arsits, s'sthu 1-,'Mo siAI. s i t's s -n sif i t hu
theirs sshle sisai'sandsl s-rotesh l istillshsuoliiih u-usouv'istatemeinet.lWhien
uinDetrsost his'essime t l anitiisi iis-n u-se
coist usmess-anhis-it 5an beighis e fyoref

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