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December 17, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-17

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'Ije U.of

tn. Wailp.

VOL. 1.-No. 163.


For the University Gymnasium. Liberty of the Press.
Mr. White yesterday received .a The follgwing is clipised from last
letter from Hon. Charles Hebard, night's Evening News:
tony in Philadelphia, asking him to( The liberty of the press is soume-
assist in raising $s,ooo from thse up- thin of which line American people
per peninsula toward the erection of are so jealotus that the dlespotisnm
a $6o,ooo gymnasiunn for Michigan's said to exist at the largest oniversity
great state university, of which .Mr. in the United Stales and in the Gee-
Itebarel is still a regent. The need man empire, when compared, nmust
of such a httilding is so wveli set forth be of great interest to everybody.
in tine letter, wvhicht is given here- At the same tinie they affordl food
with, that it weould sent that there for reflection for all readers of tine
shoule1 be no difficulty inn raisisg the newespapers wvho are privileged to
small amotut needed at once. Any get a fair idea of the sittuations. The
who are willing to contribute some- tsvo dispnatches herewith reproduced
thing for this purpose are requested are clipped from twvo Detroit muorni-
to notify Mr. White: I ing papers:
CxESTNuOT Hi.., iEnttu, Dec. i3.-llse scientific
Pus t._tIEt-tHtA, Nov. s17,'91. joturnal, Liclilstrahen, has been
JI'm.. Peter Wh'Iile, larqotte: seized for commenting unfavorably
Dense Sttt: Mr. Waterman, of De- upnteemenpernr's recent renmark:
troit, has offered to give $20,000 "Suprenma lex voluntas regis."
towardl a gymnasium for tinetine of The other dispatcih refers tontine
the onlversity studeints at Anni Ar- reponrt tinat tint Inlander htad teen
bor, provided a like amount nvas suppresinel.
raised. At tine last meeting of the-
board nof regents it was rep~ortedl thtnf
. , F 3 ,t , an Professor Mead.

U. of Ist. Verse.
One of the professors of :liron
University is to mneet the editorial
board 'once a month for a discussion
of the fornm antI matter of light
verse. Brown verse Inns always hnad
an enviable reputation, ant in cons-
staintly quoted by the exchnanges.
But '"Michigan Verne' ansve findl it
inn tine excellent nuimber of tine In-
lander, bids fair ton rival ttne Browvn-
ian. ''Kent Dnnnlai's Sonng," says
tine U. isv M. DIL Y,'"shnnundn be set
to nmnnic. It ndeserves a place in nonr
Carminnia U. of MI. It neet-in nly
tine inspiration of mnunsictnnonmaite it a
popnlar college song."-Weilesley
Webster Society.
At the mieeting of tine Webnster Sno-
cety, last evening, thne fnllowinng
officers wvere elected to cinntrini the
affairs of tine organizeatindulnrinig tine
conninugninurer: Itresidenut, NMr.
Mccci; vice-presidnt, Id. Locb;
secretary, NIr. icikley; trensnrer,

Mailed to You --
Through Your
Upon -
Ini'tnersnoFine mst Ptnidn
adJn~ettnlldSociety IBadges.
Wltn ynnnwtnt tlne tntest 1men nnnnnninstyldves
inniinei at 50cnttsani esttn AnnnArborn

