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December 17, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-17

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c l . of W. "If(. V
Pabliahed Daily (Sundays excepted) during.
the College ear, by
Subcripion price $.50 per year, invariably
iu adance Single cpiet 3 cents. On sale at
Sheeceoutsd Post Office nestnd at 12
o'clock, noo. Sbcriptions may be left at
te office of te DAILY, Opera Hue block, at
Sheeban's, at Stofflt's, or with ay of the
Cotmunicatios should reach te office by
Socockb . I. if they are to appear the net
day. Addres all mtter intended for pblica
tion to the Mnagig Editor. All bunen
commaunication sould be et to the Buoi-
aeon Maaer.
THE U. of . DAILY,
Ann Arbor, Hieh.
balm SONos, '2, Mtaagig Edtor.
S. XW. CRtISS, '92, Asit. Mnagitgdito.
G. 0.CttAt'stAs, '2, Asist. Managig Editor.
J. C. TAVIS, '2, lsiteto Matger.
F. E. JAsos-oc', '01. t.tBlusiett Manager.
C. W. RKTaeaS'a, '0, Ait. iusinest Mang.
H. . Jew ELL.P. . W..catLEsNEACK,'it
F. D Goats, '2. Pe. E. Il ssses', '2.
tW.F.P0ARKFt, '13. J . tAos'oIt,'93.
''. . MiCF~trttEE,'2. I '. . W iLLi, '14.
NV.E. MCEs CRs, '3.'CHA. 0.11011, '0.
'Tis is the last issue of (le DILiY
before lic Crisnas recess. Pub-
lication sill be resumet Weiiesay,
January .
A lAPcINS:-MAKR in reiios iig the
bullctini board of (le Engineering
Sociey took swiths it theU. OrN.
l)AlI.v box. ()ie box, hiiwsver, re-
mains at t1se east erl of thlie ain
H-all and set rost(lit all contribu-
tors sill be kind eioughi to drop
thseir articles in (tat box, until the
other can be replaced.
THE system of University Exten-
sion which is now being pusld by
the leading minds throughout the
country, supplies a necessary and
(onag felt swant. '('e question Ios
to provide a good substantial, prac-
tical education for (le workigman
bas (een solved by te excellent
system of public scools establised
throughsoutfistconitry. 'sills Iis
incipient grosti of kiosledge, there
has cone a loiging ad a strong de-
sire to penetrate deeper int(o what
seems to the ordiiary nind, hidden
mysteries. Hitherto tis logiigI
bas somesshIat ceased to thiive in (e
case of the busy workiignan who
has neitber the ime nor the money
to spend in acqurng a higer ed-
ucaion. But with thet present sys-
tem of University Extension a man
can obtain a knowledge of all the
social and ethical problems which
are now agitating society at a very
snal cost of time and money. 'sith
tis spread of knowledge as has al-
ways been (1se case there will come
a broader and more liberal concep-
tion of the relation of man to man,

and tie different conditions su-
rounding and 'influencing different
casser will become more and more
apparent. 'The laborer ',inteadl of
regarding t1st student as having a
"soft snap" and a large advantage
in the world because of his fortun-
ate circunmstances: swill see (lit the
student also has his hard work and
trials usn(Iis life. The student on
tie other (and, will come to meet
thse laborer on common ground, and
instead of regarding him as an in-
ferior personage, orn to labor, be-
cause oil his inferior capacity, sill
see ((at he also has his good qual-
ites, and ((at his present situation is
due, as much to Iis lack of advan-
tages, as to anything else. When
(Iis takes place se may hope to see
a vast imlproement boths in com-
niercial and social affairs, and many
mssisundlerstanidinlgs beteen tse a-
sortryansilemuployer adjusted.
'lsEOve ((vs Isi..Another lot
of''Uticersity'' Souvenir Spoisis re-
ceistd. 'l'akt out home for a
Clristnmas present. Dozeis of styles
of souveniors, bust the "'Uniiversity''
is the iiest ever nad. 2 special te-
sigis as a N1ichigan souveiir. Watts'
Jestery Stor, 10 S. Msain
I'PORAN To S SelEnTs.- All
studeits inteiding to make a trip to
Washiigton, I. C., Nest York, and
points ini Ohio, sill fil it sill be to
thseir interest to call and see W. &
1. E. Ry agent, roim 14 Cook
House, before purchasing tickets of
any agent
NOTICE..-The quiz section in Von
Hoist sill nee Friday at n p. m.
Attention. Students.
See the Wabash IPassenger Agent,
Roonm 10 Cooks litel.
P1. E. DoiltAUI,
P'assenger and Tncket Aget.
All Concerned ! Holiday Rates.
For students U. of M. adi Ypsilanti
Normal Shool, T.. A. A. & N. M. Ry
will give a fare of oanld one-third to
all poitsi Cetral 'Traffi Assoeia-
tion. Tikets 011 sale De. 17, 18, 19,
1891, limiitedl for returning Janutary 5,
1892, inclusive.
Ill additioll to this, for (le pbli we
sill give same rstes as abise. Tikets
on tilsle De. 24, 25.31ad anii o. 1, l-
ited (or returninig Janl. 4th, illclusive.
Local 'tiket Agent.
W. h. BENNETT, G. P. A.
'Notices inserted in thin column at the rate
of 15 cents per line. Special rate for longer
time, and etra et frnihed by applying at
the DAILY Offce.t
Fot RENT-Nicely flrnished, steam
heated suits, at No. 211 Mayard t ,
one bloek west of the Law building.
Anew line of Neckwear just recived
and no better styles will be found in
town, You will-say (by are one-half
(be price you pay for hens elsewhere.
Mack & Shmid.
Ladies' Mackintolhes in beautiful
varieties, just received at Mack &

