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December 17, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-17

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CabSS dDRi &5alay' 'nisd) dring hie faculty, andl especially in Stagg, ap- ~
TEUIESTOFMCIA. "I wish toi adld, thait]i filling pavesig
THE NIVESIT OF ICHIAN. tians, I consider the cndidillte's dll-
(liv: cehI PlsiaC-, HInning Ituea. roudl sill and judgemient,his ethics, l mN OD E Em W E A r
Blth linon"147'iandlhis ante-('elie nts It i lnt myl
1'.NatAGN,'0JiLT. ntiol eleven who1se a peaanon teSuch as 1hEAVY BALER3IIGGAN,
BUINSSMANAGL x a college tem dring the year has Au<STRZALIAN XWOOL,
.1I NS L, bar een in violation aofthetlpirit or amna- FLEECE LINES) (bth wols antIcrattan fleeced),
EDITIiORS'. eI Sor 1it, ior 5whose ptltlay hbeen almd oke o am
Ali tlidtia, 1. I. 0 salnas, '0 L. llapors n ly.. al sae (hei (i W Id
P. W. JaNca, i A. 11M ove oni,'iEs. "Thoraughly good material ba(ckt 201-203 SOUTH IMAIN ST.
F. D. bins r's-uOil . 1.I.ca, '55 0 , (f ite linelaWs snoiireiabnlldanlt inl
_.5 laan' 1 '98 t1111ni'ny preiusyeir I e-
meier . Ai snil in this uietiiin till
* Wast hia1h11111t1(11-er ertlesetationllAlegretti M a~is 3w aar
'('ii "b-ei~ia (('(~'ii ila at' t50 1111 dlileitinv yeai'ir ioiit, foolthall Chocolates None So (food.
(((il y. Nr i~iiia ,'0 iia-lla bybi t on rn i s owl] ie, Wil- Wi- Iwil (m-'ave a--lhr~i all oI iyatEADQiC AlI ER
aoter aui u ieiiiifiit 'a ca~tiaioi ia aiit he Juna'' (MIihlllgllul) br iintG5-ardithese aiiaiii-toiii irainl foliiithb
handinii'i iisliihe D nn ,fies'before 8 p . . ----l'iiri-imaa tae n oeaurtrali o h dio 1eoe , u f h aiia 1 (rl"'l haf a doe o Yteliaclae-aflpud n to F r A PS o ll -,s OI.E
mc ino s t ainich h aelip.i cmtetdSi (li iilti i hh i icl lthe iii three ion.pct (nilage l W trL MIS ofalkid.O I E
api ict iisic C+-clai iangstrai fr a tttileldsncrlakSe- ldilccIiiii n' LAIN CIIAMlI IEI.SETS, DINNER
Suh-eaiaoni aiyticlft at niIaY(o'(iliac' emS (C]ideng) line ibuckini gtaillit LOWNEY'S ESadFNYCIN.Jpn
TAunia Statbhxi c, ilconferi. i' ci ltoin by Inives-nisy iof Penttisvtrim and111 SOUVENIR PACKAGES
railepo lci~ttin iiy 'atths atiioa falt' ofsiaaa gl dtae ' ti i 'ni. Tk a
cc a iita" t cca r no. aana is 1~iaCrys As nsok Freapackage e Godn and Novetie.
Al hrenalfi ins t'nterruc at Iain (1ilimti) iwoik l il teChicatigol tame sutk you.
(ha. ]fieiabs 1 i 4 ip, iii nn ith tiumy piaimv i n itto uil -
liii Iici iii. iiiilliliil gale, tiers lleitt s~ir-li-ilie-atii big- J. ~J. QUA R R Y, 115 5.IVAI N ST.
gent tie quality id thei11,liiiheWi-t !CAMPtS DRUo STORE.
The Cnnsersitnj Hospital. isudevenlolpingina t hbeield, ad 11
tilavge lil~I lltcr of p asic tnill N wglet lne-e-ltMicLenn\ outehigon,
tiie Ui.vesi-ty IIutipitil ,was 814. Keninedy, C(hicagn, and in no oubt yet
T111s itile lii liit Iierage tn re.crti otells iof gio a IlIllty f lwolei I
fo th' lil'ostpital. O)11ing o lackltei.of have 1(no p) It Ik."We iiill fi' tie lnest 303iay, cmmllecinlg Niv.
moiis t tftenii iliIe-ci~ry toi t~tI lir, 'WFhitney willcItitnue (i'tie t18t, (tflt-or menii'a 3.50 Ieasy Bits' Calf, lll
paItie-11-tnllinytiwhilIe'asant~y as t13edicssionllontttile '011-Atteiii11 tamSthtrilCaIl, Dotutbla-Stle Slnd ('atfShis 51' $300
ci. Th diantller hrntitteliaspreatd iii'-- a ni uui t'leWA'R MILLER, IThe Soe Men.