theamun o ~oooohat ee 1 .A.'1urer .--R. H. FYFE & &G.
suibemnibnnt that tine pn u b- t PtoIfessnor Geonge HIerter'tNiennI -eocat - -u
ni:e mciby tine rchitects,nvnninh tin thein nenv ninitrunctrrin pnilousoph y,11 Ill C I ICHIt
ionr nn a n.n niusto niccepnt,tcalnl finn wisin btrin IFeli s,' 86,;,itO t'-tiutli l inhe nnnl ncrs of te ,. f \I
anbout 20,000 muire, nur $liu 000all iiI- NI Mas.Inn le..istin stint if I)ennnnnratir Cl il n-Inican n ttltit- 'lth at$ 200o 1500b- IRv.Hrm apiwowa al . Speller &
ingt nun a separatewsnug for tn it-he use it a arinn tineITheolo'igia ei- rount Ofitine lawmini lding.Severail I ?ot.>; t Sn iii, ST., iNN A11IIItIi
of tin-e ly studteints. try ininenrlint Oio, winere incetiti elenniuenit intlow tnery seect-es ttnchar-
Ounr uiniversity nowv ins niout cited lisil tndren. IPiof.NiMciiiacterized tineIprioreenliings, .nontably Neckwxear,
itientsevt-n hiutndrediistudnt-tnts, onvtr grat-utatedi fromniObt-rlninintnt.e amnonig tes ngtininenieliverenid resS it
insis hndrentl einst'en ; tttthu iis l f -83 ftertwichitintimne hiby 'Menies. FrankitManrtintan.iiJ esses
'nit- to iett.tie largent numnber in any taunght thnret- yeas ninn NIinst-apnouns, I. oberts. A. rssnnttee wa~s upt)-1Jnderw~ear,
int-catnunali nstituntionn inn tine U~nited in .lie studietd at IHairirdiinpoi ntedto ten csulnnt viit tinemimer GNStUNIHNS i et-n
Stant-nsitu n t-e unvt-rsity is ratpit-iy ;'87_88,anduth iensweint tin instit-to 1toliticafl scieties of theine rsirnty I ___
itnningi" tnsiway to tint-finst ranti It It-ontinnui tis.-Hle sin:nit thrt-eestisregarsnorgainizinig .a inict-iIi OjrJ3'J1LL GO DS
liii sito "issinn tint) ainsiit issntIns iyt-arns in study at ILtipsig antdiBtrli i n. le.
it-tntitle istnIcst u s ea t ntd proper 5 Iinic -t lBerlin Ptrtf.Ni vedwssi---- - +- -linglisll Mnrki~itosh(s,
trainninigtif this muneltitudt-e that there m narriedh to Hlens K. Castle, of Regent's Meeting. } Athleind
nsthli e somnethning of tine kinud hrt- HonnoluuHnnn . I. judsgedhfroum ii ieisetn, o, tneRe t, ..G5'oinnititin Goods,
vide-hand ott a scale toinsect Inst vork thuufar, irof.NMeasi gives mm etra fenosir ittle F EVEtRtYtDtESiCRIPTION.
onliy tine present bitt tine rapidlly Ironmise of a successful career inn lisI hussiness ivan trainsacteel. 'Tie y
groswing dheliansde - 1 chosnen study. I appropriated $5.000 to purchase thne SAYE TIME AND MONEY
Itooke tinelbrty to Ipiedge thme - Geological collection of Dr. Rotuin- tm
uppe peinsla or ~oo, ad iili Jetfersonian society. ger, voted to supply the lPresidetnt's -
give $250 or one-fourth of it, nnyself. house with electric lights, and after '----v
\liay I ask, your assistance in get- ,'Ihe following programn will be vtn fud fo sera m inorJ $Xy 9JX77\t 7
tigteblne.iaem om rendered at tine meeting of the Jef-
that sonne of the large mining com- 1 objects talked about, the gynmnasium
panics would be glad to show their fersonian society to-night. - question withnout comning to any oefins while we aeslier.
goo wlltoth uivrstyofthe Needing ---------------- L_ .A. Smith
good i wihtotheyuniversaity o Declamation -------------L. H_ cress definite conclnsion.
taeinwihtearmabg50Impromptu ----------,._.A. N. Pudewa . CALLAG H \ N & CO.,
much money., - p-e' cc -r.,-..--.---H. A-..Slagle 'rtse oldest student at Harvard is
As I anm absent from the state 4AutoeSona p y..--- _C_ . YBeHnsen+
Deae'Rsled, th~t the Justices of the. in the Graduate School. He is 77 PUBLISHERS,
hope you will help me fulfill my Detatsurm;orfth S tates
pledge. * * * SbolateeSupptet-'byt tthe Soenr years old, gauted from Yale in'
Very truly yours,' 4P4 #hp Id hldeoffice for life orgeood 1834, and is now at Harvard espe,-+,,Aw.ir 114 Monroe St., Chicago.
C.,$A1.411s le..4 n dht.w~. pr ally to hear lectures on Dante aod
-MruteDiyMining Junl Negative. SO... C. Johnson, L. F. Hanied Italian art. 5c S. State.St., AswArtie'

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