B~eautiful Qhri~tmas Giftp
SH & CoZ;ss's
S. I the LE A DI NOGSCHOOL of utL Tst' F
- - aFour deprtmets-C mtcicial NOlexttok
"t a o~& r tollucipt Iolbk-&lgI Iscb S0htlla d aIII
Penmaonship. lilbet (ilidglargelt-I
' -tedarmt~einstrctorsi wolk0111 b-
j -- - - -- - saabsing macornes dl tily lwI. 2 to
$2350 per neek; studets asised Is positins.
Fr catalogue, address P. R. CLEAY, President.
J. M STAFORD Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton
The 1Leaderl' R
inFsliii 0Lv. 'Toledo .. 0116.15-10.13-3 315'11.0'
yT_ 7 Morlianlt Tal- Deslee-.0.... .0 11.2 4.612..'o
orin g. Fit i ma...... .33 1.-It .1 3 ,1
, Sd ey..... 11.01 1.4 .011 3 12r
P'iqaa -... . 11.1; 2.110 71.03 3. 3
line of Plaoiece n:~i ss 1
Hamilon .. 1.4 4.1 0.2 60.1
1 ® GoodsSto siect 01511U.
Cal Cicinai.... . 235 .13ir 10.11 .13
from. Cllfor ln ss.12. . 4 .i5 0.
lndana oh8... 7-4 .46 12:1
a fioe fittig +~EeptSndly. tDaily.
.o.The ny line leavig1Toledo in the eveig,
stit. byswhihl ou11can11seurc Sleepilg Cotches,
reachic Cincinnastuecoly tollog macslng.
19 S. MAIN ST., No.I 19 {Parlor arns oat EpessoTrain. Direct
Icnnectiont wih lall outen Liles. Sc'- lhat
V ole tickets read vio'.H. & 1D. betwen53
Ass SBO - M~e.S. Maini Street.lteo, Cillcinnati and 1ndinapols.
D. B. TRACY, N. P A.,
155 J-nansun An-, iETROIT
Full line tnew style collars, 4 ply, t5'r
or 2 for 25. Mack &b Shmid. PHOTOGRU~xAPHlER
$.95-800 silk usbrelas worth $3.50
to $4.50, mlarked $1.95 at Mak & NO. 12 W. HURON ST.
Ladies of (lei7. of M. will fild it
greatly ta their advantage to tal on us Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
when in need of Cloaks, Dress Gods
or Faticy Dry Goods. Maek & Shmid. Michigan Railway.
Ansthier benefit for the bys before T m. adi fetDeebr681
they leave. One-forth reduictioni on all -tdi iotOcmo 1 81
Slits anid Otercoats, Thursday, Fiday Arival aftrns at Ann Aorlsonly.
stidlSaturdlay. Only purehased ol
those three tdays. At the T1w Samis. GOIalsoas.
Dont orgt e kepswetesbest No 1.Miland Epres .....7T27a. 10-
DO~t frgtt w kep seatrs, No R. iasg. Ann Arbor Accom.2011 o
quality, $3.50 to $4.2. Mack & Shmid. No.. Aal Pasneger . -0.......423 p. m
LosT.-Sunlday, a breastpin, some GOINGSoa sc.
whier between University Ha(ltld N. 2. Mal Pasenger....... 11 1 a. no
Ypsilanti juncttioll. Finsder wsill oblige No. 4. Mal Epres....b ll..s 0p.0.
owner by lelviting same at this offie. No. . Passenger, Toledo Aentm.... c 00 a. in1
- Tci3and 6runhbetweena Ann Abrcand
LOST.A browll pursecotaintltg Tld nly.
$5, stamps atid a little chanige. Person Centeal Standrd Time.
still please return same to Miss M. E. All Trin Daily ecept Sunday.
Tumlaermal, 3 Olivia Place. W. H. BENNETT. R. S. GREENWOOt,
FOUjN-A watch charm is at til eOn. Pas. AgetL Local Aget.
desk in tile Library. Owner cati have
the same by callitig fr it. - -
For Holiday Goods, Beautiful Hand
Paiated Articles, cheapest Pluoh Goods 1
in (lie city, ad many ueful and arna- fA
-mental things go to Mrs. M. Pondos I.
State street store. Gand opening oln
Wednesday and Thursday.
S Mr. D B. Tracy, northean passenger' .
agtent of tile Cincinnati, Hamilton Anf
Dayton R. R-., will be at the Arlington
Hotel all day Thursday, to accommo-
date all- tudents desiring to travel
over this line..-D. B. TRAC, Agent.,-

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