mrary quamatinitie tile im-st (tloif thinII ligu imatti-anha of the Initetiona1111'l
sna asmti onem tiUttui tile Imittiul is Ordii'r iof te B ng 'a ut~ghtesIlu 111-
110W 1111111 hg 15 tIml 'irin .- Stilsm talt mtthe rtutue-ace ori MI,
h'ieimig (01 ae, Wedsi na, IDie.14I
Improvements in the Chemical "'l'osmimasni~it wiere- Ms. .II, Muhi - r,-
sttte ei-Ietrt i MsB. C Whimtmn . . it,. .'
ofomto D-atIetmioit, tmaiiluanMiss Margaremt )ar
(tnit, extenive impoemients hivae I6ilo 1_rii IImalel.'I i
just beenceompleted imi tie ChaemiciaImiii
an10lIt imiiim. Iite d Mas, atruo, ADmDArbhr. MIat I . , acmy
1-ahuimatory biluthd ing nte nter's of imporsmtamnil tothe iehiaa'l
laortoy oinehtdg hmaney hmashbrachm wnere disemmssedt adacstidi upont.
beena rmomaved givnig maddition1al space If l R st
fr 24 new es hah, overwhlucia a new A lighlad of Gamlimal Plain irls 1<' 3
skylight 1as5 bienipdaced. Anaacesnlt Imi Ypsilaniti Tlmumsdy nigh tatoI .3,''I
roomalfr speiealworik iiielemlentarmy attendit Im111l1 party givenimytiylss ,a
analysis alnd vacutumdiistilationi Imis Mary E. Yoaumg '98, who)a is teachimnm
been bailtt at tie east endtIof this inthtea high aelliol ihere. Amonglt ' - J( fWhd
buildinlg. In this rom athe walls tm I ic aeas-ftace--amastr °s~a
have eena lined swithlhotsdhavilng a aimatneurm theaticals.Amonig thoe a'd- - t o IsnS ISr tb- Wahbuca SacaniataCtalg
forcedl ventilatin, i) oder thmat swok froin AniliArbar weecthe MsseS t arl~ "e,,tt- iis tan~atd cginaa bcas i gnas'menaccnti
maay e safely performed wtithLo tis- lirdisell, IHortonm, Lesmnard, Shecrmanl - - I, o V ast''-i n itrnt a a ics'ptclc Iaen t adcc
ousaund inllnmuiiS gies. Direct Cle ldHliin l.Cc-an rs, d;-arans th w --a sltWahburns, aorlnce~i _. I:
connaectioiuthlithle soutside also farm- dfn m ~e
mile swork at witaer tempera~mturme. 'rl'ie call for freshimaena trak teamnaI-ns 2' --aa icn-a
This madnage hiaslnemerbecn hail cadidates, yesterdmay, broughtct-- -
befoe, the studielts aliways Ilaceto- thae nmanagerIad thre othaers. They
fore beimg obliged toi gaot-dooraswere told thaat a iaeet womul be held i
whlwerici temaaperatur was reqtuired withatie sophomoares in Februaary ora COILLEIG~EISTUIDENTIS
- - - Mamchanmamelaskedl to getill tiIning. I
Still Alice, i
'Thac Cniversity of Chaicago has Ga'sP. jI lieallam, '98 L., is
csplllce ~ j~ itm I ~edtiga teitdays ia twn.TH
eson (extsarlumlg. 'Today 1111il- OVIE
doaor maet wiill be hldhIin tlueir Gm Ch ns T eari M
(lasialmu. 'Whmeetwill be tie usual ~ IIQLU
1uilig, ju~mpinmg, acii lk 1ingB15 se ciaa ngemcilea n utlaith r
evets, besites ia speci le foraEL 11,iutiir, u C h'' ri(i
of thu bauiig prevents sacessfl n w ill reaentotiuirlllgeii ni pla,
hurdling omm weight thin~lg. Prizes An Enemy to______
are aofferedlfr that' wienIers ill each 7 .--
evn.EvidelyiIA A Stugg is The King. R AND~ALLI 111 .I Eerylkind.
(makimg great 'fforts togt lalterial Two NIGHTS, 1 .SAELR
for at victorious track tean this year. Friavand StraDGCc16,17 taethne1 1 West Wastingtn Street
rrI Study State PoeI4 Both Phne, No. 10. Ann Abr.
Praf. D) . Springer will lead Wilia the orgialioltesae, seadry, tc. _
the aisesion at thaeBisiness Men's Prlce, 25c5,IseandnI$n-00.
Class in tie Congregational clhurchm In Ciose Pacc4 ,,",
tollmoow immlleiatey after the UNIVERSITY Wihtecomsinsg alaS goig oathlb seanare tefsiktonsm
lmnigs service upton the subject, School of Dancing in Shcs. The Stye of yenterday ari.ssonforgute is Ihe desire tor
"Cana Prctial Plitiianbe abltat oft-maccs'w. See osacino lisarthebet up-I-aelieo
"Cua Pmuetcai~ Puitiian ieT_-p-tIe atyls tr t-macroos
Christian?" Studnhts cardially in- Granger's Academy. RR~' hESO~ aheknS.
vited. -Bell11Phone miff. ARL HO TW 11 ,sAche-~ss.,

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