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December 17, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-17

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netlcrip ilOpric n..i-i- pt,! ea:i - t tit'ii
tit -iot- t'i-ctill t11 -i- is44 thn et fit r f
,.o o the lnatgin 'itr Al Im es
",,esfihi liuti-r
Ann Ar-bor. Mich.
k:.J.. t-ec_ no' ui. 'li, longlgum Ator.
A. I ill so- li1 i. ' At-'ii 111
W.F. liit ; , i 1 9,A ssa t
IIVi Iii iii tiiiio
1. Nat11iy W . t.Itzus l °!iii. i

Stioryi'hoois and istoly paper-s it ft-e
fiTh tdiiiets ioifithe I'ilersilty will lit-
treauted li tolf-ot n eckiwear sile-atll
tie Two ii -nlis liomoirrowl. h vi'ct itle
ctllloo t cri- ity at1 specal rates.lt --
lint i liss the on' liitlt ofi ' s le
buns1 li in lt'e ill fIti ani iiil all ptil,
till leckto, ais ll (Ma ntilias. aleh
and111getleItmenitfitrl-iiaii hoarliinuig
('111) i a entral loca ttiol altir hull
(laiys. Board C")11110it-Ir51eek. If yotu
ldtes ire sltiiiiit st-iil t-aeunid-il adi-
Ninet-ivesi Oracle.
! 1ilere il 'niliiie 'the 9. licii' 11(
an u-ute wiilthe, nnleionl s i ttl
it'e hesut. I li ty.Ii-li' li itst il oit11I
28i clat- l teirm io 'lclf.- i ter1
Horvalid artist- oteato aenaaf-j

Thatt weii el-u-I it-uer lii in thelI Whf11113St11 in EN'S SHOES,. 1- Ii-
ftjI PPERS, Eu -.
48 tiOlli'l IMAIN 'rE'.
Zn -Zl 1LxI=) C-.T LOT CT
Tailors and Furnishers.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North;
U IJIESS Michigan Railway.
I5 t- LEADItNG SCHOOL 0F BUiSINESS. 51i N-itO.It?1-1;.I - Y- -: i- -~ cni ; ... tt
i i - i-t -liii ininet~ cc lretii -iti ti i enii d i iilt
pe Ilic i -ita; tcuo iim-riuilgraduasi n ret lil''z 9- I 1 .. tl-
P. R. OLLIART,BPres. i tnii-nit
5S 2,00, $3.00, $4.00, $51 i-tt si tl nd1i lt et l tiiin in-et :n-
And reader of 'The Daily'1 is cordially invited to attend,

all tie stulenIs 11a111 Itsires to p111111 e'i ch i-ilgani 'C-ltral i 1 1tll llex-1
- Ill, tsank at text-rtIillsIclutresfur Jad,
S-i-ioiiteIt ti2ti22,itime .t1i),il flii. a'Il~iee I tf it iln l'
Notice thnths 1911 ei aduero~tse- roundiintri Tse-8, i ( t t s II2no3
thosis- Idio I n -nt c ii }It o9til aind itus H ohdas' Entirsiocin.
li-il he . fit tonivt plilt -li - tl nthil ii
9 III I ) i t n its t al (lttl 'i 1 1 s ne 1 i t'h'li int- i lll s ll ittl l wll seli I
t-1ile leaill" itt it 9(ittit o h n ~n.1tzn n, ielmtdt
1tshiriicitilt IIsittll1191111llrditlil-
so' nc rln itt 111"b rs. 1 lv h setik tsw llo t.he odoi ntl
rinsum iiiI iitit 1111911 o G L LE - o F " I/I3 .t)

The University Booksellers,

State Street.

IN orde-r to 1irease thte circul111
11011 if itie II.iii 1iivwemae ltissvery
liberal offe-r;T'o ftiose- shtonsub-
scribie before the Clistmansvsnini
the DI). iwsill lie delitveredl ttrft-e
ct-tindier of the- college yecur to any
acld1ress ini the cty9-f1or 817 iif inaid
foc liefore j n,1 ior 52.00 if ntl
pa~id lfor iuittil nfter that lute. T'1-
tday-na sample1t-coh as lntbeetndetitveceid
to thelt e itsstof eerc tudnttilini
ftle city, ndtiwet-trust tht eerct--
itt 1o11 at1 prtsenta sublscribier,
ewill te advatatge of this I lit-cal
otter. .'Ile DIt 911.9still con itie 113
1ain tut n its high standardl a1n1dtsill
cndleavor to futrnish piromptltly to its
rentders all itetms o niiterest lto ther

Iii selecttinig Your soieht->
badge tic ni flungin j excelrv,
weOwat ou9tillbforlit-s 1in1
111111. 1O-r repaitoftn is ft-e
lhighecstfofr flits wotrk a11131 113
wtl -'ill llffr lit-1111)ostiniide-
rlat prices ini Michigan ifor
F. a, S1,iTH1, SONTS C O.,
I )i-:riniii' - - iICt'ttllAN.

w !d yPates foe Stodenfs. R NTC ES
fi tnilitilioillsiii eut'U.iii", 1 11 11ud thit j _ 'II,.,
I stt Nonm Sc'Xi iihoi1at Yilan5th 19 ipre- jiOt c"1ZJe
j i i i5prper1eutitlictnt-. Ihie T., A.
t . M .' ' I 1 si'y ill si-ll x sionuit
Soalpint nti linetsiof ouir IToledo yG~i
I and M il-lui -Il oit uihu-'rii I ilw In i t owIll liii
11I lum- utthir c.1o for lite iountrii i l ipONE NiIHT'ONLY,
f ickbets tohit isouldiDee(u', 2.t. 24.11111
limlitfeid ii itI iliiitil lii1111tH, foritSaturday- December 17th.
U. ofi M. ,I uduells. 11111 uitlil -lii 2nd.
iiclusive, for Niiinil tludet.Tic etes
ilt '-ileitfrold tie Xthe-iterrii, tory o JjJJ. 5/! I 11 liieSll 91
tti i uti it- ho. ; do 1 od
~ill pice.,(11iN tuut g-It. T e T1I e
l;tf ll. t~i.Ewoo:get.I he- LDevil's -We I
SClht-p EXoCUrsion to Canada, via flee
-A.i ix.ndu N. M .Yi. itill st-Il excusion111(1Pt-loos.-- - 35, 5U and 75c.
'1ickets wIill lie gootd tt-1l ilt onregutlar GIBSON .
6 ii It-i X 'O. 12.. PTTON S"I

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